To get to the point where I love my name and the full identity it encompasses.
To feel empowered enough to use it as my brand, rather than hide behind all of the other labels I've used before.
I was born Rachel Lenae Parker. That's what most people from my family and past know me as. It's the name my parents gave me and who I identified with for a good portion of my young years.
I didn't want to use my middle name, because it was the same as my mother's.
Our relationship was broken and nonexistent, full of many dark memories that I had worked to hide away and forget.
I didn't want to be reminded of her.
So I dropped my middle name.
Time went by, I grew up, I got married, I became a yoga teacher and a Reiki' practitioner, and my feelings toward my past started to shift.
The relationship with my mother (or lack of) was the same, but I didn't feel so angry about it anymore.
I started to view it all with empathy, and understanding, and GRATITUDE.
I started identifying as "Rachel Lenae" most everywhere, in the real world and online through social media.
And then, shortly after, I went and switched my private social media accounts to "Lenae" to make it harder to find me.
I didn't even realize it.
From there, my identity split even more. I opened a yoga studio and a business both with "Mother Moon" in the title. Depending on the person, I was known as "Rachel" or "Rachel Lenae" or "Lenae" or "Lenae Grant" or "Mother Moon" or "that Yoga Moon Lady" or "What's your actual name???"
...can you say identity crisis?!
I've even rebranded my LLC twice already, and now I'm doing it again.
But third time's a charm, eh?
and this time, IT'S TIME to introduce myself to the world for good.
In 2017 I traveled to India for a month long spiritual pilgrimage where EVERYTHING changed.
Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually...
Once I had returned home I just wasn't the same.
I've been working to find my true self ever since.
I was honoured to receive the spiritual name "VEENA" during my "Shakti Spiritual Pilgrimage"--a 3 week journey with a group of Sisters and a few Brothers from all over the world all working to seek more learning in Tantra and the path of The Divine Goddess.
Halfway through my journey, I found myself pregnant.
After my group pilgrimage, I went on a week-long solo journey through part of The Golden Triangle.
I started spotting at the Taj Mahal.
I lost the first of a twin pregnancy on the flight home.
3 weeks later, on New Year's Eve, I lost the other baby.
...and from there I worked relentlessly to become a Mother again.
I am so happy and grateful to say now I do have a Sun--and that's what I call him, because he is my Sunshine, my little Shiva, my Divine Masculine always guiding me with his healing light, helping me to continually heal and be present and find balance.
...and he has helped me to find who I truly am again.
I have battled so hard against embracing my feminine.
It was the words instructed to me from my teachers when I made my spiritual transition. They said "soften into the feminine." I didn't quite know what it meant then, but I do now.
I softened into my feminine when I made the decision to travel halfway across the world to study all things Goddess.
I softened into my feminine when I received my spiritual name after a very emotional and rocky journey.
I softened into my feminine when I needed to release not 1 but 3 spirit babies into the Earth on my journey of becoming a Mother.
I softened into my feminine when I embraced all of my empowHERment to successfully conceive, grow, and birth my baby the way I wanted to.
I softened into my feminine as I embraced Motherhood not having a Mother to model after myself.
Lenae is the name from my mother, and her mother, and her mother, too. It is a name that fully embraces my maternal line. It is a name I am proud to own, for it is a name from my wombspace. I existed as Lenae in my Nana's womb, before my Mother ever existed. It has been up to me all along to heal the trauma, to understand my Mother, and to move forward into my own role of Motherhood self-healed and shifting the epigenetic consequences of the generations of daughters to come.
Veena is the sound of The Divine. I have always had a voice, and always had stories to share. Most of the things I write about or speak about are not pleasant, for my voice has mostly been a scream of the frustrations of all I have been through. I have battled anxiety and depression. I have survived childhood abuse and sexual trauma in my college years. I have battled health issues and developed a dependency on others to fix me. I have suffered from addiction. I have had menstrual issues, endometriosis, and, unexplained infertility. I have had many traumas.
The Divine within me has always shown me the way.
When I have opened myself up to The Universe to receive what is best for me, the path always shows its way.
Every time I go down one of those paths, I speak on it.
Or maybe they're stuck on it right now.
I speak of what has come through to me, for it is not mine to keep. These ways to "fix ourselves" are not to be kept secret. I have been blessed with this voice so others can hear the message, too.
I have labeled myself many things recently: Yoga Teacher, Reiki' Practitioner, Empath, Oracle Card Reader, Energy Worker, Healer, Moon Priestess, Oils Priestess, Womb Whisperer, Soul Coach, Mother, Wife, Sister...
I bring through what speaks to me in the present moment, because I believe that's what needs to be heard.
Sometimes I share Moon Wisdom and Astrological Insights.
Sometimes it's wisdom from oils and plant medicine.
Other times I share the crystals, gemstones, and other Earth matter I am working with.
I pull oracle cards and Tarot for guidance, and do the same for others.
I also share other magick from the metaphysical along with mindset-shifting tools like The Law of Attraction and the power of positive thinking.
These are all my voice.
These are all things I know I am put on this planet to share.
These are my offerings to you.
Sending, trusting, experiencing,
We are all self-healing together.
And so it is, and so it is, and so it is.