INDIA: Day 2 (Part 1/4)
TRUST is a theme I must embrace here.
As we head to our first temple, I trust I am meant to be on this journey.
We sit down as a group for breakfast at a roadside “restaurant” that is more like a large open-ended food stand with a menu I don’t really understand. We order family style as a group again. I TRUST the food will nourish me and keep me healthy. I use my instincts and stick to chai and bottled water to drink. Breakfast is delicious and incredibly cheap.
With bellies full, we head to the Dakshineswar Kali Temple, our first destination on our pilgrimage. I am asked to check in my things (phone included) and wash my feet in the Ganges before entering. I TRUST that my personal belongings will be there when I return.
Same for my luggage waiting around on the bus right now...
I approach the river.
I didn’t think this process would affect me that much...I thought it would feel routine to what we were doing.
It was so much more.
Words cannot describe what it feels like to step into the Ganges for the first time. There is a vibration in her waters that is ancient and pure.
The moment I dipped my toes into her waters I felt pure emotional release. We start to recite a chant of which I have no idea what I am saying, but I can feel the strength of the purification washing over me. Tears start falling. All of a sudden, I feel like I have reached a much needed I have been trying to get here for lifetimes and it is finally happening.
I feel as if I am HOME.
I come back to my mantra of TRUST.
I TRUST that I am supposed to be on this journey.
I TRUST that I am safe & supported here.
I TRUST in my calling.
I TRUST that all guidance and wisdom will come.
I TRUST I am being held in MA’s embrace.
I trust. I trust. I TRUST.
We finish our chant and I take a deep breath. I wipe the tears away and turn around to leave the river. I step into the doors of the temple. be continued.