December 21, 2020 - January 19, 2021
Capricorn Season.
A time of structure, organization, planning, and budgeting.
Post-holiday, New Year Vibes.
The sign of the sea-goat.
Part water, part earth, always working to balance in between.
Give yourself permission to FEEL right now, especially if you are a Capricorn or Earth sign.
If you are a water sign, you may be feeling TOO much.
Especially around the Full Moon in Cancer December 29th.
This is a time to ultimately find BALANCE.
To find the times to pause and reflect and feel and process
& also find the times to ground in and face reality and move forward.
Capricorn is a stubborn energy.
Have you seen those goats who butt heads and fight on the mountain-side?1
They will stand their ground, no matter how small it is or how much it crumbles.
This will only get you so far.
If you continue to stay where you are, eventually the ground will shift and you will have nothing to stand on!
Everything moves and changes, everything moves forward.
You must do the same.
This is a time to embrace the positive aspects of Capricorn energy, how sticking to structure and staying organized can help you grow and expand.
Side note, Capricorns are also heavily attracted to money, and this is a time to find your groove in order to support financial growth and expansion, too.
It’s also a time to focus on budgeting if you’ve been spending too much lately, or let go of being so tight if you’re always extra-thrifty. Find the balance in your spending and embrace that money is just one form of energetic flow. Do not get too attached to it.
This stubborn energy of Capricorn is the perfect time to set boundaries around what could stand in the way of your future potential. Start to put yourself first, take claim of your life, and move forward with the assurance that you are always in control. When you lay claim to your own sovereignty, you find your inner strength. When you know your own strength, you know you can push through anything.
January 19, 2021 - February 18, 2021
The time of “water-bearing”—a time to shed our Earthly ways and ascend our egos so we can move into the collective headspace.
A time to let our emotions and our softer sides show.
Sometimes mistaken for a “water sign” Aquarius’s water-bearing sign is a symbol of the wisdom she shares with others. She is of the air element, ruled by her intellect and Crown Chakra capabilities. This has its benefits and downfalls—sometimes she spends too much time in “outer space” and her floatiness and ease with life may make her seem as if she is walking on water.
Aquarius energy does not ground easily. If you are an Aquarius or know someone who is, you know this can be “flighty” energy.
Aquarius people have no problem with spontaneity. They will change direction at an instant with no turning back. They know that forward is the only true way and they direct their energy toward that expansion.
Can you embrace the same right now?
Each sign has its own guidance to offer.
This Aquarius season it is time for us to break free of our bonds. It is time for us to become strong enough and brave enough to share our magick and utilize our wisdom.
As we move into the first Aquarius season of the Age of Aquarius, it’s time to tap into what you feel called to share and direct your energy toward that action.
Aquarius energy is about sharing cultures, stories and histories, wisdom, insight, and lessons learned.
As the water-bearer brings what she has to offer, she receives trade of the same from those that receive.
We are moving into a culture of energetic exchange, beyond monetary means.
Look back on this past year. As we circle back around to the time when everything started to shift before, can you find gratitude for all of the times you were financially limited or challenged?
This was basic training! It’s time to adapt to a new way of thinking where we value ourselves MORE.
We all have gifts and wisdom. We all possess magick and skill. We all have things that make us uniquely valuable.
Once we all learn to embrace this, we will all become priceless!
Money will not matter anymore.
We have just left Capricorn energy, a time of direct focus on money and the way the Earth transacts.
Now we move to Aquarius, where none of that really matters anymore.
Air energy is expansive. It’s life giving. It’s Prana.
Learn to find the value of things as simple as the air you breathe.
When you move into this state of gratitude, The Universe will give you what you need to continue to feel this way.
When you learn to share all that you have been given to offer, you will constantly open up and create space for MORE.
Trust in this new way of living. Aquarius energy promises you that this is the new normal.
When you l earn to embrace change just as easy as the wind changes direction, you will drift upon the jet-streams of your journey with weightlessness and ease.
February 19, 2021 - March 20, 2021
The sign of the fish and the whole ocean
Symbolizing both the known and the unknown.
Islands still undiscovered, and depths still unknown.
…Did you know we’ve explored more of the surface of our Moon, than the ocean’s?
This is a season of mystery.
It was during this time last year that we started to move into the great transition that we now see ourselves just on the other side of. So much is still unknown about our future. Will history repeat itself? Will 2021 be a rerun of 2020? Pisces certainly hopes not. She reminds us to embrace the magick of it all, just as we do with the ocean. My favorite analogy is the one of the Mother Blue Whale. When she is pregnant and preparing to birth, she goes to a place unknown to us humans. She dives deep into the darkness of the ocean, where no man has traveled before. To us, she may seem lost, but if we just wait and be patient, we will see new life emerge.
This is the energy we are in now. We are embracing the exciting potential of it all, and we are trusting that this new life will be the best one yet.
This blind faith does not come with ease. Pisces season may bring up strong feelings around your past, your patterns, or your life in general. You may find yourself reflecting at this time on everything you wish you should’ve done over 2020, when you had a different subset of time to explore yourself and your options. You may be frustrated over all that didn’t come to fruition or all that should have changed but didn’t.
Remember to use your past as a tool for inspiration, rather than a chain on your heart.
This is a season of shadow.
You can let the weight of your past pull your down like an unnecessary anchor.
You can give up, go numb, and let it sink you into the darkness of your own ocean.
Or, instead, you can treat it all like a tether.
See the endless rope from ocean’s surface to depths like a timeline of your experiences.
Anchor yourself to it, and slowly descend with your own control.
When you get to a darkness beyond what you can tolerate, you can choose to stay there and breathe, or rise up to a place more comfortable.
With each depth will come new challenges.
Just as the free diver feels the pressure with each new level, you, too, may find at times you cannot breathe.
You may find yourself “passing out”, and turning away from the situation completely.
You may learn to trust, find peace, and turn it all over to a higher strength and power.
There is not right or wrong.
Use this season to navigate your past, embrace whatever comes through, and rise back up to the surface stronger from the conditioning.
This is a season of feeling.
Pisces really FEELS things, on multiple levels and dimensions.
Being a water sign, they are strongly attuned to their sacral chakras and the water emotions that reside inside. Sometimes they find themselves trapped there, like the circular fish this sign is represented by.
It’s important to know there is always another current to attach to.
There is always an ability to flow downstream.
This is a season of water.
Water is powerful. Water is destructive. Water cannot be fully contained. Water is free.
Water is multiple phases. So are you.
Give yourself permission this Pisces season to embrace all facets of yourself.
The light and the shadow.
The peace and the anxiousness.
The calm and the storm.
The happy and sad.
Learn to unconditionally love all spectrums of emotion you embody, no matter how you or others label them.
This Pisces season will complete on March 20th, which is also Vernal Equinox, or the first day of Spring.
This is a season of dreaming.
Our sacral chakras radiate with the waters of our emotions, but the also bring forth waters of CREATIVITY.
This is a beautiful time for us to see what flows out when we allow it.
I’m thinking of the garlic I planted just before the first frost this past fall.
How all winter, these bulbs have been hibernating, collecting their potential to grow.
How in the spring, in just a few months, I’ll start to see little green shoots pop up from underneath the soil.
And by summer, there will be full grown garlic, ready to harvest and collect for planting again.
We are just like these garlic bulbs, hibernating in the darkness of The New Earth, collecting the potential of our dreams, and preparing to grow up amongst the collective around us.
What do you want to harvest in your own life?
What dream seeds have you planted in the darkness of this past year?
What have you been learning, seeking, finding, to help fertilize your growth?
What potential are you holding for yourself to adapt and blossom?
Take time to consider these questions over the next few weeks and use your answers to fuel your future desires.
Just like the ocean, so much is still waiting for you to discover.
Just like the seed, you have much energy and potential to thrive.
Just like the dream, your life can be whatever you create of it within your heart and mind.
Just like the fish, you can go with the flow and lean into where the magick of the current is pulling you.
This Pisces season, it’s time to believe that truly, all is possible, and all of your dreams can come true.
March 20 - April 19, 2021
The sign of the go-getter. The sign of the stubborn yet persistent ram.
Cardnal Fire energy burning strong.
This is a time to focus on what you want, seize the day, and go after it.
Aries energy does not hesitate.
In fact, sometimes they can be too reckless, for many times they act before they really think.
This does have its downfall, but ultimately this signifies bravery.
We could all use more of that quality right now!
We are navigating an unknown.
As the Wheel of the Year turns and we begin again, we’re not sure where the future will take us.
Aries reminds you to be brave as you carry on!
This is the first sign of the zodiac and signifies the start of a new year.
Have you been wallowing in your sorrows and disappoinments?
Have you been clinging onto the fear that the past may repeat itself?
Are you holding resentment over all that you didn’t do last year, despite your intention and planning?
It’s ok! There is a time for the crumbling and a time for building back up.
We have finally reached that point of beginning again.
Aries is a destructive energy. Ruled by the planet of war, Mars, they tend to burn their way through this life with a fire that’s hard to control.
Our lesson right now is to learn how to maintain a controlled blaze.
Confusion. Frustration. Anger.
These are all qualities of this season.
If you find yourself burning inside more than normal, it might be time to stop throwing fuel on the fire.
What outer influences are affecting your mood right now?
Who or what may be stoking your temper?
It’s time to take back your control.
Observe the mountain ram. They stand their ground strongly, no matter how small or unstable that ground may appear. It’s time to ask yourself if you truly need to be where you are, or do you need to give in and find more suitable land elsewhere. Aries season is a time of setting boundaries and laying out the path, so you can follow the direction you are meant to go without distraction.
This is a season of excitement! Of change and transformation!
All of this fire energy can burn away the old and make way for new!
This is a time of alchemy.
Aries is a trailblazer. They are natural born leaders who don’t worry about what others think.
Can you be inspired to do the same?
As you navigate the next few weeks of this season, really give yourself permission to take charge of your life!
Set your intentions on the shifts you want to make and go after your goals full ablaze with your heart’s desire.
Stand ground in your faith, stay stubbornly on your path, and the rest of the year will pave its way out with abundance and ease.
April 19 - May 20, 2021
The sign of the bull. A time of stubbornness, restlessness, and a need to ground in.
Strong Earth energy, ruled by Venus love.
The sign of Mama Gaia herself.
Taurus energy is known for really living an Earthly life. They love to embrace luxury, fine dining, and extravagant living. They see all this world has to offer and they grab it by the horns.
This is a season to start living La Dolce Vita!
Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and aesthetic, and we see her influence all around in the beauty of nature’s Spring.
Trees are budding, flowers are blooming, birds are singing, and we see color all around us.
How can you bring the same beauty to your own life?
Taurus season aligns with Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and this is a good time to spring clean out your home and other spaces to make room for fresh air and new beautiful things. Maybe bring in some new plants or other pieces of nature to help you connect to the source energy you come from. Just as the bull paws into the earth, this is also a good time for you to get you hands dirty. Whether you’re cleaning out dust or physically digging your hands into the dirt to plant seeds, this is a great way to connect to earth energy and align with what is most naturally swirling through the cosmos right now.
This is also a good time to immerse yourself in nature. Go fo a hike in the woods or meditate amongst the trees. Sink your bare feet into the ground and take deep breaths of fresh air. Taurus energy is all about taking in what this planet has to offer! Notice what entices your senses and makes you feel alive.
When it comes to living, this is also a season of pleasure. And yes, that means the sensual aspect of pleasure, too, as we witness nature’s furry and feathered friends reproducing all around us. But beyond the sexual notion, we can think about pleasure in simply a way of feeling good. This is a time to FEEL GOOD. Eat foods you enjoy. Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable. Surround yourself with items and aesthetic that are pleasing. Take in the smell of alluring flowers or other scents that really turn you on! This is a season of surrounding yourself with both creature comforts while also exploring new ways to increase your feel good frequency.
When it comes to creature comforts, take note not to get TOO comfortable where you are. Taurus energy is known for being a bit too stagnant at times, and if you find yourself wanting to lay around in bed with Netflix and snacks more than anything else this might be a good time to get your body moving. If you’ve been hanging out in your comfort zone instead of making a move you know you need to stop “bullshitting” yourself with excuses and take action! Once instigated, the bull can move forward with immense power and strength. So can you. Cultivate the strength of the bull with this Taurus season, and push yourself to take charge.
May 20 - June 20, 2021
The sign of the twins, this is a season of reflection.
She is a mutable air sign ruled by Mercury, the Planet of Communication.
She lives through her throat chakra, a place of self-expression where the ether resides.
Many a frequency can emit from this space.
This particular Gemini season brings a Mercury retrograde, making the idea of voice even more mutable from the external world.
This may be a time when communication can be challenging, or throat chakras can become clogged.
It is ultimately a time to let go of a need to relate with the outer world, and, instead, slow down and tune within.
Listen to what your heart desires, for this is what helps move you in the right direction.
Listen to what your intuition tells you, for these are signs and messages to keep you on your path.
Listen to what your intellect brings you, for the wisdom will help you to continue on.
Gemini is the sign of the twins, a symbol of taking a look in the proverbial mirror.
It’s time to take a good look and truly see ourselves for who we really are, with as much non-judgement and compassion as possible.
Many times, when we are frustrated with others in life, whether we know them or not, we’re actually frustrated with an aspect of ourselves that we are reflecting onto our external world. It’s much easier to point out someone else’s faults rather than confront our own, even if they’re the same issue.
Gemini season teaches us to embrace a softer side. She guides us to pause and analyze before reacting. She asks us to find the wisdom in the aggravation instead of fuel to an unnecessary fire. During this season, when you find yourself triggered or passing judgement on others, remind yourself to take a deep breath first and ask yourself why you are feeling this way. Air signs are all about using their minds rather than their egos. Let this be your intention as you navigate your life journey now.
June 20 - July 22, 2021

A time of water.
Water seeps in everywhere…it even gets through the cracks.
Our emotions, our personal water element, may seep through right now, too.
Lots of feelings, thoughts, and memories are bubbling to the surface.
They rise up to be released.
Cancer season falls in the middle of the calendar year, and this may be a time where we start to resent all we have not yet achieved.
We may find ourselves struggling with negative self talk or a lack of body positivity.
Or we may find ourselves burnt out from a giving of too much energy to the external.
Use your emotional and physical misalignments as motivation to make change.
Cancer is the sign of the Mother. This is a season of nurturing. And although we all want to be taken care of in this way, we typically struggle with mothering others more than ourselves. If you are a mother yourself, this may be an especially challenging reality. Remember, you HAVE TO take care of yourself first, so you can take care of others. As we navigate the season of the Great Mother, let some of the love and support of the mother be poured upon yourself.
You may also need to nurture your feelings right now.
Cancer is ruled by the moon and symbolized by the crab, and this season rules our own internal tides and emotional waves.
Remember, mothering energy can sometimes be nurturing and other times a bit of “tough love”.
The ocean can be soothing, but can also result in burning salt in the eyes.
The crab may be interesting to witness, but watch out! It pinches!
This life isn’t always a sunny day at the beach.
Sometimes it’s a tropical storm!
This current Cancer season will hold 5 cosmic bodies in retrograde: Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, and Chiron.
This is a potent time of reflection, forgiveness, wisdom-seeking, and release.
This is a time to be gentle with yourself.
The mother energy of Cancer season is holding us so we can navigate this time with love, protection, and peace.
I will be sharing more on each of these retrogrades soon, but to summarize:
Pluto Retrograde helps you let go of power struggles or regain control.
Saturn Retrograde helps you to see the big shakeups and shifts in your life as catalysts for positive growth and change.
Jupiter Retrograde helps you to unleash what holds back your joy and expansion.
Neptune Retrograde helps you to rediscover your dreams and reconnect to your spirit guides, angels, and ancestors.
Chiron Retrograde helps you navigate your past wounds and enhances your ability to self heal.
Another archetype for Cancer is the complete life cycle of Mother/Child/Womb.
I believe we are being called in this season to not only heal our childhood trauma, but to also embrace our inner child that wants to come through.
We are not meant suffer. We are not meant to constantly live in fear.
We are supposed to have fun and embrace this life with joy!
Use this Cancer season as an opportunity to mother your inner child. Encourage that aspect of yourself to shine through. If you have any traumas from your childhood, know they were not your fault. Forgive yourself for thinking they were and move forward embracing yourself as a survivor of your story rather than a victim. If you have a Mother Wound it may be time to heal that, too. Give yourself permission to move beyond everything in your past. This is a new season and a new age! It’s time to play, let go of judgements, and embrace your imagination where all things are possible. Our childlike innocence is our essence as Spirit. When we let this part of ourselves come through we give ourselves permission to be authentic and free.
July 22 - August 22, 2021

And with 5 planetary bodies in retrograde, it’s feeling like a bit of a cosmic party!
While our energy now moves from water to fire, we still find ourself a bit shaken up and all over the place when it comes to direction.
Thankfully, Leo’s fixed energy is now helping us to align and take more action.
This is the season of YOU, sisters and brothers!
And while that may seem selfish, the truth is, if we never put ourselves first we’ll get trampled.
When we prioritize others too much, it causes us burnout and a feeling of lack.
We feel like the world isn’t reciprocating, when, really, it’s our own fault we aren't taking time to prioritize and set boundaries.
Take a good look at where you are feeling off right now, and take time to fix it with this Leo energy!
Leo is depicted by the lion or lioness, and with Venus, the planet of the Goddess now moving into Virgo, the sign of “One who is Whole Unto Themselves,” we are being called into our own sovereignty more than ever. We are in a season of royal light codes, and if we open ourselves up to download and integrate them, we may find ourselves on the other side of moving into actual Virgo season with more power and control. We are in a very potent time to reclaim our true selves. Over the next few weeks, allow yourself to do what you need to in order to preserve your peace, elevate your frequency, and support your ability to roar.
When it comes to roaring, lions and lionesses have no problem doing so.
This is the season of expressing yourself!
You may feel called over the next few weeks to change your style, or your whole persona.
You may find yourself wanting to get a tattoo, a new hairstyle, or change your image in another way.
Know that your are supported to do so right now!
(And, let it be known that you ALWAYS have free-will to express yourself, just some cosmic alignments are a better time to do it than others.)
If you’re craving a change with yourself, these next few weeks are one of the best times of the year to make moves.
Take action toward the way you want to show up to the world, and trust that you can step into a new you, no matter how different, if it is always authentic and true.
The Aquarian Full Moon arrives one day into Leo season, and you may find it inviting you into play and spontanaeity.
You may have an energy that’s more excitable than normal or you may crave the need for sudden change.
Use this to your advantage!
It’s time to dry ourselves out from this very messy, very water Cancer season behind us, and move forward into the fiery energy of Leo’s solar light! The cosmic lion encourages us to be brave enough to come out of the darkness, trust ourselves enough to boldly keep going, and embrace our inner joy and light along the way.
In other words, Leo energy invites us to navigate this life with bliss! The world can be a playground or a circus, depending on how we look at it. During this full moon, give yourself permission to experience everything that comes with as much positive light, magic, and childlike innocence as possible.
In the northern hemisphere, we are in the peak of summer and at our highest level of energy. The sun helps everything grow, including us.
During this Leo season, take time to bask in the light, and let it charge you.
Use that fiery ball in the sky to become more aware of your internal sun and solar plexus energy, which also helps you stabilize, stay strong-willed, and grow.
As above, so below!
Over the next few weeks, let your light grow as you embrace pure joy. Treat life like the party it is, but let the celebration be in a way the supports and honors you.
Every sign has a shadow side, and Leo’s is the ability to burn out or burn all over.
It’s ok to light your fire. It’s ok to even add logs to keep it burning! But do it all with containment.
Too much fire leads to smoke. And smoke blocks our ability to perceive from the ether.
When there’s too much fire, we lose our senses.
During this Leo season, give yourself permission to play. Give yourself permission to roar!
But do it all with both you and the collective in mind.
The more you learn to prioritize yourself and your joy with the intent of the same energy pouring over into others, the less you will have to face any damage control and the easier it will be to move forward.
August 22 - September 22, 2021
Virgo Season.
When the sun aligns in Virgo, we move into the energy of purity and the Cosmic Virgin.
Most of the time, virginity is perceived as being sexually chaste, but this is a misconception.
The definition of “Virgin” originally meant “one who is whole unto themself”. It was reserved for the priestesses and others of more holiness, and the practice of being chaste actually put them in a higher position of power. To be a virgin was nothing to be ashamed of! It meant you could not be tempted, that no one could have power over you. Your desires did not need to be fulfilled by the external, and you craved nothing from anywhere else. Virgo energy is independent. Virgo energy is whole, holy, and pure.
Virgo season brings a theme of “wholeness,” and it’s a time to pick up the pieces of yourself that may be all over the place or falling apart and put them back together again. Virgos love organization, and Virgo season helps us to get back on track before we propel into the deeper darkness and shadows of winter.
This year Virgo season arises auspiciously under the energy of a second Aquarian full moon—the energy of the water bearer, the water priestess, and the emotional womb.
22 represents holy union, and has long been associated with the priestess lineage of Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene. The 22 represented the wholeness of each woman coming together to raise the collective, as well as the Mother Mary/Jesus & Mary Magdalene/Jesus connection.
Think of each of us, no matter our gender, containing both masculine and feminine energy. When our energy centers/chakras are unlocked and our chi/ki/prana/life force is flowing, we align into our most spiritual self. This is the union of both sacred energies, otherwise known as the Kundalini, into one at our spiritual consciousness, our third eye. When we think of the number 22 in spiritual numerology, we’re referring to the sacred union of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine.
When you break down the numerology of the first day of Virgo season, 8/22 specifically, you also get the sacred number 3.
(8 + 2 + 2 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3)
3 is the sign of the holy trinity as well as the Rose Lineage of Mary Magdalene-Mother Mary-Isis. Virgo season calls us into the energy of The Priestess, and invites us back into our ceremonies
Virgo season is about purification and preparation. It’s the letting go of summer and the welcoming of fall. It’s a time to prepare for more darkness and with this comes a need to get back into routine. In other words, it’s time to move into ritual and find ways to ground ourselves and keep ourselves spiritually centered as more challenging times rise ahead.
This year’s Virgo season may bring more isolation than normal, really making us step into the wholeness of being complete just as we are, where we are, all by ourself. Pluto, the planet of the underworld and power, is currently retrograde and regurgitating our past, calling us into the shadow work season. He guides us to turn within, so we don’t let unnecessary emotions or vibrations connected to our history take over. Saturn is in retrograde, asking us to also look at our past and learn the life lessons we’ve gained out of our big failures and mistakes. Chiron, the Cosmic Wounded Healer, is retrograde and bringing up our traumas and deep seeded emotional, karmic, generational, and past life wounds. Uranus, the planet of Revolution and Rebellion, just went retrograde, calling us to shake things up and fight for our personal freedoms. And finally, Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, is in retrograde, asking us to turn within to cultivate more joy on our own, which, in turn, while cultivate more light, help us heal, and raise our overall frequency.
…notice how this retrograde season is all about working on ourselves.
See that Virgo theme?
It doesn’t always align this way. Sometimes Virgo season will bring in a different vibe, but this time, she needs us to get serious, ground in, and, honestly, get a little real. We have to start owning our truths as we uncover the different parts of ourself we are ready to deconstruct and reprogram. We can use the organizational skills of Virgo to look back at what we need to re-write in our story, and her strength in solitude to self-heal and pick up the pieces of ourself on our own. This isn’t to say we won’t need help along the way—Virgo energy isn’t about unhealthy isolation or ultra-independence. She’s about knowing what she needs and going after it! If you’re feeling called this season to seek out a new teacher/guru, take a course, set up sessions with a healer or therapist, etc., this is the guidance you need to help yourself figure it all out, eventually, on your own.
As we let go of the light and fire season of Leo, Virgo invites us to not only ground into ceremony, structure, but to also ground into the Earth itself. This is a potent season to connect to Earth’s healing elements such as crystals, essential oils, and plant medicine in general. It’s also a great time to prepare for the darkness by bringing the outdoors, indoors, by filling your spaces with plants and maybe things like herbs or other edibles you can grow inside. If you enjoy time in the kitchen, you can also incorporate more fresh and dried plants into your recipes. If cooking isn’t your thing you could utilize plant energy by creating tinctures, infusions, and other simple apothecaries.
When it comes to connecting to nature outdoors, get out in the fresh air and Earth as much as possible! Take off your shoes and plant your bare feet into the ground. If it’s safe for your feet, take a walk and soak all of that earth energy in. Shoes off or on, take a walking meditation outside and really tune into your surroundings. Let all your senses connect to what Mother Nature has to offer! The Earth is an amazing place, and Virgo loves to be right in the middle of it!
Finally, this is a season to get back in touch with your Earthly body. Virgo season is about the wholeness of our health as much as our energy, and it’s time to start treating our body like the holy temple vessel it is. We're headed into a more potent season of darkness and illness than normal, and it's important to prepare our physical body for the battle ahead. Use these next few weeks to get back into habits and routines that support your physical health, start incorporating foods and plants that support your gut health and immunity, and create rituals to help you keep it all on track. Make sure you also hold ceremonies to celebrate your body, your energy, and all you are creating on this planet. Virgo season loves a good ritual. From a moon circle to a weekly check in to even a nightly routine, the more you ground into what you need to stay stable this season, the more you will find yourself in the future less in need.
September 22 - October 23, 2021
Libra is the sign of the scales, but this season she feels anything but balanced!
As a Libra myself, it’s taken me a few days to ground into this zodiacal shift and really soak in what’s going on right now. 5 planetary bodies are currently in retrograde (Pluto, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, and Chiron), and Mercury will join the party and spin backwards in the sign of Libra from September 27th through October 18th. Libra is an air sign, and thrives on communication. With Mercury retrograde a good portion of her season, the way we spread messages may become challenging. No matter what sign you are, conversation this Libra season could be tricky.
Things will stabilize slightly when we move through the New Moon in Libra on October 6th.
This phase in the lunar cycle always brings more grounding energy, and we may feel more compelled at that time to seek out changes or intentions that support alignment. Balance is ESSENTIAL to Libra energy, and anything that’s standing in your way of feeling this way needs to be released as easy as the trees let go of the leaves at this time. We are preparing for more change ahead, and the shift will require some reconstruction and remodeling in our own personal lives. Use the next few weeks to prepare by harmonizing as much in your life and energy as possible.
Pluto will go direct with the New Moon on October 6th, helping us to gain back control of anything we’ve lost. These past few months or year may have brought you some power struggles, either externally, internally, or both, but this should all secede once the Libra lunar cycle begins. Once you feel the shift in energy, take advantage by setting clear boundaries. It’s important you set the intention to rule your life as you feel just, another major quality of Libra energy. Libra season this year is all about taking back your power. It’s time to direct our energy where we see just and fit.
Speaking of justice, Libra’s thrive on fairness and equality. It’s another aspect of that harmonizing, balancing energy. With so many planets in retrograde, including Saturn, the Planet of Karma until October 10th and Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion until October 18th, we are likely to experience things from our collective past rising up to help us build a better future. The next few weeks will be all about rewriting our history so we can treat each others with more justice and fairness, and, in turn, cultivate more overall peace.
So many of our memories are rising up right now. In addition to retrograde season, Venus, Libra’s ruling planet, is currently in Scorpio, the sign of the underworld. This isn’t Venus’s favorite place to be, and it can affect both Libra and Taurus energy by putting them deeply in their feels. If you’re one of these signs and you’ve found yourself in more of a depressive state, it’s important to find ways to cultivate light to help you navigate through the entire month of October. Venus is also the ruling planet of pleasure and worthiness. Make sure you’re balancing your time to get plenty of both.
Pleasure is another aspect of Venus-in-Scorpio-through-Libra Season energy. Scorpio can sometimes bring up our dark, more erotic side, and this could be an interesting time to explore with your partner. Libras are all about relationship, and this is a supportive time to lean into vulnerability, truth, and, yes, turn on. When Mercury’s messing with your ability to communicate, try a different way! Use the next few ways to get creative around how you interact with you partner, and see how much you can get across by closing your mouth and using your body.
...There’s also a fine line between pleasure and pain, and the current alignment of this Libra season is inviting you to go there.
Libra is ruled by the energy of feeling good. They love to have fun with their lovers and friends alike, and their air aspect brings an openness to their energy. They sometimes struggle to make decisions, because their star-born need for harmony keeps them either treating everyone and everything fairly or wanting it all and to be with everyone at once! If you find challenges making your own decisions over the next few weeks, don’t sweat it. You probably won’t feel more direction until you’re closer to next season.
Fun, Romance, Pleasure, Worthiness, Power, Justice, Balance, and Control are just a few of the energies this Libra season brings. It’s not your typical time of the scales! As you journey through this time of trial and tribulation, don’t forget to BREATHE! This is the sign of AIR after all! Anytime you feel out of alignment, start with balancing you’re inhales and exhales. Everything else will unfold around this. Eventually, the peace will return.
October 23 - November 21, 2021
Scorpio season.
A time of water.
A time of feelings.
A time of darkness and all things shadow.
This is a season of not one archetype, but three.
Scorpio is most widely known as The Scorpion, but is also known as The Eagle & The Phoenix.
She is also symbolized by the birth-life-death cycle. We all start like the Scorpion, crawling low to the Earth, quick to react, sensitive and learning how to survive. As we grow, we evolve into the Eagle, looking back at each experience with more hindsight so we can learn our lesson and continue to lift ourselves up into higher frequency. Finally, either in this life or when we die, we become The Phoenix, with the ability to reincarnate and do it all again.
This is a time to be in the darkness of our life, so we can learn to find and cultivate our light.
It’s a time to dive into our shadow worlds—the mistakes and failures of our past, our traumas, our regrets—and learn to see them in a different light, so to say. In fact, shining any light on them at all does this, and when you learn to morph that light into the glittering white gold frequency of love, forgiveness, and acceptance, you will bring your darkness into the light for good.
Alchemy has always been about producing gold, but maybe it isn’t just in the literal sense.
When we can learn to look upon our past with a holy light, with a Christ-Consciousness, or Christos-Sophia type of view, we emotionally alchemize the way we feel. We no longer surround our past selves and experiences in such darkness. Such hate, anger, or other low frequency. We start to understand that everything happens to teach us something, and when we truly learn to seek out the lesson, when we “shine light” on the issue, we can no longer feel the same. And the more we lift these things up from inside of us, the less we feel like we’re so weighed down.
We move out of the scorpion archetype, and we evolve.
Scorpio energy will be stronger than normal this season, as we have Mars entering Scorpio on October 30th and Mercury entering Scorpio on November 5th. Don’t forget about the New Moon in Scorpio on November 4th! That means our feelings, our need to “do work,” and our ways of communicating will all revolve around Scorpio energy the first half of the zodiac season. We’re going to want to take action on healing our traumas, but we may have to adapt a dark humor around it all to get through. It might not be easy, but if you keep showing up with a light heart you will get the job done. And by the time we all get to Sagittarius Season on November 21st-22nd, we’ll be ready to grow up out of all the muck we’ve been traversing through.
….any Neverending Story fans out there? I can only picture this Scorpio season as that moment when Artax is stuck in the swamp with Atreyu and the rain is pouring down and everything is dark and bleak and sad…
Not to be a downer, but these feelings are part of the human experience, too. This is that stuff our spirit chose to navigate, so it could understand more. We must trust our processes of loss, detachment, and grief. It’s a way for us to release and move the energy through.
Remember, emotion is energy-in-motion. When we move, when we process, we create wind. When we embrace wind, we bring in the element of air and new beginnings. Air dries up the water. Air helps us find drier land. And air provides a better soil for us to plant seeds from and grow. But we first must learn how to move. We must first learn how to find our way out of the swamp.
Speaking of moving energy through, it’s time to air out the muck of the collective and get “unstuck” from our evolutionary progression. There is much rising to the surface this water season. We’re seeing things like slavery and separation repeat themselves in a more modern way. We’re feeling this almost “history repeating itself” vibe—like we’re seeing all of the signs of what’s about to happen, but we just can’t believe it would actually happen again. The truth is, we always have free will to make change. We always have the ability to rise up out of the darkness and turn to the light. Everything we do internally, all of our shadow work and self-healing, reflects on the collective. As within, so without. The more work you do on yourselves, the easier the work will be on the external. The more you focus on improving yourself, the more you will lift up the frequency around you.
That’s not to say there will never be a battle. Unfortunately, Mars in Scorpio energy brings a bit of a “sting” to it, and we may have the urge to embrace our warrior spirit as we go to battle. I see this being a season of confrontation, of conflict, and of standing ground. I do not believe it will all be met with physical force, but I do see a war on the intellectual. Doing our own shadow work on the inside, going to battle with our ego and our inner victim, will helps us strengthen our psyche for what’s ahead. Remember to traverse through this season and what’s coming in the future with your own instincts, so you develop your own truths. The Eagle rises above what’s on the Earth, to get a broader point of view and clear perspective. You must learn to do the same now. During this season, cut cords with what tethers you so you can rise higher. Let yourself fly up to the sun. The closer you move toward your solar plexus energies, your confidence, your joy, and your own guidance, the less you will feel pulled down to what matters no more.
November 21 - December 21, 2021
Sagittarius season.
A new season begins on 11/22.
Just as the numbers are increasing, we are also growing.
Sagittarius is known as The Huntress. She is self sufficient and can provide for herself what she needs. We are also learning how to survive and take care of ourselves in this new world. We are learning to lessen our reliance on external validation.
This is helping us to feel more complete.
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the Planet of Joy, Luck, Abundance, and Expansion.
This season is about having everything we want and sourcing everything we need from the inside. It’s about believing we can manifest and cultivate whatever we need in times of lack, and it means we can create our own warmth and support when we’re feeling lonely inside.
Sagittarius energy is typically related to money, and this is a time where we focus more on the cycle of both spending and receiving through holiday gifting. Sagittarius knows money is just one form of energy exchange, and the true present lies beyond the material. Sagittarius people are sometimes known as the “Santa Clause” of the zodiac. They’re all about giving. This doesn’t just mean with physical gifts. This means giving with time, love, space-holding, and energy. Sagittarius season helps us to learn that we’re placed into this life to enjoy the earthly things, but we’re also meant to move beyond it all to find true value.
Money moves easily through Sagittarius people because of this detachment to the material. If finances have been a struggle for you, use this Sagittarius season to find all you have BEYOND the money. It may seem counterproductive, but the more you detach from money, the more it will come to you! When you feel lack, take gratitude of all you can find around you, even if it’s the body you’re living in and the air you breathe! The more you move into this perspective this season, the more abundance you will see come to you over the rest of this year.
One of the most important things we can find during this Sagittarius season of abundance, is the gold out of emotional alchemy. We have just kicked off Eclipse season, and the Sagittarius New Moon on December 4th brings in a Total Solar Eclipse that marks the end of the 18 month Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse series and now moves us into 18 months of Taurus-Scorpio. What this means is we’re moving away from the materialism of life. Of numbers and data and the way we interpret science, of money and the concept of value and how we exchange our energy. We now move into the EXPERIENCES of things over the thing itself. For example, digital art is about what the artist put into it maybe rather than the actual art we see itself. This is that Taurus energy. We may also find ourselves leaning more into the woo, mysterious, and taboo of Scorpio where we feel our insecurities and uncertainties are validated, answered, and supported on our path of healing. We’re learning to find value in our own personal truths and what comes from our internal energy. We’re starting to cultivate our intuitions and inner knowings more than we seek out opinions of others to convince ourselves, for from the inside we discover our real TRUTH. If you’ve been doubting yourself lately, use this season to come back to what you really know is true. If you find yourself easily swayed by others or attacked for your opinion, take caution with holiday gatherings or when surrounding yourself with others. Whatever you do to build your strength, protect yourself along the way so others don’t limit your energy.
It’s also important to remember that it’s ok to change what your truth is. We’re in the Information Age, and as more comes to light or we take it all in, we may find ourselves wavering in our opinion. You may also have a personal encounter or emotional situation that moves you to change your beliefs or your ways. Sagittarius energy is so expansive, it’s global, and Sagittarius people like to learn from and exchange with other cultures and people. Use this season to expand your horizons and your mind by listening to others’ stories or just learning about issues from the other side. And if you find yourself wanting to change your opinion after what you’ve learned, don’t be afraid to. Sometimes growth is about going through the uncomfortable. Let this season and what unfolds you move you in the direction you need to go in order to find more peace and evolve.
When it comes to making change or making choices this Sagittarius season, do it swiftly. This is a sign of fire, and transformation can happen quickly if you let it. This is also a great time to really take action toward the goals and dreams you have for 2022. If you're looking to plan travel but find yourself hesitating, mayble just make the plans, a potential itinerary, or research the area without setting anything necessarily in stone. The key is, that fiery energy needs to direct itself somewhere, and your if you have an itch to get away, you'll need to satisfy it in one way or another. You could also look into traveling locally where it is safer or you feel more welcome, or even use this season to drop the plans and actually go!
Remember that fire is transformative. Anything you will burn away--relationships, career choices, old habits--will never be the same again. We're are now in the midst of eclipse season, which is all about redirecting our karma. If you find yourself coming to a crossroads this season, make the choice to follow whatever path that calls you quickly. And if it's the same crossroads you've been at before, maybe make the decision to take the different path this time around and break that karmic cycle. If you want to repeat your old journey so you learn a lesson for good, that's ok, too. The key is to make your choice quickly so the fire of transformation is ignited and you can move through whatever needs to unfold. The quicker you make the choice, no matter what it is, the quicker change will happen.
Fire is a symbol of rebirth. Are you ready to transform? You evolve by reflecting on your life, shining light on your shadows, holding gratitude for your lesson, and making the commitment to do and be better moving forward. Fire energy loves to make change and take action. If you're feeling that pull to evolve, use this fiery Sagittarius season to spark your motivation and keep you fueled as you continue through your journey. And anytime you feel the darkness becoming too much around you, don't forget to look inside. That's where the real light is. Let it shine through.
December 21, 2021 - January 19, 2022
It’s Capricorn season, and being a Capricorn moon, it’s taken me nearly a week to write about what’s going on in the cosmos.
This isn’t your typical time of the Sea-Goat, as all things around government, structure, organization and even money seem to be falling apart. Add in Saturn opposing Uranus around Christmas-time and a Venus Retrograde in Capricorn throughout the entire season, and we’ve got a lot coming up to the surface.
Capricorns are sometimes referred to as Cosmic Mermaids and Mermen. This zodiacal season brings in an energy of cardinal earth and makes us focus on our earthly human life and how we are living it. Our planet is made mostly of water. Is there anything mixing with your energy, making you a bit muddy or murky right now? Capricorns strive for organization. When things are messy, Capricorn season helps us clean it all up. We can use this time to compartmentalize our life, for when everything is in its box and place, things seem easier for us to control.
Even if you are not a Capricorn yourself, this is a time when we strongly focus on the material. We focus on buying things for others and we point our desires towards our wish lists as others gift us. We focus on money, both the spending and the giving as this is a time when it seems easier for this energetic exchange to flow. We also focus on the concept of value itself, and whether something is worth our dollar, our energy, or our time. Make sure you use this season to look at your life like a sort of pie chart. Each slice is a piece of your energy. Which pieces are the biggest right now? What about the pieces of your pie bubbling over? Is your energy scattered or are you giving more than you should? This end of the year/new year time is a great opportunity to take inventory of where your life is and adjust accordingly.
This year’s Capricorn season is also a potent portal for working on money. Having Venus, the Planet of Worthiness and Pleasure, currently retrograde in Capricorn brings us a need to redirect our focus on our financial funds. This is especially important when it comes to our career path, or what we are doing to earn a living. Capricorns are money makers, and they work hard to get to the top, but sometimes they get caught up in the work itself rather than the quality of it. Retrogrades are a time of reflection. As you focus on your professional path, Venus retrograde asks you if you enjoy what you do? Are you happy with your work? Do you feel fulfilled, or like you’re living your purpose? Do you find joy and pleasure when you go to work, or when you find yourself successful? Money is just one way to report results, and our salaries or paychecks aren’t always indicative of happiness, no matter how many numbers show up. Make sure you use this Capricorn season to keep strengthening your money-making mindset, while also prioritizing your pleasure and what’s really worthy of your time, energy, and effort.
The new year is upon us and you may be feeling the need to make resolutions. While Capricorn season always brings us this time, this particular year brings us a New Moon in Capricorn on January 2nd. Typically the first of the year isn’t the most supportive time to be setting goals, but having a new moon in go-getting, ambitious Capricorn the second day of 2022 shifts the energy. If you’re feeling that excitement to set resolutions, develop new habits, or make a shift, go for it! Just remember to keep your energy focused in the process. Capricorns love to schedule and carry out plans of action. Make a to-do list to help you go after your goals, and schedule each step into your calendar to ensure you do it. Capricorns are also big history buffs and you may find yourself learning important lessons right now. If you find yourself in reflection at the new year, use your memories to your advantage. Any mistakes or failures can be used as inspiration to not repeat the past. Any successful endeavors may show where you display the strongest qualities in your dream-making process. As we let go of the old year and welcome in the new, make sure you are ready! Capricorn season gives us the boost we need to keep going, if we stay organized along the way. Use these next few weeks to structure your life appropriately, put your pleasure and joy on the priority pedestal, and ground into that strong cardinal earth energy to make all of your dreams in this earthly life come true!