Spring, 2020

Yoga Nidra for Vernal Equinox 2020

Use this Yoga Nidra during Vernal Equinox, the entire Spring season, or anytime you are ready to plant new seeds of intention.


May 21-June 20, 2020


♊️Gemini Season is here!♊️

As a Libra with an overhauled obsession with ♎️balance, I’m magnetically and energetically attracted to Geminis.

👉🏼Seriously...how many of y’all are Geminis reading this now?!?!😂

Whether you have Gemini influencing your star-coded DNA or not, you will find yourself embracing the qualities of this cosmic twin air energy for the next 3-4 weeks.

Every sign has both light and shadow attributes. On the brighter side, Gemini is expressive, social, and influential. On the shadow side, she suffers with identity crisis, overscheduling/overwhelm, and an inability to stick to the same thing.

There is no judgement in this.
It is simply the balance of things.
We could not know the light if we did not know the darkness!

We will pursue the darker side of things first this season, as we are currently phasing emotionally with the balsamic moon and will soon shift to the dark moon. When the moon and sun align in the same sign, in this case Gemini, the energies are amplified. If you experience lower frequency feelings over the next week know they are there for a purpose. This is a starting point for you to evolve. You can only go up from here. As the moon begins to illuminate and brighten, you too will again feel your energy wax, shift, and lift.

Venus is currently retrograde in Gemini, adding extra heartfelt energy into the mix. This Gemini season you may find yourself dealing with fallout, tension, or regret around money or romantic relationships.

Remember, the strength of Gemini is communication. It’s important right now to express your needs, while also being receptive and holding space to listen when others express theirs.

With finances, it’s time to shift your concept around the definition of true “wealth” and find gratitude in ALL that comes your way. When you learn to be content and happy with where you are now and what you have, The Universe will continue to send you more and more to be happy and satisfied about! Embrace your creativity and the inspirations that come your way. There’s a continuous flow of wealth-stream in what lights you up. Figure out how to cultivate your joy and use the social, influential energy of Gemini to use your gifts to serve the world.

Ultimately, this Gemini season is a time to strengthen your throat chakra, start expressing YOUrself versus trying to fit in with others, and take inventory of all abundance coming your way in each present moment. Let go of judgements, embrace more joy, and focus on evolving. You change the world by changing yourself first. Take a look in the mirror, ask yourself who you want to truly become, and start embracing that higher spirited character today!

Mercury Retrograde in Cancer

June 18-July 12, 2020


Cosmic Download for Mercury Retrograde in Cancer June 18-July 12, 2020:

Mercury retrograde is always a time of slowing down and turning within.
This particular retrograde in Cancer is bringing in an energy of reflection around the themes of home, nurturing, and unconditional love.  This is also a time to reflect on your relationship with your Mother and your own role as a Mother, if you are one.  

There are deep water forces that are playing out right now.  The womb is an ocean of feelings and you may find your own water emotions in full storm right now as you navigate the energy and memories that come up over the next 3-4 weeks.  This retrograde may also initiate a womb awakening, either through the healing of trauma or through a catalyst that sparks great change.  On our planet we can witness this all playing out right now.  Emotions are high and big changes are happening.  Our collective is waking up and with it comes an inherent need to release all of the past stagnancy.  It is time to reflect and redirect.  It is time to do better.  It is time for new times.

Mercury is the planet of communication and it’s more important now than ever that we speak up, share our stories, exchange information, and gain more clarity.  It is a time to truly listen to others so we can understand and empathize with their stories.  It’s time to speak up and share what is our truth and our narrative.  When disagreements and clashes of opinions surface, it’s time to switch to a proactive state instead of a reactive one.  It’s ok to agree to disagree.  Find what is valuable in your conversations with others and disregard the rest without attachment.  When we learn to communicate with each other in this way, we find more peace amongst ourselves and our collective.

The mother energy is strong now.  If you are a mother yourself, ask yourself during this retrograde how you can not only be a better mother to your children, but also a better mother to yourself.  Prioritize self-care and nurture yourself so you feel the harmony you need to continue in your role.  If you are expecting a child for the first time, reflect on your own relationship with your mother growing up.  Ask yourself what generational patterns you want to repeat and which cycles you are ready to break. If you are dealing with a Mother Wound let everything that wants to bubble up in this retrograde come to the surface.  The reminders and memories are a lesson. Seek out the wisdom so you can truly heal.

This Mercury retrograde lasts until July 12th. Within it we will also experience retrogrades with Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Neptune, and the asteroid Pallas. We also have an upcoming New Moon with Solar Eclipse on Summer Solstice. An alignment like this hasn’t happened for thousands of years.

This retrograde is a reminder you so you can break the cycle.

This retrograde is a reflection so you can learn the lesson and gain the wisdom.

This retrograde is a rememberance so you can shift and evolve.

Take these next few weeks to lean into whatever slows you down. Although the world is starting to speed back up, everything in the cosmos is guiding you to do the opposite.

Log off.
Seek out contemplation in nature.
Stay silent.
So you can hear the whispers on the wind.
Nurture yourself first and foremost.
Turn inward.
Seek out your guidance from within.

Summer, 2020


June 20 - July 22, 2020



The sign of The Mother, The Child, & The Womb.

Full on water energy.

The oceanic surges of creation are rushing now.

Yet there is still so much in the unknown.

Just as the deepest darkest floors of the ocean have yet to be explored, we too, still have so many layers to uncover.

Everything is bubbling to the surface now.
All that needs to be nurtured and supported and shown empathy and deep love is now rising from the shadows.

Unconditional love is needed now more than ever.

Black Lives Matter, PRIDE, Feminism, Immigrant Rights, Asylum Seekers, Disability Accessibility, Body Positivity...the list goes on and on.
It all means the same thing.

That we are ONE and deserve to be treated so.

The Mother does not see separateness from her child. She loves them no matter the circumstance. They share DNA.  This bond can not be broken.

We are all made of stardust and star-coded light grids. We share the same frequencies. We are bonded.
Love each other as The Mother does.

The Child does not see differences in others. They view everyone in the same radiant light.

We all came from this pureness and innocence.
Return to it.
Live & Love as The Child does.

The Womb is capable of ALL creation.
Within her waters is magick that can conjour any desire.
She is the moon and all of the stars.
She is both the Creatress & Creation itself.

We all carry this inside.
We all started with a womb, even if we developed and grew beyond it.
Even if you had a womb, and now it is gone, the energy remains.

This vast cave of darkness contains depths unknown.
From its foundation a rising up occurs.
Of volcanic fire and earthy land.
Of sea mist air and hydration for all.

The womb is an alchemist.

Therefore, you must be also.

Be as The Womb and know you have magick.  
Remember your wholeness.
When you rediscover your missing pieces, you find all you need to create your reality.

This season ushers in the themes of HOME, ROOTS, FOUNDATION, NURTURE, PURITY, LOVE.

Let these be your focus.
Let these fuel your why.


July 22 - August 22, 2020


Leo season is here, loves!


I don’t know about you, but I feel like an entirely different person in just a matter of days!

This past Cancer season was HEAVY, bringing with her 2 new moons and an intense water season, leaving us drenched to the core with our feelings.

We’ve all been in a bit of an emotional hangover.  We’ve been navigating the season of our sacral chakra, Springtime—a time of rain, a time of blossoming, a time of re-emergence.

But all storms eventually pass, and we are now feeling a shift.  The sun is shining, we’re drying out, and with each light code we download we evaporate the waters of our womb and rise up into a new frequency.  We begin to move out of the depths of our waters and into the beat of our heart.

Breathe into the shift.  Trust in the elevation of your frequency.

It is time to truly rise up.  We are feeling ourselves more than ever before.

We are radiant with our heart’s desires.  We have moved into the season of summer.

Leo is pure self-love.  The Lion/Lioness roars with pride. Even a group of lions themselves is called a pride!

That’s because lions are courageous beings.

We are moving into a season of bravery.  It is time to be courageous.
 It is time to start living out of your actual heart-space.  It is time for you to find your power and ROAR!

When we move from Cancer to Leo season, from sacral to heart energy, we must pass through the belly.
This is our solar plexus, our internal “sun.”

It is a place where we hold empowerment, bravery, strength, and stability.
So as we shift energies now, from womb to heart, we pick up courage along the way.

Courage to be ourselves, and express ourself fully.
Courage to stand up for what we believe in.
Courage to speak out without hesitation.
Courage to keep moving forward, no matter what.
Courage to go after what we want, to “hunt our prey,” if you will.
Courage to OWN our reality.

Leo is the season of FIRE.  In the Western world we feel this as we are in the “Dog Days of Summer” and our hottest months of the year.  As of July 26th the Lions Gate Portal is officially open, stoking the fire even more.  Rather than let this heat drain you, let it IGNITE you.  Let it spark your passions and your heart’s desires.


Let the fire be TRANSFORMATIVE, alchemizing you into an entirely different form.

Leos can be very passionate, and you may notice yourself shifting your energy and focus to things you love rather than the things that weigh you down.  There’s a reason “summer love” is a thing!  In this current time where nothing in the future is certain, it’s time to live in the present more than ever!  Enjoy those fun summer days and “hot summer nights” without expectation or projection.  Fill your life with all of the things you love—your favorite foods, colors, people, music, etc.  Your life should be full of joy!  Give yourself permission to create it!

Although Leo season itself will last a little longer, the Lions Gate Portal specifically is open through August 12.  These weeks are a potent time to charge the radiant crystalline structures within your star-coded DNA.
Bathe in the sunlight.  Feel the light.  Absorb the light.  Become the light.


Pay particular attention to August 8th, for the 8-8 infinity codes will also be available for you to access.
Tap into your infinite self, the one that can create anything and be anyone.
The one that has lived many lives and will live many more.

Know that anytime you’re feeling low, as if you are in the trenches of the inifinity loops themselves, if you just keep going, you will soon find yourself lifted up again.

This year’s 8-8 Lions Gate peak will bring in the energy of a “2” year (08+08+2+0+2+0=20=2), ushering in the lesson of duality.
We can sense this as more and more separation occurs between the collective on our planet.

The 2 does not give us permission to lean into this.  Rather, it guides us to find balance amongst it all.
Other words for balance are equanimity, equality, harmony, and peace.

...Can you feel this shift happening?!

This 8-8 doorway, full Lions Gate Portal, and entire Leo season is a crucial time for us to lean into the concept of mirroring ourselves in others.  Let the number 2 remind yourself to see how you view yourself in others.

When you feel different, can you set aside labels and differences and find the commonalities instead?
When you see disappointment in others, could that possibly be the same disappointment you have in yourself?
Take a look in the proverbial mirror, and learn to reflect rather than just process what you see firsthand.

Leos are ruled by the sun and it’s time to shine like the diamond that you are.  Be brave and let your full light shine, so others are inspired to do the same.  Believe in your creative energy.  Have faith in what you can cultivate with your own power.  The Universe is encouraging you to be yourself.  The is the season of YOU!

Give yourself permission to shine brighter and roar louder than ever before.


August 22 - September 22, 2020


And now it’s time to trust the start of new beginnings…

Virgo Season is here!

We’re coming out of fiery Leo season, where we had permission to love and live wild, unruly, and free,
but summer is coming to an end, and we’re moving into practical Earth-sign Virgo.  
We’re being reigned back into reality, and this celestial Virgin is asking us to reclaim the purity within us all.

Ultimately, Virgo season represents the structured energy we need to move forward and grow.

Virgo is the sign of The Virgin, which is a word that tends to be misunderstood.
While most refer to the definition as one who is sexually intact or chaste, the word Virgin originally meant someone who was “whole unto themselves.”  
This usually meant someone who was unmarried, but could also stand for someone who was unbridled, independent, autonomous, and free.
Don’t let Virgo energy fool you.  She may seem innocent, but she has so much power inside.

Virgos are whole until themselves.  They do not need others to help them.  They will sort it out on their own.

This is a season to GET ‘ER DONE!

Is there something you’ve been wanting to learn how to do?
Take an online course, enroll in an apprenticeship, or ask someone to teach you!

Is there something you’ve wanted to learn more about?
Seek out the knowledge you desire!

Virgos have a high capacity for learning, and they’re all about the recipe:
Tell them the ingredients and the exact steps.
Tell them the ins and outs, the whys and hows.
Tell them all of this, and they will figure it out!
These are the tools they need to truly understand this world.

It’s no wonder school typically starts during this time of year!
What higher education are you seeking right now?
Whether it be in a structured classroom, an online learning setting, or through private lessons, now is the time to commit.

This is the perfect time for learning new things, because you have the grounding energy you need to actually focus and truly retain what you learn.

Virgo is an Earth sign.
She reminds us that while living wild and free is fun and needed every once in awhile, we have to remember how to operate and function in this modern, Earthly, human life.

We have to have some sort of ritual and routine.
We have to have some sort of direction for our energy.

This celestial season reminds you in order to get where you want to go, you have to start taking baby steps.

You can’t just willy-nilly it.
You can’t just send prayers up to The Universe, and not follow through with action.
That’s not how this whole thing works.

Virgo energy reminds us to get started!

Virgos are big list makers and planners, and they operate around efficiency.

Are you a day-planner type of person or a bullet journaller?  Time to buy a new one and start filling it out!

Are you feeling overwhelmed with all of the projects you need to get done?  Make a list!

When we schedule in our routine, it’s easier for us to develop habits.
When we take everything we need to do one step at a time, life doesn’t seem like such a big task to take on.
Just be careful not to get too laser-focused.
Virgos are notorious for creating an ever-growing, never-ending list of to-dos.
Remember that everything will get done in due time.  Take time for yourself, only, too!


This is your mantra for Virgo season.

As you make your lists and check them twice, don’t forget to add in self-care every day.
Take time for your meditation/yoga practice, spend time each day reading a book for leisure, take a walk in nature, soak in a hot bath…whatever makes you feel good.
Schedule it in if you have to!
This is a non-negotiable.
When you take care of yourself first, you are able to show up and take care of everything and everyone else.
Fill your cup first.

This is also a time to make sure personal development doesn’t become a “task,” like with everything else!
Whatever you are working on to better yourself should come with peace and ease each day and not feel like homework.
When it comes to learning new things, make sure you’re gaining wisdom in topics you are personally interested in.
You can learn things to help out your family, friends, and The Collective, too, but, you don’t have to ONLY put your energy there!
Virgos have a tendency to be repetitious.  Putting all of their focus into one thing over and over, sometimes leading to a self-sabotage depletion of their own energy.
These attentive tendencies can also be annoying to those around them, especially air and water signs.
Don’t let perfectionism sneak in and stand in your way.
Virgo energy is all about grounding, but don’t get so caught up in one thing that you dig yourself into a hole!
Remember, there is plenty of your energy to spread around.
Find multiple ways to direct your focus, learn to go with the flow, accept that somethings will work out in due and Divine timing, and you will learn how to contain all of that energy that expands within you right now.

Another word for grounding is stability.
When I think of Virgo Earth energy, I think of Mama Gaia herself!
One way you can focus your energy right now is to spend time organizing the environment around you.

Virgos are very meticulous.
They like order and cleanliness.
Everything they own has a certain place where it belongs.
Clutter makes them anxious.

Do you have a closet you’ve been meaning to clean out?  What about your wardrobe in general?
How’s the infamous “junk drawer” looking these days?
Is it time to clean out the pantry, fridge, or deep-freeze?
And don’t forget to honor Mother Earth in the process!  
Recycle, Donate, Repurpose, and do what you an to reduce your waste impact as you clear everything out!

While electronic space and the ether are more of a Gemini energy, it still might not hurt to go through your digital clutter, too!
And get rid of that unnecessarily electronic clutter, too!  Old computer/tv cords, phone chargers, maybe old phones themselves, batteries that no longer work…find a way to get rid of everything that no longer serves!

Make your spaces beautiful and clean!

…Side note, Terrracyle.com is a great place to go to recycle things you can’t ordinarily take to your local facilities!

Whatever you need to do to get organized, put it on your list so you don’t get overwhelmed!
(Or so you don’t forget when you get laser focused on a certain project!)
The more organized your spaces are, the more peaceful you feel and more efficient you will be in your everyday routine.

Having more space will also give you more room for creative energy to flow!
At its core, Virgo energy represents infinite potential.
So much life could come through!  So much expansion!
It’s all there, waiting, once the steps start to be taken to get to that end result.
Make sure the energy you need doesn’t get wasted!

Virgos like to talk.  
They enjoy talking about ideas, talking thoughts out loud, and talking things through.
They talk about what they need to do, or how they would get there, or what they would need, but all talk and no action leads to stagnancy!

If you need to channel that throat chakra energy right now, spend time over the next 4 weeks chatting with friends and catching up with loved ones.
Then balance out all of that communication with internal dialogue.
Spend time journaling, singing, dancing, creating art, or any other way you can express your feelings without speaking out loud.  Notice what comes through when you channel your energy in a different way.
When you are done creating, meditate to clear it all out.
Take a forward fold or bring your chin to chest and dump out your mind.
Let all of your thoughts go into the Earth.
Let it all go, so you are pure and whole and ready for what is in store next.
Let yourself be constantly open to receive what The Universe is ready to bring through you.

This is a season of great potentiality.
And the action you take right now will propel you forward into the next year.
We are on a journey in this global chapter right now.
We are in a bit of a reset, a new beginning.

What seeds to you want to plant?
How do you want to grow?
What do you want to create and bring into this world?
Who do you want to be on the other side of all of this?

The Universe called you into your truest essence in Leo Season.
Now Virgo season is asked you to recognize it and live it out.

You are being given permission to be your whole self now.


Autumn, 2020


September 22 - October 22, 2020



The sign of the scales, justice, and balance.

An air sign.

Normally Libra season is a time to focus on balance.
Beginning at the time of Autumnal Equinox, this is a natural time to seek out equanimity, but, this year,

things are playing out on a much bigger scale.

This isn’t just about your personal journey, this is about a shift on a global scale.


Mars is currently in retrograde, bringing a fiery flavor to this Libra season as her air ignites the flames.
Mars is the planet of war, and you may feel called to battle and fight for the issues you stand for,

bringing the justice energy of Libra into light.

Normally, the air energy of this season calls us to lean into seeking more knowledge and thinking deep into the philosophical side of things.

Libras love to learn, and this is still a great time to focus on expanding yourself and what you know.

Tune up your brain and seek the most up to date information on what interests you.

In addition, realize that the air element also rules our throat chakra, and this is a time to utilize our VOICES along with our minds.

This Libra season is about expressing yourself through what you believe in.

Now, here’s the key:  it has to be done through the heart.

Libras are ruled by Venus, the planet of love, sex, wealth, relationship, and femininity.
When we think of being JUST with one another, we must consider all aspects.

Don’t fight fire with fire.
It does no good to battle in continuous conflict.
Share your wealth of knowledge instead.  Lead your battles with your logic, philosophy, and spiritual insight.
Put yourself in the other’s shoes and truly embrace the relationship we all have to one another.
Share a perspective, but also be receptive to hear the other side.
Even if you don’t align with it, hold space for it.

Libras are about fairness, after all!

If you are a Libra, like myself, understand that this Mars retrograde will test you right now.
Fire and Air do not necessarily contrast, but they can easily combine and get out of hand.

Do you best to stay peaceful and at your true nature.
If you must fight, do it from your heart.
We are all strained right now with our tolerance, temperament, and energy, no matter what sign we are.
That’s Mars retrograde taking its toll, and it’s not stopping until November 13th.

That means, yes, Mars retrograde, a symbol of intense fire, rage, and war, will be playing out through the American election season and voting day.

Oh, and don’t forget Mercury Retrograde takes effect during this season, too,

from October 13th through November 3rd, U.S. election voting day…

Get ready for a WILD, ride, folks!

My best guidance for this time is to take it one breath at a time.
Bring the theme of balance into your most basic energy—your breath.
When you feel pulled out of alignment with your emotions, go back to balancing your inhales and exhales.
This will balance your thoughts, and calm your energy.
Remember, your life force energy, PRANA, resides in your breath.
Let your quest for equanimity start here.

Beyond breath work, I advise you find balance between where you commit your time and energy.
It can be easy right now to get pulled into our causes, and what “sets us on fire,” in true Mars retro energy.
Remember to surround your efforts in peace, and express yourself through love.

But, express yourself you must!

Do not hold back this Libra season.  
This is a time to let your true self shine and your true colors show through.
Do not be afraid to speak out.
If it is through higher vibrations, if it is set in love, you will be supported.

Take this season to find what is unfair to you, both on a global scale and in your personal life.
Where do you feel imbalanced?
Where is your heart pulled?
What is unjust in the world?
How can you make true change?

These are all important questions to ask yourself as you prepare to rise up.
Let your answers help fuel you to carry on.

Libras are lovers, but love is a battlefield.  
It is appropriate right now to stay guarded and shield your heart.
This is not a time for romanticism; this is a time to GET REAL.

So, reluctantly, Libra pulls her energy out of the clouds and comes back into the rest of her energy.
She can be the peacemaker, but she can also do it through embracing The Judge.
This doesn’t mean it is a time to judge one another.
Rather, we are being asked to see each other with fairness, trust, and clarity.

How can you see both sides right now?
How can you still make a decision amongst neutral ground?

Understand, that you are being called to make a decision, no matter what, another shadow trait of Libra energy.

It may be hard to choose right now.
It may feel confusing.
You may not want to “pick a side”.

Again, remember to listen to your heart.
You will move forward when you being to take direction.
You will feel peace when you start walking your path.
Keep moving toward what feels most aligned for YOU.
This Libra season is supporting you to claim who you are and what you truly believe in, and do no look back.


Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio

October 13 - November 3, 2020


Cosmic Download for Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio

October 13-November 3rd:

Mercury is the planet of communication.  Scorpio is the sign of the underworld.
Combine the two, and nothing will be as it seems.

The veil of illusion is thin right now.  In a world where there is more information than there ever has been before, we can easily become confused around what is truth and what is deception.


Mercury Retrograde is always a time of misunderstanding.  Conversations can be confusing and we are easily triggered.  Add in Mars Retrograde in Aries right now, and we may find ourselves in conflict near everywhere we go.  It’s important at this time to turn inward as much as possible so we follow our heart rather than our ego.  Mercury affects our Throat Chakra, where our breath flows, and the air element, our Heart Chakra, is also connected.  We breathe down into our hearts.  We breathe up out of our hearts.  Our hearts expand with each breath in and soften with each breath out.  The heart is the center of our being.  Bring your focus there.

When you are in conversation with others and you feel yourself becoming frustrated, take a deep breath before you continue.  If someone says something to you that triggers, slow down and breathe before you respond.  If you feel like no matter what you say there will be disagreement, choose to walk away.

This is not a time to be convincing each other of opinions.  It will do no good until all of this cosmic chaos has passed.

Mercury represents our authentic expression.  If you want to make true change around what you believe in, find ways to express yourself out of your heart.  How can you use your gifts and natural abilities to shine out and influence?  When you work in this way, you will be supported.  When you work to make change out of your heart’s desire, you will attract others who are doing the same.  The heart frequency is the strongest of all.  Vibrate from here and watch what magnetically attracts to you.

When it comes to expression, it’s also important right now to fully live in your “woo”.  Scorpio is the sign of magick, signifying the life-death-rebith cycle of creation, and this sign will bring energy from the other side.
As I said before, the veil is thin right now, which means if we just listen, and perhaps maybe also ask for it if needed, we will receive guidance from all entities not of this human form that need to reach us.

Angels, Spirit Guides, Ancestors, Ascended Masters, Spirit Animals, and yes, even “Aliens,” will try to contact us strongly over the next few weeks, depending on who and what speaks to us.  I, myself, have already been spoken to by the Pleiadians several times in dreams recently, and an ancient Mayan Shaman, one who I believe is one of my Spirit Guides, made himself known to me through a Reiki’ Master in a session on my birthday this week.  I’ve also had several angels, including Archangel Michael, Archangel Azriel, and Archangel Gabriel all come to me in Reiki’ sessions with other clients.  And, I’ve been finding feathers EVERYWHERE!

We are so protected right now.  KNOW THIS.

Also known that if you do not feel this, or if you feel alone and unguided, all you have to do is ASK.
Ask for your Angels, Spirit Guides, etc., to make themselves known to you.
This is especially potent to do before meditation or sleep.
If you are curious to know if a passed loved one is near you, ASK.
ASK FOR A SIGN that they are near you.

(I also want you to know that al humans who have passed have now transferred their energy back to what I call “THE ONENESS”.  When our essence moves beyond this body, it fuses with all essence, and we become omnipresent.  Those you love who have passed can be all places at all times, which means anytime you ask them to be there with you, they are!)

If you relate more to nature, go out into the world and ask for your totems to be shown to you.
The Universe will always give you a sign that you are not alone.

Although Mercury is in Scorpio, we must also take into account the Libra energy our Sun brings right now, and, as I am writing this, the New Moon also in Libra rising today.

Libra is a Cardinal Air sign, and air is the fastest moving energy.  Our prayers our being answered quicker than ever right now.  Speak out what you desire, and trust that it is heard.  Believe in Scorpio’s influence and the magick that can happen within your life right now.  Create your own reality, don’t rely on the world to do it for you.

The Sun will shift into Scorpio halfway through this retrograde, doubling up on the potency of all things mysterious.  Water energy will rush in to cool all of this fire and air, and we will feel more focused in our flow if we do not feel that way now.


Water is life.  Life is creation.
Water is sacral chakra, creative energy.  Creative energy is manifestation energy.

Do not wait for New Years Day to start working on your dream life.  Do not put it off any longer.

It will all be easy, once you allow it to be, but you may feel resistance at first.
We will talk more about Scorpio on October 24th, but for now understand that scorpions can bring a sting!
The shifts you make to turn your world right may not always be easy.
There may be challenges along the way.
You may have to use Scorpio’s water to wash away or cleanse your life of what no longer serves.
Know that when you make these hard choices, it helps you to rise up out of the darkness.
And the more you give yourself permission to live in your authenticity, the easier it WILL become.

Keep coming back to your heart when you need to.
If you feel lost, turn within.
If you feel overwhelmed with all of the information around you, pay attention to where you can breathe.
If something feels off, it is.

As we navigate the next 3 weeks, take time for yourself and your spiritual practices as much as possible.
Prioritize turning inward versus being social and external, at least until after this retrograde is over!

*If you are in North America, do you really want to socialize during this politically heightened time anyway?!
It seems like we can’t escape a conversation without some mentioning of it all!
Do yourself a favor and navigate the last of this election ON YOUR OWN.  You will save yourself a lot of stress and a lot of unnecessary arguments!

Whatever you do, live your truth and express yourself with heart frequency.  Trust that all is well as long as you believe it, and focus your energy on creating YOUR reality versus the one expected by others.

Do not hesitate to be yourself.  Do not resist what calls to you.  Do not hold onto a past that doesn’t serve.
We may be in dark times right now, but when you learn to shine your light from within, you will never feel lost or alone.


October 22 - November 21, 2020



The sign of all things mysterious.

A time of the shadows, and places unknown.
A time of deep emotional knowing and rediscovery.
A time of Life, Death, and Rebirth.

Scorpio is the sign of The Underworld.
This is the sign of The Sorceress, The Enchantress, The Witch & Wizard.

Call it what you please—this is a time for MAGICK.

Scorpios are powerful alchemists.
They can conjure up the darkness and turn it into gold.

But they don’t always see the diamond in the rough...

Emotions can be heavy right now.
Add in a Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio this particular season, and it seems like all of our memories once hidden and lost are now creeping up to the surface.
This always happens in a Mercury Retrograde, but this cycle is more triggering than normal.

2020 has been something, and it’s really starting to drain us.
Amongst all of this chaos, can we do all of the inner work, too?

You’re being broken down right now to be built back up again.

New Normals.  We’ve been saying it for months. Nothing will be the same from here.
To adapt, you must evolve.

And evolution is a specialty of Scorpio energy.

Unlike other signs, Scorpio is represented by 3 totems: The Scorpion, The Eagle, & The Phoenix.
Each one brings it’s own wisdom and potential to level up.
But the ground is heavy, and it takes a lot of heart to lift yourself up against the gravity.

If you are a Scorpio or have Scorpio in your chart, there is much work for you to do right now.
If you are not influenced by this star-energy, you will still be affected throughout this season.

Things may not be easy to understand right now.  Your emotions may feel overwhelming.
How you respond will determine how you move forward from here.

If you are embracing Scorpion wisdom right now, you may find yourself with a wicked impulse to “sting” others.  You may find yourself hurt or triggered, with your only defense being to attack back.
You must remember to stay grounded to who you truly are.  At your core, you want peace and love.
No matter how angry you are, your inner self wants peace.  Come back to what’s inherently in your nature.

If you are feeling relatively composed right now, you could also experience Scorpion energy from the external.  
Others might “sting” you or life’s memories and traumas may catch you off guard when you least expect it.  The key here is to not get TOO GROUNDED into your emotions.  All of that gravity makes Scorpio water energy HEAVY, and it’s important for you to remember to stay on the positive side of things.  Your past is a part of you, but it does not define you.  The people around you are part of your energy, but they do not control it.
If one of these is your journey this Scorpio season, it’s time to flip the script, find the light, and fill your life with more joy.

If you are embracing Eagle wisdom right now, you are learning to “rise above” and do better.
You are no longer the lower lying, lower frequency being that you were once consumed by.  You have learned to lighten up and take flight for a broader perspective.  Eagle energy doesn’t mean you’re ignoring your trauma or flying away from your feelings—this energy means you’ve TRANSCENDED it all.   You are no longer pulled by the things that once weighed you down.  You are no longer drowning in the sinking sands of your stories and emotions.

The shadow side of Eagle energy is isolation.  Too much freedom has led to an independence more ego-driven than anything.  If you find yourself doing everything on your own, even when you may need help, you are currently in this energy.  Do not judge yourself, for every sign has shadow sides and we are deep in the shadow season.  Instead, recognize where you are and make a commitment to shift.
Many times Eagle energy calls us into ultra-dominance due to a lifelong battle of not being able to depend on others.  It also results as a pattern of continually being hurt or disappointed.  Eagle energy is strong.  Eagles are survivors.  Eagles nest themselves away on the mountains and hunt for themselves.  They do not usually need support from others….

….until they do.  A lifetime of isolation can be protective, but it is not sustainable.  If you find yourself in this eagle energy now it is important to stay social.  Reach out to family, friends, and loved ones not only for help, but also for energetic exchange in general.  We all have ways to contribute.  Allows others to come in and contribute to you.

Finally we have The Phoenix.  This evolution of The Scorpio is one that’s trailed through fires unimaginable.

Sometimes we must get burned over and over before we learn our lesson.  This is usually the case for Phoenix energy.  The Scorpio Phoenix has been triggered and taken advantage of no longer.  She throws her old self, her old dependencies, her old excuses, and her old ways into the fire, allowing it to consume who she will not longer agree to be.  She flies out of the flames renewed , ready to take on her life with a new confidence and energy.  Phoenix energy reminds us with full Scorpio influence that we always have the ability to let our old self die, recreate our life, and rise up again.

*I find it interesting that Scorpio season falls during Navratri-the Hindu celebration of the "9 Nights of the Goddess".  Many of the stories revolving around this celebration tell of The Godess throwing herself into the fire when things are not aligned out of her heart's desires.

The shadow side to Phoenix is her attachment, in a way, to this immortality.  The Phoenix will remain in this life cycle, constantly dying and retaking shape, as long as she clings to her stories.  Just as easily as she transforms, she also remembers where she came from, and her constant longing to revisit the past could hold her back from true evolution.  It’s ok to have our stories, but we must not be a victim to them.  The stories that are written are from the past, but we can continue to change the story as we move forward in this life.  You can get stuck in a spiritual healing loop just like anything else.  You can get addicted to the process of it all, rather than the actual results.  If you find yourself constantly doing the shadow work and breaking through, only to find yourself constantly uncovering new layers to address, it is time to move on for good.  Rather than go back to these individual experiences, look at themes as a whole.  What wisdom is trying to come through?  Why do you repeat similar, yet different events?  Is there a way to shift this energy and close this chapter?  Use your Phoenix heart to come to terms with what is impacting you, and learn how to truly transform it for good.

Scorpio season 2020 is a time to embrace your magick.  
It’s a time to believe that YOU have the power to make what you want of this life; it’s not in the hands of anyone else.
This is a season to really notice your emotions and use them to fuel you rather than stop you.

This is a time to do the inner work.

Take time over the next 3-4 weeks to see where you find yourself with this Scorpio-energy.
Which archetype are you embracing, and are you on the shadow side of things or the light?
Wherever you are, TRUST THE JOURNEY.
This is all coming up for your greatest good.  This is arising as a catalyst for your next evolution.
Remember, it is up to you, whether you take the higher road or the lower one.

Take this Scorpio season to embrace your free will, and become the co-creator of your reality.

Take this Scorpio Season to dig deep into your dirt, and find the diamond in the rough.

Winter 2020


November 21 - December 21, 2020


Sagittarius Season.

Fire energy.

A time to move forward, and embrace all this life has to offer.

This is a time to reconstruct your reality in this rising New Earth.

Wanderlust energy is strong right now, especially after so much travel has been restricted.
If you’re feeling the itch to get away, you have a few options to move the energy through:

  1.   Plan a dream trip for your dream future!  Use this time of the unknown to lean into a place of infinite
possibilities!  Where do you want to go if you could go anywhere once the opportunity is there?

  2.   Plan a solo trip where you can isolate safely and spend some time in different scenery.  While it may not             be your dream trip, you’d be amazed what a simple getaway can do for your spirit.

  3.    Research a place you can feasibly travel to once you are able to.  Really plan out what you want to do, bringing in all of the details.  Once you can travel, you’ll have your itinerary ready to go!

This is also a great time to SAVE for your travels!

Sagittarius season embraces magick, but in a different way than Scorpio.
This season is about the fire of transformation and the fires of our drive.

We are feeling the urge to change our lives and make shifts into our higher evolution.
We are hearing a call to dig deeper and learn more.

Those who hold Sagittarius in their charts are strong travelers, because they have a strong desire to learn.
They not only want to know about a place or a thing or a culture or a history, they must dig down to the origins and root of it all.  In many cases, they must GO THERE and experience it for themselves to fully understand.

In a time when travel is limited and this way of knowing more cannot be fulfilled, this is the perfect time to expand yourself by learning a new language, studying a culture you are interested in, or just commit to gaining wisdom around a topic of interest that draws your attention.

*Notice how this is usually a time when schools wrap up for their semester or half year, and students have the opportunity to take new courses.  Even if you are not in school, this is a time to open up your mind to learning new things!  In a time when so much focus is placed on the attention of gifting others, give yourself permission to gift yourself the time to explore the things that YOU are interested in more.

As you put yourself first, be mindful not to hurt others along the way.  Every sign has a light and dark side, and the lower frequency of Sagittarius fire is the “burn” it can cause when it lashes out of control.  This energy has a tendency to be brutally honest, and they sometimes use sarcasm or insult to get their message across.  In a way, they’re trying to transform the energy and lighten it a bit, but most others who aren’t of the same fire will not relate.  Those with Sagittarius in their chart need to watch their words right now, and make sure nothing they say comes back to haunt them.

Speaking of “what goes around, comes around” energy, Karma is coming to a head right now.
As we shift out of this calendar year, out of this decade, and out of this current Age, we are being given a golden gift to shift or stay the same.  Eclipse season begins now.  These are always times of reset and second chance.  Over the next few weeks you may find yourself repeating choices or experiencing patterns of the past.  You may find yourself at the same crossroads you've faced before.

Use the fires of your heart’s desire to help you make the right choice this time around.
Let your higher consciousness choose the direction in which you move forward, trust in your intuition and inner guidance.

Sagittarius energy holds a keen sense of direction, after all!

If you’ve been feeling lost over the past few months, now is the time to turn within and stop trying to find the answers through outer guidance and direction.  Your inner spirit knows what you need to do.  It knows where you need to go.  Listen and trust where it pulls you.  As you follow the spiritual breadcrumbs laid out before you, the light will slowly and surely start to grow and help you along the way.  That light is your joy.  It’s the feel good feelings that light you up from the inside.

Remember that “lightness” Sagittarius strives for?  This is another way it shines through.

Light up your brain and learn things that excite you.
Learn about a place that you want to travel to, even if you can’t actually go there right now.
Ask yourself what you want to do as you move forward into this next year and indefinite future.
How can you be happy along the way?

As we continue to move into the shadow season it’s more important to find your light than ever.
Trust you can shine it brightly, even in the darkest times.
The more you learn to ignite your internal fires and shine from within, the easier this shift will become.


December 21, 2020 - January 19, 2021


Capricorn Season.

A time of structure, organization, planning, and budgeting.
Post-holiday, New Year Vibes.

The sign of the sea-goat.
Part water, part earth, always working to balance in between.

Give yourself permission to FEEL right now, especially if you are a Capricorn or Earth sign.
If you are a water sign, you may be feeling TOO much.
Especially around the Full Moon in Cancer December 29th.

This is a time to ultimately find BALANCE.
To find the times to pause and reflect and feel and process
& also find the times to ground in and face reality and move forward.

Capricorn is a stubborn energy.
Have you seen those goats who butt heads and fight on the mountain-side?1
They will stand their ground, no matter how small it is or how much it crumbles.

This will only get you so far.

If you continue to stay where you are, eventually the ground will shift and you will have nothing to stand on!
Everything moves and changes, everything moves forward.

You must do the same.

This is a time to embrace the positive aspects of Capricorn energy, how sticking to structure and staying organized can help you grow and expand.

Side note, Capricorns are also heavily attracted to money, and this is a time to find your groove in order to support financial growth and expansion, too.
It’s also a time to focus on budgeting if you’ve been spending too much lately, or let go of being so tight if you’re always extra-thrifty.  Find the balance in your spending and embrace that money is just one form of energetic flow.  Do not get too attached to it.

This stubborn energy of Capricorn is the perfect time to set boundaries around what could stand in the way of your future potential.  Start to put yourself first, take claim of your life, and move forward with the assurance that you are always in control.  When you lay claim to your own sovereignty, you find your inner strength.  When you know your own strength, you know you can push through anything.

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2021 Astrology