Tarot Reading for
Full Moon in Cancer &
Ardra Nakshatra,
December 26th, 2023
Our previous new moon in Sagittarius was all about relationships. As we arrive half way through the lunar cycle I now pull the THREE OF SWORDS as our past card and we are nudged to let go.
Swords are always related to either boundary setting or release. In our previous new moon reading, I pulled the Page of Swords, who encouraged learning how to both hold the sword in front to keep energy back and how to use the sword to make swift severance. Now that we’ve trained and practiced, it’s time to handle any unfinished business. The THREE OF SWORDS tells us to cut ties with anything and anyone who doesn’t not root us into a safe, secure, stable, and supportive life. Notice the swords pointing down into the red square. This is root chakra awareness. This can also point to ties that may need to be cut with certain relatives or people close to you. Learning to let go of these people or their patterns and behaviors will help purify your bloodline. It may not be easy to let go, but it’s for the good of your future and future generations.
This card also arrives as our past card to remind us to let go of anything or anyone in our past that we don’t want to carry forward. Mercury is currently retrograde and may have caused certain people or memories from your past to rise up. The timing of this is to ensure that you only bring into 2024 and your future who and what you truly want. If there are certain attachments you need to release, use this full moon to give yourself the energy to raise your sword and follow through.
I swear, the cards NEVER lie! I shuffled the cards 3 times, split the deck 3 times, shuffled and split 2 more times, and I still pulled THE HANGED MAN REVERSED for our present card. This is literally the Mercury card, and we currently have The Planet of Communication and Expression spinning backwards until January 1st! You can’t make this up! This card is represented by the number “12” and simply shows up as a reminder under this December full moon to remind us that we still have time to go before things will feel “right” again. If you feel stuck or indecisive, it’s ok to stay in limbo a little longer. When Mercury is Retrograde, it’s not the best time to make choices, form contracts, or secure solid decisions. This is also related to purchasing high ticket items or doing any sort of trade and barter that’s new. It’s also not a good time to commit to travel or expect it to go your way. Ultimately, slow down and be patient as the end of the year plays out. There’s still a lot that could get tricky along the way.
When we pull THE HANGED MAN REVERSED, it’s also an indicator that we may be taking longer than we need to make a decision or move forward in a certain direction. Notice the card and how the man has one foot stuck between branches. If you wait too long to do something you may trap yourself into a situation that you don’t desire in the future. Mercury has a way of making people from our past rise up. Between the THREE OF SWORDS from this reading, the Page of Swords from our previous reading, and the theme of relationships playing out this entire lunar cycle, I would guess this card is warning us. Reversed cards are always protection messages. If someone comes up from your past that you don’t want moving with you into your future, use this full moon to cut the chord and let go before the Mercury goes direct the evening of January 1st.
We’re in the last month and lunar cycle of the year, and I pulled the last card in The Tarot for our future card! Again, it’s never a coincidence! This card symbolizes endings as well as new beginnings. It also represents closing one chapter and starting to write another. We are in a period of transition as we let go of 2023 and welcome 2024. With a new year comes new opportunities. Embrace what’s coming your way!
The circle on this card is representative of karma. THE WORLD card itself is ruled by Saturn, The Planet of Karma and Life Lesson. With Mercury currently retrograde until January 1st, we may have people from our past rising up again. This time around, we get to make the choice whether these people stay in our story or not. Jupiter, The Planet of Expansion, goes direct on December 30th just shy of the new year and gives an optimistic outlook on our life to come. Give yourself permission to lean into joy for your future, and let anyone who doesn’t contribute to that frequency fall off. It’s time for you to embrace a year and new life full of the happiness you are seeking.
Tarot Reading for
Full Moon in Cancer
& Arda Nakshatra
December 26th, 2023
Tarot Reading for
New Moon in Sagittarius &
Jyestha Nakshatra,
December 12th, 2023
“I take care of the detail, and stay in control.”
Our readings have been giving us deep guidance for a while now. Two lunar cycles ago we were encouraged to take our medicine. Last lunar cycle we were encourages to heal our wounds. Now we’re preparing to go to spiritual battle. Now that we’re rested, healed, and clear, we know what we need to do.
The PAGE OF SWORDS is learning how to let go. The previous season of Scorpio and this previous lunar cycle both encouraged us to hold a bit of a guard up while also fighting back when we needed to. Now we’re being told it’s time to bring the blade of the sword down completely, and sever ties where we need to. Sagittarius Season, which we’ve been navigating for 2 weeks already, encourages us to use its fire to make change for our good. It’s time to release what we need to let go of and move forward.
With the end of energetic ties comes grief, but notice the butterflies on this card. Emerging from the wreckage of the battle behind the page, this beings represent the transformation of energy that comes out of this shift. Every time we let go of someone or something we create space for someone or something else, usually better. Trust in the purification you’re called to carry out. It is helping you more than you realize.
SUGGESTED STONE: AMETRINE. This is a mix of Amethyst and Citrine, and encourages you to both follow your gut and use your intuition. If you’re feeling the need to hold your guard up or set a boundary, you need to. If you’re feeling the call to cut a chord or move on from something, it’s time to follow through and take the first step. Sagittarius energy has a way of using fire to make change with ease. If you don’t want to take something with you into 2024, now is the time for you to set the standard, decide who’s coming with you, and who you’re leaving behind.
“I trust my knowing and make a commitment.It’s interesting that we pull this for our present card, as Mercury Retrograde will rule this lunar cycle and turn everything upside down when it comes to commitments. Even further, this moon is ruled by Jyestha Nakshatra in Vedic astrology—which is represented by the commitment of a ring. This doesn’t mean we must rid ourselves of all commitments this season. Rather, we need to focus on authenticity, collaboration, support, and unconditional love.
THE LOVERS always represent a bond forming, but when pulled REVERSED it’s more of a protection message to make sure we’re prioritizing pure energetic exchanges. This Mercury Retrograde could cause people from your past to rise up, and it will be up to you to decide who you let in and who you no longer allow to repeat that pattern. You’ll also be focusing on unconditional love most of all, because anything else isn’t going to be worth your time in the future. As we move through this last lunar cycle of the year ruled by Sagittarius and Jyestha Nakshatra, let your heart be on fire for who you surround yourself with.
*SIDE NOTE: If you’re thinking about getting engaged or buying a ring…WAIT! Â
Don’t let the holidays pressure you into a proposal. Wait until Mercury goes Direct!
SUGGESTED STONE: ROSE QUARTZ. Use this stone anytime you need to focus on heartfelt exchanges or anytime you need to enhance your heart chakra. We could all probably use more Rose Quartz in our lives, especially around the holiday season! Buy some for yourself if you don’t have any, and maybe gift some to your family!
“I welcome new love and trust what it brings.”This whole reading is talking about energetic exchanges. We will be encouraged to cut ties and set boundaries, set standard about who we continue to let in, and decide who to release. THE ACE OF CUPS now arrives to remind us that when we let go of certain attachments, we will create space for more holy and pure exchanges. We truly are in the Age of Aquarius now, and it’s time to focus on authenticity about all else. As Mercury goes retrograde through the end of this year and the very beginning of the next, we will probably see people rise up from our past. Are they now buoyant and present to you for a reason? Is the bond now pure? If not, release it again and for good. Aces are always about new beginnings in the Tarot, and the Cups is all about relationship and emotion. If someone triggers you, causes emotional uprising or imbalance, or pulls you down into a lower life, they will not be worthy of your higher future. This card is asking you to let go of who and what is no longer necessary, so you can fill your blessed container and chalice of friendship with those who best serve your greater good.
SUGGESTED STONE: AQUAMARINE. This is a stone of deep healing and encourages both emotional and energetic balance. If you’re searching for people that are more stable for you and more supportive, carry this stone. You may also want to use Aquamarine to help you through any spiritual work you need to do. The properties of the stone will aid in healing.
“I am supported and never alone.”I feel like this Mercury Retrograde will be more impactful than most, so I pulled a bonus card for guidance. The FIVE OF PENTACLES shows up to remind us we are never alone. And while this is cliche’ it is true! This retrograde may have you cutting ties with people or setting hard boundaries, resulting in you experiencing more isolation or exchanging energy with less people. This is out of necessity for your growth! Just like a garden needs to be pulled of weeds in order to flourish, it is also time for you to rid yourself of what’s in your field and taking your energy unnecessarily.
The “5” in the FIVE OF PENTACLES represents growth, and the pentacles represent wealth in health, love, fortune, and more. This card is telling us it’s all on the horizon, and we’ll be able to bask in its glory once we learn how to balance and manage our energy. Use this Mercury Retrograde to carefully navigate your relationships and make sure all exchanges are collaborative and supportive.
SUGGESTED STONE: MALACHITE. This is a hear-healing stone that can help us cut ties or set strict boundaries, while still living out of pure and peaceful intentions. This stone also helps lower emotions and frequencies to become unstuck and move into the the purity of the heartspace.
Live Tarot Reading for
New Moon in Sagittarius
December 12th, 2023
Tarot Reading for
Full Moon in Gemini &
Rohini Nakshatra,
November 27th, 2023
New beginnings have already begun! With the Scorpio New Moon two weeks ago we were initiated into a new version of ourself. Now is the time to own our growth and everything coming with it. Anytime we pull an Ace card we’re indicating new beginnings, and when we pull the Ace of Pentacles we’re creating new fortune. This could mean in the way of money, but could also be interpreted as joy, wholeness, fertility, or general security. Be open to all forms of abundance coming your way!
The ACE OF PENTACLES also guides us to find gratitude for all we have received so far. With this reading occurring right after Thanksgiving in North America, the timing is perfect! Use this full moon portal in Gemini to reflect on the past year and more. Take in everything you have to be grateful for, and use that feeling of thanks to fuel an attraction to receive more to be grateful for in the future!
We pulled this card in reverse for our Past card under the previous Scorpio New Moon Reading. This time around, the card flew out of the deck while I was shuffling, and I knew immediately it was for our present message. In Vedic astrology, this moon is considered one of the most auspicious of the year. This is a creative moon meant to fuel any efforts we put forth, especially if they involve partnership or relationship. No matter what dreams you desire to manifest, the creative force of this moon now calls you to believe in your magick.With a Gemini moon, intuition and psychic senses can be heightened. THE MOON card asks you to turn within, listen to what speaks to you, and believe in what tingles your senses. There are many things on the other side that cannot be seen or explained. Trust in what you feel instead.
Do not be in a rush to get to the next year! The holiday season is a time to be enjoyed with leisure! THE QUEEN OF CUPS is all about a life of pleasure, because she is WORTHY of it! If you find yourself caught up in the holiday hustle and bustle, or the new year’s to-do, try to take time over the next few weeks to simply slow down and enjoy the experiences the holidays have to offer. This card also gives you permission to live a little more luxuriously. Use these next few weeks (before Mercury retrograde on December 13th!) to spend a little more than usual, take in the indulgences of food and drink, and allow yourself to simply drift along with all life has to offer right now!RECORDING:
Live Tarot Reading for
Full Moon in Gemini
November 27th, 2023
Tarot Reading for
New Moon in Scorpio &
Vishika Nakshatra,
November 13th, 2023
Typically representative of long-term, committed relationships when upright, this card reversed points more to relationship with self. Notice the two pyramids and 2 dogs on the card. Or perhaps one is shadow and one is light? Our past lunar cycle brought us eclipses, but we now transition out of this energy as we move forward. Also notice the Scorpion on the card. This may simply be a depiction of our step into Scorpio season back on October 23rd, but it may also be interpreted as a crayfish or a lobster. Lobsters mate for life, and scorpions can sometimes mate for hours or days. There is a devotion to bliss/light/or pleasure that rises under this Scorpio New Moon. If you have felt more dark than normal, or if the shift in natural darkness if affected your mood, try to find ways to tap into more bliss and pleasure. Spend time with your feelings, then allow yourself to process in whatever way feels natural. You may want to seek out someone, some technique, or some practice to help you (the light), or you may prefer to take time for solitude, stillness, and reflection (the dark). Whatever you are attracted to, THE MOON Card encourages you to move toward your path of ritual and healing.
I find it interesting that this card shows up with scales in the background, because our current moon is in Vishika Nakshatra and represented by scales in the Vedic world. Typically death would represent a letting go or release, but when reversed it’s more of a nudge to release what’s preventing us from finding more balance. When we learn to embrace death as a relative concept, it’s almost like we let go of time completely. This current Scorpio New Moon is asking us to move beyond the realms and boundaries or things like time, human vision, and current “science”. When we learn that death is life, and life is constant death and rebirth, and rebirth is constantly at our doorstep for different levels of transformation, we are more able to release what no longer serves us with peace and ease. THE DEATH card isn’t about actual death when reversed. It’s about metaphorically letting go of the version of ourself that’s standing in our way of true bliss, balance, and regeneration.Â
This lunar cycle in Scorpio brings us potent, sensual, feminine energy to help craft and create whatever needs to come through. On this card, THE EMPRESS is represented by Isis, the Egyption Goddess of fertility. You are being midwifed into the rebirth of who you are ready to become, and in order to truly receive it, you must surrender to the fact that this version of yourself already exists within you. The Empress is sovereign, because she embraces her own light within. It shines through with power and grace, motivating us to do the same. Represented by the number 3, this card is also reminding us of the life-death-rebirth cycle this Scorpio lunar journey might send us through. In times of darkness, always remember your light that shines within. It will guide you on your path when you need it, and help you find a clearer picture of your surroundings when you simply need assistance.Â
I wanted to pull a bonus card this reading in order to give us all more during the darkest time of the year, both energetically and in nature. THE HIGH PRIESTESS literally jumped out of the deck to remind us that our practices and devotion to our future self and life are how we get inspired to stay with our medicine. THE HIGH PRIESTESS is at the Temple of Isis on this card, and she is both held by darkness below and illuminated with light from above. This is representative of the “darkness” we need to travel into. This shadow season will be a time to focus on more meditation, stillness, and conscious rest. Sometimes this will be to find answers or more guidance. Other times, it will be more to process and let go of certain emotions or energies. Notice the crescent moons on this card. By the time the crescent moon arrives in this lunar cycle, you should feel more inspired to actually show up to your much needed practices. Give yourself some grace as you navigate the version of yourself that tries to show up to your spirituality. It might take some time to transition into this more evolved, more pure version of yourself that you are becoming.RECORDING:
Live Tarot Reading for
New Moon in Taurus
May 19th, 2023
Tarot Reading for
New Moon in Virgo &
Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra,
September 14th, 2023
The Angel of Time stands in the River of Time, pouring from the cup of past into the waters of the future. This card represents time and how we interpret it. In the case of TEMPERANCE REVERSED, we're either holding unnecessarily onto the past, or we're completely ignoring it and only focusing on the future. Both behaviours will hold consequence, so the Angel of Time asks us now to SLOW DOWN under this new moon and become more present in order to reflect and process appropriately or learn the important lesson we're supposed to discover.
While this card is pulled for our past message, this particular reading is guiding us to simply reflect on our past and find the deeper meanings. Virgo energy is about purity, so this moon may highlight times when we weren't living up to our highest standard. Virgo energy is also about acceptance and pure love. If you find the mistakes of your past creeping up now, give yourself grace, love, and forgiveness for who you were at the time and who you have no become as a result. When we learn to embrace our entire past in this way, we will no longer have reasons to hold regret or linger in what's behind.
Continuing with the message of our past card, the PAGE OF WANDS also encourages us to slow down, be present, and pay attention to detail. This lunar cycle is the only one without so much cosmic chaos. Our next new moon will bring us into eclipse season, and soon after we'll be full on into shadow season. There may be a lot of opportunities that come up now, but it will be important to really listen to what's being presented. Although Mercury goes direct one day into this lunar cycle, we will still navigate the post-shadow energy for another week or so. As we wrap up Virgo season, which is ruled by Mercury and communication, pay extra attention to what is said to you. Trust in your instincts and do your own research. Don't just take what people say or offer at face value.Â
Virgo energy is about sovereignty, and THE EMPEROR card tells us now is the time to commit to stepping into ourselves fully! Who do you want to become in the near future? What kind of life do you want to live? Use this new moon to start developing habits and regular routines to help yourself get there. This is also a time to start ruling your life and living out of your authenticity. THE EMPEROR is successful at what he does because he lives his life in this way. Take his example, and start prioritizing yourself and your intentions unapologetically.PAST CARD:
We have been in a time of letting go, and maybe even actual death. In the Egyptian Tarot, Death is symbolized by Anubis who appears to guide souls to the underworld. If you are going through a time of death and rebirth, this card reminds you that your guides are here to help you through the journey. If you have lost someone to the spirit world, this card reminds you that life and death are a delicate, yet necessary balance. Â
This is literally the Mercury Retrograde card and The Planet of Communication, Expression, and Travel moved into the retro part on August 23rd, the same day we shifted into Virgo season. THE HANGED MAN isn't a negative card! Rather, it tells of us having to wait around for results. I know I have personally experienced playing this waiting game and you may be feeling the same. Notice the caterpillar on the card. Also notice the Number "12" which represents a year's time or breaks down to number "3" which represents transformation. The caterpillar goes through quite the process before they totally emerge how they need and want to. Give yourself patience and grace as you go through the process to do the same.
This card represents King Neptune, who we know is fiercely battling with land through current hurricanes and tropical storms. The Planet Neptune is also retrograde currently under this full moon in Pisces, which is a sign representing the entire ocean. It's no wonder we're seeing the ocean swirl, and our energy tends to align with nature. If you're feeling your emotions rock and whirl all over the place, you're simply aligning with what's going on in the collective. Luckily, you also have the tools within you to manage your emotional imbalances and any other instabilities or "dis-ease" you may be experiencing. Pay attention to the medicine you need right now, whatever it is, and dose it appropriately if you feel called.Â
Representing new beginnings, the ACE OF WANDS calls us to use our magic and gifts to create a new reality. Anything is possible at this point, but we must trust in what comes our way that calls to our heart. Eclipse season will arrive soon, giving us new opportunities and new directions to journey down, if we so choose. The Ace of Wands encourages you to go where you desire, for your true magic lies there. In order to make the best decision for yourself you will need to prepare. Use this full moon and the rest of this lunar cycle to truly dedicate time and energy to what you like to craft, cultivate, or bring through to this world. With enough intention and action, you could shift your entire life! The ACE OF WANDS is about making your dreams move out of your head and into your reality. Anything can become true if you wish it so!Tarot Reading for
New SUPERMoon in Leo &
Ashlesha Nakshatra,
August 16th, 2023
We have been in a time of letting go, and maybe even actual death. In the Egyptian Tarot, Death is symbolized by Anubis who appears to guide souls to the underworld. If you are going through a time of death and rebirth, this card reminds you that your guides are here to help you through the journey. If you have lost someone to the spirit world, this card reminds you that life and death are a delicate, yet necessary balance. Â
This card may also be symbolic of the current Venus retrograde, which has been playing out for a few weeks now and still has a few weeks to go. Venus is related to death and resurrection due to this cyclical dance she does behind the sun and back again. Under this new moon she is completely combust, as if dying, so she can let go of her evening star phase and transform into morning star. There are many mythologies related to this story, but they all involve letting go in order to change. If you’re clinging to something unnecessarily right now, it’s time to release so you can rise into a higher version of yourself.
The World Card is the last card of the major arcana in Tarot. It symbolizes a sense of completion. We have symbolically peaked for this year. Everything we’ve planted will start to show its fruits or failures and there’s not much we can do about what’s to come now. We continue to focus on a life free of “weeds,” but we also embrace a sense of trust in what comes our way naturally.We are moving into a new society, a new way of living, and a new array of truths to set our standards. In astrology, The World Card represents Aquarius energy. This particular lunar cycle will bring us a second full “blue” moon on August 30th in Aquarius. We are also now in the Age of Aquarius, where all things are “aired out”. If anything reveals itself to you under this moon, it’s for your empowerment and wisdom. The information also arrives to help you feel more complete or whole.Â
Our future holds more balance, but it will take a tipping in the scales each way before we find true equilibrium. You may find yourself in legal matters in the future, or we may witness change with government and judicial decisions or law in the future. All of the change coming is to help us find more harmony and peace. The decisions that come forward and the changes that play out may not always be easy to adapt to, but overall they will be for our greater good.The lions on this card represent the current Leo season we are in and the current Leo supermoon we are under. Some of these changes coming our way may happen sooner than later, as Leo is a very spontaneous energy. Prepare yourself by spending plenty of time with yourself and your truths so you know where you stand when challenged.Â
Tarot Reading for
Full SUPERMoon in Aquarius &
Shravana Nakshatra,
August 1st, 2023
While the hermit usually promotes isolation and spiritual quests, when we pull THE HERMIT REVERSED, we might possibly be hiding or isolating to dissociate from our problems. If you’ve spent the past few months running way from things, now is the time to face them. Rather than being angry or holding resentment and grudges, this card is asking you to take a good luck at yourself and see if you contribute to the problem. Perhaps there is a way to come to a more positive resolution, rather than simply avoiding things. If this past Cancer season or Cancerian lunar cycle has you trying to make things go away on its own, the full moon in Aquarius will now bring it to light where you can’t avoid it. And Aquarius energy is all about solving problems for the better of all. Under this full supermoon, ask yourself how you can find peace and a better outcome than what you’ve currently been navigating.
Here we have another reversed card, and I’m not surprised. Venus is currently retrograde, and the TWO OF WANDS REVERSED is practically the Venus Rx card! While the two of wands upright represents cooperative relationships and business deals, the reversed version of the message gives warning. You may have to use this moon to sever a relationship or set a boundary around one. Venus retrograde is always a time for us to analyze where we are exchanging energy and maybe ask if we need to reclaim some of our power. With full moons giving you the energetic support you need to release, you may need to use the supermoon portal to reassess who is worthy of your time and efforts.In addition to others, this could also apply to your relationship to self. Use this full moon to shed light on how you’re balancing your time with yourself and your needs and wants each day. If you’re currently feeling a tip of the scales more toward the external, it’s time to shift and bring everything back into equilibrium. Use this full moon to prioritize the time you need with yourself to stay energetically balanced, emotionally stable, and harmoniously aligned.
Our final card of our reading is also a reverse! I even made sure it wasn't a fluke by checking the next few cards in the deck and they were all upright! I have no doubt all three cards arrive upside down to remind us of the intense retrograde season that we are not even close to being finished with yet! In fact, Mercury, Uranus, and Jupiter will also be spinning backwards in the next 2 months, really calling us to slow down and assess before we move into the next season.While this card usually represents security and stability, when we pull the KING OF CUPS REVERSED, there is a chance for insecurity, a lack of control, and addictions to come through. Be careful of your social interactions over the next month or so and make sure to not let your emotions get the best of you. Retrogrades can always take a toll on us, but if we remember the redirects are for our greatest good, we can let go of such attachment to the letdown of expectation. As we navigate the rest of this lunar cycle, the rest of supermoon season, and the last of these retrogrades, do what you can to stay in your power and keep in control.
Tarot Reading for
New SUPERMoon in Cancer &
Purnarvasu Nakshatra,
July 17th, 2023
I’m not surprised the QUEEN OF CUPS is pulled for our past message. Considering we’ve been navigating Cancer season for the past 3+ weeks, all things in the realms of feelings and emotions have probably bubbled to the surface. As we wrap up Cancer season, we ride it out with the energy of a New SUPERMoon in Cancer, whose energy will carry us into Leo season and throughout the rest of this lunar cycle. We are being given an opportunity to navigate our traumas and address our wounds so they no longer limit our mindset or block us from creativity. The QUEEN OF CUPS rules her emotions with clarity. She sits on her throne of stability because she rules her life with emotional alchemy. This is true power.
We’ve spent some time now in Pluto’s retrograde, aligned in Capricorn. This is an ideal placement for the Planet of Power and Control, helping us to see more clearly where we’ve been giving away too much of ourselves, our properties, or our energy. We now have the opportunity to reclaim our sovereignty and step up to ruling our life fully again! The QUEEN OF CUPS sometimes represents Venus energy, and with this planet also joining the retrograde dance on July 22nd as the sun shifts into Leo, we are being now prepared by Venus, the moon, and more to grow our empowerment and grow our overall “empire”. Cancer season brings our emotions to the surface, so we can process them and make room for more. Water energy is feelings, but it’s also creativity. The more you release under this Cancerian lunar cycle, the more you will ultimately be able to gestate and bring through what you’ve been dreaming of.
Three is a number of transformation, and swords always represent detachment and letting go. New Moons are a time of new beginnings. Pulling the THREE OF SWORDS under this moon urges us to let go of a dream, idea, or pursuit that is no longer working out. Both Supermoon season and retrograde season require A LOT of energy to navigate, and with the Nodes shifting to the Aries/Libra Axis while the Moon opposes Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn, we will need all the energy we can collect to help get ourselves through.The THREE OF SWORDS also represents new opportunities on the horizon, if we let go of what’s limiting us. In Vedic astrology this moon is ruled by Aditi, a Goddess whose name means “boundless” and whose energy rules over natural laws of creativity. This new moon brings ample opportunity for you to shift your energy and how you prioritize wealth, worthiness, pleasure, and how you interact with money, but you have to initiate receiving by creating space first.
Pulling another swords card for our future guidance, the EIGHT OF SWORDS represents letting go of the answers you think you need. Just as the number 8 represents the infinite ups and downs of life, the EIGHT OF SWORDS warns us that we may navigate challenging times where our stubbornness keeps us from moving forward. Let go of what you think you need to know and trust in the flow of what comes to you naturallyEights can also represent shadow and light. In Vedic astrology this moon is in Purnarvasu Nakshatra. The energy is represented as the light after the storm. If things seem dark right now, call out to who you need for help and support like a beacon of shine from the lighthouse. The more clarity you can find through your situation, the more answers you will also find on your own.
Tarot Reading for
Full SUPERMoon in Capricorn &
Purva Ashadha Nakshatra,
July 3rd, 2023
Something is not working out and it’s out of your control. This is almost Divine intervention urging you to learn a karmic lesson, especially as Saturn, The Planet of Karma, spins backward in retrograde right now. The FIVE OF WANDS REVERSED also represents learning to be grateful for the experience and move on. With this full moon occurring under Guru Purnima, the moon of the teachers, and trining Sagittarius, The Planet of Nourishment, this is a time to hold all of our seemingly challenging experiences in the golden light of wisdom. Everything we go through is a potential lesson to be learned and every person we meet is either a potential teacher or brings out the teacher within ourselves. If you’ve been going through a challenge, seek out the wisdom, be grateful, and continue to flow with what cards this life deals you.
Wands tend to represent magic or personal skills and abilities. The number “5” in numerology represents growth and fortune. When we pull the FIVE OF WANDS REVERSED we may be holding onto a previous pursuit that no longer needs our energy. It is time to our your efforts towards something different or new. If you’ve been feeling a call to shift your focus and work on something else, now is the time to let go of your past efforts, find the wisdom you gained out of the experience, and move onto what’s now exciting you.
For our present card we have another reverse pull, and with retrograde season slowly growing I’m not surprised our messages are more upside down with this moon. Just like the Five of Wands Reversed represented holding onto efforts that no longer serve, The SIX OF CUPS REVERSED represents holding onto memories or emotionally triggering experiences instead of working through the emotional alchemy to detach and move forward. Cups represent what we can create and bring into this world, but they also represent our emotional processing. Your dreams are just on the horizon, but they can’t move through if you’re blocking with your locked up feelings. We’ve been traversing through Cancer season, one of the most emotionally-blocked signs, and your feelings and memories may be all you’ve been able to focus on. However, the Full “Buck” Moon in Capricorn now rises and tells you to buck up, check in, and dry yourself out by grounding into a new reality. Don’t get Capricorn wrong—they’re still a highly sensitive sign—but they understand that it’s all part of this life experience and we have to learn to do the work to move through it all. In fact, Capricorn is one of the hardest working signs of the zodiac, so it’s the perfect time to ground into true healing and change!Â
For our future message I pulled another Wands card, this time in the upright position and with The Page. Pages hold the energy of someone in training or in the learning stages of what they are becoming. It is likely these next 6 months will bring you the opportunity to go down a new venture or even become a new version of yourself, but it’s still important to pay attention to what truly calls you and not just what excites you temporarily. THE PAGE OF WANDS wants you to use logic when making choices about your future, making sure not to let emotional ties or investments lead your decision making process. Remember, we are in retrograde season and things may not always be what they seem or truly are. This constant stationing of each planet going into it’s backward journey may also bring about a sense of stagnancy, restlessness, or boredom that leads you to make choices you don’t truly want to invest in long-term. The rest of this year is about focusing on matters and efforts that arise trolly out of your heart and deep-seeded desires. This is also a time to tend to what you’ve already metaphorically planted, so you have plenty to harvest when we move toward the end of the year.Tarot Reading for
New Moon in Gemini &
Mrigashira Nakshatra,
June 17th/18th, 2023
No big feat can ever truly be accomplished alone! The THREE OF WANDS arrives as our past card to remind us of the connections we’ve made to help us get where we are today. As we spend time under this Gemini New Moon, we are encouraged to also spend time in reflection. Notice your networks of people and your support circles. Are they still just as foundational as they were before? Gemini energy is very social. This New Moon in Gemini is asking us to analyze our relationships and make sure we’re keeping the right people around us. The THREE OF WANDS also encourages us to find who we need to in order to reach more success in the future. In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Mrigashira Nakshatra, otherwise known as “The Searching Star”. If you have a specific vision or dream you’re working on, use this lunar cycle to start seeking out who you need to help you get to your end goal.
Pentacles represent wealth and Pages represent learning. The PAGE OF PENTACLES arrives as our present card to indicate new opportunities. If you have the chance to start a new venture, now is the time to do it. The page has the support needed to learn what they need to in order to succeed. Similar to the Three of Wands card we just pulled, I believe this card is piggybacking off of the idea that if we truly seek out who we need for help, we will find it or them. Gemini is a social energy. Use this New Moon in Gemini to start building up the circle of energy you need to help carry you into your next greatest chapter.FUTURE CARD:
When we pull ten cards in Tarot, we usually depicting endings, new beginnings, or both. Cups represent emotion, relationship, and even money. When we pull the TEN OF CUPS REVERSED for our future cards, we’re being told to find acceptance on our journey. We may have big dreams and ambitions right now. As we move into the summer months, we may have things we want to accomplish or gain. But it may not arrive until much later than we expected or in a different way. The TEN OF CUPS REVERSED indicates a sort of dissatisfaction. This doesn’t necessarily mean you will fail in the future, but you may if you continue to lack contentment. Use this new moon and lunar cycle to set a standard of gratitude every single day. When you learn to live in this way, you forget about the things you wanted in your future, and usually it all ends up arriving, too!Tarot Reading for
Full Moon in Sagittarius &
Jyestha Nakshatra,
June 3rd, 2023
Considered one of the last cards on The Tarot, THE WORLD card represents both endings and beginnings. This lunar cycle is the last moon cycle of spring and the beginning of the second half of the year. It’s a time to check into where you are and see if you still want to be headed that way in the future. Represented by 2021, or the number “5” (2+0+2+1=5), this card is reminded us of our growth potential. If you reflect back on these past 6 months and feel like you’ve failed, this card reminds you that you can always start over. If you look back and see all you’ve accomplished, this card pushes you to keep going!
Pulled as the past card for our reading, I also believe this card is asking us to take a look back at 2021 and possibly around this time of year in 2021 when things seemingly started to get better, and then the seemed to implode again. If you remember, this was the time when some lockdowns started to let up and some travel started to open up again, but then a month or so later everything went back to high alert again with the pandemic. We have to remember that growth isn’t always linear. Sometimes we will flourish with freedom, other times we will feel confined and limited. It’s all part of the journey on this earthly world! As you reflect on your past and prepare for your future under this full moon, give yourself permission to trust the process and carry on in the direct of your dreams, no matter how small the steps or how small your world seems at the time.
The number “6” represents family and community, and pentacles represent money, luck, and growth. We are under a Sagittarius moon and this sign loves to show love and support. This is a good moon to give to a local cause or help someone you care about without any expectation. The karma alone will come back to you, especially with Saturn moving retrograde under the rest of this lunar cycle!The SIX OF PENTACLES can also represent support for your own endeavors, either through a monetary gift, an important networking connection made, an anonymous donation, or more. If you’ve been working on your dreams diligently, don’t be surprised if something magical happens from outer support to make it all easier! This moon is sometimes called The Strawberry Moon and represents the sweet fruits of nature coming our way! Sagittarius energy is also related to intellect, and you may receive important wisdom, insight, or education to help you under this lunar portal. Stay in a positive, grateful mindset and honor everything that comes to you, and you will continue to be blessed with sweet “fruits” throughout the rest of the year!
Pulled as our future card, the KNIGHT OF CUPS teaches us to embrace our abundance, see how our cups “runneth over” already, and find value in what and who is already around us. The Knight is someone who’s currently in battle or preparing for it, and we may also feel like we hate quite the uphill road to conquer when it comes to reaching our goals. However, cup energy represents our relationships, support network, and natural magick to manifest whatever we desire! The road to success may not be easy, but if we align ourselves with the right people and trust those internal nudges from our spirit guides and our own instincts, we will likely find our victory!The KNIGHT OF CUPS can also represent emotional investments. You may have a deep connection to someone or something right now, but it’s no longer harmonizing or serving in the positive way it was before. Make sure you use this full moon to release or shift relationships that may be holding you back. The KNIGHT OF CUPS tells us that we will question the value of relationships we keep around in our near future, and we may not have time for everything or everybody.
Live Tarot Reading for
New Moon in Taurus
May 19th, 2023
Tarot Reading for
New Moon in Taurus &
Krittika Nakshatra,
May 19th, 2023
Six is a number representing community and family. Cups can be the emotional memories or relationships we form beyond our tribe. When we pull the SIX OF CUPS as a past card, the Tarot recognizes the appearance of people from your past or the memories that may have occurred over this past Mercury Retrograde. This card also encourages us to look back to 6 months ago, when we were in the Full Moon of Taurus rather than the New Moon. That was back on November 7th-8th of 2022, and we experienced a full lunar eclipsed “blood” moon. Eclipses are time of things coming back around and history repeating itself. If some of the things, people, experiences, etc. from November have now shown up again, perhaps it’s time to make adjustments to prevent another Karmic loop. In Hindu mythology this new moon celebrates Saturn’s birthday. This is the Planet of Karma and Life Lessons. Do you want to continue to be in the same pattern or do you want to move into something new? The SIX OF CUPS asks tells you to think about making a different choice this time around.
Another number representing infinite loops, eight represents either looping back around to things or coming back around to things and then moving on. The number eight can represent ascension or next evolution, but when we pull the EIGHT OF WANDS REVERSED, we can also be confused about which choice to make. It can get easy to get complacent or comfortable. We may fear leveling ourself up out of the unknown. We may also be confused about where to go or what to do, for we’re unsure if something we’re pursuing is for us or someone else. This is that tug-of-war between Taurus (self) and Gemini (self/other) energy that now comes into play with this lunar cycle. New Moons are always a time of slowing down, reflecting, and getting solid on our dreams and intentions. Use the next few days of this earthly Taurus moon to really think about your material desires, the life you want to have, and the feeling you want to experience when you are successful. When you move from YOUR heart’s desires rather than someone else’s dreams, the magic will fall into place to help you align. Use the messages from The EIGHT OF WANDS REVERSED to remind yourself of your own magic and abilities, and start to take action on what YOU want in your most joyful, magical reality.FUTURE CARD:
Again we return to the number 6, this time in reverse. In Numerology, 6 is also a number of magick. You may feel tired. You may have navigated an INTENSE eclipse and/or retrograde season. Regardless, you have to keep charging forward. In Vedic astrology, this lunar cycle is influenced by Krittika Nakshatra and represented by a sword. The SIX OF SWORDS REVERSED reminds us to keep taking action on our dreams, even if it’s just one small step at a time. The seeds of your dreams have been planted and it’s time to tend to what sprouts and grows. If you want to see the fruits and labors of this season, you must keep trying to make your dreams come true!P.S. The SIX OF SWORDS REVERSED also warns us to not take on NEW projects or ambitions at this time. Anything you work toward making a reality should come from a dream seed you have already planted. Swords are about release and letting go, as well as setting boundaries. This cards is telling you to take action around what you’ve already worked on. Don’t get distracted and move onto something else. Focus in on what you’ve already created and harnessed energy toward.
Live Tarot Reading for
New Moon in Taurus
May 19th, 2023
Tarot Reading for
New "Black" Moon in Aries,
Ashwini Nakshatra,
and the Total Solar Eclipse
April 19th/20th, 2023
Pentacles are always a sign of abundance and the number “7’ represents evolution or hard work paying off. Think 7 days of the week, 7 chakras, 7 deadly sins, etc. When this card is pulled upright it represents the work paying off and success arriving. When we pull the SEVEN OF PENTACLES REVERSED, we’re being told to do things differently in order to succeed. You may be experiencing a limited mindset or leaning into financial lack. Is there work you need to revisit, either emotionally/energetically, spiritually, or physically to help break this way of thinking? Is there something you used to do that perhaps you could do again, this time with more focus, energy, and intention so that it brings you fortune? Trust in the places your energy flows, even if it’s not what you’re used to. The SEVEN OF PENTACLES REVERSED says if we simply approach things differently, we will succeed!
When we pull this card upright, it represents fertility, fruitfulness, and success. When we pull THE SUN REVERSED, it represents doubts around such things, but the promise of still yet a bright future. Perhaps things aren’t playing out the way you wanted to or on the timeline you expected. Perhaps you’ve been doing the work you think you need to do in order to succeed, but now you learn that you need to do something different. It’s interesting that I pull THE SUN card on the day of a total solar eclipse! This card is also represented by the number “19” & both this Black Moon and eclipse are occurring on the 19th of April. Mix in that Seven of Pentacles pulled for our past, and THE SUN is telling us it’s time to take a new approach. Whatever we put our momentum towards this eclipse season will give us matching results. Choose wisely where you direct your energy and efforts.FUTURE CARD:
Never in my years of pulling Tarot cards have I ever pulled THE KNIGHT OF CUPS in a collective reading, and never in any of my readings have I ever pulled all 3 cards reversed! We are certainly entering a time of new beginnings and new energy!Knights in Tarot represent going to battle with something or preparing to. Cups are a representation of relationship, emotion, and creativity. When we pull the KNIGHT OF CUPS REVERSED, we’re being warned of an emotional time ahead. This is likely in regard to a relationship with someone, either romantic, platonic, or professional, and we need to take caution when interacting with this person. Remember, eclipses are about resetting energy and Aries energy is about utilizing fire and burning away what doesn’t serve. Both are influencing our oncoming lunar cycle. Don’t be surprised if people disappoint you, deceive you, or influence you to burn bridges with them over the next few weeks or months ahead. When we don’t separate the bond from someone and we need to, The Universe usually has a way of taking charge to make it happen. This eclipse season is inspiring us to make changes that actually support us in the long run. If you have to let go of someone, trust it’s for your greatest good.
Live Tarot Reading for
New "Black" Moon in Aries
April 19th, 2023
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Libra & Hasta Nakshatra
April 5th, 2023

In our previous reading with the Aries lunar cycle, we pulled the SEVEN OF WANDS in the reversed position as our present card. Now, the card arrives for our past reading in the upright position. 2 weeks ago the Tarot told us to make changes and get rid of whatever was blocking our ascension. Now the cards tell us to pay attention to what rises up from our past after we create space. The number “7” indicates challenging work. Think about navigating the “7 deadly sins,” balancing your 7 main chakras, or sometimes the challenges of dragging through the 7 day week. You may have some things rising up from your past that you need to now work on, but if you continue to focus and put in the energetic and spiritual work, it will be worth it and you will succeed
2 weeks ago I thought this card was telling us to pay attention to the upcoming month of July. In hindsight, I believe it was asking us to look back to the July before, since it was in the reversed position. I’ve now pulled the SEVEN OF WANDS again, this time for the past card, as a gentle reminder to again look back to July 2022. Wands are a symbol of magic, or alchemy. Were you transforming anything at that time or going through a transformation yourself? Were you working on some sort of craft, either through education, training, or simply putting more time and effort into it? If you take notice of anything ask if it needs to come about again. Do you need to put your energy back into that past path? Maybe it helped your evolve before, and now maybe it can support you in evolving in a new way! If anything comes up around what you love to do, make sure to give it more attention.
Pentacles represent fortune and abundance. The KING OF PENTACLES arrives as our present card to remind us of how blessed we truly are. Each of us has a special, unique gift, given to us by Source/The Universe/Etc. that brings us more joy. When we learn to spend time with that personal passion, we start to find ways to share it more confidently with the world. The KING OF PENTACLES is stable, grounded, and financially sound. He has learned to cultivate his magic and he is supported as he displays what he can do in the world. We are currently under the full moon of Libra, a passionate moon that pursues hobbies, joy, and love. Both the moon and the Tarot are guiding us to do more out of our heart. When we spend time doing what we enjoy, we feel more joyful and abundant, no matter the bank account amount we’re living on.The KING OF PENTACLES also represents actual financial abundance through the support of your talents. If there’s something you wish you could do for a living—something that you’re naturally good at or naturally enjoy—you now have a window of opportunity to do it. We are in the season of spring, and just like it’s time to start planting in nature, it’s also time to start planting your seeds and roots of intention. Use this full moon to plan to do more of what you enjoy, and to find balance between your passions and your professions.
With the upcoming eclipse season, I’m not surprised the WHEEL OF FORTUNE arrives as our future card. It is likely we will come to a crossroads under this new moon and total solar eclipse, and in pure Aries new moon fashion, we will have to make a quick decision in order to make change. It’s also important that we don’t look back. Nothing can ever be as it was before, so we must embrace thee future of endless possibility. By the next new moon in Aries and the total solar eclipse in 2 weeks, you should feel like you have the fire you need to burn bridges and walk away.This card is ruled by Jupiter, who is currently in Aries with the sun. Jupiter is the Planet of Expansion, and with Aries fueling the energy it is time to embrace all of the ways we can grow. If you notice the same scenarios, predicaments, or people arriving into your life over the next months or so, ask yourself if you want to repeat your past or experience a new, more stimulating future. There is no right or wrong—you may be comfortable just where you are, learning the same things, and that’s ok!—but whatever you choose could set a standard for awhile. Not only do we have a total solar eclipse in 2 weeks, but we also have a Mercury retrograde happening 2 days later. The cosmos might be a little backwards and confusing right now. Pay attention to what comes your way through the feeling of dejavu.
Live Tarot Reading for
Full Moon in Aries
April 5th, 2023
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Aries & Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra
March 21st, 2023

We are in the third month of the year and have now moved from winter into spring. The THREE OF SWORDS arrives for our past card and brings awareness to this letting go. Swords are always about separation. We are learning to let go of winter’s darkness and return to the sunlight. In our energy body this represents letting go of old programming or ancestral behaviors that no longer serve. We see this with the red square, depicting our root chakra. This shift from dark to light is also found in the heart center (pink surroundings on card), as we are learning to release embarrassment, shame, and other low frequencies around past efforts in order to finally go to battle and find victory toward our dreams.
THE THREE OF SWORDS guides us to let go of ideas that never came to fruition and let go of distractions we’ve been using to avoid our actual purpose. We’re being guided to let go of what never was in order to make space for what never has happened before—THE NEW. This card is asking us to let go of what’s blocking our fullest potential. Get to the root cause (red square on card) of your limiting mindset and behaviors, so you can shift your energy toward a higher heart-driven frequency for good.
What’s holding you back from your next evolution? Wands always represent magic, but when they’re pointed down the flow is debilitated. The number “7” represents ascension. When we pull the SEVEN OF WANDS REVERSED there’s something blocking us from our actual potential. Your next life is there and angelically waiting on you, but you may be letting others in lower frequency drain your energy or hold you back from working toward your goals. You may also be the culprit of this blockage. If you’re self-sabotaging, it’s time to get real with yourself and make changes to break these patterns of behavior.Notice how the past card was rooted in our foundation and heart (red/pink) and this present card focuses on solar plexus and heart (yellow/green). Both our heart centered. We must learn to let go of what tethers us back but also move our fire, focus, and creativity towards our actual magic and heart’s desires. Keep the intention heart-focused no matter what you are working on.
The “7” on this card could also represent the month of July. By then we’ll be in the next season of summer. If your energetic flow has been restricted, take this spring to reverse your magic and move it upward so you experience the rest of this year with more joy.
The REVERSED SEVEN OF WANDS may also represent inherent gifts or old talents you’ve ignored coming back around. This card could also mean using what you’re blessed with to create a more supported life or financial gain. With this lunar cycle bringing a total solar eclipse (total eclipse of the heart on the cards) it’s time to really decide where you want to direct your fire.
Are you ruling your life in the proper way? Usually THE EMPEROR card represents ruling your life with ease, but when we pull it reversed it indicates a loss of power. This card rules Aries, arriving in time for us to check ourselves this season. You may be debilitating yourself or holding yourself back from your best future. If you’ve been self-sabotaging through limiting mindsets, behaviors, or both, it’s time to take back your power.This Aries season will give us a second chance to redirect our energy. Notice how we pull the REVERSED EMPEROR as our future card. I believe this predicts the future Total Solar Eclipse in Aries occurring on April 19th. This will also be a rare “black” moon and an opportunity for us to reflect on what we’ve been working on. We will have the decision to continue moving forward in the same direction or to redirect our path by the time this season is over. Notice the number “4” on the card. Aries season ends in April. Pay attention to what comes your way between now and then.
Live Tarot Reading for
New Moon in Aries
March 21st, 2023
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Virgo & Purva Phalguni Nakshatra
March 6th/7th, 2023

We are on the other side of winter now, and our sun is increasing in strength, length, and energy. THE SUN card arrives to remind us that darkness is no longer allowed to rule.
You may have spent these past few weeks or months battling seasonal depression, addiction, or other forms of darkness. Now a new energy comes to help brighten the mood. This is the last full moon of winter, and it’s time to release the cold, dark energy of winter so you can open up to the light. So much opportunity comes with longer, warmer days! Get yourself ready to receive that energy!
This card is represented by the number “19” or “10" (1+9). You are moving into your next chapter and evolution. The return of the sun after Winer Solstice reminds us that tough times bring darkness, but every night has it’s dawn and new day. This lunar cycle is a time of rebirth. Use your past as motivation to reinvent yourself. Find the blessings, the wisdom, and what you’ve gained from the experience, rather than the emotional victim-fueled attachments. It’s time to shift out of this mentality and use a mindset of abundance to move forward toward your future with an evolved, more light-hearted attitude.
The QUEEN OF CUPS invites us to relax and enjoy the pleasures of life. On the card, the royal otter floats in the water, sipping her tea while waving to her haters. We are invited now to cut ties with energetic relationships that tax our energy and move into a life with more ease, support, and joy! Bring in the current alignment of Jupiter and Venus, and we’re being asked to focus on what’s pleasurable rather than what brings us down. If there’s something pulling you away from the flow of your life, use this full moon portal to let it go.The QUEEN OF CUPS also embodies Venus energy. This moon is in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra in Vedic astrology and governed by Venus, The Planet of Love, Pleasure, and Feminine Energy. This full moon portal is a time of relaxation and enjoyment. Use this time to take in the pleasures of life while also taking in plenty of self-care.
You are still learning how to embrace your gifts and magic, but you’re figuring it out along the way! The KNIGHT OF WANDS represents learning through experience, and your ambition is enough to drive you to keep going when challenges arise. Over time you start to become an expert in battle, and you start to see what’s ahead out of hindsight and experience. The pyramids on this card represent great victories and a recognition of what you’ve been through. The hawk on the card represents seeing the future ahead. Use your predictability as a way of strengthening your intuition. You know more than you realize.The hawk on this card also represents a hawk-like focus on your dreams and your future. It’s not only time to think about what you want, but it’s time to go after it like a bird of prey on the hungry hunt! Use your vision to fuel your forward, and use your insight to follow any steps you’re guided to get there.
Live Tarot Reading for
Full Moon in Virgo
March 6th, 2023
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Pisces & Shatabisha Nakshatra
February 20th, 2023
Ground into the version of who you are ready to become! The number “9” is a symbol of rebirth, and swords are always a sign of detachment. It’s time to get rid of things related to your old self and old programming and cut ties with behaviors that may have not come from you originally. Maybe you were indoctrinated during your childhood, maybe you absorbed a certain mindset while in the womb, or maybe you inherited generational karma through your bloodline. Regardless, it’s time to make a decision on what you want to cut ties with and what you want to carry forward. Follow YOUR heart for it knows YOUR truth and YOUR desires. It also knows what and who is worthy of your next chapter.
Remember that it’s always darkest before the dawn. As you step into a new version of yourself, the NINE OF SWORDS tells you there may be times of darkness. Letting go of old self and old ways forms a grief within you, leading to sadness and possible depression. It’s important to find ways to rise back up again. If your current techniques are not working, this card is guiding you to seek alternative paths or a different kind of help to get you back where you need to be.
The REVERSED KNIGHT OF PENTACLES asks you to ground into your abundance. The Knight is always a sign of going to battle, and this card guides you to ground into the work it takes to achieve your dreams. Go to battle with your limiting mindsets and personal glass ceilings. Trust that you can gain victory, no matter the challenge that comes your way!The REVERSED KNIGHT OF PENTACLES also cautions you to move carefully through any financial endeavors or offers. The reversal of the card indicates much work could be done with little return. This could could also be a sign of the general ups and downs of business. With the pull happening in the present, under the energy of a Pisces moon, we are reminded that everything its cyclical. If you’re feeling down about your professional or financial ventures, it’s time to shift your energy to rise up again. If you’re riding high on the waves of success, it might be time to humble yourself and find ways to lower your level to something more relatable. The key is to find balance. Whatever you’re doing for financial gain right now, be cautious and logical with any decision making, and keep a steady pace toward your final objective instead of making excuses, becoming complacent, or allowing your dreams to dim.
We are again asked to ground in, this time with our spiritual practices. The REVERSED HIGH PRIESTESS guides us to attune to our spiritual practices, so we’re more grounded in our faith and our heartfelt truth. You may soon find out a certain fact or piece of knowledge or person you’ve gathered information from is unauthentic or false. You may even have to go against someone you’ve trusted for a long time, like a family member or teacher. The stronger you are in your own spirituality, the easier it will be to form your own person truth from your own. Trust in your own beliefs no matter what comes your way!This is a potent time to get in tune with the moon, especially if you are female and even more importantly if you are a bleeding female. Use the lunar phases to help you stay balanced, peaceful, and in tune. The REVERSED HIGH PRIESTESS also guides you to ground into your spiritual gifts and have faith in how they can support you in your near future. The pomegranate on this card represents the sweetness of life your enjoy, while the book represents the knowledge you both take in and share. The more you learn to live your spiritual life in a way that inspires others, the more fruitful your own life will become!
Live Tarot Reading for
New Moon in Pisces
February 20th, 2023
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Leo & Ashlesha Nakshatra
February 5th, 2023
Symbolized by the number “3,” THE EMPRESS card represents energies of fertility, abundance, and peaceful harmony. Pulling this as the past card represents the seeds we’ve planted earlier this lunar new year or earlier in January, that are now in the works of growing and becoming fruitful. The key is, we must continue to tend to our fruits, and trust in the co-creative potential of our future reality. Notice on the card how THE EMPRESS sits leisurely under the apple tree, with shield in hand. She waits for the fruit to fall while she peaceful protects her energy. You are being called to do the same. This first lunar cycle is about setting the standard for what you want and how you want to get it. Lean into all possibilities, including those that help you attain your dream life with ease!
The karma of the previous eclipse season and series is now paying up. As we prepare to shift into a new eclipse energy—that of Aries/Libra—we are now being served what’s fair in light of our efforts. This could go back as far as fall 2020, so pay attention to what may come up as a result right now out of the past 1-2 years. The results of our actions do not always come back to us right away. Some things take time to develop. As you navigate the next few months until the new eclipse season starts, take note of what’s coming around that you do not want to repeat again.FUTURE CARD:
With the JUDGEMENT card arriving under the first full moon of the lunar year, this might be time to release ony judgements you have on yourself for not living up to your own expectations. 90+% of people have fallen off of their resolutions, and even if you haven’t, energy is still contagious and we still take on the energy of the collective. Do not judge yourself if you are not where you yet in this new year. Trust that your efforts will pay off if you continue to be fair to yourself as you balance your days. Above all else, remember, that what we put out, we get back, so use the Law of Attraction to keep your momentum moving forward! On this card, the angel blows the trumpet before the end of the world! You, too, are likely on the brink of an entirely new evolution!RECORDING:
Live Tarot Reading for
Full Moon in Leo
February 5th, 2023
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Aquarius, Lunar New Year,
& Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra
January 21st, 2023
New prosperous beginnings are one the rise! Pentacles are always a sign of fortune, and the ACE OF PENTACLES represents the fruits or rewards of our efforts. Pulling this as a past card reminds us to find the “gold” in our past experiences, especially the past 2 years. What joy did you gain since 2020? What pleasures and interests? What forms of creativity came about? How is your actual money situation after these past 2 years? The ACE OF PENTACLES doesn’t want us to dwell on the negative or hold ourself in regret! The past is the past and it’s time to move forward! Use this lunar new year portal to reflect on your recent past, and find the wisdom you’ve gained out of your experiences. The more you can hold gratitude for all you’ve been through, the more you will have to be thankful for moving forward into the future!
Cups are a symbol of emotion, and with this New SUPERMOON coming into play I have no doubt we’re feeling A LOT right now. Don’t be surprised if this full moon triggers deep seeded memories or feels. The FIVE OF CUPS tells us these feelings need to be processed. Our sacral chakra is where we process emotions and also where we hold pleasure and creativity. We must move our emotions through so we stay in flow! Under this new moon, get in touch with your feelings through meditation, journaling, therapy, etc. Find ways to alchemize how these feelings attach to you and impact you. The more balance you find with your energy now, the more aligned you will feel to work on your goals coming out of this supermen portal.FUTURE CARD:
During the full moon, I pulled THE FOOL REVERSED as our future card. Now I pull THE WORLD, the card coming at the end of one journey and the beginning’s of The Fool’s next. This is a card of new beginnings, and we are on the cusp of an entirely different cosmic setup! We have moved into the Age of Aquarius and under this new moon Saturn finally shifts from Capricorn into Aquarius, too. This is a time to move toward community and comradely. It’s time to listen to each others’ stories and empathize more. It’s time to initiate ourselves into acts of service and humanitarian ways. This world can’t operate when everyone is selfish. We must learn to come together and work together in order to survive! Use this new moon portal to set intentions for your future around sustainability, community, and positive growth for all. When we think about our actions and the impact we make, we walk through this life much more conscious.BONUS CARD FOR THE LUNAR NEW YEAR:
It’s time to get more grounded and build a more solid foundation. Swords are always a sign of detachment, and the THREE OF SWORDS asks us to sever any relationships that no longer serve. This may be in the form of friendship, family, or romantic partner, but it could also relate to our relationships with food, technology, addictive substances, work, etc. Use this new moon and lunar new year to check in with ALL of your energetic exchanges. Anything that isn’t serving your next best evolution needs to go. Make change quickly and don’t look back! The more you let go of old ways and programming with ease, the less resistance you will have with adapting to this new world and what’s ahead!RECORDING:
Live Tarot Reading for
New Moon in Aquarius & Lunar New Year
January 21st, 2023
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Cancer
& Punarvasu Nakshatra
January 6th, 2022
With this full moon we have almost journeyed through the first week of this “7” year. 2+0+2+3=7, and this number represents completion, evolution, and the next chapter. Think “Seven Deadly Sins” or “7 Days of the Week”. It’s time to let go of what the past has given us, and embrace what’s ahead in the next chapter. Wands always represent magic and alchemy, and the SEVEN OF WANDS reminds us that we are co-creators of our reality. The past does not condition us to what we can receive or experience in the future, and as we move into this new year ahead it’s time to open ourselves up to new and exciting possibilities.
This card can also represent hard work paying off. If you’ve been on a spiritual journey, or if you’ve been working towards something, now is the time to celebrate how far you’ve come. The SEVEN OF WANDS tells you The Universe recognizes all you’ve done, and promises the reward WILL come in due time. Trust in the work you’ve already done and continue to open yourselves up to new challenges, so you are always evolving and growing into your best self and best life possible.
Aces always represent new beginnings, and swords represent a time to move on. The ACE OF SWORDS arrives as our present card, reminding us that we are in a new year with possibilities we can’t even imagine yet. Similar to the Seven of Wands, this card is asking us to cut ties with the past. We no longer need to let our past experiences condition what’s ahead. We no longer need to let our emotional attachments to our past hold us back from growing into our future. Notice the card and the rope the sword slices through. This is the severing of karmic knots, and every time we change the way we allow the past to impact us, we open up a new portal and a new future. Embrace what you let go of under this full moon and trust that you are creating space for what’s ahead. The ACE OF SWORDS also reminds you that your blade is sharp and you can detach with ease. Let go of what no longer serves you with one quick stroke, and don’t look back as you move forward!
We are currently in Mercury retrograde until January 18th, causes hiccups in travels or other plans to move forward. Even soul journeys can feel “stuck” right now, and THE FOOL card shows up to remind us it may still be this way for a few weeks ahead. When upright, this card represents a new journey and the leap of faith it takes to make the first steps. When we pull the card reversed, we are thrown into a halt usually for reasons out of our circumstances. This Divine intervention is calling us to attention to make sure the action we’re about to take is REALLY what aligns with our spirit. Are we trying to make a rash shift with the new year, or do we need to take some time before we make a decision?For this deck, THE FOOL card is represented by the story of The Little Mermaid, who gives up her voice (literally Mercury!) to pursuit her love. I find it funny I pull a mermaid card, as Capricorn season, or the sign of the Cosmic
Mermaid/Merman, is still here until January 20th. We typically find ourselves muted towards our goals by the 3rd week of the year, or at least 80% of people who set new year’s resolutions have this experience. If you find yourself in that statistic, don’t judge yourself! The energy of both Mars and Mercury retrogrades does not support us to move forward! Add in a full moon the first weekend of the year and these first 3 weeks of January are more about release than creating or receiving. Use these next couple of weeks until Lunar New Year and Aquarius season on January 20th to pursuit more of your desires. By then you should have a clearer head around what you really want versus what you called to out of ego or pressure.
Nine is always a number of rebirth and the swords come into our reading to remind us once again to detach with ease. It’s time to let go of our old self and old ways. We no longer make the same choices as we used to or behave in the same way. We have become a new person and it’s time to own this new version we’re trying to live through. Combine the nine with the number “7” representing 2023, and we are being told the birthing process happens now. We have been through challenges that have evolved us to a level we can no longer decline from, and now we’re giving new opportunity to navigate this New Earth as the being we’ve become. The NINE OF SWORDS is about making choices, and when we find the card reversed we no longer make the ones we did before. Perhaps you overcome addiction n this year, or you find yourself no longer giving your energy to others who do not deserve it. As you reclaim this new year and new time of opportunity, embrace the New You that does things differently! We cannot grow if we do not change. Use this full moon to release the karmic patterns and generational programming that no longer matches who you are in this time and existence.RECORDING:
Live Tarot Reading for
Full Moon in Cancer
January 5th, 2023
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Capricorn
& Mula Nakshatra
December 23rd, 2022
We’ve just wrapped up Sagittarius season, the sign of The Cosmic Cheerleader and encourager of dreams. This has been a time of exploring our joy and finding ways to grow it. Add in Mars retrograde, who is still spinning backwards until January 12th, and we find ourselves inspired to find professional support around what we love to do. The THREE OF PENTACLES also encourages us to follow our gifts and creative ventures to the point of a possible business or financial payoff. Notice the card. Orange, the color of sacral chakra and creative flow/intuitive gifts is surrounded by yellow, the color of the solar plexus and center of joy. We CAN live a life surrounded with joy! We CAN live a life where our gifts and abilities are supported. Let the THREE OF PENTACLES encourage you to continue carving out time for the things you truly want to do.
It’s interesting that I pull THE STAR card for our present read, considering Venus is just starting to make her appearance as evening star. Venus is also currently aligned with the sun and moon in Capricorn, exalting the energy of The Cosmic Mermaid/Merman even more. This merging of yin(Venus/Moon) energy with yang (sun) is reminding us to find balance between the internal and external. The holidays are a busy time, full of social interaction and probable overstimulation. It’s also a time when we tend to give more than we focus on receiving, because even when we are given a gift we immediately feel obligated to turn around and gift back. Part of this is Capricorn energy, ruled by Saturn and karma itself, but we can still take the reigns on our own energetic exchanges. Notice how the angel on the card is pouring both into the river and into the earth. This Capricorn New Moon reminds us to be both fluid and fun AND grounded and logical. Celebrate the holidays with moderation, and make sure to create “me” time and acts of self-care amongst all you have to show up to.THE STAR card also represents new beginnings. This New Moon falls 2 days after winter solstice and 2 days into Capricorn season. Next weekend we will dive into another Mercury Retrograde, and the energy will be different. Take advantage NOW to set goals and intentions for the new year, and perhaps start shifting towards those dreams before Mercury goes retrograde on December 29th. Take the holiday weekend to rest, enjoy, and celebrate, then ground into Monday with actionable baby steps towards what you desire in 2023.
It’s time to master our emotions and rule our lives, but still allow a little give and fluidity along the way. The KING OF CUPS has been through the challenges it takes to rule his kingdom, but he sometimes spends TOO much time focusing on the root cause rather than moving forward. The new year is always a time of reflection, but it’s important not to dwell on the past. Exploring our emotions, shadows, and traumas is important to healing, but we mustn’t let emotional attachment cause us to fall into victim mode. Surround your past with love and grace, knowing you are a different person know who rules with more energetic and emotional stability.The KING OF CUPS card also encourages us to take a break from the hard work from time to time. Constantly working on ourselves can become a chore. The energetic drain of shadow work and emotional alchemy can sometimes hold us back from growth more than it helps us. New Moons are usually about getting serious around our future, but they’re also a time of setting standards. If you want more joy, fun, and celebration in your life, use this new moon portal through the holiday weekend to light up your life with the excitement you need. Take time to let loose and simply be in the moment. Not everything has to be so serious! Let yourself liven up so you can lighten your frequency.
2022 was a “6” year, and we find ourselves with the SIX OF SWORDS as we wrap up this year and prepare for what’s to come. Swords are always a symbol of change. This card is asking us to detach from this year and move forward with new ambition. This card also encourages us to “carry our sword” into this next season of winter and hold it strong in the new year. With the number “6” representing community/family, you may feel the desire to set stronger boundaries around this you known this season. Capricorn energy is stubborn and independent, and with this new moon falling 2 days into Capricorn season and the season of winter, it’s time to move into the future with a “take no fucks” mentality.Protecting your energy is important right now, because there is still work to do. The year “2023” is a “7” year, representing evolution, insight, and deep change. Shifting is never easy for humans or their egos, and this next year could come with challenges, both personally and on the collective. The SIX OF SWORDS encourages us to wrap up this year with rest, reflection, and deeply intent focus on our desired future. We have the ability to create whatever reality we choose, but we may have to make some hard choices along the way. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself cutting chords this season, The Universe is asking you to make way for things that are more supportive for you!
Live Tarot Reading for
New Moon in Capricorn
December 23rd, 2022
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Gemini
& Rohini Nakshatra
December 7th, 2022

Anytime we pull a card with pentacles, it signifies fortune and success. The number “9” depicts completion. When we pull the Nine of Pentacles, it usually symbolized hard work paying off, but when we pull the NINE OF PENTACLES REVERSED, we’re being told not to work so hard! Money isn’t everything. Time freedom, hobby freedom, and travel freedom are important, too! This card is telling us to look back on our past and search for alternative ways to earn a living. Do we have a creative outlet we could be using to produce material goods? Do we have a gift or service we could offer at value? If you’ve ever had a dream do what you love for living, now is the time to work on it! Notice the ribbon on the card. Orange and Yellow combine to fuel sacral chakra into solar plexus. This is creative, personal interests moving into work, joy, and professional life. Also take note of the black on the ribbon. These are our shadows, limitations, and self-limiting beliefs. The journey of entrepreneurship will also be an up and down path. Take these last few weeks of the year to figure out how you want to earn income in 2023, and start taking action to make it happen, instead of just dreaming about it!
Are you experiencing restlessness? Do you have an itch to get away? The EIGHT OF WANDS signifies ease of travel, especially when it’s for pleasure. Add in the current season of Sagittarius, and this is definitely a time to explore the world! The wands indicate that you may even have magical experiences when you travel right now or plan a vacation!Notice how the orange ribbon on this card weaves through the wands with ease. This is a good time to plan travel around your personal interests. Your only limitation will be Mars, who comes into play and causes more road accidents than normal. Be alert and aware if you are driving around this full moon, and be careful not to get distracted with that full moon Gemini energy! And don’t let this card give you travel anxiety! Gemini energy is all about reflecting back what you put out. Envision that you will have smooth travels, and trust that it will be true!
This is also a time to envision the trips of your dreams. Create a potential itinerary in a place you want to go or start looking into booking hotels and flights, if you can! Anything you do right now toward your dreams should move forward with ease, even if it’s a plan for your future.
For our future card we again have a reversed pentacles, this time with the number “6”. Six is the number of community, family, and magick. It’s also the number of 2022 “2+0+2+2). When we pull the SIX OF PENTACLES REVERSED, we’re being told to take caution with our gifts and our fortune. In these last few weeks of the year, notice if anything seems “magically prosperous” or almost “too good to be true” when it comes to money. If you make investments over these next few weeks towards such things your returns may be short-lived. Alternatively, if you’re being called on to use your gifts in these next few weeks with new people or groups, it may not be the right path for you. The SIX OF PENTACLES REVERSED tells us to protect our energy, so we don’t get taken advantage of.Sagittarius season still has a few weeks to go. I like to call this sign the “Santa Clause” of the zodiac, because they love to give to others. This is also a time of year when we tend to be more charitable. Anything you give out monetarily right now should not be expected to return. With charity, we should always be giving in this manner, but we don’t always do this when others come to us in times of need. If you loan money to someone over these last few weeks of the year, don’t expect to get it back from them. However, Pentacles are always a sign of prosperity, and loaning money you have to give with an open heart WILL result in your receiving back the energy in a different form.
Live Tarot Reading for
Full Moon
in Gemini
December 7th, 2022
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Sagittarius
& Anuradha Nakshatra
November 23rd, 2022
Five is a number of growth, and with both Scorpio season behind us and Sagittarius season with us now, we are certainly focused on transformation! Cups are a symbol of emotions, fluidity, and time. It has taken us some time to do the hard work, but we now find ourselves on the other side of things more emotionally stable.
The FIVE OF CUPS in particular can signify growth out of loss. You may have spent this last eclipse season really shedding and letting go of what no longer serves. Whether it’s the severance of a relationship, a job, a friendship, or something material, anytime we give up or “lose” something we go through grief. One of the best ways to heal is to remember that every loss leaves on opening for potential. Ask yourself what you can grow in the hole from which you pulled the weed. Sagittarius season is a time of positivity. If you’re going through grief, shift your perspective from sadness to possibility.
I pulled the SEVEN OF PENTACLES underneath the eclipsed blood moon during our past Tarot reading.Now, it arrives again as our present card, and I even pulled from a different deck!
I believe this card arrives because Mars is still retrograde and we still have work to do.
Mercury and Venus are currently in a planetary war, limiting our expression and encouraging us to be more yang than yin. We also may deal with struggles around technology, communication, artistry, or inspiration.
When you struggle with a limiting mindset, remember your accomplishments rather than your struggles. In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Anuradha Nakshatra, or “The Star of Success”. In western astrology, we are navigating a positive new moon in Sagittarius and American Thanksgiving. This is a time to reflect on your harvest and the abundance both you’ve created and received. When we focus on the light rather than the darkness, we can’t help but shine and attract more.
The SEVEN OF PENTACLES REVERSED also encourages us to do “work” a different way. This card is related to solar plexus energy, a place where we cultivate both our career and our happiness. It’s no coincidence both reside here, and it’s important to use this new moon to create a life worth really living! If you have a certain craft, gift, or other service, now is the time to trust in its ability to support you. The holidays are a perfect time to put yourself out there, because people are usually more supportive and encouraging. If you’ve been wanting to shift your professional life, now is the time to take steps toward doing so.
For our future card we find more cups, this time with the NINE OF CUPS REVERSED. The number nine symbolizes wholeness, fertility, fruitfulness, and a sense of completion. Cups relate to our emotional stability and creative flow. All of these energies usually come as a result of our own control, but the NINE OF CUPS REVERSED warns us to expect the unexpected. Mercury is currently behind the sun but will soon rise as evening star. When this happens, expressions may come forward and big announcements could occur that shift our lives. Venus will also be rising as evening star under this Sagittarius lunar cycle, bringing a need to slow down and pay attention to what’s more important in life. Use this holiday season to cultivation attitude of gratitude, so you continue to radiate positivity when things don’t go as planned.RECORDING:
Live Tarot Reading for
New Moon
in Sagittarius
November 23rd, 2022
Tarot Reading for Full "Blood" Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
& Bharani Nakshatra
November 7th/8th, 2022
The QUEEN OF CUPS is all abut feminine energy, and Venus seems to be ruling not only this full blood moon, but this entire eclipse portal. Over this Scorpio season, she has moved behind the sun, taking on the journey of Inanna and her descent to her sister Erishkigel in the underworld. We, too, are taking a journey into the shadows, both in the natural world and within. We are moving into colder, darker, longer nights and shorter days of sunlight. We are also energetically in what we call our “shadow season”. This is a time for us to go deep within your psyche, our childhood, and our traumas or emotional disruptions. We learn to navigate this side of ourself and surround it with gratitude and love, much like Inanna learns to love her Sister, no matter how deep in the darkness she has to go to get there. During this Scorpio season, this autumn and winter, and especially this eclipsed moon portal, pay attention to the parts of you that you’ve been hiding. It’s time to shine light on all facets of yourself so you can feel whole again.
The QUEEN OF CUPS rules with emotional stability, guided by the wisdom of her blood mysteries, her intuition, her inner sacred gifts, and more. You, too, are being shown your psychic abilities and more at this time. Scorpio season is a time of mystery and diving into “the woo’. Use this time to turn more within and to also fulfill any curiosities you have around the metaphysical or spirituality as a whole. With Venus combust, it’s time to dive into our inner truth and sanctuary to discover the answers and guidance we are seeking.
Mercury isn’t currently retrograde, but it certainly feels like it! That’s because he’s Cazimi, or directly behind the sun and combust with this eclipsed full moon. That also means Mercury is opposing this moon, disrupting our energy more than normal in the realms of communication, technology, and expression.In Greek mythology, Mercury is interpreted as Hermes, or “The Trickster”. In The Tarot, Mercury shows up as The Magician Card. In our pull we come up with the PAGE OF WANDS REVERSED, a representation of a magician in training. The apprentice of magic is still learning, and we, too, may still be learning to cultivate our own unique gifts or emotional alchemy. Mercury is also related to contracts and trade, and both the PAGE OF WANDS and Mercury Cazimi combined with this eclipse indicate the opportunity for deep, karmic, long-term agreements to come about. This is the last total lunar eclipse or full blood moon until 2025, so whatever you do right now will absolutely set the foundation for the next 2 years. However, it’s likely your choices will impact you even longer, so make sure you’re aware of the opportunities and choices that present themselves.
Seven is the number of transcenssion, evolution, or a sense of feeling complete. Think 7 chakras, 7 days of the week, 7 deadly sins, etc. Pentacles are a symbol of abundance and fortune. When we pull the SEVEN OF PENtACLES REVERSED, we may experience financial struggle or restrictions on our expansion.This is arising out of a limiting mindset. In truth, we are all co-creators of our reality and contain the manifestation magick to cultivate endless abundance. The other truth is, we tend to be ruled by our ego, where the victim mode thrives. If you’ve ever experienced poverty, financial struggle, or challenges around security, you may feel those old traumas rising up again now. We are in eclipse season, where we can be triggered from our past to help us redirect our future. Remember that your future can be bright no matter your past, but it’s up to you to believe in it.
This full moon is in Taurus on the western side of the world and in Bharani Nakshatra, or the “Star of Creation” in the eastern part of the world. Both indicate a time of fertility and creativity, and the moon is aligned with this eclipse to help spark and ignite new ideas, a more creative flow, or other means of creating the security you crave. Remember, eclipse season is a time when we can completely shift our energy, so allow yourself to change focus if you need to. Also notice the yellow and orange on this card. This signifies us doing “work” (solar plexus chakra) or pursuing a professional life out of our hobbies, pleasures, and creative gifts/interests (sacral chakra). This focus on chakras is important, for the “7” on this card tells us to pay attention to managing our energy.
There’s also a certain focus on the work life, through the 7 days of the week point=of-view. With Mars currently retrograde until January 12th, this is the perfect time to turn more within and start asking ourselves if we’re doing what we truly WANT to do to earn a living. Even if you can’t commit even to part time hours, make sure you’re using this eclipse to focus your energy on the things you love to do, even if it’s a few moments a week. Energy flows where intention goes, and if you do this with the energy of this eclipse, you could see yourself in a few years fully supported doing what you love or having a life beyond what you could have ever imagined!
Live Tarot Reading for
Full "Blood" Moon
& Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
November 3rd, 2022
Tarot Reading for New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Scorpio
& Swati Nakshatra
October 24th/25th, 2022
Symbolized by the number 3, this card represents the process of life, death, and rebirth through the energy of the feminine. I have no doubt I pull this for our past card, as we just entered Scorpio season, the sign of a triple archetype and DEEP sexual feminine energy, just a few days ago. On the same day, Venus, the planet of the feminine ruling THE EMPRESS CARD, went combust into the sun. When this happens, we all this a “Cazimi,” and it exalts the sign’s energy. THE EMPRESS rules her life in sovereignty. She indulges in her pleasures and trusts in her fertility to produce both offspring and any reality she desires to co-create. Our own energy is also exalted in this way right now. During Scorpio season and under this Scorpio Eclipsed New Moon, give yourself permission to rule your life just as you want to.
THE EMPRESS card also depicts stability in all realms of life. She is secure, because she trusts in her intuition, her emotions, and she leans into her “flow.” This is a time for all of us, whether we bleed monthly or not, where we slow down and find ourselves with more inner wisdom than normal. Sometimes this simply happens under the energy of the new moon. If you are a bleeding wombmxn, THE EMPRESS is asking you to get in tune with your monthly cycle and the wisdom it brings. The more you do, the more stability you will find. If you are a man, mxn, or non bleeding wombmxn, this card is telling you to pay attention to that time each lunar cycle where you feel more intuitive. The more you learn to trust in what comes to you, the more secure you will feel in your gifts, your understandings, and your journey.
Everything is a cycle of energy. Just as the heart (pink on the card) sends blood out (red on the card), only for that blood to be returned and cycled through again, everything is a reciprocative process. I pull the EIGHT OF SWORDS as our present card, a message for us under an eclipsed Scorpio new moon.Scorpio is the sign of transformation. Symbolized by the life-death-rebirth cycle, this sign helps us understand how energy is contained, processed, and then transferred. This is also a season where we understand that energy is infinite, symbolized by the number “8” on this card. This is a season when we celebrate death rather than life, for we know that life could not have occurred without the death, too.
We’ve all probably heard that statement “everything happens for a reason,” and there is always truth In cliche’.
The EIGHT OF SWORDS tells us that some things happen out of Divine Intervention or Natural Disaster. We cannot always control the external, but we can always stabilize the internal. Under this new moon, set the intention to stick to practices that ground you and balance you, so you’re more equipped for what’s to come over the next 6 months with the wrapping up of this eclipse series. This is always a “what goes around, comes around” energy, so don’t be surprised if you experience dejavu.
A perfect card to pull for our future, THE DEVIL CARD arrives to symbolize the upcoming celebrations of Halloween, Samhain, Dia de Los Muertos, All-Saints Day, and more! I also find this an interesting card to pull now, as Venus just combusted on October 22nd and began her journey into the underworld, which will can last around 50-80 days in the cosmos. This represents the descent of Inanna to her sister Erishkigal, her reflective twin in the Underworld, and our own internal journey into the darkness as we navigate our shadows, our traumas, our darkness, and eventually, again, our light.THE DEVIL CARD represents evolutionary opportunity. On one side of the devil is the dark angel, tempting you to play the victim mode your ego loves and stay in the same loop of despair and destruction. The light angel asks you to also embrace despair and destruction, but a new level of both that will help you become a better person closer to your goals and soulful intentions. Notice how both will be a “hell” of a journey, but one keeps you trapped where you are and the other helps you rise above.
Another aspect of this card is the number “6”. Represented by “15=1+5=6,” this number represents magick. Scorpio season is a time of diving into the magick of the unknown, and eclipse season gives us the opportunity to embrace our own magick to co-create and transform. The number “6” also represents community. We are moving into a future society where the metaphysical and “woo” are more accepted. This card encourages you to go where your curiosities lie and it will likely bring you key wisdom and understanding. This card also pushes you to find your community. Scorpio energy likes to isolate. While it’s good to spend time alone, it’s also beneficial to find people who feel and believe ion the same way as you do. Set an intention with this new moon to find your tribe, and make sure to stick to them for guidance and support if things get a little hellish along your journey.
Live Tarot Reading for
New Moon in Capricorn
January 2nd, 2022
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Aries
& Revati Nakshatra
October 8th/9th, 2022
Typically, the SEVEN OF CUPS represents enlightenment and spiritual journey, but when we find the card REVERSED we’re asked to ground back into reality. We cannot have light without darkness. We cannot embrace happiness without sadness. Everything is in polarity. Pulling this card for our past message signifies a need to continue to reflect on the parts of our historic record that may be pulling us down or preventing us from evolving. We need to especially be attentive to shadow work if we’re on a spiritual journey, because the more we rise the more disconnected we may become. In order to fully experience this earth school and human reality, we must embrace ALL aspects of our life, our choices, our past, and our experiences.
Ultimately, the REVERSED SEVEN OF CUPS asks us to move everything through the heart. When we think about our 7 chakras, all is balanced at the heart. This is where air resides, and this element is strong with our current season of autumn. Air can help us to think about things in a more philosophical fashion, and air helps us to breathe into and through things. Air also helps us to communicate. Give yourself the opportunity with this Libra season to air out your past and the “skeletons” in your closet, wrap everything with the love of your heart, and trust that the grounding and rooting you do will result in more growth than you could ever imagine.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and this Aries full moon is ushering in an opportunity for new beginnings! Just like we can plant bulbs in the autumn for harvest in spring, now is the time to also plant seeds of intention for the life we want to see blossom in 2023. This moon happens to align with Jupiter, the planet of joy and abundance, and honours Lakshmi, the goddess of fortune and prosperity. All energies are pointing toward us focusing on our dreams and co-creating our reality! Use the energy of this moon to release what doesn’t serve your next evolution, and use the light of this moon to help guide you onto the path where you most need to go.
As above, so below. As within, so without. Two is always a number of duality and pentacles always represent abundance. The TWO OF PENTACLES REVERSED reminds us that what goes around comes around. If we’re feeling stuck in our energy, we most move our body externally to unblock energetic flow. This Aries full moon may be calling us to do just that. If we’re feeling imbalanced in our emotions, it’s time to find more balanced breathing and thinking to even out the way we feel. We always have the power to return to inner peace, self-love, and self-confidence, but it may take time. Trust in your practices and keep at them, especially in times of challenge or doubt.The TWO OF PENTACLES REVERSED may also represent a personal journey to cultivate a craft. Success isn’t always linear. In fact, it rarely is! Embrace what keeps coming around, especially in this upcoming eclipse season, and see if the loops help remind you of something important or help you to do things differently. The more you embrace adaptability with this moon, the rest of this lunar cycle, and the rest of this year, the easier your efforts will be to shift and grow.
Live Tarot Reading for
Full Moon in Aries
October 9th, 2022
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Libra
& Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
September 25th, 2022
Life has been challenging these past few years, and THE KING OF CUPS confirms we are now ruing our life with more sovereignty than before. This card represents sound decision making, rationalization, and emotional stability. This is because the king has navigated troubled times, and his experiences help him feel more prepared for what’s ahead. When we pull the KING OF CUPS, we are reminded of our resiliency. We’re also reminded of our support system both around us (our kingdom) and within, for we always have the power to take control from the inside. If you’ve been feeling emotionally unstable, now is the time to take back the reigns and believe you have the power to find your own grounding. The king makes choices that prioritizes HIS peace above all else, for he knows he cannot rule a peaceful kingdom otherwise. Energy is contagious and everything is connected. What you work on within yourself will pay outward 10 fold or more.
This emotional stability also refers to the season of Libra. We shifted into the energy of balance on September 22nd, and we continue to navigate this energy until October 23rd. Libra is ruled by Venus, the Divine Feminine and ruler of our softer side. The KING OF CUPS card asks us to remember fairness and equality as we try to take control. You must honor both side of your energy—the masculine and feminine, the dark and the light—in order to find actual harmony. Use this Libra season and the new moon to balance your energy, your energetic exchanges, and your emotions, so you’re more equipped to stay in control.
Swords always depict a time of change, cutting chords, or shifting direction. When we pull the FOUR OF SWORDS we are guided to cut ties with old ways of battle. We have been fighting a heck of a fight, but now we can lay down our swords and rest. In fact, Autumn is a time of slowing down and so is this New Moon in Libra. The darkness guides us to recuperate, so we are ready for more battles ahead. This card also reminds us that we have time to take refuge. This Libra season brings several planets direct after an intense retrograde season. However, eclipse season is just on the brink of arriving. We take advantage this Libra season by meditating, developing our spiritual strength, and preparing our soul for what’s ahead.The FOUR OF SWORDS can also represent a literal recovery from illness. If you’ve been fighting health battles you may now also be able to rest. I believe this card also relates to the “illnesses” of the world, like greed, war, etc. Libra season brings an energy of peace, and this new moon ruled by Bhaga, the god of abundance and growth in Vedic astrology. Both alignments point toward positivity and growth. However, you will only experience more if you pause now to reflect on the abundance you already have. If anything, you have your health, and that’s DEFINITELY something to be thankful for! Use this New Moon ruled by Bhaga to find abundance all around you, not just in monetary form. The more we honour what we’ve been blessed with, the more we will have to be grateful for!
Shifting from a life of lack is a recovery from illness.
Shifting from an ego-driving victim state to a soul-driving conscious state is a recovery from illness.
Getting “better” doesn’t always have to refer to the physical!
The FOUR OF SWORDS reminds us of this now. Stop fighting the world and slow down to honour what you already have. By doing this, you will be ready for the challenges your ego faces ahead.
Usually THE CHARIOT represents Divine intervention and a choice to let go or take the reigns.When we pull THE CHARIOT REVERSED, we are in control of the entire situation.
We are constantly being presented with opportunities to evolve.
We choose every single day where our energy is directed.
Notice the card with 2 horses, one black and one white.
Every day we wake up and choose to saddle up our shadow or light side and ride off into our day.
Can you start making a choice to know when it’s best to ride which horse?
The key is, we cannot choose one path or the other. Both horses are always along for the journey, for we cannot experience “good” without “bad,” light without shadow, etc. Sometimes, it will be more appropriate to navigate into our shadowlands and do the work to cultivate inner light. Other times, it will be better for us to choose the light side from the beginning. Regardless, it’s the choice every single time that evolves us.
This reversed card signifies the upcoming eclipse season ahead, where everything will appear to be more upside down. Mercury is already in retrograde, bringing a reversed feeling to our exchanges socially. This cosmic chaos encourages us to slow down and make sure we are “saddling up the appropriate horse” with each experience. Eclipses are always a sort of portal to evolve at a quicker pace than usual, but we must be ready to make the choice to grow. It’s not wrong to stay where we are, but be aware that every opportunity that comes your way was one you subconsciously attracted and created.
Libra season is a time of finding more balance between external and internal. Between being influenced by the outside and finding more inspiration and motivation on the inside. It’s a season of cultivating our power from within and believing we have what it takes to move forward into winter. Use these next few weeks to set your standard.
Live Tarot Reading for
New Moon in Libra
September 25th, 2022
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Pisces
& Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
September 10th, 2022
When we pull THE DEVIL card in reverse, we are reflecting on the past rather than predicting the future. This card always represents tricky times—which we’ve certainly been through—but it also points out a lesson to be learned. Notice the card itself, with everyone turned on their head. Also notice the shadow angel on the right vs. the light angel on the left. This card is telling us to start ruling with our heart and out of the Divine Feminine rather than through our head and the Divine Masculine.
Notice how I do not downgrade the shadow side. The truth is, we need our masculine energy for SURVIVAL, and it’s ok if we’ve been a little selfish, ego-driven, or extra-protective over the past few years. However, times are now shifting and we do not have to live in such fear. Even The Devil stands on its head right now, indicating a less intense atmosphere. It is easy to cling to our past experiences and traumas when trying to predict what’s ahead. Use this lunar cycle to release what’s keeping you in a state of fear, so you’re open to possibility and “the light” waiting ahead.
Similar to our previous card, the SIX OF CUPS represents the wisdom of our past flowing into our present. Cups always represent what we “hold” rather it be emotion, story, or ancestral history. The number “6’ represents community, family, and magick. This present moon ignites Pitru Paksha in the Vedic world, a time where we honor our ancestors and the gifts and wisdom they’ve passed down to us. And on the Western side of the world, this full moon in watery Pisces also asks us to swim where the veil is thin.It’s time to ask yourself what you want to hold onto, and what you are ready to release!
The SIX OF CUPS can represent those gifts we’re embracing and cultivating, those emotions we feel so strongly, and the other ways our “cup runneth over.” All of it will likely flow under this full moon. The lunar light is shining down on your and your abilities now so you become more aware of what you have to offer. Not only is this a moon to discover yourself and what you’re capable of, but it’s always a time to use it all to raise the frequency of the collective.
Mercury just went retrograde with this full moon, bringing in an opportunity to slow down, reflect, and listen. Over the next 3 weeks, pay attention to where your spirit takes you. Listen to what whispers in your ears from the angels, guides, and your ancestors. The veil is increasingly thin right now. We have powerful magick to communicate with other sides.
Mercury is also a time when people from our past come back around again. The SIX OF CUPS also indicates this may happen. Remember, we are in a time of transition, between summer and fall. It’s time to ask yourself what relationships you want to carry into winter, too. Pay attention to who pops up over the next few weeks, and make sure you handle the energetic exchange appropriately.
Our future will be challenging, but if we can keep climbing up the metaphorical mountain, we WILL succeed!The SEVEN OF WANDS represents ascension. Think of the number “7” itself: 7 days of the week, 7 “deadly” sins, 7 chakras, etc. Whether you’re looking at it from a spiritual perspective, or how we simply “trudge through the week” in modern day, we can see how the number seven represents both a journey and a sense of completion.
We have made it through 7 months of 22, and we have 5 months ahead. We’re in the home stretch, but we know that winter will be our most challenging time. Prepare now for what’s ahead by keeping up with your spiritual practices and taking your soul medicine. Do what you can to balance your chakras and keep your energy flowing at its prime. The SEVEN OF WANDS reminds us to keep doing the work.
Wands always represent transformation, and this full moon represents the fire of the “tapas,” or energetic change we can go through. Let yourself use this lunar energy to burn away what doesn’t serve and to release the blockages on your flow. This is work toward ascension, too. Remember, although the darkness grows outside, light continues to grow on the inside. There is always a balance. As we move into unknown times, trust in your ability to always cultivate peace and harmony.
Live Tarot Reading for
Full Moon in Pisces
September 10th, 2022
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Virgo
& Magha Nakshatra
August 27th, 2022
The first card of The Tarot, THE FOOL embarks on his journey full of excitement for what’s ahead. Pulling this as a past card asks us to reflect now. Remember how excited we all were back in 2019 to welcome 2020. Remember how we all that we would “see more clearly”? WHAT FOOLS WE WERE?!
There’s no judgement in what we expected, but THE FOOL card now shows up to point out the obvious. Notice how blissfully ignorant he is, trotting on his journey while the dog nips at his heels! We, too, have been trying to navigate this collective dark night of the soul with an overly spiritual or “rainbows & sunshine” type of vibe. While it’s good to embrace positivity and hope, it’s also important to realize that this human experience involves polarity. There is happy and sad, light and dark, riches and poverty, etc. By accepting this polarity, we also embrace the valleys, shadow times, and experiences of lack when we go through them, with more peace and ease. We may even find joy in the dark times, for we learn to find abundance all around us and not just with dollar signs and monetary gain.
This card asks us to continue on the journey, towards your bliss and are wholeness. What a perfect message for this Virgo season and Virgo new moon! If there’s something that brings you joy, follow it. If you have a craft or hobby or other way of directing your energy that makes you happy and more stable, set intentions with this Virgo New Moon to do it more! Others may find you foolish when you go on your adventures, but it shouldn’t matter. Virgo season is about being who you are and doing what you want NO MATTER WHAT! And it’s a little bit about setting aside your foolish pride. Embrace the energy of both now as you prepare for the rest of the year. Prioritize what nourishes your solar plexus energy and brings you more light. And maybe let go of the negativity around you. Sometimes it’s better to be blissfully ignorant of so much news! Create your own report of what’s happening around you instead.
A new moon. New beginnings. Anytime we pull the ACE OF SWORDS we are being guided to let go of the past in order to make room for the future. Swords are about release, and usually refer to cutting chords. If there’s a certain relationship you’ve been needing to modify, or if there’s something or someone you need to walk away from completely, now is the time. This New Moon in Virgo carries a highly independent energy, and she helps us make the shifts we need as we transition from summer to fall and winter. It’s time to get real about what you want to take with you into the next season. Anything that lingers beyond this lunar cycle will be with you for awhile. If there’s an attachment that no longer serves you, your energy, or your greatest good, use this new moon to make the commitment to release for good.
We are learning to embrace our magic in a different way. Anytime we pull The Knight, we’re being shown a battle, and when we pull THE KNIGHT OF WANDS as our future card, we are shown what is ahead. The world is changing, no doubt about it, and we may be starting over when it comes to our business, our health, our life, etc. And in this New Earth, we are being guided to trust that WE have control over everything. Wands are always a symbol of magick. They represent us being resourceful enough to use our elements for alchemy. You will likely do the same over the rest of this year. If you’ve been thrown into a new life experience, or if you’re being challenged to do something differently, now is the time to embrace the potential of what you can create. THE KNIGHT OF WANDS is witty, tactical, and cunning. Use his energy to find your own unique ways of achieving victory.RECORDING:
Live Tarot Reading for
New Moon in Virgo
August 27th, 2022
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Aquarius
& Dhanishta Nakshatra
August 11th, 2022
In the past, we’ve ruled our life with more sovereignty and ease, and maybe we need to be reminded now that we always have the capacity to do so.
Perhaps we have already worked hard to get where we are, and we’ve created a comfortable space to financially thrive and live in more joy. The thing is, in order to grow and become the true alpha in our life, to rule like the Lions and Lionesses of this cosmic Leo season, we must continue to get comfortable with the UNcomfortable. The QUEEN OF PENTACLES is a master of her elements. She creates her own self worth and attracts her abundance out of mindset, frequency, and other magical vibrations from within. This card also represents the mastery of feminine energy, either through the 4 lunar phases and 4 feminine archetypes of the menstrual/moonthly cycle, and/or out of the 4 trimesters of motherhood.
Gender aside, when we pull this card we are reminded we are WORTHY—of our dreams, of joy, of abundance, of security, of ALL OF IT! If you’re struggling right now to find gratitude, or if you’re going through challenging times, trust that it is all for your growth, and ultimately, for your abundance.
Here we have the pentacles again, but this time 2 steps back with The Page. The past 2 years have been a learning experience, and we are now figuring out how to rule our life in a different way.The PAGE OF PENTACLES represents the trials we’re currently traversing. Remember, pentacles are always a sign of abundance, and there is value to be learned in the lesson at hand. This full moon is aligned with Saturn, igniting opportunities for us to learn from our past and shift our Karma. Under this full moon, you have the opportunity to redirect your path or trust in the journey at hand. Either way, try to stay in a positive mindset no matter what. Perhaps this is a time to reflect on your accomplishments and take pride in how far you’ve come. Let yourself constantly be reminded what you are capable of, and you will find light on the other side of whatever you are going through.
Anytime we pull THE TOWER card, we should expect Divine Intervention. Saturn and the moon are currently aligning and squaring off with both Ketu on one side and a Uranus/Rahu alignment on the other side. In other words, BIG shakeups are coming on both the collective and within our own lives, but it’s all kind of out of our hands. Whatever comes our way, we already attracted it from actions of the past. It’s best to simply ride the waves, trust in the moment, and stick to whatever grounding you can along the way. These blow ups usually happen in our lives for a reason. The Universe is trying to guide us back onto our one true path.It’s also interesting that we pull this card reversed, as it is ruled by Sagittarius who in turn rules Jupiter. This planet began a retrograde journey today with this new moon. We may find ourselves in reflection under this moon, thinking of the places we wish we could go or holding regret for those that we didn’t visit. We may also hold regret around opportunities passed by or contemplate too much on possibilities ahead. Again, the Angel of Time on the TEMPERANCE card invites us to be present, find gratitude for where we are, and trust that we are in control of what’s ahead. This is emotional alchemy at its finest, and the perfect practice to bring into your life during such unstable times. Anytime you’re feeling down during this new moon, do your best to shift your perspective to one of gratitude and positivity.BONUS CARD:
I felt the need to pull a bonus card with this reading, and it turned out to be THE CHARIOT!Again, we have Divine Intervention coming into play, but a reminder that although we cannot control the circumstances, we DO have power over how we react to it all.
Notice the card. We have a white horse moving in one direction and a dark horse moving in the other. The moon is currently opposing the sun. Each of these horses represents a path—one in the present looping the same karmic lesson, and one in the potential future helping you to learn something new. You also have 2 options with THE CHARIOT itself—you can either let the horses steer the cart down the path of choosing (Letting “Jesus Take The Wheel,” so to say), or you can take the reins and make the choice yourself. There is not right or wrong choice, by the way, there is simply a choice to make and a result from it.
Also notice the number “7” on the card. In 7 months, we will be in a new lunar year. There are many more possibilities to come, with all being for our greater good. Trust in the journey you are on and do your best to breathe through it as Divine Intervention comes into play. Whatever you are going through, it too shall pass.
Live Tarot Reading for
Full Moon in Aquarius
August 11th, 2022
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Leo
& Pushya Nakshatra
July 28th, 2022
Events have been lining up to propel us toward change, and it’s all now coming to a head. Swords are always a sign of cutting ties/chords, and the ACE OF SWORDS tell us to let go for good and don’t look back.
Our last new moon ushered us into summer and the element of fire. While this energy can bring excitement, passion, and intensity, it can also be short-lived and leave us feeling “burned.” The ACE OF SWORDS reminds us that we’ve already cut ties with certain people for a reason, and it’s important to now stand our ground as we find ourselves more social or putting ourselves more out there. This card also reminds us of our own personal transformations, and the negotiables or compromises we no longer allow into our lives. New moons are always about new beginnings. Use this current New Moon in Leo to take pride in how much you’ve changed, and set the intention to continue surrounding yourself with energies that support your greater good.
The PAGE OF CUPS is learning how to manage his emotions, and when he shows up REVERSED, he isn’t doing so well. Cups are a symbol of our sacral chakra—our 2nd energy center responsible for emotional processing. With the moon, our emotional anchor, currently aligned with the sun in Leo, we feel more like partying our cares away rather than dealing with them. Emotional outbursts, temper tantrums, and other spurts of anger and frustration may be prevalent right now. Find healthy ways to process what you’re feeling so nothing gets stuck or carries out into the external in a destructive way.Notice the card and how the page’s red cape seems to pour out of the cup he holds. This symbolizes root chakra energy, and the ability to tap into it and ground once you open up your emotional energetic flow. New Moons are always a time of turning more within, Use this lunar portal to sit and breathe with your emotions and sleep on your feelings rather than drink or party them away. Just as a child is still learning how to feel, you are also in the process of learning how to emotionally adapt. Give yourself permission to feel whatever comes through right now, then slow down and use your head/logic when it comes to how you let it all come pouring out.
Another “cups” card, the TEMPERANCE card has to do with our feelings around time. As we navigate this upcoming lunar cycle we also find ourselves at the peak of summer season. It can be easy to think ahead and lean toward the upcoming season of autumn or the rest of the year. Even many retailers run “Christmas in July” sales to help remind us of what’s to come! On the flip side, we could also be living in regret right now, contemplating all of the projects and goals we didn’t finish over the first half of the year. The TEMPERANCE card arrives to remind us of the present. Even if we didn’t reach our goals, did anything different arrive that we can be proud of right now? Instead of getting frustrated or disappointed, it’s time to slow down, reflect, and hold gratitude for how far we’ve come.It’s also interesting that we pull this card reversed, as it is ruled by Sagittarius who in turn rules Jupiter. This planet began a retrograde journey today with this new moon. We may find ourselves in reflection under this moon, thinking of the places we wish we could go or holding regret for those that we didn’t visit. We may also hold regret around opportunities passed by or contemplate too much on possibilities ahead. Again, the Angel of Time on the TEMPERANCE card invites us to be present, find gratitude for where we are, and trust that we are in control of what’s ahead. This is emotional alchemy at its finest, and the perfect practice to bring into your life during such unstable times. Anytime you’re feeling down during this new moon, do your best to shift your perspective to one of gratitude and positivity.
Live Tarot Reading for
New Moon in Leo
July 28th, 2022
Tarot Reading for Full SuperMoon in Capricorn
& Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra
June 28th, 2022
*All 3 cards were pulled in reverse for this full moon!
When this happens, I view the entire reading as one with intention of protection.
Cards pulled reversed are never a bad thing! They are simply a signal to slow down and pay more attention or take more caution.
Here are the 3 protection cards I pulled for our reading:
The TEMPERANCE card represents a need for slowing down, no matter what the orientation. When we pull this card reversed, we are shining light on instances or experiences in the past that still need our attention. When we make mistakes in life, we tend to be hard on ourselves as humans, because our ego likes to lean into victim story. By living in remorse, blame, or simply ignoring our past behaviors, our ego is fueled to expect the same results in our future. The Angel of Time on the TEMPERANCE card reminds us there is no better time to focus on than the present. If your past is bubbling to the surface right now, emotionally alchemize how you feel and seek out the wisdom learned, rather than finding regret. Remember, although we are in a Capricorn moon, we are still ruled by a Cancerian sun. Pulling TEMPERANCE as our past card reminds us of this. Don’t be too hard on yourself right now. Embrace the energy of Cancer and parent yourself with love and grace. Embrace childlike positivity and allow yourself to move forward in your life without looking back. Capricorn energy is all about powering through. Although the present may be the most uncomfortable place to be, you have the energy to do the hard work right now to succeed and rise higher than who you were before.
Aces are always a sign of new beginnings, and cups are typically a symbol of the second chakra. This is a place of pleasure, creativity, and emotional processing, and when we pull the ACE OF CUPS in reverse, we may struggle to allow all of these energies to flow. Also take in account the current muddy energy of this Capricorn full supermoon, which may be holding us back from a proper flow state. If you’ve been feeling stuck in any way lately, take time for much needed self-care or time towards your hobbies so you can lift your frequency and encourage more energetic openness.Cups can also be a symbol of the literal womb, and usually this card signifies fertility, the birth of a child, the beginning of a moon cycle, or other female-related experiences. When we pull the ACE OF CUPS in reverse, we find blockages instead. I have no doubt this card is reflecting the current Roe V. Wade issue. Reversed ACE OF CUPS sometimes represents fear, and there are currently many fears rising over reproductive health support, prenatal care, and even gay marriage laws. Essentially, anything regarding second chakra energy may feel limited right now. The best way to cultivate more faith in the positive is to find others who love and support you, as well as those who share your same fear. There is strength in numbers! The more people you can relate to In a scenario, the more empowered you start feeling to try to make a difference and change.
For the third time in a row, I pull the WHEEL OF FORTUNE CARD for our lunar reading! However, this is the first time I’ve pulled this card in protection mode, signifying a different message than before. When upright, this card indicates a turn of events, usually based on our past karma. When we pull the WHEEL OF FORTUNE reversed, events will seem more spontaneous and out of our hands. Just like when the card is upright, how we respond will set forth the rest of our unfolding karma. Do you ignore the issues that come your way, suppressing the need to process and discover how you truly feel? Do you react swiftly without much mindfulness, and put your head down to power through, no matter the consequences? Or do you allow everything to come to you with a trust that The Universe has your back no matter what? The WHEEL OF FORTUNE REVERSED is warning us that challenging times are ahead, but this warning also gives us the advantage. We now know what’s coming and can start to prepare. During this full moon portal, work to start finding the positive aspects in all scenarios, even the seemingly negative ones. By doing so, you set a standard to always have positive experiences come your way. Just as the wheel on this card shows, “what goes around, comes around!” What happens in these next 6 months is completely and energetically up to you!RECORDING:
Live Tarot Reading for
Full SuperMoon in Capricorn
July 13th, 2022
Tarot Reading for New SuperMoon in Cancer
& Ardra Nakshatra
June 28th, 2022
The WHEEL OF FORTUNE is found at the mid-point of the Tarot deck, and we just passed the mid-point of 2022 with Summer Solstice/Litha.
I also pulled this card during our last reading, and now I’ve pulled it again!
The Universe wants us to pay attention to what’s coming around again.
Or maybe what just came around over the past few weeks since the Full Strawberry Moon.
Are you working on learning the same lessons again, and do you WANT to?
Remember, we always have free will to change!
And new moons always give us a chance for new beginnings!
If you’re ready to level up and move forward in your evolution, open yourself up to the possibilities destiny is ready to dish out to you!
The WHEEL OF FORTUNE card is ruled by Jupiter, the Planet of Growth, Expansion, Fortune, and Abundance.
Our last full moon was in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter.
With Summer Solstice, we were initiated into our expansion, but it’s up to us whether we embrace it. These next 6 months can be pictured like a golden door in front of us. We can choose to step through the door and move into our next series of fortunate events, or we can choose to cycle through ones that are already familiar. There is no right or wrong choice, there is simply one to make. Use this New Moon in Cancer to really come home to yourself and your truth, and ask yourself if you are ready for change. Whether you are ready for your next journey or not, the rest of the year will align with wherever you decide to go.
The QUEEN OF CUPS is fortunate, because she is so giving to others.This New Moon in Cancer is also asking us to nurture our relationships, for they will pay us back tenfold.
This means our relationships with our partners, with our family, with our friends, and, most importantly, with ourselves. Notice the orange dress the queen wears. This symbolizes our Sacral Chakra, where we hold energies of self-worth and self-interest. The QUEEN OF CUPS loves life and has learned to prioritize her joy first above all else. She has learned that when she is personally happy, she wants to make others happy, too! We can do the same for ourselves. If you’ve been feeling a call toward service or simply spending more time on your relationships with others, don’t forget to use this Cancer SUPERmoon to fill up your own cup so you can spill out onto others when you are ready.
This card is also about philanthropy itself. If there’s been a particular cause you’ve wanted to donate money, time, or energy toward, do it now! How you give of yourself this season will set up karma for what you sow in the fall and winter. This also means harvesting changes that you desire. This New Moon in Cancer is a powerful one to work on making shifts. If you are ready for change, either personally or on the collective, now is the time to focus your energy on the causes that fire you up.
Take caution right now, in order to not be taken advantage of!When the EIGHT OF WANDS is pulled, we usually see signs of efforts paying off and value recognized. However, when we pull the card REVERSED, we find ourselves in modes of protection, rather than expansion.
Summer is the season of gold. Opportunities shine everywhere and new relationships can be formed quickly. It is also a time when people are at their boldest energy, which may not always be consistent. This season of light is an exciting time, but we must ground into reality and make sure we’re certain about where we are headed and who with.
It will be important to seek out authenticity in others as you move forward. Take time to really get to know those you may interact with on a professional level, and make sure you really, TRULY align in your values, ideas, and ways before agreeing to partner up. The EIGHT OF WANDS REVERSED tells us that it may not be the best time to commit long-term to anything just yet. Best to wait and see how things play out for awhile before making a decision, so you don’t have regrets.
Live Tarot Reading for
New SuperMoon in Cancer
June 28th, 2022
Tarot Reading for Full SuperMoon in Sagittarius
& Jyestha Nakshatra
June 14th, 2022
This full moon in Sagittarius and lunar cycle in Gemini both bring us an opportunity for new beginnings, as we are finally experiencing lunar energy that isn’t eclipsed! We are in a momentum to let go of our past and move forward with confidence. We are no longer letting life events stand in the way of our potential, and the ACE OF SWORDS now arrives to ensure us we are safe to continue setting boundaries and cutting ties.
This lunar portal is also preparing us for a new season, and it’s time to let go of the energy around spring. We are no longer planting seeds. If anything, we are de-weeding our spiritual garden and staking the ground for more to grow. Notice the card and how the sword points up. Also notice the red square. This card symbolized us breaking the chains of our ancestral karma and our root chakra blockages. We are no longer limited in the same way as before. Allow yourself to burst through your own personal glass ceiling so you can finally see and receive what is ready for you on the other side.
The ACE OF SWORDS also indicates success in ventures or efforts, and this card may already be recognizing your resiliency and accomplishments. If you haven’t seen the fruits of your labor arrive just yet, be patient. The ACE OF SWORDS ensures your efforts will pay off soon! I also find it interesting that this card is red and pink as we are now in strawberry season and under the Full Strawberry Moon! This is another representation of the fruits of your plantings, and if you didn’t know this about strawberries—they really spread! Abundance is upon you now! Trust in what is about to come!
*I also find it interesting that we pull this card as testing requirements for international travel are suddenly lifted in the United States under this lunar portal! Sagittarius is known as The Cosmic Traveler and is also a fire sign. Talk about burning away limitations on expansion through exploration!
Your creative forces are headed in the right direction. Keep going!We are currently under the energy of a very positive, encouraging Sagittarius supermoon, and THE TWO OF WANDS now arrives to also support our efforts. This card can represent successful ventures, either sola or with a partner. The two represents the potential of our own co-creative forces when we find balance and unite both our masculine and feminine sides. The two can also represent partnership towards some sort of project or cause. If you’ve been thinking of teaming up with someone, Mercury is now direct and forming contracts is encouraged. The TWO OF WANDS is also guiding us to form positive heart bonds with people, as we need a circle of support in our individual efforts and ventures, too. This full strawberry moon opposite Gemini’s energy can be a social one. If you have certain people in your life that you love and appreciate, use this moon to let them know.
This card may also depict on upcoming journey, as Sagittarius is The Cosmic Traveler, Huntress, and Archer. Here we see 2 arrows pointing in confirmation. If there’s a certain place you’ve been “aiming” to travel to, now is the time to at least put the vision on a board or dream journal. You could also start planning the journey if you already have the means. The number 2 represents “the other”. If there’s some other place in the world that’s calling you, now is the time to set your sights and your energy on getting there.
Next week we will meet the midpoint of the year and Summer’s Solstice, and THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE card is found exactly halfway through the Tarot! The cards are certainly aligning in our reading to grab our attention! This card indicates a chance for new beginnings or a new journey. You may find yourself ready to do the same now, as the season of summer tends to bring in new projects, ideas, and ambition. It might be a good time to slow down and really get focused on where you want to go or what you want to do. THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE cards tells us that our fate is in our hands. Anything you put your energy toward over the next week or so will like become an attachment that stays with you throughout the rest of the year.This card is also ruled by Jupiter, as we see the planet’s symbol in the corners of the card. Jupiter is the Planet of Joy, Fortune, Luck, Growth, and Expansion. Over the next few days the moon will be trine to Jupiter, enhancing anything we aim our energy toward. THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE arrives to remind us that wherever we focus chooses our current destiny. We always have free will to choose what we want in this life. There is no right or wrong path to take, there is simply wisdom to be gained down each road. This life is a constant cyclical journey of learning and spiraling our frequency. Give yourself permission to choose what lesson you feel is right for you, and make sure the choices you make with this moon and this upcoming season align with your best self and highest good.
Live Tarot Reading for
Full SuperMoon in Sagittarius
June 14th, 2022
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Gemini
& Rohini Nakshatra
May 30th, 2022
It’s funny, Mercury Retrogrades can be a time of DejaVu, and despite all of my shuffling I yet again pull THE CHARIOT card for our past. I also pulled this for the past card in my previous reading regarding the Scorpio blood moon, and it seems the same message still needs to come through.
We have been traversing eclipse season, and this always brings opportunity to shift our karma. Notice the white and black horses on this card. They each represent the two paths we can take. We can stay in our shadows, learning the same karmic lessons, or we can choose to grow and learn new wisdom. Evolving leads us down a new path and choosing not to leaves us going down the same familiar road. Neither is the wrong or right choice. It is simply the way things will play out.
THE CHARIOT also represents both free will and Divine intervention. When we journey through eclipse season, we are usually presented with opportunities or circumstances that seem familiar or a bit like history repeating itself. When this happens, we have the free will to act in the same way as before, or react differently. If we take the reigns and lead ourself down one path or another, we will feel more in control and likely reach our spiritual destination sooner. But if we check and, dissociate, and refuse to guide our life, The Universe will choose the direction for us. As we journey through the new moon this weekend and complete Mercury Retrograde over the next week, make sure to spend plenty of time in reflection. Notice what seems to be a repeat in your life right now, and what seems to be new. Ask yourself what choices you have made before and if you want to go down that same path again. Only you can decide where you life goes from her. Steer yourself in the way that you choose, rather than letting life do it for you.
This card is ruled by the number 7. We are just completing our 5th onto of the year, leaving 7 months left in 2022. What path do you want to take the rest of the year? What you decide with this new moon will truly choose your destiny.
Again we find ourselves playing with numbers, as the FIVE of Swords reminds us to release this 5th month of May and everything before it. Swords are always a symbol of release, and when we pull the FIVE OF SWORDS we’re guided to detach and liberate ourselves from anything that may be holding us back from our most aligned future.Five is a halfway point, and just like Mercury nows spins backwards and asks us to check in, the FIVE OF SWORDS also guides us to proceed with caution. Is anything currently feeling “stuck” in your life? Is something failing to work out or go the way you planned/expected? Unfortunately, this energy is not going to change, and the cards now bring the message to let go. Attachments aren’t always easy to sever, especially if we’ve put a lot of love, energy, and effort into a project or a person. However, if things aren’t working at some point we have to come to terms with reality, This new moon is the last of the spring season. Whatever we energetically plant now will potentially be harvested throughout the rest of this year. Any intentions grounded after this moon won’t have the same kind of support to grow. Do you have space for new opportunities? Do you have room to plant the seeds of your dreams? Remember, we must de-weed our. Spiritual gardens first. Use this new moon to let stuck energies go, so you can flow into whatever The Universe is ready to bring you.
This is also a time to release socialization and turn more within. If your relationships are thriving, turn within and develop the same strong relationship with yourself. If connections are currently challenged, it may be time to set a boundary or cut a chord. Gemini season is all about relating, and this new moon wants us to only relate to those that bring out the best of us. If you’re surrounding yourself with those who bring out the worst, it’s time to let those people go.
Brighter days are ahead! The FOUR OF PENTACLES represents success, completion, and a return to better health. If you’ve been challenged in any of these categories, the struggle will likely not last much longer. Stay positive, keep your frequency high, and things should work out better soon.Pentacles always represent abundance, and the number 4 means completion. This lunar season may bring you a sense of satisfaction as your see hard work pay off and you’re showered with compliments or monetary gain. You may also find yourself gaining support in your work over the next few weeks, as the FOUR OF PENTACLES recognizes your efforts and says the world soon will, too. Just be careful not to let all of that attention go to your head! There more we live from our heart (our 4th energy center) rather than our ego, the more successful we will be.
This is also a card of creativity. The moon is currently in creative Rohini Nakshatra, inspiring us with new ways to express ourselves, our thoughts, our mood, and our energy. If you’ve been feeling the need to get creative or crafty now is the time! This is also a supportive time to start turning a hobby into a money-hustle if you’ve been wanting to. No matter what you do, let it bring you more pleasure and joy. The more energy you put into cultivating bliss, the more abundance you will have.
Live Tarot Reading for
New Moon in Gemini
May 30th, 2022
Tarot Reading for Eclipsed
Full Super Blood Moon in Scorpio
& Vishaka Nakshatra
May 15th/16th, 2022
Our eclipse portal opened with the New Moon in Taurus, and The Chariot card now arrives with both black and white horses to again remind us of the shadow and the light.
What goes up must come down, and what goes down, must come up again. But it is only in modern times that we known this. In primitive times, eclipses were an auspicious time full of despair, fear, and uncertainty. Think about it—what would you do if all of a sudden for the first time in your life the sun went black or the moon turned red? You would probably think the world was going to end, and this is exactly what we did think. You can still see this behavior in animals today. They always act strange around eclipses!
Eclipses are a time of transformation and evolution. We have the opportunity to continue down the same path, riding the black horse and learning the same lessons, or we can choose to follow the light and excitement of a new path, ride the white horse into the unknown, and let our guides help us along the way as we learn something new. Neither choose is right or wrong. There is simply a choice to make.
THE CHARIOT reminds us that even if we let go of the reigns on our life, the cart will still go in one direction or another. You can either steer yourself onto the path you choose, or you can let The Universe take you where it wills. One way or another, you do have to move forward, even if you don’t want to.
This eclipse portal is helping us to see both our karma and our dharma. Ketu, the tail of the cosmic snake, is involved with this eclipse portal and helps us to break limiting beliefs blocking our destiny. This full blood moon is also giving us the chance to confront any shadows under the surface now rising up. Through the power of grace and emotional alchemy, we have the ability to sever attachments and break addictions, transform these memories and facets of ourself, and surround them with unconditional love. Notice the Cancer symbol on this card, symbolizing parental energy. It’s time for us to Mother and Father ourselves, and love ourselves like never before. This may be a new way of reacting or living for you, but you light is calling you to make this change that better supports you.
Normally THE EMPRESS card represents creativity and fertility, but when she is pulled in reverse we might find ourselves stuck in our abundant flow. Notice the Venus symbol on this card. Venus is the planet of creativity, pleasure, worthiness, and feminine flow. Venus moved into Aries on May 2nd, shortly after the New Moon in Taurus and the partial solar eclipse. When Venus is in Mars and Masculine ruled Aries, she is challenged and debilitated. If you’ve been feeling blocked in your manifestation journey or with your creative inspiration, this is why.The REVERSED EMPRESS also indicated doubts around money, your ability to support yourself, or financial stability in general. We are currently in Taurus season, a sign that thrives with money, luxury, and the material. However, when we find ourselves halfway through the lunar cycle and in the full moon energy of Scorpio, our insecurities start shining through. This particular eclipsed blood supermoon in Scorpio is asking us to get to the root cause of this mindset. Limitations on our creativity and financial security always stem from the external and not our true self. THE REVERSED EMPRESS confirms that someone is taking away your power. Use this full moon to look at who may be influencing you to hold yourself back, and make a choice to step back from this relationship in order to take back your power.
Pluto, the Planet of Power and Control, went retrograde on April 29th, shortly before the Taurus new moon. This journey will last some months, so it’s good to get a handle on it right away. When you feel out of alignment, or like someone is draining your energy, it’s important to make change as quickly as possible. Otherwise, things will continue to get flipped upside down just like this card! If you’re already feeling as if everything is topsy-turvy, know that it’s a sign to make changes and regain stability. This full moon portal and eclipse season is here to help you find more alignment and obtain more sovereignty. Pay attention to what rises up during this time to help you reclaim your energy, your life, and what’s rightfully yours.
The Age of Aquarius is here, and we’re only getting started! THE STAR card is symbolized by Aquarian energy, pushing us to embrace our gifts, our uniqueness, and our ability to change the world.This card represents rebirth. Eclipse seasons are certainly a time of that! If you’re feeling stuck like the previous REVERSED EMPRESS card, or your feeling indecisive like the previous CHARIOT card, then turn within, meditate, embrace artistic expression and daydreaming, and wait for things to unfold. We can’t always be doing! If we take time for rest and rejuvenation, we will likely feel more motivated and excited. Notice the bright shining star on this card, symbolizing inspiration. It is only when we slow down, meditate, dream, and sleep, that we find new ideas coming through, We still have until the 20th to focus on restful Taurus energy. Over the next week or so make sure you’re scheduling plenty of down time, so you open up a portal of opportunity for new ideas to come through.
THE STAR card also represents a new way of thinking. With Mercury currently retrograde until June 3rd, you might find yourself inspired to approach things in a different way than before. Aquarius energy likes to think outside the box. THE STAR card reminds you to take a step back in times of overwhelm, and see if you can look at things from a different angle. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you. Just as the angel on this card pours one cup into the river and one onto land, we also have the ability to know when to react and when to conserve our energy. Take caution in what tests you over the next few weeks, it is your spirit guide helping you to find a new way.
*Notice the dove on this card, symbolizing peace. Aquarius is The Cosmic Humanitarian, and loves to include everyone. I believe pulling The Star card for our future indicates a chance for peace amongst this Ukranian-Russian war. It may take up until the full moon in Aquarius, or Aquarius season next year, but I do believe peace is on its way.
Live Tarot Reading for
Full Eclipsed Blood Moon in Scorpio
May 15th, 2022
Tarot Reading for Eclipsed
New Moon in Taurus & Bharani Nakshatra
April 30th, 2022
The KING OF WANDS lives through his magick and rules his life with confidence. He knows whatever he wishes will becomes so, and he moves toward all ambitions with the security of knowing he will succeed.
We are co-creators of our reality. This is old news at this point, and it’s why we pull this message through our past card. With the Great Saturn/Jupiter conjunction of December 2020, we moved into the Age of Aquarius and a new 5D/6D/7D portal of reality. Magick is unfolding all around us, and we are learning to trust in things we cannot see. More and more people are living through the Law of Attraction and the Power of Positive Thinking, and more people are becoming successful with these Hermetic principals than ever before. Notice the sunflowers on this card, representing the flower that grows taller and taller each summer’s return. We, too, have the ability to evolve with this new season and new year.
This new moon brings a partial solar eclipse and a time of the past coming around again. The sunflowers and fire of this card also depict this eclipse energy. Remember, when you feel overwhelmed with emotion, trauma triggers, or other negative responses, you are ALWAYS in control of your life. You cannot change the past, but you can control how you respond to it. If this new moon or eclipse season dishes out “dejavu,” give yourself permission to respond from a higher place this time around and alchemize your emotions.
The KING OF WANDS also represents overall success. If you’ve been wanting to start a new project or work toward a new dream, you are being supported to now. If you’ve already been working on intentions, hard work will soon pay off if it hasn’t already!
*This card suggests working with Yellow Calcite, a stone that supports your solar plexus chakra and strengthens your willpower.
6 is a number of community, and we are in a “6” year (2022=2+0+2+2).It’s time to find the balance between “me” and “we,” and it’s time to start using our gifts for the greater good of society. The SIX OF PENTACLES asks us to find energetic exchange with the world around us and trust that we are always supported in the process. This card also presses us to give where we feel called, because being charitable always results in good fortune coming back around. Many times we think of charity as money, but you could also use this new moon portal and this lunar cycle to donate your time, belongings, gifts, attention, or other energies. Notice where The Universe is calling you to give service, and follow along.
6 is also a number of magick, and the SIX OF PENTACLES reminds us that the more balanced we feel, the more we will cultivate and bring out of us from within. We have 7 main chakras, but our 6th chakra, the energy center of sixth senses and psychic intuition, is where our energetic Kundalini exits our body. This card is encouraging us to find balance in our energies now, so we can find our gifts, have faith in them, and believe in what speaks to us and guides us from the other side. I also believe this card is asking us to slow down and meditate or spend more time in the dream worlds and other liminal spaces. Taurus energy is a sign of slowing down, and this New Moon in Taurus is asking us to find stillness and turn within, so we can find where we most need to direct our energy.
*This card suggests working with Malachite, a stone that supports your heart chakra and receiving financial support.
The King of Cups rules his emotions and displays stability. He holds his cup in his hand with grace and ease, symbolizing the trust he has in his intuition and inner knowings. Notice the infinity sign above the cup, representing the waters of time. When we attach to the construct of time, we give away our power. Attachments to the past cause us to react out of old programming and attachments to the unforeseen future leave us anxious and feeling out of control. The only real time we can manage is the present, and the KING OF CUPS reminds us to ground into the stillness of the present as we navigate this upcoming eclipse season.Notice the fish on this card. This represents the Pisces energy influencing us until the end of May in the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction. Pisces is the sign of The Dreamer and The Artist, and THE KING OF WANDS rules his life out of creative flow. The cups not only symbolized emotion, but also our sacral chakra, where we express our feelings through passionate hobbies, interests, and abilities. The month of May is bringing several alignments to help us rediscover our gifts or start cultivating them for the first time. If there’s something within you trying to come out, it’s time to let it flow. If you’re feeling the need to rule your life out of your passions, it’s time to make the shift. Anything is possible during this springtime of fertility and growth. Embrace what you’re ready to also grow and bring into the world. When we live our life out of our true interests and what sets our heart on fire, nothing can stand in our way of success and joy.
Live Tarot Reading for
New Eclipsed Moon in Taurus
April 30th, 2022
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Libra & Chitra Nakshatra
April 16th, 2022
Libra full moons tend to shine light on our relationships, past and present. When we pull the JUDGEMENT card REVERSED, we may be looking back on regrets. This card is asking us to view the situation with non-judgement, and trust that we were only responding out of the evolution we were living in at the time. Notice the angel on the card. This is the Angel of Time blowing a Trumpet before the old world ends and the new world begins. Having the consciousness to simply be aware of your past mistakes shows you are a new, better, more mature self. We cannot change the past, but we can change how we view it. Do not look at your past mistakes with remorse or disappointment. Instead, find gratitude for the opportunity you had to learn and grow.
I also want to note the “22” on this card. The past 2 years have been difficult with relationships, and we may find ourselves finally coming to terms this year with the bonds that were lost. Remember, this card represents the old moving into the new. Anytime a relationships ends in your life, trust that it is making room for the better.
When the KING OF CUPS is upright, he rules his kingdom confidently out of intuition.When this card is pulled REVERSED, we find ourselves in more of a struggle to make decision.
Libras are not the greatest at making choice. Represented by The Cosmic Scales, they like to weigh both sides and take time finding the best option. Sometimes they become so overwhelmed with possibility that they numb out and avoid making a decision altogether. Be careful with your emotional processing and decision making right now. This indecisive Libra moon combined with the impulsiveness of this Aries sun season may lead to a decision to run away rather than move forward. Pisces is also reflected in our energy at this time, making us extra emotional and learning toward the need to process. Cups are a symbol of this emotion, but this can also represent sacral chakra. If you’re emotionally stuck, it’s time to use this Libra full moon to take control and come to terms with your feelings.
Both cups and the sacral chakra can also represent addiction, especially when we pull THE KING OF CUPS in REVERSE. If your emotions or pressure to make choice are causing you to numb out with addictive substances, this card is asking you to take caution. Make sure you find healthy ways to come to terms with your reality, and supportive techniques to move stuck energy through.
The future is magickal and bright! Anytime we pull the ACE OF WANDS, we are being ushered into new beginnings. The world is changing at a lightning pace, and nothing will ever be as it was before. Can you embrace the potential of this magical Age of Aquarius and let yourself be open for what’s to come? Libras are sometimes known as The Cosmic Judge, but they’re also known to embrace opportunity. Use this Full Moon in Libra to let go of your own judgements about this “New Earth” and new way of living, and give yourself permission to step into the next evolution of this collective society.Wands are a symbol of creativity and manifestation. Jupiter and Neptune will be conjunct in Pisces until the end of May. This is a time to embrace your gifts and trust in your magick. Anything you desire in this life can be co-created now. The ACE OF WANDS reminds you that you are a part of a new 5D reality. If you’ve been holding yourself back, self-sabotaging, or building up your glass ceiling, use this Full Moon in Libra and fire of the rest of this Aries season to release the limitations on your gifts and let yourself beautifully blossom like the world around you! This new world supports you to go after what brings you joy. This new earth supports you to building a supportive life fueled by your gifts and creativity.
In true Libra fashion, I felt the need to pull an even number of four cards instead of the usual three.I asked for guidance with this upcoming eclipse season.
Pulling THE HANGED MAN in REVERSE gives us caution that things may seem a little upside down. Over the next few lunar cycles we may have people come back from our past, or we may find ourselves repeating situations. Eclipses always give us a second chance to rewrite the story or alchemize our emotions. This card is reminding us to only hold onto the past loosely. Just as The Hanged Man hangs by the end of one leg, we can also tether loosely to people, things, or memories of our past that have already happened. They are there and will always be a part of us, but we can use them as seeds of growth rather than poison that rots the earth from which we try to grow.
THE HANGED MAN REVERSED also points toward attachment to the material. This Taurus-Scorpio season is also heavily attached to earth energy and the material. Be careful of what you exchange your energy with in the material world, especially with things that distract you from nature. Becoming focused on the material causes us to sometime limit our potential. As you think about the spiritual seeds you’re planting this spring and what you want to grow this year, remember to move beyond the material realm. Wish for things like joy, support, health, and more. The world is here to give you EVERYTHING you want, not just the things you can see in your human reality.
This card also represents the need to make a decision. Full moons tend to give us the extra fire we need to move forward, and this full moon in Libra might shine light on the choice you need to make in order to evolve. THE HANGED MAN in REVERSE tells you to make your choice without hesitation. The longer you “hang out” and linger on the possibilities, the harder it will be to choose. Over the next few weeks, it’s best to trust your gut and go with what lights your heart immediately on fire. Anything you hesitate on will hang around up to the next 12 months. If you’re not ready to make a choice about something, make sure it’s something you really want to ponder. It will likely hang around for the long term.
Live Tarot Reading for
Full Moon in Libra
April 16th, 2022
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Aries
March 31st/April 1st, 2022
My Aries son helped me pull the cards for this reading. He is highly intuitive, and has always been spot on.
Today's pull was no different! Check out the Tarot cards he pulled for this Aries New Moon below.
Symbolized by the number “1”, THE MAGICIAN card depicts a new journey ahead.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and since March 20th, we’ve felt a shift in the energy.
Perhaps you have felt stuck or uncertain of your next move. Maybe you’ve been lacking the energy to take action and move forward. THE MAGICIAN card now signifies the shift into Aries season and into Spring, where we have the opportunity to create our life ahead.
Notice how all elements lay on the table. The Magician has everything he needs at his disposal and knows how to embrace his own magic for alchemy and transformation. He holds the wand, representing his internal fire to create, to take action, and to manifest the material. As we move forward with this Aries season and now the new moon in Aries, we see the opportunities and potential for all we can create ahead.
It’s auspicious that we pull a card ruled by Mercury, as Mercury entered Aries just a few days ago on March 27th. When Mercury is in Aries we can find ourselves quick-witted, or with sparks of new ambition and drive to move forward. We may also have a divine spark of inspiration when it comes to what we want to create or how we want to design our lives.
The number “3” is a symbol of transformation, and this fiery new moon in Aries is all about change for the greater good. Swords are a sign of letting go, and when we pull the THREE OF SWORDS REVERSED, we are learning how to deal with the loss and release.Aries is ruled by fire, and they are known to burn bridges rather than cut chords. There is likely a relationship you need to make change around right now. It may be a relationship with a romantic partner, a friend, a family member, or even yourself. It could also be a relationship to an addictive substance, a career, or more. When we pull the THREE OF SWORDS REVERSED, we are being warned that whatever needs to be severed will happen through Divine intervention if we do not make the change ourselves. This is also a card of detachment, and we must learn to let go with peace and ease when people, places, things, or opportunities are taken away from us.
Life may seem bleak right now. There is a lot of uncertainty in the world and certainly a lot of loss, but know that it’s all to make room for the better. With death comes regeneration, and the number “3” can represent that “life-death-rebirth” cycle our collective planet seems to be journeying through. If you experience loss over this next lunar cycle or this entire zodiac year, trust that everything is moving out for a positive reason.
The QUEEN OF CUPS rules through emotional stability. She shows up balanced, aligned, and peaceful, and this keeps the people she rules over at peace as well. Ultimately, this card signifies our opportunity to also find more energetic harmony, and rule our lives with ease.Aries energy isn’t the best at controlling itself. They lean into their fire most of the time, which can have both positive and negative results. Fire can be destructive, but it can also be transformative. Fire can be supportive for change or it can lead to burn out. Cups always symbolize our internal waters. If you’re feeling rocky or stagnant, now is the time to embrace your internal fire, dry out, and stabilize on solid land.
This new moon is asking us to find ways to move our blocked energy. Water can also represent creative flow, and The QUEEN OF CUPS invites us to use creation in order to express our emotions and flow in the same way. If you’re feeling extra fiery with this Aries new moon or
Aries season, use it all to move your body, take action on a creative project you’ve wanted to direct energy toward, or just get creative in general. Remember, creativity can sometimes be messy and we’re in fire energy. Get as chaotic as you need in the process, but make sure you’re cool, calm, and contained once you complete your energetic transformation or complete any tasks at hand.
As much as I tried to keep this a 3-card pull, my Aries sun/son decided we needed a bonus card.He pulled the ACE OF SWORDS! Could that be any more appropriate?!
Just like the Three of Swords above, this card represents cutting ties and making change.
When we pull The ACE OF SWORDS, we are in ultimate new beginnings!
This Aries moon represents the Vedic New Year and first new moon of the zodiac.
How we take action now will set us up for the entire rest of the zodiacal year.
What changes do you need to make in order to move forward, succeed at your ventures, and spiritually evolve?
We are supported to make whatever adjustments we need. With this new moon, use the power of energetic fire to burn away attachments that do not serve. Cultivate your inner fire to fuel your ambition to become a new you. And utilize any stuck fire as motivation to move your body or embrace your creative flow to keep everything moving with ease. The ACE OF SWORDS says “It’s time to make true change. Embrace your power to do so!”
Live Tarot Reading for
Full Moon in Leo
February 16th, 2022
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Virgo
March 18th, 2022
Hard work is paying off, but we’re not quite there yet!
The SEVEN OF PENTACLES encourages us to continue to take action.
Remember, we are still in Pisces season, a time of a lot of dreaming, but not so much action.
This full moon in Virgo gives us the solar push we need to ignite our solar plexus energy and keep cultivating the confidence to move forward! We are in a time of planting and tending to the seeds of our dreams, not a time of harvest or collecting! Anytime we pull the SEVEN OF PENTACLES we are reminded that work is still ahead. If we want to see the fruits of our labor, we must keep tending.
Virgo energy is all about tending to ourselves, our energy, our bodies, our health, and our overall mentality. It’s a time to fall back into more spirituality, and this SEVEN OF PENTACLES could relate to the 7 chakras, “7 deadly sins,” or the 7 holy days of the week as it relates to spirituality. We may need to work daily and consistently toward what we are trying to achieve, we may have to do deep shadow work and emotional alchemy to gain the energy and mindset we need, or we may need to balance energetically before we are more aligned for success. Whatever you are called to work on now, let it be something you make scheduled room for. Virgo Full Moon energy always shines light on how we can connect deeper to ourselves and both the path and medicine we need. Let this lunar energy illuminate a path for you to follow.
THE STAR card tends to point towards astrology, and this full moon brings all planets aligned energetically! The Graha Yuddhas, or planetary wars between Mars, Venus, and Pluto, have all now passed, retrogrades are over, and we have a little bit of cosmic breathing room before we move into the upcoming eclipse season.Notice the two cups this angel of purity pours from. She’s balancing both her water and earthly energy. This means she takes time to carry out plan-of-action, create & manifest, and other times she’d rather isolate for emotional processing. There will need to be time for both, and this Full Moon in Virgo is asking us to create as much balance with our energy as possible. We are preparing for the growing season ahead, and we are ready to water the dream seeds we’ve planting by nurturing ourself and nurturing our desires.
THE STAR card may also be calling us back into ritual. This may be through finding time for our spiritual practices so we can unlock our chakras and find more energetic harmony. It may also be through creating regular ceremonies that honor things in nature like the 4 seasons, the full and new moons, or other high holidays. This full moon also brings in the season of spring, a time of new beginning. With THE STAR appearing as our present card, we are encouraged to use this time as a fresh start to create the life we truly want to show up to.
Fours are numbers of creation and wands tend to symbolize the same. However, when we pull the FOUR OF WANDS REVERSED, we may struggle to make our dreams our reality.We are currently in the full moon of Virgo and ending Pisces season. Virgos tend to need the steps or exact guidance on how to make something happen, and Pisces season tends to stay in the dreamworld or in their feelings rather than face true reality. Both of these energies could be limiting your ability to manifest now, but if you will just be patient and stick to your heart’s intentions, things will change soon.
Aries season will be arriving a few days after the full moon on March 20th. This full moon also brings in the Hindu celebration of Holi. This is a lunar portal and upcoming time of conscious conception and co-creation! When Aries season beings, we feel more motivation to take action toward what we desire. We also feel more self-starting and independent as we work to make change happen. During this Virgo full moon, look over your upcoming schedule and make plans accordingly. Leave time for both self-care and dreaming, while also placing in a few actionable steps so you can show up to your goals on a regular basis.
The FOUR OF WANDS REVERSED may also be depicting a bit of a muddy April. We may find ourselves going backward during the fourth month, or feeling stuck when it comes to our energy. As we move into the full moon of April and beyond, we will feel more motivated to shift. If you find yourself slowing down in the next few weeks, see it as a sign to take some down time, rest, and possibly redirect your energy. We always have Divine guidance helping us move down the appropriate path. We simply have to open up and let their energy help light our way.
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Pisces
March 2nd, 2022
The number “6’ represents magic, and the wands symbolize the same. Pulling this as our past card, we are reminded our magic has always been there. Perhaps you have seen glimpses of your gifts and talents, or they’ve come through spontaneously and unexpected. Maybe you’re aware of your energy but you’re still working to harness and cultivate it. Whatever your journey, the SIX OF WANDS reminds you to believe in your abilities.
The SIX OF WANDS also represents some sort of fortune. This could be hard work paying off or maybe we’re sensing a feeling of victory after these 2 years of challenging times. We are in a time of recognition. Others may finally start to see you for who you really are and support that, or you may find others starting to really honour your value.
Whatever your journey, the SIX OF WANDS reminds us that the past was a gift, including all we have gone through, and it’s up to us to hold our inner wand and embrace emotional alchemy. The past few years have applied a lot of pressure. They might have even seen us at our limit. But as we look back now we can honor the experience for the value it had to offer. This new moon is a time of regression. Of diving into our past, our past actions, and our feelings surrounding it all. It’s then up to us to shine love and light on the memory and appreciate the wisdom that arose. When we learn to see things and feel things in this way, we continue to rise up to a more positive, supportive, and fortunate evolution.
Has anyone felt like they’re still in Mercury retrograde?!That’s because Mercury is currently within 1 degree of Saturn, bringing tension and a sense of “planetary war”.
In other words, it’s best to hang around, be patient, and wait for these cosmic battles to pass.
This is also a great time to slow down and turn within, as we are in an emotionally heavy new moon ruled by Neptune and Pisces. THE HANGED MAN card is ruled by Neptune, and, similar to Neptune, this moon is ruled by Varuna, the God of the Sea in Vedic astrology. We may be feeling all of the water, and if you find yourself extra emotional you may need to turn in for preemptive damage control. Mars, Venus, and Pluto are also within 1 degree of each other, leading to an epic power struggle between the ultimate Masculine and Feminine. You may find yourself wanting to choose sides or try to take control yourself, but it’s better to remain mindful and casually disconnected. Notice how THE HANGED MAN does not distress. He enjoys the break to kick up his feet and take a load off! During this new moon, take time to isolate, retreat from outer influences that toxify your energy, and give yourself permission to look within to find your real truth and authenticity.
*Side note, this card is represented by the number “12”. This Pisces new moon is one of the most potent of the next 12 moons for dreaming about your future reality. Jupiter, Neptune, the sun, and the moon are all in the Pisces sign for dreaming. Give yourself space to tap in and see what your heart desires!
Highs and lows, one Pisces fish swimming up and one swimming down, Divine Masculine and Divine feminine. The TWO OF CUPS represents duality.
When we find this card reversed, we are leading toward an energy of war, rather than cohesiveness and harmony. Cups are also a symbol of emotion, and anytime we go through separation of relationship, or conflict in general, there’s bound to be an emotional reaction. We are human beings and we have a natural tendency to want to socialize and connect to each other. When we find a relationship repelling when it was once gravitational, it can be very upsetting to our core energy.
We are currently in a Graha Yuddha between Mars, Venus, and Pluto, and will be until March 12th. This “planetary war” will have us possible going to battle on our own homefront, in addition to what we’re witnessing on the planet. War will likely be all around us for the next few weeks, so it’s up to us to be the peacemaker. The 2 of cups can also represent our Sacral Chakra, our second energy center. This is related more to our feelings and the “softer” side of life. When we feel too rigid, too hard, we need to learn to relax into more of a peaceful feeling. War arises out fear. Peace arises out of safety. During this new moon and this lunar cycle, give yourself permission to be in control of co-creating a peaceful reality.
Live Tarot Reading for
New Moon in Pisces
March 2nd, 2022
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Leo
February 16th, 2022
I’ve been pulling this one a lot over the past 2 years, and I have no doubt why.
This entire transition and shift into the New Earth has been about patience.
We’ve had to patiently wait around for everything to play out, and it hasn’t been easy.
Notice the Angel on the card pouring from cup to cup.
These past few years have been emotional ones.
We’ve had to learn how to process. We’ve had to learn how to contain our energy, or move it in a different way. We’ve had to “go with the flow,” so to say, whether we wanted to or not.
Time is like that. It just keeps flowing on.
The angel on the card is The Angel of Time. The river represents time and her toe is dipping into the present as she pours from her past cup to her future. Everything is in her control, for she has free will. Notice the arrow on the card. You can focus your intentions on whatever and wherever you want, but know that energy flows where intention goes. Are you stuck on your past or anxious about your future? The only true control we have is in the now.
This arrow could also represent Sagittarius season, which we just passed at the end of last year. During that time, we shifted eclipse portals from the Gemini-Sagittarius nodes to Taurus-Scorpio. We are in a new karmic loophole until 2023, and this 18 month gestational period brings us an opportunity for change. The Temperance Card reminds us to be patient in our pursuits, and be mindful as we move forward in our journey.
The Temperance Card is represented by number 14, which breaks down to “5” in numerology. 2021 was a “5” year. We are being reminded to let go of our past, and let life flow. See the irises on the card? Spring is just around the corner! The recent celebration of Imbolc on February 2nd marked the midpoint between spring and winter, and we are now in sunnier times. Trust in the bulbs you planted back in the fall. Keep watering and fertilizing your dreams. Soon, everything will come to bloom.
The Magician Card is the second in the Tarot deck, signifying a new chapter.We are in the first lunar cycle of the year, and under the light of this first full moon we see our magick illuminated.
Notice how on the card all 4 arcana—wand, pentacle, sword, and cup—are out on the table. These represent the elements of wind, earth, fire, and water, and overall, ALCHEMY. When The Magician shows up in a pull we find ourselves drawn to our gifts, our psychic senses, our intuition, and our magical capabilities. Notice the infinity loop above The Magician’s head. Your potential is limitless!
We are in the sun season of Aquarius—a zodiac sign known for being different.
When we find ourselves opposite the sun in a Leo full moon, we cultivate our bravery to move forward with our own uniqueness. This is a time to embrace what you’re into, direct your energy toward it, and use it to express yourself! The moon is supporting you to move forward. See the “1” on the card? This is a time to trust new beginnings.
The Magician Card is ruled by Mercury. We are in the Mercury post-retrograde shadow until February 24th. It may still be a challenge to communicate or be who you truly are. Use this full moon to release limitations. Use your sword to cut cords or set boundaries with those who do not support your most magical self. Use your cup to process your emotions and make room for creative flow. Use your wand to embrace your magick. And use your pentacle to remember your self worth. When you bring all of your elements together, you feel more complete. When you trust in your magick, you feel whole.
Creativity. Joy. Craftsmanship. Magical Cultivation. ABUNDANCE.These are all energies the Three of Pentacles brings!
3 is a number if transformation. Of Life, Death, and Rebirth.
Do you need to recreate yourself now?
What about your life? Are you satisfied where you are, or do you need to redirect your energy? The Three of Pentacles is about embracing your own gifts and offerings for the world. If you’ve been living in your joy already, The Three of Pentacles foresees this paying off with financial and energetic support. If you’ve been feeling a call to craft your magick, The Three of Pentacles now directs you to set your sights there.
Falling after our present card of The Magician, I believe this full moon and current Aquarius & upcoming Pisces seasons are calling us back to ourselves. We all have gifts and magick inside, but it takes time to bring it all out. It takes love and support and faith, and, sometimes, we lack in one or all of those categories. Leo energy is all about the heart. This full moon is asking you to fill your love tank with people, hobbies, and actionable steps that truly fan your flames and set you on fire.
Notice the card. Orange is the color of the sacral chakra, our energy center of creativity and pleasure. Surrounding this orange is yellow, the color of our solar plexus and energy center of joy. It is also our center of wealth, and the 3 pentacles in the center of it all remind us that we are worthy to receive. During this lunar portal, let the full moon shine light on your gifts, and then turn and shine your own light on them with your energy and intention. Continue to direct your focus on what brings you joy and feels good, and you can’t go wrong! Our Temperance card at the beginning of our pull reminds us that things take time, and we may not see results right away, but if we keep moving forward with the pursuit of joy in the present, we will feel wealthy no matter what amount is in our current bank account.
Live Tarot Reading for
Full Moon in Leo
February 16th, 2022
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Aquarius & Lunar New Year
January 31st/February 1st, 2022
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Cancer
January 17th, 2022
This card is not what people usually assume. Death is about rebirth and new beginnings, and we are beginning a new lunar year! Notice the number 13 on this card. 13 moons. 13 new beginnings. 13 second chances to rebirth and reconstruct ourself and our dreams. This is the energy we are in now.
Death is symbolic with this card. We are being reminded that we must pluck the dead things in order to make room for growth. Venus has just gone direct, rising up from the underworld herself and now ruling as Morning Star. This card, displaying a woman in a green dress, the color of the heart chakra, reminds me of Venus or Aphrodite. She is tending to her trees, much like we need to prune and tend to our relationships now. What is worthy of your energy? What supports your growth? What is rotting? Are there any invasive weeds trying to interfere? Make your adjustments appropriately. When we set boundaries or cut chords, it will feel like a death or a loss. Trust that the energy you release will come back to you in a more positive fashion.
Here again we have the sign of gestation, as the Hermit card represents turning within.Notice the number 9. 9 months to create human life. 9 planets that revolve around us and define our energy. It’s time to tend to ourselves and our energy.
The Hermit is also wearing a green cloak, indicating that we now need to follow our heart. When it comes to the healing we need to do, the answers we seek will come from within. Even if we need something in the external, a certain guru, or medicine, our internal wisdom will guide us along the way. Notice the lamp The Hermit carries. He shines his own light as he follows his intuition down the most certain path. Notice his rod, with snake surrounding. He finds his healing along the way.
The New Moon is a time of retreat, solitude, and silence. This is a time of reflection and contemplation. Make sure you are taking time to listen to everything that speaks to you from the inside, for it can provide important direction right now.
The Queen of Wands sits on her throne much like Venus in her Morning Star Phase. We know she will increase in brightness over the next 9 days, indicating our own abilities, talents, and value will shine. Wands are a symbol of magic, and the Queen of Wands encourages us to embrace ours now. Again, she sits in a green dress and cape, showing how important it is to follow where our heart guides us. Notice the crossed wands on the card, symbolic of the number “2”. We are moving through the year “2022” now, a number representing magick. We are also in Aquarius season, an Aquarian moon, and a New Golden Age of Aquarius, and the Cosmic Water-Bearer is all about believing in our unique gifts! Use this new moon portal to believe in yourself, go where you feel called, and start ruling your life with the magic you were blessed with!BONUS CARD FOR THIS LUNAR YEAR:
Pentacles are a sign of abundance and the number 5 represents growth.When we pull the Five of Pentacles, we may experience doubts in our abundance, but this is simply our ego falling into victim mode. The truth is, if we trust in our gifts (the orange square-sacral chakra) and we do what makes us happy (the surrounding yellow and pentacles-solar plexus), we cannot fail to succeed! Part of embracing abundance is learning that there are infinite amounts of it! Our growth lies in learning to truly believe and embrace this. Use these next 13 months to believe in your own co-creative magick, and trust that this New Earth is supporting all of the dreams you are ready to bring forward!
Life has been a bit of a balancing act. The Two of Swords arrives as our past card, signifying the journey we’ve been on over these past two years. Everything has changed, and we’ve had to likely restructure how we balance work-home-life-partnership, and other energies. Swords are a symbol of release, and many of us have had to let go of another place to retreat to, leaving us feeling stuck and isolated amongst our lockdowns and quarantines. While this has been strenuous and challenging to navigate, we now see ourselves in 2022 feeling more prepared for anything to come.
Releasing always makes space for the new. We cut weeds to make room for our plants. We cut ties to make room for our growth. We cut bonds when we sense something’s off in the energy. This Two of Swords is asking us to now reflect back on all of the times we took action through the severing of the blade. How did you grow or change afterwards? How did you expand your heart and uplift your frequency from there? Every action has a reaction, and the Two of Swords is guiding you to notice how you’ve tipped your own scales.
Venus has been in Retrograde and continues to spin backwards until January 29th. I believe this Two of Swords is also displaying the relationships that are coming back around to be severed for good. Venus Retrograde combined with the current Mercury retrograde enhances the chance that people from your past may pop up suddenly. This is a test of how you want to exchange energy. It may also be beneficial to guide yourself to act in a different way than you normally would. For example, in my own life I’ve had several random people pop up through social media friend requests. Normally I would accept “to be nice,” even if I hadn’t spoken to these people in years. This time around I said “NO”. I’ve let the requests lie in limbo, and that way no feelings are hurt. As I grow deeper into my spiritual practices, I’ve learned to protect my energy. Not everyone needs to be available to me all of the time. This is a shift I’m making this retrograde season.
However you navigate this lunar cycle, pay attention to the “Re’s”.
Remember, reflect, redo, reanalyze, redirect, etc.
This is a time of you coming back to balance.
This time is a shift in your evolution.
We are preparing for another 13 rounds as we approach Lunar New Year just at the end of this Capricorn moon cycle. On February 1st, we will begin a journey again through each of our moons, and we’ll embrace the energy of The Tiger along the way. Lunar New Year is also known as Chinese New Year. We’ve been in the Year of the Ox, grounding in and powering through. Now, we get to embrace our boldness and truly go after what we desire. Tiger energy is all about seeking out our prey, and using our courage to go alone to get it, if we need to.The Wheel of Fortune usually represents just that—luck, abundance, and good energy on our side. This can also represent a turn in technology, medicine, or other innovations. Represented by Jupiter, the Planet of Joy, Luck, and Expansion, pulling The Wheel of Fortune for our Present Card signifies a positive turn of events.
A lot is coming to the surface right now. This watery, emotional, full Cancer moon will only bring up more. So will the current Venus and Mercury Retrogrades. This is a time of reflection, in order to redirect. We know we cannot go back to the way things were before. We know we are now in a “new normal.” It’s time to adapt and evolve in whatever way supports us. Great shifts will happen on the collective, but they can also happen within ourselves. Use the energy of this first month of the year, the upcoming Lunar New Year, and this promising Age of Aquarius to embrace 2022 with positivity and potential.
Here we again pull the power of Jupiter for our future in The Tower Card. Many times this card can be interpreted as destruction, but overall it represents a great awakening. Divine intervention has been in play with our planetary shift, and I see more things happening on the collective that may feel out of our control. The truth is, we always have free will to lean into the victim story, or allow ourselves to be the proprietor of our evolution. Change is inevitable. Are you ready to adapt?This card also displays the upcoming astrological Graha Yuddha between Mars and Venus, where a cosmic planetary war may take place. We will feel this on our planet with great forces of nature like volcanoes, hurricanes, and maybe even things we’ve not witnessed before. This Mars-Venus conflict is very rare and does not happen often. I do believe this is representative of the great shift we’re making from dark ages to light, and the shift out of the patriarchy and into the Yin. We have been in a Capriconian Age, full of structure, organization, government, separateness, and struggles over power and control. Now, a Divine hand has come into play to shift the collective. We have moved into the Age of Aquarius, a time of wisdom-bearing, thinking and doing differently, and shifting our perspective.
The Tower is represented by the number “16” or “7” (1+6=7) in numerology.
2023 will be a “7” year.
This card is telling us that 2022 will continue to wake us up in ways we never expected.
7 is a number of navigation. Think 7 days a week, 7 planets, 7 chakras, 7 deadly sins, etc.
This next year will be a deep journey of discovery, both within ourselves and on the collective.
It’s time to perceive this life and our own self differently. This new Golden Age brings new light to ancient wisdom like astrology, the energy body, epigenetics, Universal Laws, and more. Embrace these new ways of thinking. The Tower represents navigating unknown territory that may just change your entire life. Lean into the alternative things that call you, and embrace this next year and the future with an open mind toward whatever comes your way.
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Capricorn
January 2nd, 2022
The Queen of Cups returns in our reading again for our past card!
I want you to know, since doing the reading for the December Full Moon in Gemini, I’ve had 2 Tarot sessions with others, and I’ve done multiple readings for myself. I even shuffled the deck 22 times before my personal yearly reading yesterday, I shuffled another 22 times before doing the reading for this new moon.
…yet again, The Queen of Cups arrives in our past!
Venus is currently retrograde, and I have no doubt this is the reason this card is coming back around. The Planet of Love, Relationship, Sex, Pleasure, Money, and Worthiness is spinning backward in the house of Capricorn, conjunct with the current sun and moon, and she’s been this way for several weeks now. Anytime Venus is retrograde we may have sacral chakra-related things show up. This could be ex-lovers, friends from the past, or any relationship you may need to re-analyze. Usually this results in you setting a stronger boundary or cutting a chord completely, but sometimes it can represent the ignition of a new energy exchange.
The Queen of Cups is emotionally stable. She sits on a simple box rather than standing on a platform or ruling from an elaborate throne. She is humble, because she has lived a challenging life. We have been though much over the past 2 years, and it has certainly humbled us! Now, we have the opportunity to find new views around value and what makes us feel graciously full.
The Queen of Cups is also rooted into ruling from her heart. She holds her waters, her sacred, sacral, creative waters, in her left hand, the sign of yin, Shakti, and creation itself. We are learning to slow down, manage our energy, and choose what’s worthy from our heart. We’ve learned to prioritize true pleasure and joy over the past 2 years, and we may have had to get creative in how we cultivated it all. Now, we rule our lives with more stability. We no longer strive for the “it will be better when” or, “I will be happy when”. We’ve learned to embrace the here and now and all it has to offer. During this new moon on the cusp of a new year, make a plan to ensure this next year doesn’t go quite like the ones before. Prioritize what keeps you emotionally aligned and what sets your heart on fire. Schedule in time for creativity, self-care, and play, for embracing joy will continue to carry you through. It’s time to toast the old and cheers in the new! The Queen of Cups is ready to join you! She raises her glass in salutations and helps you welcome in 2022 with anticipation and excitement!
Close social circles. Happy Family Ties. Positive Work Relationship and Bonds.These are all qualities of the King of Wands.
I like to call him the “Happily Ever After” card!
The King of Wands rules with compassion. He befriends his kingdom and it’s people as equals, rather than less than. Even when he disagrees or doesn’t understand, he still lends a listening ear and holds space for others to share their story. It’s also funny that we pull this card after The Queen of Cups, because I feel if ever there was a couple to rule the world, that would be it! The creative Divine Feminine merging with the compassionate Divine Masculine is something we are starting to experience now, and we can feel ourselves birthing into this New Earth and new evolution as we speak!
This card displays 2 crossed wands. This present moment on the 2nd day of 2022 is a pivotal one, for it brings a new moon to help us spark and ignite the flames of new beginnings. 2022 comes to a 6 in numerology, quite literally representing magick, and I believe The King of Wands is ensuring us of our co-creative abilities. He is surrounded by yellow on the card—an indicator of his alchemical abilities. We, too, have the power to turn anything we touch into gold, if we believe! As we move into this new year on this New Earth in this New Golden Age, trust in your capability to make your dreams a reality.
6 is also a number representing community, family, relationship, and society. Venus is currently retrograde until the end of January. She’s been spinning backwards for several weeks now, asking us to look at our personal relationships in addition to how we direct our energy into the external world. It’s time to be more compassionate and empathetic, like The King of Wands. It’s time to hold space for each other as best we can, even if we do not disagree. The key is to look at it like a scale. Are there more topics you agree on with the person or not? If the scales don’t tip in your favor you can graciously exit a relationship without doing harm. The King of Wands reminds you to be peaceful, and to be as gentle as possible when you need to cut chords or set boundaries.
Evolve or stay the same!We pull the Two of Wands for our future card, representing the year 2022 ahead and our infinite possibilities. We are likely at a crossroads right now, and we’re deciding if we want to be the same or different. There is no right or wrong, there is simply a choice that will either progress our evolution or keep us in the same spot to experience the same karma. Even if we choose the different path this time around there will still be lessons to learn and wisdom to gain! It’s simply up to us to choose the experience and how we want to play the game.
The Two of Wands also represents positive relationships and creative partnerships. Wands are a sign of creation, and this card ensures you 2022 could be an exciting year for new creative ventures. Your success in partnerships doesn’t necessarily have to be professional. You may also have stronger romantic relationships or rekindle past flames. Wands also represent healing, and you may find 2022 healing any broken bonds you’re ready to repair between family, friends, or other important people in your life.
2022 breaks down to a 6 in numerology, symbolizing family, community, and social energetic exchange. Pulling the Two of Wands for our unfolding year indicates positive connections. You may find yourself in lucky situations, where knowing the right person gets you ahead. You may also have people come into your life that push you to evolve into a different person entirely. Over this next year, pay attention to the relationships you give your time and energy. Make sure that things feel balanced and the relationship feels mutual. And make sure to surround yourself with those who believe in you and your magick. Having that kind of support circle can really help you make your dreams come true!
We are in the dawn of the new Golden Age, and Rabbit spirit encourages you to come out into the light! Just as we see the rabbit emerge from it’s nesting hole once spring arrives, you, too, are preparing to pull yourself up out of the darkness.
We have already experienced Winter Solstice. The nights are growing shorter and the days longer. More and more light is returning, and so is your energy. The fertile rabbit guides you to prepare for the seeds you are ready to plant. Whatever you put your mind and energy toward will manifest now. Although you cannot see it, in the belly of the womb it all comes to fruition. Use this new moon and beginning of a new year to not only dream about what you create, but keep taking action in trust that it will all come true!
This card also indicates vulnerability. Sometimes diving into a new project or venture or becoming someone different is scary, but we must let go of the fear and dive in anyway! We will never have anything different if we do not do things differently! Use this new year to embrace your adventurous side and go after what is calling you.
The rabbit also represents this co-creative reality we are all now living in. Anything is possible more than ever before! Did you know female rabbits can become pregnant WHILE STILL PREGNANT?! Literally, anything is possible in this new world and new year, and Rabbit spirit confirms it! Don’t limit yourself to just one dream…start dreaming BIG and dreaming A LOT! You have the ability to co-create multiple things at once, and this magickal year of 2022 is supporting you to do it! Over the next few days, use this new moon to really ground into what you want to manifest and who you want to evolve into, make a plan to take action on your creativity, and break any programming that tells you it cannot be done. In the Age of Aquarius, anything is possible. Welcome to your new, 5D, magickal reality!