Tarot Reading for New Moon in Capricorn
January 12th, 2021

Past Card:
The sign of ultimate femininity, the Ace of Cups is reminding us we’ve been through a rebirthing process.
We are shedding the layers of old that no longer serve and moving toward a more empathetic and understanding collective. Feminine energy nurtures, listens, and tries to understand. We need to do the same right now..
Cups represent emotions and sacral chakra. We have been through deep emotional processing not only during 2020, but collectively we’ve been suffering most of this lifetime. As we finally shift from patriarchy to matriarchy we are learning to listen to others’ stories and open up our hearts and minds to living differently.. If you’re feeling heavy with this new moon as you reflect on the past, you are not alone. Use these feelings as inspiration for change. Use them as an example of what you do not want to go through again,. The Ace of Cups reminds us that we always have the power to emotionally alchemize our frequency.
Ace of Cups can also be a sign of creativity. We have all certainly had to get creative this past year in how we do things, and this card is reminding us that the shift truly was the beginning of a “new normal.” We must get used to doing things differently as we move forward. Things will never be the same as they were before.
Present Card:
The Four of Pentacles is a sign of abundance. We are being reminded that right now we literally hold gold in the palm of our hands.
We have gained so much insight and wisdom. We have an advantage as we move forward into the future.
This time around it won’t feel as challenging.
Pentacles always represent good fortune, abundance, and security. Struggles of the past won’t repeat themselves, but you must trust that all is well along the way. 4 is the sign of the angels, and we must believe that Earth is protected right now. If you feel lost or at lack, all you have to do is call upon your angels, guides, and ancestors! You ALWAYS have them with you, and you are never truly alone.
The number 4. Four trimesters. A sense of completion. Success.
These are all energies we are currently navigating, whether you realize it or not!
The Four of Pentacles represents a return to good health and success in our professional lives.
Things are going to get easier from here!
Notice the orange surrounding these pentacles. This is sacral chakra energy once again!
We must continue to be creative right now as we find new ways to live.
Notice the yellow. This is solar plexus energy. Pure bliss and joy.
Wherever we direct our energy, it should promote joy within us.
The sacral spaces are a place of worthiness. Give yourself the time, energy, and love you deserve!
This lunar cycle will move us into a Mercury Retrograde, where communication will be confusing and self-expression will feel limited. The Hanged Man is reminding us that this is simply a time to pause and patiently “hang around” for a bit.
This card does not signify death. It represents a change of perspective.
Sometimes our world has to get shaken up and turned upside down before we slow down and take a different point of view. Sometimes we go through earth-shattering, heart-wrenching events, because we need to wake up and start moving more through our heart chakras.
Notice the green of this card and the plants wrapped around. This is the air element and Anahata. We are being reminded that the future is all about love! If we’re struggling to move forward with an open heart, something will tie us up until we shift toward that energy.
This hanged man is tied up in the branches by his foot. Root chakra energy is strong right now.
We are reflecting on our past and noticing the old ways that weren’t working. We are being reminded to find the lessons in our experiences so we move forward into a more sustainable and supportive future. As we take a different perspective on life, we do it from our head and instinct rather than our Earthly rooted egoic ways.
Be patient, Sisters & Brothers! Change doesn’t happen instantly! The tree doesn’t grow from seedling to Redwood overnight. We are making great change right now, and with it, will come some headaches, dizzy spells, and growing pains. The more you learn to slow down and relax into the blessings ahead, the more peaceful a transition you will have along the way.
Live Tarot Reading for
New Moon in Capricorn
January 12th, 2021
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Leo
January 28th, 2021

Past Card:
Three. The number of the Divine Feminine. Life-Death-Rebirth Cycle.
The Three of Wands is reminding us that our past was a new beginning.
Notice the green on this card. Heart energy is strong with this full moon, and we are being guided to look at our past with gratitude rather than regret or disappointment. When things don’t go as expected, new opportunities arise. Instead of looking back at all that didn’t happen these past 6-12 months, take note of what DID happen. What beautiful harvest can you now admire after all you’ve been through?
Notice the yellow of this card. This is a symbol of solar plexus energy, and we are being reminded to live out our joy. As we grow and adapt to this new world, new age, and New Earth, we must learn to put bliss first. The Three of Wands is symbolic of creativity and excitement. As you design your new life amongst all of these current changes, remember the past and how you want to do things differently this time around.
Present Card:
Can you do the same?!
We seem as if we are in dejavu right now. The same issues are coming back around, yet this time we have an advantage. Can we truly honor the moment of now amidst all that’s happened and all that is unknown?
The Queen of Pentacles does not worry about the future. Her time to act is RIGHT NOW.
Pure lioness energy calls us to live this life to the fullest and seize the day for all it’s worth!
This card is also calling us to be loyal to our truest selves and our unique gifts.
The Queen of Pentacles rules with such authenticity that her consorts do not question who she is. She does not filter herself or wear a mask around certain members of society. She has become brave enough to peel away the layers and expose herself for the world to see. She doesn’t even question any of it anymore. She simply rules her life with joy, with passion, and with ease.
During this full moon portal, use Leo energy and influence to shine just like the queen on this card. Embrace courage to live your life to the fullest, and stop giving fucks about what others think along the way. When you learn to live in your truth and live as yourself, you inspire others to take the reigns of their life and start ruling in the same way.
Can you feel the karma of the collective returning now?
Swords are a symbol of release and cutting ties.
This card is reminding us to let go of false truths and co-dependent attachments that keep us tied down to a lower frequency.
It is time for an ego death. Notice the red of this card and the way the swords plunge down through it.
This is a severance from our past. The way it affects us is different now. We are no longer simply a part of our stories, and instead, we find ourselves the storyteller.
Pick up your sword and slay what no longer serves!
Full moons are a time of release. During this Leo full moon portal become brave enough to no longer be a victim of your past. Give yourself permission to flip the script and rewrite the chapters.
Notice the pink on this card. We are again being called back to our hearts.
When we release the bondage our past takes hold on us, we learn to find gratitude rather than regret.
Can you view the stories of your past through your heart?
Can you be grateful for all you have gone through?
Alchemize the way you feel. You always have the power to do so.
As we move into the future with so much unknown, embrace your strengths to carry on.
You’ve gone through so much already; you can handle whatever gets thrown at you now.
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Aquarius
Lunar New Year
February 11th/12th, 2021

Past Card:
Our past experiences have strengthened our relationships with one another. 2020 was a time for us to come together more than ever, both in our personal lives and on the collective. The Lovers see each other, love each other, and work to protect each other’s hearts. This card practically bleeds heart energy, representing the focus around so much air energy during the past year.
The card displays the number 6. Symbolic of spirituality in numerology
This past year has tried our faith and our truths more than ever before.
We’ve had to figure out what we believe in and where to direct our energy to remain stable.
The Lovers card reminds us to continue to move from within.
The number 6 also represents growth, and we’ve definitely navigated some growing pains over this past lunar cycle. This also shows the growth that can come out of us moving more through our hearts instead of our minds.
Listen to your heart.
Follow your heart.
Move from your heart.
We’ve heard this advice time and time again.
This time will you apply it?
As we move into this next lunar cycle, give yourself permission to start living from your heart center.
Prioritize love above everything else, and your flowers of joy and abundance will continue to grow.
Present Card:
Wands. A symbol of magic and alchemy. A symbol of pointing in the positive direction.
At this spark of the Lunar Year and the time of ultimate beginnings with this new moon, it is time to believe in your creative potential now more than ever.
What stems from your heart?
What brings you joy?
These are the questions we should be asking ourselves as we move forward.
The Four of Wands represents The Good Life.
And it’s reminding us that this better life we always dream of is actually what we’re living right now.
We create our reality, always.
It’s a continuous projection of our energy, intentions, and actions.
Where are you directing your magick?
During this new moon portal, take time to call upon your guides and angels to help you remove limiting blocks and fully embrace your potential. Take time to dream of the life you want to start living and make a mental plan of the first steps you need to take to get there. With this first new moon of the entire lunar year with us now, this is the perfect time to finally commit to the changes you are ready to make.
We are still making changes, cutting cords, and shedding old ways. Swords are always a sign of release, and this card is reminding us to keep doing the hard work to release what no longer serves both ourselves and the collective.
The number four reminds us that 2020 is still very much here despite it being a new year.
The lasting impact of our behavior is now reaping repercussions. We can sense the energetic shift.
It’s important to view our past with empathy and grace, but also make the commitment to not repeat the pattern.
Another message shines through with this card:
Do you always need to be doing the “hand work” to make the changes you think are meant for you, or do you take time to allow The Universe to work its magick in between?
The Four of Swords tells us to chill out and relax!
The hard work is done, and now everything is playing out as a result.
Some of it will continue to stress us. This is why we must rest and prepare for the battle.
Other results will support and inspire us, and we must be ready to move forward into our next evolution when the time is just right.
But for now, give yourself time to rest.
And continue to find the balance between work and rest in the future.
The sword can only cut as hard as the strength behind it.
Give yourself time to gather all of the energy you need to cut through those ropes for good!
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Virgo
February 27th, 2021

Past Card:
Represented by the number “0” or “Ace”, The Fool is the first card of The Tarot.
This is a symbol of the New Earth we are all now navigating.
Last year was a new beginning for us all, a time to refocus and redirect our energy.
Things will never be the same after this past year, and we must learn to embrace the magick of all to come!
In this particular deck, The Fool is depicted through the Danish Fairy Tale of The Little Mermaid.
In the zodiac, the mermaid is Capricorn energy, and we have just shifted into The Age of Aquarius from The Age of Capricorn.
It is time to release our restrictions and let ourselves be free!
This card screams “FREE WILL” to me!
No matter the circumstances, we always have free will to change.
This is the wisdom coming from our past just behind us.
As we navigate a new world in what seems like “history repeating itself,” you can either choose to react the same or do something different. The Fool is a sign of a crossroads. During this full moon portal, release comfort around your old journey and embrace the adventure of taking a path that’s new!
Present Card:
Virgo energy is complete. It is not co-dependent. It is holy and pure just as it is.
The Hermit card is reminding us we are the same!
As much as we think we need others to teach us, guide us, lead us, and instruct us, all we really need to know is already inside.
This isn’t to say we don’t need help from time to time, but Virgos tend to have an excessive tendency to lean on others rather than take their own initiative. During this Virgo Full Moon, it is time to release this attachment.
Just for the next few days, give yourself permission to navigate the journey completely on your own.
In this deck, The Hermit is represented by the Celtic legend of the Druid & White Stag.
In my own interpretation, this card reminds me of the scene in Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban where he finally realizes it is he who projects the Patronus to save himself from the past.
We can take this lesson and apply it to our own journey of healing.
We can seek out support from others, but if we’re waiting on those people to truly save us and heal us, we shouldn’t hold our breath.
When it comes down to it, it is up to us, ALWAYS!
It is only when we let go of distractions and dependencies that we can finally turn within and seek the guidance we need. During this full moon portal, give yourself permission to let go of worldly responsibility and list-checking, and find solitude instead. See what comes through when you are quiet. Notice how you feel when you are alone. It is in these times of silence and introspection, that we start to find answers, peace, and ease.
*Aligning with Virgo energy, this is one of the most fertile full moons of the year! The white stag on this card reminds us of this, as deer spirit is a symbol of female fertility. If you are trying to conceive, or if you are ready to “birth” a different project into the world, now is the time to fertilize your dreams with as much faith and action as possible.
Future Card:
Our future is literally in the fate of our hands!
Are we strong enough to handle it?!
The Strength card reminds us that our future will have challenges, but if we remain patient and heartfelt we will find ourselves overcoming anything that’s thrown at us.
In this deck, the Strength card is depicted by the Scottish tale of Tam Lin. This is a story of a girl who is so persistent in her heart, that she overpowers the magick of The Fae.
This card is reminding us that we have the power to conquer anything we set our hearts on!
….this unknown future included!
We are moving out of the old 3D Matrix and into the new 5D Reality.
Just as the Scottish girl Janet refuses to settle until she has the life she desires, you can do the same!
This life may seem uncertain. You may feel as if nothing will work out because of recent letdowns and shattered expectations. You may not know how to have a life of health, wealth, and happiness in such troubled times, but I assure you, this life is truly what you make of it.
You ALWAYS have the power to attract what you want!
During this full moon portal, find the strength you need to hold onto the faith of your future.
Find the willpower to carry on in this New World, no matter the challenges you come across.
If you hold enough faith in your heart and courage in your actions, there will be no other result than for you to succeed.
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Pisces
March 13th, 2021

Normally I pull a “past/present/future” card, but this New Moon I felt called to do something different.
I have pulled a card for this Piscean Lunar Cycle, for the next upcoming full zodiac year, and a spirit animal card as messages from the guides and guardians are strong right now. Here is the reading that came through:
Card for the Piscean Lunar Cycle:
The number of infinity.
Cycles of light and dark.
The two fishes endlessly looping in their cosmic swim of shadow and light, of known and unknown.
Infinite potential.
Cosmic Expansion.
These are all archetypal of Pisces energy!
We are coming out of winter’s darkness and returning to the light, just as we do every cyclical year.
Even this particular card shows the Rainbow Crow bringing fire to melt the winter’s snow.
….by the way, the Full “Crow” Moon will fall underneath this lunar cycle!
It will also by a full moon in Aries energy—the sign of fire and new beginnings.
We always have the ability to begin again.
In other words, we always have the ability to recreate.
Wands are a symbol of alchemy and magick.
Be reminded of your own ability to transform.
What are you ready to change?
What are you ready to “burn away”?
Remember, energy is always infinite. When you release what no longer serves you give things a chance to die and rise up again like the Phoenix from the ash’s flames.
As you navigate this Piscean lunar cycle and shift from one season to another, remind yourself that your potential in this life is infinite, and the moment you take action you propel yourself forward.
The Eight of Wands symbolizes the opportunity to make swift decisions.
…notice how the Rainbow Crow is flying so fiercely on this card that wings are combust!
The crossroads that come your way over the next 4 weeks must be navigated quickly.
“How you do anything is how you do everything.”
This is one of the mottos with this lunar cycle.
You are at the end of the zodiac year, and anything you do not leave behind will continue to stay with you over the next year.
So make choices that support your evolution!
Let go of the need to fall into old patterns. Comfort is stagnancy and will get you nowhere.
Light a fire on your pathway now.
Do you know what you REALLY want?
Take time this new moon and rest of Pisces season to dream and really envision what you want to the utmost detail.
Write down the steps you know you need to take to get there.
Ask for guidance along the way, take action without heed, hold gratitude for what comes, and nothing but rainbow magick will come your way.
Card for the Next Zodiac Year:
The number of completion.
9 months.
A new chapter. A new beginning.
The Divine Feminine.
This is what shines through as we prepare to navigate this next year.
We worry history will repeat itself.
That “nothing will be the same” again in the most horrible way.
It is only our ego and old ways that hold us down into this way of thinking.
Look at all of the cups on this card.
Literally, the cups are overflowing!
Cups are a sign of abundance, and this card is promising us a future full of glitter and gold.
Can you trust in it?
Can you believe in your worthiness to receive?
This next year will be an emotional one, another symbol of cup or water energy.
The large number of cups show us it’s time to not only emotionally process the things within us individually, but we must also learn how to do this as a skill on the collective.
Empathy and Understanding are the new guidelines for this 5D reality.
This is the Divine Feminine/Great Mother energy taking over our planet.
Are you feeling the shift?
The Nine of Cups reminds us that all is well and so much good is coming!
We will see a return to health, new relationships and romantic partnerships, new success in business, and more!
…..if we believe in it.
Water is our sacral chakra. Our place of pleasure. Our place of feeling that we deserve to feel good.
After all we’ve been through, can you feel good now?
We always have the ability to create out of our sacred energetic womb.
It does not matter what gender you identify or do not identify with.
We all have a sacral chakra, a cosmic womb where our inner creative energy lies.
Tap into it, and never stop.
This is the message for us as we navigate this next year.
This is what we need to do in order to not only survive, but THRIVE.
Trust in this wisdom, anchor it into your soul, and continue to move forward into this future with the peace, joy, and bliss you know you deserve.
Spirit Animal Card:
It’s no surprise that I pull this particular message during the Pisces New Moon!
The veil is currently thin, and it’s the perfect time to be reaching out to our spirit guides/animals/ancestors/angels/deities/etc for guidance on our path.
It is not time to pay attention to things so much on this planet.
In fact, turning OFF the media and disconnecting more would be most beneficial!
It’s only when we tune out that we can truly tune within and hear what our psychic ears are trying to receive!
Hawk Protection Message:
“Let Spirit Be Your Guide.”
Spirit has “been there, done that.” They’ve learned the wisdom and like the hawk have hindsight on what to do if offered the choice again.
When you feel those inner nudges to go one way or make a certain choice, these are your guides helping you to not make the same mistakes they did!
Lean into the guidance.
The Hawk also has vantage point. They can see farther ahead and know what may be coming onto your path. Your guides are constantly sending you signs to make sure you know which way to go. When you see what speaks to you, don’t doubt it.
The more we learn to trust our intuition, the more we will succeed in this new world.
This is a new way of thinking and a new way of living, but we must lean into the evolution for it is supporting our greatest good. As our collective continues to grow it will be important to trust our psychic senses and the things that maybe we only know are true. If it feels right from the inside—from your heart—it is. Keep holding faith, keep doing you, and keep holding onto the feelings that direct you through.
Live Tarot Reading
March 13th, 2021
Tarot Reading for Full SUPERMOON in Libra
March 28th, 2021

Past Card:
The battle is over and victory has been won!
The chariot card signifies a win, a final settlement or understanding, and a return to health.
The fight is over and it’s time to heal. Return home to your families and yourself and rest in peace for awhile.
We’ve officially come up on the 1 year anniversary of our old world crumbling.
March 2020 was the time when everything shifted, and we wonder if March 2021 will be the same.
You can take rest spiritual soldiers. The only battles you may face moving forward will be with yourselves.
Notice the white and black horse on this card. This is a representation of our shadow side and inner light.
There have been many battles in our past between these two!
All of the internal work you’ve been doing has paid off.
You now have more wisdom and are more prepared for the next time a battle calls you.
You are at an advantage, and will not have to fight as hard as you did before.
The Chariot Card is ruled by the number 7 and the sign of Cancer.
7 is a number of completion. Of evolution. Of a higher understanding.
….we’ve always said hindsight is “2020,” eh?!
We’ve also learned to embrace the mother energy of Cancer like never before and take care of ourselves.
Some of us have been isolated from our mothers or parents or caretakers.
Others have had to take care of their own parents or become the mother themselves.
Most importantly, we’ve learned to nurture ourselves and maintain our own health and stability so we can survive so much like the mother does and carry on.
The past is behind you now. We can move forward with confidence. We can believe in ourselves and our ability to take on whatever comes our way in the future. Believe in yourself, and victory will always be at your hands.
Present Card:
We have moved into the season of spring, a time of rain, cleansing, and renewal.
As nature starts to blossom and come out of winter’s hibernation, we will take in her abundance of color and aroma. Find the blessings and beauty all around you!
The Page of Cups is overwhelmed with emotion. He is sensitive and relates to others almost too much sometimes. The empaths and star seeds of the Earth are currently arising and awakening. With more sensitivity comes more sensitivity, and this is the energy we are moving into with the present shift.
It is time to live out of our heart. We have moved into the collective “heart chakra frequency” of the Earth!
Notice the pink and green of this card. Colors of Anahata remind us to look through the lens of gratitude wherever we go.
Can you hold gratitude for EVERYTHING, including the challenges you face?
When you learn to be thankful for everything that comes your way, you open up your heart to receive more things to be thankful for in the future!
…and the more you hold gratitude, the less challenges will be thrown your way!
It’ll all start to be “good stuff,” because you view everything as good!
Now what about the times we don’t feel good? When we struggle to open our heart?
When we find it hard to make change?
We must love ourselves through it.
The Page of Cups is slightly insecure.
They struggle to trust their gifts and their magick, yet they hold their potential (the cup of abundance) in the palm of the hands!
When we learn to love and support ourselves the most, that’s when the support from the external shows up.
When we learn to trust our abilities and we shine our light with full faith in what we do, others will gravitate and help us continue to believe in ourselves.
But it starts with us.
The Page of Cups is holding themself. They hug their self and embrace their emotions, no matter what they are.
Can you do the same?
During this full moon portal, take time to give yourself the support you need.
The more you enhance your heart chakra with self love, the more powerful and confident you will become.
Future Card:
She’s back!
The Queen of Swords has been popping up in our readings quite a bit, and she’s making an appearance now to let us know she is still here.
Earth is being protected. We are surrounded by the angels and archangels and deities and star communities all around us!
Our ancestors are with us, too!
Swords are a sign of release. Of cutting ties and cutting chords. Of slaying and setting boundaries.
As we move forward into the future, it’s time for you to let go of all ties that do not serve and hold you down.
The Queen of Swords is sovereign to herself. She has a king partner, but she does not need him to survive.
She is fine on her own, just like this independent free-willed spirit of the Aries season we are in!
Aries are quick to make decisions, and so is the Queen of Swords.
She does not hesitate in what she wants, and when it comes to change, it happens instantaneously.
Swords slice quickly!
You must be adapt to make your choices and shifts with the same swiftness.
Don’t hesitate or falter. Go where your heart takes you.
And give no fucks just like the Queen of Swords along the way!
The Queen of Swords has earned much support and respect from her community, because she rules with such strength and confidence. She believes in herself and her gifts and she does not look for external validation.
We must learn to do the same.
Can you rule your life with courage? Can you slay what stands in your way of joy?
Can you take charge and make decisions without needing to rely on others?
Can you believe in yourself?
As we move forward through the rest of this lunar cycle and into the potential of our future, may we all embrace our inner Queen by ruling our life with strength and ease.
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Aries
April 11th, 2021

Past Card:
Victory! The battle has been tough, but we have survived!
Swords are a sign of release and change. Ace is the number of new beginnings.
This card is showing us we have moved out of the Old Earth and into the New!
It has taken great mental strength to get where we are today. The Universe is recognizing this.
Our spiritual practices, faith, and ability to carry on has up-leveled us into a new frequency.
It is time to embrace this change and continue to live out of our highest alignment.
Do you need a fresh start?
You’ve got it!
The Ace of Swords is a sign of starting over, or starting anew.
How do you want to make change moving forward?
What new habits or practices do you want to develop on a regular basis?
How do you support your BEST self?
Over the next few days of this new moon portal, take time to really envision how you want your life to be different in comparison to the past. Dream in all of the details, then ask your guides how to get there.
Write down what comes to you and formulate a plan to take action on your intentions.
At this start of the Vedic new year, and with the first new moon of the zodiac, you are at the perfect point to be energetically supported on your journey of change.
*Remember how our last card pull with the Libra Full Moon gave us the past card of The Chariot?
This Ace of Swords is a continuation of that guidance.
Present Card:
Pentacles are always a sign of abundance. Six is a sign of healing.
The Six of Pentacles reminds us that we are always taken care of.
Resources and money have been scarce. Some countries are even experiencing diminishing currencies during this time. Most of us have had to find a new way of doing things and a new way of taking care of ourselves.
We’re starting to learn that money isn’t everything.
Generosity. Sharing of gifts. Trading of craft and knowledge. These are the new ways of our market.
The Six of Pentacles reminds us that even in this new time, money always has the potential to come our way
In particular this card is a sign of money arriving suddenly, without any need to repay. Americans are receiving stimulus checks and tax return money during this time. The Six of Pentacles reminds us to be grateful for this gift, and to use it to our advantage.
Do you have a business venture you’ve been wanting to start?
Have you been feeling a call to invest somewhere?
Do you hold someone in your heart that you’ve been wanting to help out?
This is what the money is for! Spend with your heart, Sisters and Brothers!
With this card being pulled for our present time, I see this as a reminder to continue to hold gratitude for ALL that we have, not just money. If we continue to recognize each other's gifts and appreciate them at the appropriate value, when we learn that money is just one form of energy currency, we will all start to feel more supported and stable in this seemingly uncertain world.
Future Card:
While swords typically represent release, sometimes they can mean we are going to battle.
...Or we’re already in the thick of it.
This migration into the New Earth isn’t an easy one, and it will become more and more important to stand up for what we believe in moving forward.
7 is a sign of spiritual evolution.
Think “7 Deadly Sins” or “7 Chakras” or, how Mary Magdalene named it “The 7 Powers The Soul Must Overcome.”
We have been on a journey, Sisters and Brothers.
We are unlearning old ways that hold us back and trying to understand this new way of co-habitating with one another.
With more empathy.
With more understanding.
With more LOVE.
It’s not easy, and there’s a lot of hate swirling throughout our spaces, but we must continue to fight the fight!
Goodness will ALWAYS win.
As we move into the future, give yourself permission to trust your gut, your heart, and your intuition over external influence. Believe in your own truth and faith above all else, and don’t be afraid to stand up when your heart calls. It’s no longer time to be quiet. It’s no longer time to hide ourselves in the shadows. The Seven of Swords tells us to fight for what belongs to us! When it comes to what you believe in, do not falter.
The Universe is supporting you to continue charging forward!
Tarot Reading for Full SUPERMoon in Scorpio
April 26th, 2021

Past Card:
The King of wands builds close relationships. He is a Father figure to most and well respected amongst his community.
Pulling this as a past card signifies the journey we’ve gone on over the past year or so in regards to our own relations. You may have had to cut chords with some people while building up greater bonds with others. Family ties may have gotten stronger or weaker. All of this is working out so you can begin to rule your future with peace and ease.
This card can also signify strength and resiliency. It recognizes that we have survived tough times. The past is behind us and we have learned great wisdom from it. We feel stronger, more composed, and ready for the future. We are more empathetic and understanding. We are more compassionate.
Notice the blue cape this king wears. Our throat chakras have been drastically affected over this great planetary shift, and we find ourselves expressing our truths more than ever. We are no longer keeping ourselves quiet. It’s time to own your truth and not be afraid to live it.
This past year has taught us a lot about how to live collectively with one another. It’s time to find the balance between the “me” and “we”.
When we rule our lives with a steady head and an open heart, we will always feel supported.
Present Card:
Wands are a sign of magick and alchemy. Three is the sign of the life cycle and rebirth.
This card practically oozes Scorpio energy, and it’s so appropriate under this Full Scorpio Supermoon!
It’s time to embrace your magick and step into your evolution.
Scorpio has 3 archetypes: the scorpion, eagle, and phoenix. Each energy brings its own sense of growth.
Where do you need to shift and change right now?
This Three of Wands also represents creative energy.
Do you have gifts that need to come through?
Do you need to craft or create something?
Now is the time to do it!
This card can also symbolize creative fertile energy for those trying to conceive.
The Three of Wands can be a sign of auspiciousness around money. You may have money come to you to support your creative gifts your may find more financial support to direct your energy toward your art. The more time and energy you put into your creative flow, the more money will arrive to continue supporting it. Stay focused on what gifts make you uniquely different, and use them to help raise the frequency of the world.
Future Card:
This is literally the Scorpio card of the Tarot deck, and I believe this card is asking us to slow down not only during this Full Moon portal, but to take more time to turn within over the next 6 months through Scorpio season itself.
We need time for ourselves in order to heal all we have been through.
You may be restless after spending so much time at home this past year. You may want to socialize and party your socks off this summer.
The truth is, you still need to spend time alone.
The Hermit navigates darkness by shining his own light. He journeys through his shadows and asks for guidance from within rather than the external.
By going his own way he has found the path of true enlightenment.
If you’re feeling challenged right now it’s time to turn within and ask your spirit guides for help.
If you’re feeling lost right now it’s time to slow down and ask your angels to light your way.
Future times may still be difficult. You may find yourself overwhelmed with opinion and information to the point that you don’t know what to do.
Trust that your answers will always come from within.
During this full moon portal, release what stands in the way of you taking time for yourself.
Commit to your healing and make a promise to yourself to trek your personal journey alone, no matter how hard that could be.
Tarot Reading for Full SUPERMoon
& Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius
May 26th, 2021
Usually I pull a “past, present, and future” card on the full moon, but with this lunar eclipse and current retrograde season, I decided to strictly pull 3 cards for guidance.
Literally the Sagittarius card, TEMPERANCE reminds us to stay mindfully in the present and embrace the potentiality of the future.
Notice the blooming Iris—we are in the portal of the Full Flower Moon.
Notice the river—this represents the flow from past, into present, and then into future. We are in an eclipse portal where the past “springs” up and pushes us into the flow of our oncoming destiny.
Notice the number “14”—a number represented understanding, reconciliation, and growth. This retrograded eclipse season will bring growing pains for sure!
This card displays the “Angel of Time” standing in front of the river of time. She dips her toes into the present, and soaks in the wisdom of her past. As she does so, she pours from cup to cup without spilling a drop, a symbol of her balancing her sacral chakra to manage her emotions and embrace her worthiness. She is reminded that everything that happens now will affect everything moving forward, and she handles her vibrational frequency with care.
Eclipse seasons are a time of reviewing past karma and making the free-willed decision to learn the same lesson again or evolve. It’s ok to stay where you are, there is no right or wrong, but if you are ready to make true change you will likely be presented with a crossroads at this time. One is a loop and one is a staircase. You decide which one you take.
Both the Temperance card and this current blood moon eclipse portal are also representative of generational or past life karma. If you see patterns arising within you from your ancestors that do not serve, now is the time to change the course of the river. If you have repeated programming within you that you do not witness from your outer influence, you may have a past life karmic lesson you are trying to work out. If this is the case, don’t be afraid to seek out help from a past life regression specialist to help you figure it all out and heal.
Sagittarius likes to figure it out. They like to take control of their life and understand the aspects of it so they can grow and continue to embrace the adventure.
By gaining wisdom from their ancient self, they feel more prepared to take on their current life experience and future.
*A minor message from this card also involves finances. Sagittarius energy loves to travel and wanderlust, but they also hunt and self-sustain.
Now is a time to get your income streams in order and make sure you can support the fun, blissful, exciting life you desire.
Remember, eclipse season is a way for you to fast-forward your evolution. If you focus on this important aspect of the current human life, you will find yourself supported in the long term to continue to reach your dreams.
We continue to tap into the energetic womb-space with the Five of Cups.
Just like the Temperance card, cups are a sign of our sacral chakra, a space where creativity, pleasure, worthiness, and emotional processing reside.
It’s also the place where we program ourself to have relationships outside of our family.
In Vedic astrology, this Full Blood Moon is in Anuradha Nakshatra. This lunar mansion is nourished through relationship, and we are being guided now to let the full moon illuminate who we exchange our energy with.
Think about where your cup spills over. Are you giving to someone more than you are receiving?
What about when your cup is poured into and runneth over? How can you continue to nurture these relationships that hydrate you and support you?
It’s really not complicated—your deserve relationships that give you emotional stability! PERIOD and EXCLAMATION POINT!
When it comes down to it, the Five of Cups is a signal to let go. Use the fire of this full SUPERMOON in Sagittarius to officially burn away the cords between you and those who no longer serve you or your greatest evolution. When it comes to the relationship itself, do not hold angst or regret. Every relationship give us a lesson. Find the wisdom in your past and move on.
New, successful beginnings. Security. Prosperity.
These are all symbols of the Ace of Pentacles.
Aces are a sign of starting new or beginning again, depending on how you flow through this current eclipse season.
Pentacles are always a sign of abundance.
There’s gold in every aspect of this human experience! It’s just up to you to find it!
We are now in the Golden Age. Everything we want to manifest is just on the other side of us matching our frequency to it.
Use this full moon to make investments, both financially and energetically, for your future.
Whatever you put your energy into will give a result. It’s Karma.
What are you willing to invest your energy in?
Remember, this moon is represented by Anuradha Nakshatra in Vedic astrology. This is also known as “The Star of Success”.
Every relationship you put effort into will provide an important result, regardless of if it nourishes or depletes you.
With this full blood eclipsed moon, give yourself permission to only embrace the bliss and joy in life, and let go of the rest that doesn’t contribute.
This Ace of Pentacles looks like a bright sun burning.
Your internal sun, or solar plexus, reminds you to always burn from your heart’s desires.
Prioritize bliss. Embrace your ability to grow and expand while trusting the adventure.
During this full moon portal, set the intention to move forward only in joy.
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Gemini
June 10th, 2021

So my son, an Aries fiery sun & Cancer moon child has been intuitively pulling Tarot & oracle cards since he was only a few months old.
They have always been spot on.
I felt it was appropriate to have him help me choose cards with this new moon/solar eclipse. As usual, I’m mind-blown at what he chose!
My son chose the past and present card for this reading, and we chose the future card together.
This card was pulled in our last reading from the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse, and I’m not surprised we’re looping back around to it for our past card.
Visually this card displays the energy of the solar plexus and sacral chakras, otherwise known as our internal sun and moon. This card is showing us the eclipse portal we’re in now, and both the emotional turmoil and great transformation it can bring us. Trust in this BIG new beginning. Trust it is for your greatest good.
Ace or the number one, is a symbol of both this new moon and a rebirth. We are at ground zero of The Golden Age, and it’s time to step into a new you!
Embrace who you are at your core. Let your internal light shine as you express who you truly are! This Ace of Pentacles is reminding you that you are worthy to be who you are. I’m loving how this message is coming through to align with PRIDE month right now!
The Ace of Pentacles is a sign of success, abundance, and a reaping of benefits and rewards. Your energetic efforts have paid off, and now it’s time to receive the payoff! This eclipse portal also represents an ability to break cycles of limiting beliefs or self-sabotage from success. Remember, how you think and act during this eclipse season will have results that payoff “tenfold”! I put this in quotations because the number 10 simply breaks down to a number of 1. Everything you receive in the future is a product of what you initiate from the ground floor now. Everything you are receiving right now is a product of your thinking and actions from the past. This is karma at its finest! This is eclipse energy! Embrace it, and use the wisdom to create a better version of the growing you!
Another card that showed up with our last reading, Temperance reminds us to be patient, because everything arrives in due timing.
Mercury and Saturn are in retrograde. Eclipses turn things backwards, too. If people, memories, patterns, opportunities, emotions, or physical experiences from the past are rising up to the surface right now, it is for a cosmic reason. Take time to breathe into the present experience the same way the Angel of Time on this Temperance card dips her toe in the present flow of the river of time. As past flows into future, she takes time to slow down and notice what wisdom is offered in the right here, right now. During this new moon portal, take time to reflect on your past, any repeats that are bubbling up now, and figure out how to emotionally alchemize your response to it all moving forward. The Angel on this card pours from cup to cup, managing her emotions, and deciding what is worth holding onto and what she needs to pour into the river to flow on. With this new moon and solar eclipse you, too, are invited to take an emotional inventory and get rid of what no longer serves.
The Temperance card is represented by the number “14”. This stands for growth and transformation. Eclipses are all about change. It is time for you to evolve.
This card also carries the energy of Sagittarius. Are you still holding onto something you didn’t fully release with our last lunar eclipse and Sagittarius Full Moon?
You are being brought back around for a second chance. Step into this eclipsed ring of fire and come out on the other side transformed for good.
Last month I pulled the Five of Cups. This time the Three of Cups comes through.
3 is the number of fertility and pregnancy. Think 3 trimesters. This solar eclipse may bring more babies birthing in than normal just like a full moon.
This is also the sign of life itself, symbolizing the birth-life-death-rebirth cycle we experience in this human life.
Everything has to break down to build back up again. As the old decays it fertilizes the new. We are now reaping the growth of what we trusted in letting go of from our past. Embrace the abundance of your future. Get excited about what’s still to come!
The Three of Cups can symbolize Weddings, Conceptions, Births, Christenings, and all other milestones of this human life. These are all on the rise now as our world starts to open up more and socialization returns. This is a time of celebration! We are still here! The light has returned! We are in The Golden Age now, and our greatest potential is just waiting for us to grab it! With this new moon portal, set your intentions on positivity. Give yourself permission to be excited about this life. Trust that there will be many more reasons to celebrate. If all is dark now, the growth is just on the other side. Keep finding love and gratitude for it all, and The Universe will have no choice but to continue to match the frequency. The more you believe in your potential while being thankful for your current condition, the more likely your future will hold abundance and joy.
Live Tarot Reading
June 10th, 2021
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Capricorn
June 24th, 2021
When the Page of Wands shows up in our life, we are being reminded to pay attention to the details.
We’ve been in a bit of a cosmic shakeup lately, and now that we’re on the other side of this eclipse portal it's time to look back.
I feel like this card is asking us to reflect on both the recent eclipse season and the Mercury retrograde we just navigated.
The Page of Wands asks us to reflect on our decisions, interactions, and encounters to make sure all was clear.
Does all align with your heart’s desires and your most authentic self?
If the full moon is illuminating something now that you didn’t see before, it’s time to pay attention and adjust accordingly.
The Page of Wands also represents youthful creativity. Notice the large wand he holds. Wands are always a sign of magick, and this card reminds us that we always have the power to shift and change. Mercury is the planet of expression. With this solstice moon just on the side of Mercury direct, we are being guided to express ourselves fully as we now move forward. Notice how on the card the Page wears a blue tunic. This is throat chakra. His green cloak is heart chakra. If we are not expressing our fullest truth, now is the time to commit to doing so.
There may also be a spurt of creativity or insight during this full moon portal. If you’re feeling the need to craft or make art, let that energy flow!
There is a theme of independence with this card. The Page of Wands reminds us that so much life is just waiting for us, but it’s up to our free-will choices to get us there. We must learn to make the choices that align with our heart and our most core self. Only then will we feel truly “free.”
With the Page of Wands being a “past card” in this pull, we are being called to ultimately reflect and redirect.
The more we witness ourselves from the outside looking in, the more we can truly see where we are and where we are headed.
During this solstice moon portal, make the choice to live out the rest of the year focused on being who you truly are.
The Queen of Cups is a mothering, nurturing ruler. She is basically Cancer energy in a card!
Although we are in a Capricorn moon we are also in the sun season of Cancer, and we are being reminded to treat ourselves with kindness and grace.
This recent eclipse portal and Mercury retrograde were something else, and we still have several more retrogrades to live out.
As all from the past bubbles to the surface, remind yourself that what’s done is done and it’s time to simply see the lesson in it.
How have these experiences ruled your life in the past, and how do they continue to rule you now?
Notice the cup the Queen holds. This is symbolic of emotion. When you reflect on your past can you do it with composure or do you let your feelings get the best of you?
It’s time to trust that all was “mothering” you to the point where you are right now.
The Queen of Cups rules with compassion and empathy. She treats everyone like family.
The Capricorn influence of this full moon is asking us to do the same!
Capricorns are all about structure, including the concept of family.
This full moon is asking us to start treating everyone on this global planet like our brothers and sisters.
It is only when we learn to live in this way that we will know true love.
It is only when we learn to mother and support each other that we will all collectively grow and move forward.
Our ancestors are guiding us toward the right direction.
Pay attention to what they whisper and how they nudge you.
The Queen of Cups sometimes represents messages coming through dreams.
With Neptune going retrograde one day after the peak of the full moon, we are being called to turn within and pay attention.
This is the planet of dreams, illusion, and the mystical. When it spins backwards the veil is lifted and we have access to other realms.
During this full moon portal pay attention to what comes through in both dream and meditation.
These message will give you answers and help you grow.
Four is a number of completion. Think 4 trimesters, 4 seasons, and 4 parts of the life cycle: birth-life-death-rebirth.
The Four of Cups shows up in our future card pull to let us know it is time for change.
Cups are a sign of the water element and sacral chakra, a place where we develop and maintain relationships beyond our family.
If we view these interactions as fluid, it’s time to ask if the water is stagnant or flowing freely.
Communication is key right now.
If you are bored in a relationship, it’s time to either rekindle the fire or leave it to burn out.
If you are strained in a relationship, it’s time to fix things or let go and move on.
It may also be time to see if your water is pouring over from your cup more than the other pours from theirs.
Ultimately, it’s time to ask yourself why any sort of relationship isn’t working, and then ask yourself if it’s worth the effort to make it work moving forward.
Our water element can also represent our kidneys and adrenals. Do your relationships tax and strain you?
This full moon gives you permission to let these interactions go. They are no longer worth it and pulling you out of alignment.
If a relationship leaves you exhausted, it’s because your kidneys cannot effectively filter everything out.
If you continue to keep the relationship around in the same way, you will eventually end up with a toxic overload.
This card comes up in our future pull, and this solstice moon reminds us that all we choose during this portal will affect us throughout the rest of the year.
It’s time to prioritize where our intention flows!
Take the next few days to do an inventory of the relationships in your life, and make the commitment moving forward to only direct your energy where you are supported, uplifted and loved.
Between Midsummer energy and Jupiter retrograde, we find ourselves in the most supportive of times to take a leap of faith toward our dreams.
Grasshopper spirit says “Go for it!” And he aligns the starts to support us.
If Jupiter retrograde could be a card, this may be the one!
Jupiter is the planet of expansion and good fortune. When it spins in retrograde it gets brighter and stronger in energy.
In other words, we are in lucky times!
…but we must trust and have faith that the reward is coming!
The grasshopper cannot see its destination. All it can see is the obstacle of tall grass in front of it.
Our big scary dreams may seem unattainable. We may have no idea how to get there or know what it takes.
Embrace the spirit of the grasshopper and take a leap!
When the grasshopper jumps, it take to the wind and flies high about the grass. It can see its path ahead. It can see the end in sight.
Our journey toward our dreams is the same.
The Law of Attraction & Power of Positive Thinking remind us that we don’t need to know all the details on how to get to our destination.
All we have to do is believe and take action!
Even if it’s just the tiniest step, the tiniest leap of faith, we will find another step, opportunity, or inspiration just after.
Energy flows where intention goes! Create the momentum!
During this solstice moon portal, make the commitment to stick to your dreams. Take small actions every day, and before you know it, all you desire will arrive!
Live Tarot Reading
June 24th, 2021
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Cancer
July 9th, 2021
Coins always represent pentacles, or abundance.
We are being reminded our past was a gift!
Sometimes we need tough love in order to make change.
Like a mama bird pushing her baby out of the nest to fly, sometimes we have to be forced into the fear of the unknown in order to rise.
The past 18 months have been a journey.
Even these past few months have been quite the ride!
Notice the snake on this card, representing the eclipse journey we just spiraled through.
What big lessons have you learned over the past few months, as the past or your karma has risen up again?
Look at this card and how the Queen of Coins holds the coin. She holds her light in the palm of her hands, and reminds us we always have the ability to cultivate gratitude.
The past brings much value to our life, but it’s up to us to shine light on it and truly see that.
The Queen of Cards is also business savvy.
She handles both her health and wealth wisely, and this card recognizes that we have done the same.
We are here. We have survived! Now it’s up to us to make the most of it.
The Queen of Coins thrives, because she shares her secrets with the world.
This exchanging of gifts has built trust with others, and now she rules her kingdom showered in gifts and gold!
Others want to return the favor, and reciprocate her generosity.
We are moving into a New Earth and a new age.
This past year of bartering and trading is merely a taste of our future.
The Queen of Coins reminds us that money is just one form of energy, and our value can be shown in many ways.
This is the Age of Aquarius at its finest, and it’s time for us to embrace this new way of living!
During this new moon, let go of attachments to old ways that don’t serve, and embrace the bountiful life that’s waiting ahead of you.
Stay persistent Sisters and Brothers! Slow and steady is how you reach your goal!
The Knight of Coins, also known as the Knight of Pentacles, rides his ox in a lackadaisical fashion.
He trusts in where the ox wants to go, and allows his spirit animal (spirit guide) to lead the way.
Sometimes the Ox is stubborn. It is his nature to slow down and rest from time to time.
When we feel unmotivated, tired, or lost on where to go, it’s a sign for us to do the same.
This present card arrives with the New Moon. A time of turning within and being present.
Notice this card and the coin on the ox’s third eye. We are being reminded to see the God-stuff in every moment and everything, rather than always looking toward the future.
The Knight of Coins takes in his surroundings and holds gratitude for the present. By doing so, he attracts more and more to be grateful for down the road.
During this new moon. Find what you can be grateful for RIGHT NOW, even if it’s simply the air you breathe!
The ox on this card could also represent Taurus, or Mother Earth energy.
We have just come out of spring and are now navigating the first new moon of summer.
This is a portal of ultimate new beginnings!
Everything we plant seeds around now will be harvested at the end of the year.
How do you want the rest of 2021 to play out?
Over the next few days and throughout this lunar cycle, use the energy to shift and develop new habits supporting your greater good.
Plant seeds around your intentions and hold gratitude for all you’ve made come true so far.
This new moon is supporting you to make your dreams come true!
This card screams Kali energy to me. In this Purvarnasu moon, we are being reminded of the power of The Goddess and her ability to rise in need.
There are many stories of Kali, and one involves her birth to save the world. A fierce demon is ravaging the planet, and no God or deity can conquer it. Finally the Gods call on the Goddess, the place from which THEY were born, for help.
In other words, they turn to the Mother!
So the mother brings forth Kali, and she begins to go to battle. She not only cuts off the head of the demon, but she’s so angry that she continues to cut off the heads of every body and every thing in her path.
Symbolically, the head is the ego, and we are being called with this future card of Queen of Swords to really separate ourselves from this human aspect that causes so much distraction from our greater good.
But we must not become TOO separate.
We must still realize that we are here on this planet because there are lessons we have chosen to learn. We must learn to not run away from our darkness and the shadows and our inner demons.
We must learn to confront them, and eventually, hold them with love.
In the story of Kali, it isn’t until her consort, her lover and husband and equal other, Lord Shiva, steps in front of her path, and lays down before her. Kali is so out of control, that she does not notice who he is, and as she begins to step her foot on his throat and raise her sword to cut off his head, she suddenly awakens out of her trance. She sees Lord Shiva, and his humility, and she is reminded that she must also hold a softness to her self. She remembers that without him, she cannot continue her own lineage, for it takes both the masculine and the feminine, the Shakti AND Shiva to expand and create. When she realizes what she is about to do, Kali quickly lays down her sword, embraces her lover, and remembers who she is at her truest core.
This is just one story around The Queen of Swords.
With this being our future card, I believe we are being shown that the Divine Feminine is on the rise.
She has a “take no shit” attitude. She’s not going to let the demons stand in her way.
Yet, she also holds grace and love and, when she is ready, peace.
A Mars-Venus conjunction arrives on July 12th at the end of this new moon portal.
This could mean a battle, but could also symbolize a unification.
Like Shiva lying down to stop Kali, when we approach each other peacefully and hold space, we open up the door for harmony.
We must learn to unite on this planet. We must learn of this necessary balance.
When Shiva and Shakti, masculine and feminine come together, creative energy itself ignites!
It’s how our human race survives, and it’s how all of creation has expanded throughout time.
Sometimes, we must traverse the darkness in order to find our true strength.
The Queen of Swords reminds you there are still hard lessons ahead to learn.
But, it’s important to remember you are safe in this new world, no matter how chaotic it gets.
The Queen of Swords is protective. Her sword will always help you set boundaries and shield you from pain you are not ready to bear.
She is constantly cutting the brush-path before you, helping to clear a trail as you find your way.
When you are ready and when you ask, she passes the sword to you to cut ties.
For she knows you are always strong enough to do so.
Neptune is in retrograde and it may be time to call upon Kali, The Goddess herself, or your angels to help make change or slay your demons.
Remember, Archangel Michael also carries a sword!
Whatever protection and help you need, simply call upon it the way a child calls out for help from their mother.
Hold that unyielding, childlike trust that SHE will be there for you and keep you from harm.
During this New Moon portal, use the darkness as an opportunity to find light elsewhere.
Believe in what you feel is true to call upon, and bring in what you need to see.
This Purnarvasu moon is symbolic of the “return of the light.”
As we move into the future and navigate this new Golden Age, let your inner Goddess light shine through.
Live Tarot Reading
July 9th, 2021
Tarot Reading for First Full Moon in Aquarius
July 23rd, 2021
The Three of Cups usually indicates fun relationships, gambling winnings, and an overall party atmosphere.
It’s kind of like “The Great Gatsby” card.
But when the card shows up reversed, it indicates just the opposite.
Isolation, severing of relationships, and a melancholy feel have all surround our past 18 months or so.
And we’ve had to make some major adjustments in order to deal with it all.
You may have lost relationships with others in this recent past, either by choice or not, and it’s leaving you with a sense of remorse,
You may also be grieving your old life and old ways, especially when you know it will never be the same.
The Three of Cups reminds you to appreciate the experiences you did have.
…AND the experiences that came as a result of you not living your old ways, too!
When life isn’t all glitz and glamour, there is still gold to be found. We simply have to shift our perspective.
In this particular deck, the Three of Cups Card depicts the story of the Apsaras, female celestial beings involved in the arts and pleasures of life.
In one story, the Queen of the Apsaras becomes bored with this party type of lifestyle, and decides she wants something different.
She chooses to marry an earthly human sage instead of the male celestial counterparts her Sisters and daughters have chosen. She even gives up her immortality to pursue life and love on earth. Lord Shiva blesses the marriage and they live happily ever after.
Notice how she found true love when she stepped away from her usual behaviors, expectations, and lifestyle.
We are being called with this full moon to also break our conditioning.
Aquarian energy is all about a different perspective. It’s about finding the adventure in life, and embracing all possibilities.
The Three of Cups is calling you to let go of your old ways, embrace the new opportunities that come along, and follow your heart as it leads you to something new.
When you detach from what you are used to, you open up great potential for more!
Come out of the clouds of your daydreams! The Four of Cups calls you to ground into the present and see what gifts you already have in front of you!
This card depicts the Chinese story of The Nightingale. Long ago, an Emperor heard a beautiful bird singing in the forest. He was so in love with her songs that he had to have her. He was led into the forest where he caged the nightingale and brought him back to his kingdom to enjoy at anytime.
Later, the Emperor is gifted a robotic bird that sings just as good as the nightingale, if not better. So much attention is given to this new bird, that the nightingale eventually feels no need to be there and leaves.
Eventually, the robotic bird breaks and the king no longer has his sweet songs to listen to. He searches for the real nightingale, but cannot find her,
Finally, on his deathbed, the bird returns. She sings her song and returns the Emperor to health. He again wants to cage her, but the nightingale prefers to be free.
The Emperor allows this and he and the bird remain friends for the rest of his life.
Sometimes we don’t know what we have until it’s gone.
Or sometimes we try to replace what we have now with something better.
When we live in constant dissatisfaction, constantly wanting more, The Universe will start taking away.
Don’t let that be the case now!
This full moon in Aquarius may have you thinking about all of the possibilities available to your future.
Don’t forget to have appreciation for the present, too.
During this Full Moon, quit daydreaming about the grass being greener on the other side, stop focusing on the "I'll be happy when..." and start appreciating the earth you have to walk on now!
We are just now voyaging into Leo season, a time when we feel bold, brave, strong, and outgoing. It’s the season of the sun and it’s time to embrace our willpower to go after our goals with great persistence.
The Strength card pulled in reverse reminds us to be aware of the challenges as we move forward.
Full moons sometimes bring uncertainties. You may feel self-doubts over the next few weeks or throughout the rest of this year. There may be times when you feel a lack of willpower to show up, for the voyage may just seem too tough.
We are being called to keep going!
In this particular Strength card, we are being shown the Scottish fairy tale of Tam Lin.
One day, Janet meets a beautiful man in the forest and they have an amazing time.
But months later, she finds herself pregnant, and her family kicks her out.
She goes to the forest to confront the man, and she finds out he is being held captive by the Fae.
The only way to save him is to wrestle him from his horse and hold him down.
So, the next day, Janet goes to the forest and waits. When the fairy procession comes through and Tam Lin rides by, Janet makes her move. She knocks him off his horse and holds him down, but the Fae will not give up so easily. She casts a spell to turn Tam Lin into all sorts of beasts, finally settling on a hippo-lion-crocodile hybrid. Still, Janet persists on holding him down with all of her might. Finally, the Fae gives up, breaks her spell, and lets Janet and Tam Lin live in the forest happily ever after.
This upcoming Leo season, you will likely be pushed to embrace your inner strength and keep going after your goals, no matter what gets in your way!
But if you achieve, do not let it go to your head!
The other aspect of a reversed Strength card is pride, and Leo is ruled by this aspect of the ego.
—even a group of lions is called a PRIDE!
So we must be careful right now to not get too prideful around our achievements.
If you meet your goals or start to cultivate your manifestation magic, remember to be humble.
Do not boast to others. Instead, use your success as fuel to lead others how to do the same.
We are now in The Age of Aquarius—a time of sharing our wisdom and raising the collective.
During this full moon portal, this lunar cycle, this Leo season, the rest of this year and beyond, set the intention to set your ego aside and start achieving your goals for the benefit of the whole greater good.
Live Tarot Reading
July 23rd, 2021
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Leo
August 8th, 2021
We’re in the season of the cosmic lion, and it’s time to rule our life like we’re the king of the jungle!
It’s interesting that we pull this card at the peak of the Lion’s Gate Portal. Although it’s a past card, I believe it’s guiding us to look at the very near past, over this last lunar cycle. We have made quite a shift from Cancer to Leo season. We’ve moved from a time of water and emotional processing to now, where the Sirius star, our spiritual Sun, shines bright, and we are full of fire!
The King of Pentacles holds this light in the palms of his hands. This could also represent finances, and he handles his with mindfulness and ease. He is an abundant king, because he makes smart decisions to continue to grow his gold and fan his flames of fire. We are being guided to do the same now. The King of Pentacles is asking us to look at our past and all of the choices we made leading to less joy and less growth. We are to learn the lesson from these memories—find the gold if you will—and make the commitment to make a better choice in the future. The more we start to choose the things that bring us joy; the more we decide to do the things we love, the more The Universe will continue to give us a life of abundance!
This card is also a sign of creativity. The yellow represents solar plexus energy, a place of willpower, fire, and doing what makes us happy, and the orange represents the sacral chakra, a space of pleasure, worthiness, and creativity. The Lion’s Gate Portal has been open since July 26th. In ancient times, this was when the River Nile rose and flooded the Egyptian crops. In modern times, this is a symbol of our creative energy rising up and providing us with nourishment. It could also potentially provide us with financial gain!
In the present moment these colors could also represent the alignment of the moon (sacral chakra/water energy) with the sun (solar plexus/fire energy), showing us that our past has brought us to this moment in time. Look back on what you’ve been through, and how far you’ve come. Use this portal, the Leo season, and this new moon to set the intention to start doing what makes you happy, and The Universe will give you more time and energy to continue in this life having fun.
The new moon is in Leo, and The Heirophant is a sort of “holier than though,” royally spiritual type of energy. He is the consort of The High Priestess, and he reminds us that we, too, can rule our life with sovereignty and power while still living in the realm of higher consciousness. The key is, we must learn that everything we do to ourselves and allow to happen to ourselves has a rebound effect on The Collective. It’s ok to get a little selfish right now. The more you take time for yourself to honor your body temple and your energy, the better you will show up to the external world.
The Heirophant can also represent perfectionism. You have to remember that you are uniquely “perfectly imperfect” just as you are. Leo energy is ok with getting a little messy,. Think jungle vibes! You’ve got permission to walk on your wild side right now and be a little messy yourself if you need to. Maybe you need to get a little primal and growl or ROAR! Break open the throat chakra so you can start expressing your whole, true, most authentic self moving forward.
It’s also important to remember you are always growing and evolving. With all of that expansion comes chaos, and you may need to break down or fall apart from time to time. It’s how we pick up the pieces and rebuild that counts! Think of how the regrowth bursts through the soil after a wildfire, or how a Phoenix rebirths from the ashes. If you feel like nothing is working right now, or you’re misaligned within yourself, embrace the new beginnings of this Leo moon, embrace your expansive potential, and start creating a life that you build full of bliss, harmony, and love!
*The Lion’s Gate Portal is open until August 12th. Use this time to dream journal, create vision boards, practice Yoga Nidra with intentional Sankalpas, speak your dreams out loud, and really go after what you want!
The Heirophant also points to this moon being in Ashlesha Nakshatra, the snake star.
In addition, Chiron is in retrograde, and these alignments are leading to awareness around wounds, medicine, and healing. The snake is a universal symbol of medical attention, and the rod The Heirophant holds on this card could represent the winding of the snakes and rising of the Kundalini as we heal. If there is a certain medicine or remedy you’ve been thinking of initiating, now is the time. If you’ve been craving a certain plant, oil, book, type of movement, etc., these are medicines your spirit need right now. This card could also be a symbol of needing external help. Remember—The Herophant strives for perfectionism, but it’s something that cannot ever be met in the human body. This card reminds us we are not perfect, and it’s ok to seek help from a guide, teacher, coach, medical expert, or other person who may be able to assist your healing.
Seven is a number of completion, and pentacles remind us of the gold in life.
This card is telling you to KEEP GOING!
If you’ve been feeling stuck, discouraged, or overwhelmed, it may be time to analyze how you take action. If these are the dreams you still desire, it’s just time to approach them a different way!
…my guess is you may need to find a new fun, creative way to do this since we are in the Lion’s Gate Portal and Leo season itself!
You are ruled by the sun right now. You have a lot of drive and energy to go after what you want and what your heart yearns for. You may have to set some boundaries, do some cord burning, or perform some emotional alchemy, but the hard work will be worth it, too.
In our energy body, we have 7 main chakras, and this card could represent energy work you need to do or have done to you in the future. It’s important your chi/ki/prana/life force energy is flowing all the way through, so you have balance and potential to truly manifest your desires. From another perspective, this could be a journey through the “Seven Deadly Sins,” where you must learn to let go of certain attachments or unhealthy habits in order to support the holy vessel your spirit is ready to contain. However you look at it, The Seven of Pentacles reminds you that this life is a journey, and if you keep bringing love and light to it you will continue to uncover more gold and joy. Use this Leo New Moon, the rest of the Lion’s Gate Portal, and the rest of Leo season to look at your goals, set attainable steps to get there, and start taking the action to make your dreams come true! If you’ll just keep going, you WILL succeed!
Live Tarot Reading
August 8th, 2021
Tarot Reading for 2nd New Moon in Aquarius
August 22nd, 2021
We are determined to live our life, no matter what!
The Chariot card represents pursuits toward intention and a direction of focus and energy.
We have been through a journey. Pulling the reversed chariot as a past card is an acknowledgement of all we’ve been through. Notice the two horses of the card, one white and one black. We must traverse through the darkness in order to find the light again. We must trudge on through our shadows, and let our spirit guides and ancestors (the horses) carry us when the journey becomes too challenging. The Chariot has plenty of energy to succeed; they must continue to carry on.
This card represents the number 7 and Cancer season, something we very recently navigated a little over a month ago. It was an emotional time, full of both wisdom and sorrow, loss and gain. Now that we are on the other side of things, the Chariot asks us to take a look back at our journey while also looking at the road ahead.
How are your spiritual travels going?
Are you finding self-healing, or do you feel something holding you back?
When The Chariot card is reversed, this is a sign of something standing in the way of your path. It could be your own destructive habits, or it could be something or someone in the external.
Either way, it’s time to remove the obstacle so you can continue along your way.
In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Dhanishta Nakshatra, represented by the destructive dance of Lord Shiva. His energy represents the dance in life we take, that can sometimes lead to too much fun. The energy gets out of control like a wildfire, and our actions can burn away everything we have worked for. Lord Shiva’s dance also represents the necessity of release. We must let go of what’s in our past, what’s dead, that no longer serves us. We have the power in ourselves to detach and rise up, but we will not evolve unless we learn to “dance through it.” Do not grieve your past, or hold remorse or regret. Find gratitude for it, and love the experiences for the wisdom you have gained. When we learn all suffering and destruction is necessary to balance the growth and light, we learn to have bliss no matter what happens along our journey.
This card tried twice to show up, and I thought it was coincidence, so I reshuffled.
…yet, she still popped up again!
In perfect Virgo fashion, Justice, the “8” card and next card in the Tarot after The Chariot, arrives to again remind us it’s time to cut chords. She holds the sword in one hand and the scales in the other, reminding us that all decisions we make should promote balance within ourselves and fairness amongst the collective.
This is also the Libra card. Although we are not in Libra season until late September, currently Venus is in Libra and we are being called back into our own truth and beauty. This card is also pulled as we just arrive into Virgo season on 8/22. The number “8” represents justice, karma, and infinity, reminding us that what goes around comes back around. The number “22” is representative of Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary, or the MotherMary/Jesus & Mary Magdalene/Jesus dynamic. This card and this Aquarian full moon are inviting us to let go of what holds us back into lower frequencies so we can rise up into the Christos-Sophia, crystalline consciousness of this New Earth and new age!
The number 22 can also represent divine harmony between the masculine and feminine energy each of us holds. When we use the energetic sword to unblock our chakras and hold the scales of balance as we let our Kundalini energy rise, we start to find more harmony both within and in the world around us. The holy union of these two snakes, or the masculine and feminine energy, occurs at our third eye, where we have a higher consciousness and intuition. It’s this spiritual vision that the Age of Aquarius and this second Aquarian moon are guiding us to look through now.
Aquarius energy knows no boundaries. She sees each person as the individual, unique, special person they are, and she holds space for everyone’s stories. She has a love and empathy for ALL individuals, for she finds pieces of her own experiences and feelings coinciding with those with whom she holds a listening ear. With this full moon in Aquarius, be like the cosmic Water-Bearer and open your heart and mind. The more you create space and attention for others, the more people will open up for you.
Yet again, we are being called to cut ties with what holds us down, so we can rise above!
Swords are always a call for change, and the number 5 refers to growth.
When we pull this card in reverse, we are being told there may still be challenges ahead.
There is still work to do. We are just on the cusp of this new age, and we still have some adjustments to make and growing pains to experience as we evolve. In our own, personal lives, we may experience what we interpret at the time as failure or regret. Remember that everything has a lesson. The Five of Swords invites you to detach, and remind yourself that with every breaking down comes an opportunity to build something new.
I’m also not surprised I pulled the Reversed Five of Swords, because we are deep in a retrograde season with 5 planets and an asteroid! Neptune is in retrograde, calling us to look back at the dreams of our past that we still want to bring into our future. Pluto is reversed, bringing up our past and anything around the concept of power and control. Saturn is in retrograde, asking us like the Five of Swords, to look back at our past deconstructions and big blowups in life to remember the lesson so we do not make the same mistake moving forward. Chiron, the asteroid representing the Cosmic Wounded Healer, is spinning backwards and causing our traumas and emotional scars to rise to the surface. Anything that we do not address will fester. It is time to find help so you can self-heal. Uranus, the planet of Revolution and Rebellion, just went retrograde in this full moon portal, shaking up our planet and will probably shake up our own world over the rest of the year. Finally, and a bit ironically, Jupiter is in retrograde, bringing in more light and a positive spin on the whole backwards journey, encouraging us to keep going no matter what, and find the joy in all of it, even the suffering.
What a cosmic time we’re in, loves!
Use this full moon to truly release what’s holding you back. It’s not often we get 2 full moons in the same sign, and it’s especially auspicious that we’re receiving two AQUARIAN moons in our first year of the Age of Aquarius! Remember, the Water-Bearer is fluid, and knows no boundaries. She is an air sign, full of expansion and infinite freedom. Under the light of this Aquarian moon give yourself permission to embody the same energy. Give yourself permission to cut ties, let go, and break free!
Live Tarot Reading
August 22nd, 2021
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Virgo
September 6th, 2021
Cups tend to represent emotions, and the Four of Cups brings up a sort of “grass is greener on the other side” type of jealous vibe. We’re connected to our screens more than ever. Unfortunately, things aren’t always as they appear in the online social world, and we may find ourselves in comparison to a false reality. As Theodore Roosevelt said, “Comparison is a thief of joy.” Let go of attachments to false narratives and start finding value in your own life instead.
When the Four of Cups is reversed, we bring up energies of restlessness and boredom.
With this card representing our past, it’s no surprise. We have been isolated, forced to cancel travel and social plans for nearly 2 years now. While some things are “opening up,” there is still a heavy hesitancy in the air to move forward. Although we are bored in our isolated bubble, we have become comforted by it, and it’s hard to break free.
Being at home too much can sometimes get the best of us. When we get too comfortable, we tend to get lazy and complacent. When we become bored with our routine, yet unmotivated to change it, we will find ourselves soon living in hindsight of regret. The Reversed Four of Cups reminds us that this time of isolation is a gift, and we are meant to find the treasures among this different way. When we are forced to do something different, or maybe forced to do the same thing day in and day out, we start to find what’s truly of value. During this new moon, reflect on the time you’ve had by yourself over the past 2 years. Reflect on what you discovered and how the experience has enhanced your life. Did you start a new professional venture? Did you find a new hobby? Did you rekindle a relationship or sever a toxic one? Did you learn something new? Rather than surround your past with complaint or comparison, shift and live out of appreciation instead.
Wands are a sign of magic, transformation, and alchemy. The Eight of Wands represents quick action and decisions for big change. However, when we pull the card in reverse, we find ourselves at the opposite. You may feel stuck, lethargic, or unmotivated right now. Your lack of patience may leave you frustrated and wanting to give up on your goals. Although the Virgo new moon calls you to shift you may be leaning into hesitancy. Do not let these things hold you back. They are actually ways of protecting you.
We are deep in retrograde season, with 5 cosmic bodies currently spinning backwards. In other words, it seems like it’s taking a LOOOOONG TIME for things to come around and resolve themselves. We may be also impatiently waiting on an answer or decision that never seems to come. Before all great things comes a period of stillness. Trust in the timing of this pregnant pause.
Last year, we found ourselves under an eclipsed Virgo Supermoon. This was preparation for the darkness we had to navigate ahead. Now, we find ourselves more prepared and equipped. There is still darkness and challenging times in our future, but we now have the magic and wisdom to alchemize the situation. Everything around you is a reflection of how you respond and emit your energy. We can choose to navigate the unforeseen future with peace and ease. During this Virgo new moon make the commitment to trust in your ability to handle whatever the unforseen unpredictable unknown throws at you.
Swords are a representation of change, and the Three of Swords is predicting we may have great change in our future relationships. It’s time to cut ties between those bonds that feel off, because they are likely draining and taking advantage of you. The Three of Swords can represent betrayal, so take caution with who is around you. If someone is displaying dishonesty, trust your instincts, let the relationship die, and move on.
In this upcoming month Venus will oppose Uranus, which is also in retrograde. This is a planet of revolution, but when it comes to Venus it brings in shakeups and breakups. We will likely see a rise in divorce and romantic break ups over the next few weeks. If this happens in your own life, trust that the departure is to wake you up and shift you into a new reality.
Ultimately, this card is reminding us to embrace the Virgin influence of this lunar cycle and protect our energy. If anything is “penetrating” your energy in a traumatic or toxic way, it’s time to cut ties and break bonds. Let go of the attachment. It is not worth it. Use this Virgo new moon to reclaim your holiness and walk away from anything that lowers your frequency.
Live Tarot Reading
September 6th, 2021
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Pisces
September 20th, 2021
Cups depict our emotions and the Queen of Cups confirms the emotional journey we’ve been on. The good news is, we’ve now navigated our feelings and we’re at a point where we can better handle them. Even if history repeats itself, we will be better equipped to respond and react this time around.
The Queen of Cups represents emotional stability. She holds the cup in her hand, containing her emotions and controlling her perspective. She sits on her throne rather than standing on it, for she is humble and empathetic towards others now going through troubled times similar to what she has gone through. Notice the green dress she wears. This is symbolic of her ruling from her heart and vibrating through this chakra and frequency as she relates to others. These past 2 years have brought us out of the darkness of our own selfish ego and into the awareness of the contagious collective. We’re starting to realize that energy is shared, and the way we handle our own directly affects the external. As we reflect on our past during this last full moon of 2021, take time to look back at times when you were emotionally out of control. What was the cause? Was it of your own actions? If so, set an intention to find ways to handle yourself better in the future. Alternatively, was your emotional distress caused by someone or something else? If so, this full moon tells you it’s time to let go. Whatever we release now will greatly affect us, and whatever we cling to will likely hold on for the next 18-24 months. Just as the Queen of Cups clings to her goblet, you, too, must decide what is worthy of your energy. Make sure you’re protecting yourself at all times, so you can show up to your life with peace and continue to create more emotional stability.
Side note, I feel this Queen of Cups is also depicting Mother Mary and the Holy Grail lineage of Christ Consciousness. What a perfect card to pull during Christmas—the celebration of the birth of Jesus!
The Judgment card, much like the Queen of Cups, shows us that we have an advantage this time around. Ruled by Pluto, the Planet of Power and Control, this card reminds us that we always have free will to change and evolve. We look back at our faults, failures, and mistakes not in remorse, but instead in gratitude, for now we hold deep wisdom to survive if the event shall happen again. When we pull the Judgment Card in Tarot, we are being told we have the advantage to succeed this time around.On this card an Angel blows a trumpet, signifying the celebration of a new beginning.
This is the last full moon of the year, and it’s time to release what’s stagnant to create room for what’s to come! The trumpet may also symbolize an actual celebration of your efforts paying off and a return of investment showing up right now. If you are a business owner, you are in that 4th quarter stretch and likely working hard right now. The Judgment card says keep going! You will be rewarded!
The Angel on this card also depicts an opportunity for us to spiritually reincarnate and rise up into our more holy selves. We all feel a little more Christ-like during the holidays, but can we let this be the kickstart for a new version of ourselves that lives like this all year? This full moon is giving us a second chance. We can shed the parts of ourselves we no longer want to attach to and open ourselves up to the possibility of a more conscious evolution. During this full moon, reflect on your past and decide what pieces you no longer want to cling to. Look at the way you’ve behaved in the past and ask yourself what qualities and characteristics you want to carry over into your future. Whatever you’re ready to release can be let go of for good! The Judgment Card falls just before The World Card in the Tarot. This is a time to bring everything together from our past self and the outdated collective and decide what comes with us as we grow into this New Earth & New Golden Age!
Notice the 22 on this card. Also notice the ocean in the background. We are navigating unknown waters and uncharted territory this next year for sure. No one knows what the near future has in store, not even the strongest of seers and soothsayers. The good news is, we don’t need to know what’s going to happen if we have the angels around us! In times of uncertainty, trust that you are protected. There are forces of higher power enacting on all of us now and guiding us into a direction that serves our greatest good.
Another Angel appears in our reading, this time as the Angel of Time, and we again see the cups holding water much like the Queen of Cups from our past card pull.The Angel of Time is dipping her toes into the river of time. Notice how as things flow from past to future, she stays right in the present, processing what comes one moment and breath at a time. I sometimes see this pouring of cups as the depiction of our prana and the breath itself, with Temperance asking us to breathe through the things that challenge us or what we are unsure of. The more we learn to control this vital life force energy, the more we learn to create our own peace.
This pouring of cups might also symbolize healthy money management, a creative flow, or success in business ventures. Hard work could be paying off now, and just like the Judgment Card, we are being recognized for our efforts. Maybe it’s more symbolic, like you’ve gotten a handle on your health or you’ve found the important tools you need for emotional support. Then again, maybe it’s more physical and your professional path is now resulting in a promotion, financial success, or a new venture. This card shows us the number “14”, which represents growth. If an opportunity comes to you that promotes expansion in any way, take hold of it and allow yourself and your life to grow in ways you could have never imagined..
The Temperance Card also depicts patience, and we will likely need a lot of this as we continue to navigate the unknown. This card displays the sign of Sagittarius, a knowledge seeker, and we will likely experience exponential amounts of information coming our way in the future. We are deep in the Age of Information now, and there is so much access! Make sure you have the patience to search through everything and make sense of it all. If the answers don’t come from conventional methods of research don’t forget to turn within. Trust in what guides you in your heart. Our spirit always knows what is true.
Live Tarot Reading
September 20th, 2021
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Libra & Mercury Retrograde
October 5th, 2021
I believe we’ve pulled this card before for our past, and it’s no doubt we’ve felt the old world as we knew it crumbling down around us. Both in our personal lives and amongst the collective we’ve had to make great shifts as we redirect and restructure our lives like never before. If you’ve been going through a break down, it’s time to embrace the struggle for the gift that it gives. Every time something falls apart, we have the opportunity to build something now. Do not stay attached to what no longer wants to hold true. It’s time to believe this Earth remodel is for our greatest good.
Notice the card, tower crumbling with man on on side and woman on other. We have lost our connection to ONE-NESS, the the belief that we are whole and like the other just as is. We all have masculine AND feminine energy within us, no matter what gender we identify or do not identify with. From an energetic standpoint, this is so we can fuse the energy in a process of conscious conception and fertilize the seed of our dreams. We must have both cultivation and action in order for the dream to happen. It we need both energies to make it all come alive.
It’s also important to remember that in the creative process, sometimes the Universe knows what’s better for us than ourselves. What we think it the dream or the goal isn’t the right fit and all, and many times our guides, spirit, and source energy itself will intervene with a shakeup that makes us redirect. If you’re feeling the push to go a different way now, lean into the faith that it’s for your evolution. Trust that there will be more to build up on the other side.
The Tower card is ruled by Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, Joy, and Expansion. Every time we crumble, it’s for our great good. It’s so we can learn and expand, not making the same mistake again. How lucky are we to be aware of such an evolutionary process! How lucky are we to be able to shift and regain control?
This new moon in Libra, with so many planets in retrograde including Jupiter, as asking us to show gratitude for what we’ve been through. No matter how tough it was, no matter how hard it broke us, we can now understand it was for our greatest good. The more we learn to be thankful for the upsets we go through, the more gold will come out of it moving forward.
There is too much confusion. So much information floats through the ether as Mercury Retrograde, the Sun, and the Moon are all in air space, pulling us into our heads. We may arrive at this new moon feeling anxious, overwhelmed, overstimulated, or confused. The Ten of Wands recognizes this and says it’s best to either slow down, find stillness, and tune within, or shuffle the cards and pull again.
We are in a bit of a collective standstill. Although outer-lying Pluto goes direct with this moon, we still have many other cosmic bodies in retrograde. This leaves us stuck in our past, attached to old ways and struggling to move forward. If you cannot make a decision in really any direction right now, the Ten of Wands says to simply don’t, and surrender into the non-doing and non-being-ness that we don’t realize how much we actually desire.
You real truth will always come from inside. With so much circulating around us it’s important to listen to what we know and feel into where our heart guides us. This will be the new way of living as we move forward. Intuition and internal GPS systems are on the rise, and these modalities of choice-making will continue to grow in popularity. Use this new moon as a time to practice these gifts now. In doing so you will be better prepared when the time is right to actually move forward.
This moon marks the beginning of Navaratri, the 9 nights of the Goddess, and the Nine of Cups reminds us to get back in touch with our Divine femininity. Cups can represent emotions, the womb, or the moon, and this card calls us to move more from our soft spaces as we traverse through the unknown future. Navaratri represents the Goddess’s victory over the demon. We, too, may find ourselves confronting our darkness and shadows at this time. What’s important to recognize is the journey. It takes a great deal of strength, force, and peaceful mentality to get through these struggles we call life. The Nine of Cups sees your efforts and helps guide you through. On the other side, this card knows you will also celebrate your wins and triumph of karmic victory.
Success, new relationships, growth, and dreams coming true all circulate within the energy of this card. If you’ve been deep in your struggles, know the hard work WILL pay off. You just have to keep going a little longer. Use this new moon in Libra to set intentions around emotional balance, and watch the interconnectedness play forward as you see you ideal future unfold before you. The more you strive for peace inside, the more the same energy will grow like a golden, protective bubble around you.
Live Tarot Reading
October 5th, 2021
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Aries
October 19th, 2021
The Reversed Lovers acknowledges our past, and all of the relationships that have been rising up during this past retrograde season in both real life and our memories. With Mercury Retrograde, Mars, Venus, and the Sun all previously in Libra (and the most recent new moon), there’s no way we could’ve ignored anything around what’s relatable. These people and memories come back into our life for a reason—it’s for us to really reflect on the relationship and see what the experience had to offer. Every person we meet teaches us a lesson, raises our vibration, or helps us grow. What gift can you find out of these encounters, whether they ended on a positive note or lower vibe? When we learn to find gratitude for everyone that comes our way, we will continue to flourish with supportive, loving relationships in the future and experience less of the challenging ones.
Towards the end of November, Uranus opposed Venus, leading to shakeups on the romantic plane. You may have witnessed divorce, break ups, and conscious uncouplings in the past few weeks. This is the Reversed Lovers. The key is to note this card represents Gemini energy, not Libra—meaning we must look at others as if we are looking at ourselves in a mirror. Can you reflect on the relationships that didn’t work out in your life, and ask yourself if any of it was your fault? Can you go back and truthfully see if you’re projecting or having something reflected back onto you? It’s a humbling thing for the ego when we learn to look at experiences from this lens. And the more we move out of our ego head, the more we move into our loving heart.
This card may also depict you reflecting on your relationship with yourself.
How are you feeling under this full moon?
If you’re feeling off, it may be time reassess how you treat yourself.
This full moon is in Aries and brings an independent feel. Use this moon to own up to any accountability you need to acknowledge, and make a commitment to move forward by putting yourself first from here on out.
I mentioned Venus was previously in Libra, before she just recently shifted into Scorpio.
This entire 19-month Venus cycle is in the house energy of Gemini.
We still have quite the journey to go on when it comes to embracing our worthiness and learning to properly relate to others. There may also be some challenges around money, as the way we transact and understand “currency” starts to shift. Make sure you prioritize your pleasure in all choices going forward, so you stay in a positive light and continue to attract from your heart.
Overall, this card is asking us to look at our past and see what value we can find from the experience. See these experiences as an opportunity for growth rather than regret. Everyone we encounter has something to teach us. Everything we go through provides us something to learn
It’s funny, I feel like I always pull this card when we’re in a state of deep healing.
In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Ashwini Nakshatra and ruled by Ashwini Kumar, the twin physicians to the Gods.
Notice the snake wrapped around The Hermit’s staff, with resemblance to the universal medical sign we use today.
It is time to take back the reins on our health and focus on relaxation and restoration.
It’s important to prepare for the journey ahead through shadow season, we can see this from the Scorpio sign on the card.
We need to save our energy, so we have the power to traverse ahead.
The mantra I came up with for this Aries Full Moon is:
Notice the Hermit carries his own lamp. He lights his own path and follows where the light calls to him. As he journeys through the darkness he continues to find his light, so he can make it through to the other side.
We light our own fires with gratitude. This is shadow work and emotional alchemy. We no longer attach low frequency to what we’ve been through. We give thanks for the way it helped us grow and evolve. We start our fires with grace. We give ourselves forgiveness for mistakes and past failures. We accept that we are human and it is part of the learning process. We ignite our fires with love—the electric spark of your heart. The more we surround our shadows, our shadowlands, and our shadow selves, the more we move into the future with courage and excitement instead of fear.
The snake on The Hermit’s staff also represents the activation of Kundalini energy.
With Mars currently in Libra and Libra currently in Scorpio, we are feeling a reversal of the masculine and feminine energies. What we’re actually experiencing is the merging of the two energies into one holy Divine conscious, and the more we start to act and think and live from that way of living in the light, the more our Kundalini rises. Use this full moon to focus on your spiritual practices, and seek out additional energy work or guided healing if you need some assistance along the way. The Hermit is telling you to get ready, winter is coming and there is quite a journey ahead.
Cups are a sign of emotional processing and sacral chakra energy.
The number four here represents the heart chakra.
The Four of Cups is expecting more matters of the heart ahead.
Uranus, the Planet of all things shakeup and break up, is still in retrograde for a few more months, and we are likely to experience more heartfelt revolutions in our future.
We will also likely have more matters of the heart to emotionally process.
This could be through the ending of a romantic relationship, the severing of a business partnership, the cord cutting of a friendship, the loss of a loved one, or more.

In others words, prepare for the grief ahead.
The thing is, we don’t have to view loss as a bad thing. The breaking of our heart softens its walls. Like the dry cracked earth receiving rain after a long drought, you are creating space for things to rise up and bloom. When someone or something leaves your life, ask yourself what you are creating space for. It’s not an easy way to emotionally alchemize, but it will make your heart come back stronger.
We have some sensitive times ahead. Chiron is still in retrograde, bringing up our wounds and past traumas. This is that shadow work we are preparing for now. Remember that when everything crumbles, it’s to build up something new. Even on the collective when things fall apart, it’s for the restructuring of bigger and better. Trust in the process of demolition and renovation, and get excited about all that’s about to be renewed.
Live Tarot Reading
October 19th, 2021
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Scorpio
November 4th, 2021
We have been in a time of much celebration around the concept of the Life-Death-Rebirth cycle. We have just celebrated All Hollow’s Eve, Halloween, All Saint’s Day, Dia de los Muertos, and Samhain. These festivities not only celebrate death itself, but encourage us to be in a constant state of detachment and letting go.
Things cannot grow if other things do not die. Samhain celebrates the close of harvest season and the return of darkness. Whatever is done for this year is done. Now is the time to accept and move on so you can plant the seeds of new beginnings.
What are you ready to bring to fruition? What are you trying to manifest from your dreams?
The Three of Cups can represent the actual birth of a child, or just the birth of a concept or new venture. It can also represent the rebirth of yourself, and the healing you’ve gone through to get to where you are now. Your work has paid off and The Universe sees you. Now continue to use this energy as your traverse through the shadow season. Use the light of your past accomplishments as motivation and energy to carry you through.
This new moon in Scorpio is asking us to activate our inner wisdom. The King of Cups rules his kingdom and his life through intuition. This also means he’s highly sensitive, and this may make him appear awkward or not acting or thinking like most others. If you’ve feeling like a bit of a black sheep lately, you’re not alone. The world is changing, and those of us that are extra sensitive are noticing it. We’re leaning into our empathies and living our truth, but it’s not easy, and the King of Cups sees the spiritual challenges we are going through.
This card also asks us to take back control over our life before it gets any more unruly. This Scorpio new moon aligns with Diwali, Samhain, and the concept of new beginnings. If you’ve been feeling out of control lately, it’s time to take back the reins and steer yourself onto the right path. The King of Cups reminds you to control the balance of your sacral chakra by eliminating your addictions, alchemizing your emotions, and embracing the courage to do something different or new. What you do now will likely carry over through winter and the shadow season. Do you want to learn the same karmic lessons, or do you want to learn something new? The choice is ultimately up to you.
The Temperance card also represents Sagittarius energy, and this is the next zodiac season ahead of us. Sagittarius energy is all about adventure and going after dreams. It’s the Huntress or Wanderlust archetype. Do you have big visions for your future that you’re ready to go after? It’s time to start patiently working on it all now! This new moon is a planting season. Growth doesn’t happen overnight. It happens in the weeks and months of darkness. And it takes patience. Use this lunar portal to meditate on what you want, write it all down, and make plan of action to work on it throughout the near future.
Between Neptune Retrograde and this Scorpio New Moon, the veil is thin. It can be easy to communicate with our spirit guides and ancestors right now, especially in the meditative or dream spaces. This is also a great time to ask for spiritual signs to help you know you’re following the right path. Spirit is here to guide you, because it knows the way. The spirit of those who came before you arrive to guide you now, because they’ve been through it before. During this lunar portal and this shadow season, ask for the help you need to find your way. And when you feel like nobody and nothing is listening, let your inner self guide you. Spirit exists both within and all around you. Embrace what the energies have to offer.
*I just want to note this is the EXACT SAME CARD I pulled last year during the Scorpio New Moon!
The message is clear! Call on Spirit right now to guide you!
Live Tarot Reading
November 4th, 2021
Tarot Reading for Full Blood Moon in Taurus
November 18th, 2021
Rejoice! For your past efforts are paying off and you can now celebrate your healing.
Four represents completion. The final harvest of this year is done. The Universe recognizes your hard work and rewards you for your efforts. Take note of your harvest and find gratitude for everything that has come through.
Even though the future is uncertain, look back at all you have created despite what you have been through! The Four of Pentacles reminds us that we are safe, and we have the knowledge and support we need to move forward. This wisdom is an inner knowing, and we must follow our core truths now as a sort of inner light. It’s time to embrace who we are and let that shine through. The more we do this, the more complete we feel.
Scorpio season is a time of darkness, and this can sometimes refer to our health. As we move toward less source energy, less solar light, we may find ourselves deprived of Vitamin D and feeling unwell. Or the darkness may set in a depression to make us feel out of alignment. Scorpio season is also about taking our medicine and trusting in the molting stage, the sickness, during our transformation. Four of Pentacles means we are healing, and if you do not feel back in alignment yet, keep working. Lean into your intuition, go to what calls you, take your medicine, and believe that you will pull through.
Eclipses are a time when we find ourselves looking back into our darkness, and this eclipsed moon in Taurus may have us judging our personal human journey and experience. This is one of the longest lunar eclipses in 500 years, forcing us into our shadows even if we try to avoid it. We may find ourselves reflecting on toxic relationships, toxic behavior, or toxic patterns that seem to loop around and continue. Instead of passing judgement on these phases of your life, find compassion. Your spirit chose to move through those events to learn, evolve, and hold deeper wisdom. This moon is asking you to find gratitude for the lessons you’e gained, and let go so you can alchemize how you feel moving forward.
Eclipses are a time of second-chances, and that’s exactly what The Judgement card represents, too!
If you have failed in the past, you may have the opportunity to try again and succeed this time around—but only if you have aligned appropriately and learned your lessons. During the darkness of this eclipsed moon seek out guidance from your internal compass and ask for direction for your spirit guides to help you move into the evolution you need to.
The Judgement card is also related to Mercury, who currently opposes Uranus while in the house of Scorpio. We are destined for BIG transformation on the collective right now, and The Judgement card represents the final end before a new beginning. We are coming up on the anniversary of THE GREAT CONJUNCTION, and we can feel ourselves now in the dawn of this New Golden Age we stepped into last year. We’re also ending an 18 month series of eclipses around Taurus, depending on where you are in the world. In Western astrology we're just ending the Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse reign, and we're now moving into the 18 month Taurus-Scorpio cycle. In Vedic astrology we're just wrapping up this bull-scorpion energy, and we're moving on. Either way, the space around Taurus is where judgement can sometimes linger. On the New Earth we will hold things in the light. On the New Earth we will embrace gratitude, grace, compassion, and NON-judgement. This eclipse is asking us to embrace these values now and to cultivate them from within our inner light. We pull up the concept of judgement to bring awareness to it, so we can also release it as we reprogram and invite ourselves into a new way of living. Eclipses ask us to break karmic cycles. Break the need to judge yourselves and those around you, and the energy will contagiously spread like the viruses, the wildfires, and the other energies that are moving so swiftly amongst our world now.
You might feel overrun right now—by others, the energy of the collective, or your own behavior. The Chariot typically represents progress, but when we pull the card reversed we can expect delays. Notice the black and white horses on this card, depicting the shadow and light journey of this eclipse and the future ahead of us. It’s time to journey into our underworld before we can explore our light, for one does not exist without the other. This dichotomy of energy is strong right now. We feel it as an opposition and a powerful control of repelling forces as we all evolve into this next evolution. The Reversed Chariot reminds us to continue on our journey no matter how slow or challenging, and trust the road ahead.
A Reversed Chariot card may also literally represent delays in travel. There are many restrictions right now, making global travel challenging and uncertain in times ahead. It’s funny that we have these two horses going two directions as there is currently a bill in Congress trying to pass to create even more rigorous restriction. The thing is, we all have the power to take charge of our chariot and drive the reigns by contacting our representatives with our urgencies and needs. The Chariot card is ruled by Cancer and we are in Scorpio season. These are both energies of emotional expression. Make sure to contact those making decisions for you with personal and relatable story. This is how you will break through and get your message across. The Cancer energy of this card is also telling me that we need to expect delays or shakeups around our travel plans this coming summer and Cancer season. We can be proactive and make the plans now with good intention, but don’t be surprised if you have to take a different journey when the future time turns into the present.
Eclipses are a chance for us to reset our energy.
As we move forward through the rest of the lunar cycle we are given a chance to live differently and align more to our greater good and goals. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed or out of control lately, it’s time to take back the reins. The Reversed Chariot sees how others have been taking advantage of you, literally pushing you off the road and off your path. This card also sees your own self-sabotage and unconscious tendencies to free yourself of the reins when this journey is too much for you. It is time to rest, reflect, and ask yourself how to make change so you can rule your life again. As winter approaches us it’s time to harness and reserve our energy. Use this moon to release what’s holding you back from your journey and trust in your own abilities to change as you move through this season.
*A Reversed Chariot can also signify literal crashes. The current Mars opposition to Uranus could mean plane wrecks, car wrecks, or natural disasters are in our future. Take extra caution when operating vehicles and expect the unexpected when it comes to getting around the globe. Whether it be man’s mistake or Divine intervention, changes around movement in this world are likely to come.
The choice to evolve or stay the same, eclipses give us an opportunity to quickly grow and transform.
As we adapt into this new world and New Age it’s time to believe in the concept of a co-creative reality. Wands are always a symbol of magic, and the Two of Wands reminds us that we have the same magicakal, creative abilities that Source has because we are two as one. We are a spiritual, God/Goddess-like being having a human experience, and we always have the free will to make this life how we see fit.
….but we must learn to believe in it all!
The Two of Wands tells us we are safe to manifest. That the darkness and uncertainty in the world is not a negative thing. It’s a chance for us to access infinite potential. If we truly believe in ourselves and our abilities, if we learn to trust in our gifts, we will find ourselves most successful on the other side of this global shift. The work may be challenging but we have the strength to keep going. Don’t give up. Reward is just on the horizon.
This card also represents creativity from an energetic perspective. We all have both masculine and feminine energy within us, and when we learn to unite these we find ourselves so whole and HOLY, that we believe anything within us is possible. Have you ever witnessed somebody who just fully believes in themselves without a doubt? This is someone with a strong Kundalini energy! The Kundalini is represented by two snakes, these masculine and feminine energies, merging and uniting with one another up the energetic spine. When this starts to happen, we can feel great vibrations and shifts like we’ve never felt before!
Can you feel it in the external and amongst the collective now?!
We are learning to perceive our world and ourselves in a different way. We are learning to connect to our energy, our magick, and our capability. More humans on this planet are having Kundalini awakenings than ever before. In other words, the world is waking up and it’s time to get ready. During this eclipsed moon let go of old beliefs that limit your abilities and make the choice to open up your mind to a new perspective of co-conscious living.
Live Tarot Reading
November 18th, 2021
Tarot Reading for New Moon & Total Solar Eclipse in Taurus
December 3rd/4th, 2021
We are coming to terms with our relationships and how they’ve evolved over the past 18-24 months or so. The TWO OF CUPS is all about harmony and this new moon eclipse portal is asking us prioritize those who support our emotional stability.
These past two years have been an awakening for all of us.
No matter what the topic at hand, we’ve probably found ourself disagreeing with people we thought we were close with. Some of these relationships have survived the opposition, while others have moved on and no longer exist. Either way, we know the people we choose to have in our lives now are the ones that will help support our truth and feelings. And these are the ones we know we can surround ourselves with in order to survive.
This moon is also bringing us to terms with choices we’ve made in our past.
The final harvest is over, the year is wrapping up, and we can no longer put our effort towards the dreams that didn’t manifest. We can certainly choose to go after the same dream again, but for now we must reflect, learn what happened, and make a plan to prevent the same result from coming to fruition again.
Remember that Reversed Chariot I pulled for our future card on the Taurus full moon and lunar eclipse?
We are coming back around to the concept of choice with this solar eclipse as well.
We have two choices right now. We can continue to let life carry us through the same journey or we can take back the reigns and take control. If we continue on the same path, we will find ourselves journeying through the same experiences and learning the same lessons over. If we choose to take a new path, we will have the opportunity to evolve and gain new wisdom. If you feel yourself coming to a crossroads with this new moon, or you’re feeling called to make a shift, it’s time to make the choice that helps you be and do differently. It’s time to prioritize your energy towards the goal where you can actually follow through. I love how the number “2” is showing up, considering we started this last 18 month eclipse portal in 2020 and we are now wrapping it up as we prepare for 2022. The number “2” is an angel number representing our path, and this TWO OF CUPS tells us it’s time to choose the path that supports lifting us up higher.
*Side note, if you moved into a business partnership or creative collaboration with someone in the past 18 months, the TWO OF CUPS confirms this relationship is a supportive one! Keep working at the “marriage,” keep emotional stability at the forefront, and you will find yourself most successful as you move forward!
It’s time to make changes and choices quickly!Eclipses are like a fast-forward portal for our evolution, and the King of Swords pushes us to move forward without hesitation.
Are you coming around to a decision that you feel you’ve had to make before?
Do you find yourself in a sort of “dejavu” period, where people, places, experiences, things, and lessons from your past are coming back around again? This is eclipse season at its finest!
Sometimes, when we make quick decisions we set aside attention to detail. This is a fault of the KING OF SWORDS, and we may find deep clarity when we reflect on our mistakes and failures. When we’re in the heat of the moment of change, we can sometimes be too emotional to see the bigger picture. Once we give it some time, we can look back more detached and understand more. Once we gain that deeper wisdom, we also gain the confidence to not make the same mistake again. The key is we must keep that “WHY” at the forefront or our human nature may get complacent and make the same choice again.
It’s not wrong if we do, but we’ll have a lot more opportunity for expansion if we choose to take action on doing something different. Although the change may be scary, it is also exciting, and Sagittarius loves that energy. Use this Sagittarius eclipsed new moon to make the choices you need to quickly, but with mindfulness. Trust your intuition and heart above all else, and your choice will match your spirit’s truth. When you align in this way, you will feel as if you are in your power. When you follow you truth and your gut with softness, your rule your life with peace and ease.
Another card on relationships, the EIGHT OF CUPS assures us we are making the right decisions.Cups are a sign of the sacral chakra, how we relate to others, and our feelings. When a card shows lots of cups it’s depicting a lot of emotion. I have no doubt we are all grieving the loss of relationships over the past 18-24 months, whether it be through a death, a cord cutting, or a reason out of our hands. Whether we wanted the relationship to end or not, THE EIGHT OF CUPS is telling us it’s all part of the plan.
8 is a sign of infinity, and we must remember that energy lives on and on.
When a relationship ends, the love bond and energetic contract between those two also ends, and the energy moves on to be somewhere else. When you think of it in this way, it’s quite beautiful, for that release also allows that energy to evolve and return back to you. This is that infinite loop of the 8. Remember that every time you heart breaks open from loss, it is creating room for the new. During this new moon and total solar eclipse, a time of ultimate new beginnings, let yourself be open to the opportunity of what can come to you.
The EIGHT OF CARDS could also quite literally be depicting this upcoming eclipse season we’re navigating through. I expect we will have big changes both in this current eclipse season and over the 18 month Scorpio-Taurus Eclipse portal. The 8 reminds me of the 2 cosmic snakes, Rahu and Ketu, representative of the eclipse energy and this constant life-death-rebirth-expansion life cycle. There is no doubt we are evolving, and we are feeling it soon the collective. Make sure you keep yourself in control through the shift by balancing your energies, prioritizing emotional stability, and working to awaken your kundalini. The more the snakes rise, so do we! Use this new moon and solar eclipse in Sagittarius to embrace your expansion! Shed the layers of skin that no longer serve your spirit and give yourself permission to grow. Whatever choices you make over this lunar cycle and the next year will be crucial to your evolution. Start directing your focus on what brings your vibrates your highest self and the collective and brings us more joy.
Live Tarot Reading for
New Moon & Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius
December 3rd/4th, 2021
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Gemini
December 17th, 2021
The Ace of Wands represents exciting new beginnings. Wands are always a sign of transformation. When we pull this card reversed it means shift in an an unexpected way.
Change is inevitable. We are locked into what we call CHRONOS, or chronological time.
There is a past, present, and future. The river of time never stops flowing. We can either resist the current, holding onto our attachments to old ways, or we can float peacefully downstream with a “go with the flow” mentality. We always have free will. The choice is up to us.
The Ace of Wands asks us to be patient. This reversal tells us that things will eventually normalize, but it’s going to take time. We are just at the dawn of this new age, and we must do demolition work before we remodel. Deconstruction is necessary. Things WILL fall apart. But if you embrace it all with the wisdom of evolution, you know we have to make room for new things to grow.
We are moving into autumn just on the end of this full moon portal. This is a time of letting go in an “upside-down” kind of way. We embrace the death of things—the leaves, the crops, the grass, etc.—for we know we are creating space. The dead things are no longer needed where they are, but they are still essential. Piles of dead leaves will shelter the earth and the living things in it. Dried cornstalks and grasses will provide warmth and protection for many. The energy is simply transformed. We can relate to this way of nature by also releasing what is no longer of use to our growth and transformation. Trust in the release, and know the energy will move on to where it needs to go.
Your efforts are not lost right now. Even if you’re doing the work and you feel like you’re going nowhere, trust that you are still moving forward. Evolution doesn’t happen overnight, and the Reversed Ace of Wands reminds us that the shift has already begun. We’re in it now, and there’s no turning back. This card confirms you are already in 5D reality, but it’s up to you to embrace co-creative abilities. Use this full moon to release your limitations, so you can find your true magic. Let go of what holds you down so you can continue to grow and rise.
Could we pull a more accurate card for the current times at hand?!
Judgement is everywhere, and it seems to only be growing.
Judgement of others and their lifestyle choices is driving a growing division among the collective.
Judgement of ourselves is causing a self-conceived notion that maybe we aren’t good enough or we aren’t making the right decisions.
Judgement by society, government, influencers, and other powers to be is confusing our psyche.
It’s time to use all of this judgement for justice and peace, rather than the opposite.
Notice the card, an angel blowing a trumpet of truth while she navigates the waves of the sea.
We are in an oceanic Pisces full moon, and our emotional waters may be tossing about.
Notice what comes to the surface right now, for it makes itself known to you with intention.
Deep wisdom lies in the eye of the storm, let it all move through so you can find clarity and then peace on the other side.
There is a spiritual awakening happening, both within ourselves and on the collective.
The “20” of this present card shows us we have an opportunity to change for the better, and 2020 was an opportunity for us to see more clearly. The Judgement card asks us to take a look at what we’ve been through, analyze where we are in the present, and to make sure we take a more supportive path in the future. We can choose to stay stuck in our past, grieving the loss of our old life and ways, complaining about all that isn’t what we expected, or we can get excited about the unknown yet to be. Things will play out no matter what. The Judgement card arrives just before “The World” card in the Tarot, confirming this new earth we’re now adjusting to. During this Pisces full moon, embrace your past with love and gratitude rather than judgement and see what truths unfold. Accept yourself unconditionally and believe in your continued ability to do better. You are a God/Goddess being having a human experience. Remember this. Even in the depths of your darkest oceans you still have a light to shine.
The Judgement card is ruled by Pluto, the Planet of Power and Control currently retrograde until the end of this lunar cycle. Where are you struggling with these ideals? Does it seem like you’re spinning out of control? Does everything feel backwards, or upside-down? Do you feel muted or debilitated in your power? When we feel this way, we are giving away too much of ourselves. Use the lunar energy of this full moon to release what’s standing in your way of taking charge of your life, and set an intention to rule it all with holy consciousness as Pluto goes direct with the next new moon.
While Pluto goes direct with the next new moon, we still have more retrogrades to navigate.
Cups are a symbol of emotion, and a reversed Ace of Cups tells us we may have to go back to the beginning to heal.
Saturn is retrograde until October 10th, and he’s been bringing up much of the karma we’ve already experienced. Jupiter is spinning backwards until October 18th, reminding us of our potential and expansion, yet the failures along the way. Neptune is retrograde until December 1st, revealing our generational history and the important changes we need to make to move forward. Finally, Chiron doesn’t go direct until December 19th, meaning we’ve still got quite the journey ahead when it comes to navigating our traumas and emotional wounds. This is a season of remembering, not to grieve or regret or upset, but to deeply learn from.
Mercury will go retrograde from September 27 to October 18th, and from now until the next full moon we will feel it. This is always a time of heightened emotion, quite similar to the energy of the full moon, and we may feel a bit upside-down over the next 4 weeks. Take time to emotionally stabilize with meditation, rest, journaling/reflection, and sacred isolation. The more you take time to be quiet during these planetary shifts, the more you will discover and understand.
The Ace of Cups may also represent a lack of faith. Things may not be playing out the way you expected or in the right timing. This future card tells you to keep going, but make sure you have plenty of support along the way. This is also a sign to seek help emotionally if you’re struggling to harmonize and find stability on your own.
This card also brings up concerns over our future home-work-life balance. Between working from home, home-schooling, and being forced to be more at home in general, your sanctuary may become more of a stress factory. This can affect marriages, family dynamics, and even fertility. If you truly want to have a “new normal,” it’s time to start constructing your life in the way you want it, best you can. During this full moon, look at where you feel misaligned, and figure out what you need to release to realign. You may have to get creative. Ask for help from your guides if you can’t do it on your own. Figure out what you need for equanimity and use the power of this full moon to take action on setting it all up! What you do now will impact you the rest of the year. Make choices that promote your stability.