New Moon in Libra


Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra

September 25th, 2022

As the moon embarks on a new cyclical journey, she begins in the house of Libra.  
This is the sign of The Cosmic Scales, and it’s time to return to alignment.

New Moons are always about new beginnings.  As we look all around and see nature dying with autumn, it’s hard to believe this could be a time of conception.  However, we still have the opportunity!  Just like we can plant fall bulbs for a spring harvest, we can also plant spiritual seeds of intention for what we want in the next harvesting year.  Libra season begins with the first day of Autumn.  A new season is an opportunity for new beginnings.  Let this New Moon in Libra influence you to embrace creation no matter the time of the year!

One way to ensure success is to keep yourself in alignment now through winter.  Autumn is a season of “in-betweenm” wedged between summer and winter as a time of preparation.  Colder, darker, more challenging times are coming.  We take advantage now by doing what we can to create as much harmony as possible.  Libra’s scales are always seeking balance, and this is a time to make sure your time is balanced between self and other, work and play, taking action and rest, etc.  Our previous season of Virgo should have already prepared us for this intention.  We used the previous season to find more structure throughout our day, so we could have regular time for our spiritual practices.  Now, Libra arrives to remind us to find moderation within everything.  This New Moon is a powerful time for helping you set intentions around balance.  If any part of your life is draining you, it’s time to make adjustments.

We also find better alignment when we balance our energy.  Libra energy is ruled by the planet Venus and related to our heart chakras.  This is our emotional center and where all other energy meridians stem from.  This New Moon in Libra and Libra season both ask you to start moving from your heart above all else.  This is where our spiritual and earthly energies converge.  This is where we have the soulful-human experience.  The heart rules everything.  This is where your focus should be.

Now, moving from the heart is easier said than done.  Every sign has a dark side, and when we navigate new moon or “dark moon” energy, those shadows tend to rise up.  Libra’s scales are sometimes associated with the courtroom, and Libra is sometimes known as The Cosmic Judge.  All of us humans have a tendency to judge, but Libra energy (and all 3 air signs, for that matter) tends to judge a little harsher than others.  It’s because they crave justice and fairness, and anyone who disrupts this harmony is a bit outcast or misunderstood.  If you find yourself judging people more than normal right now, this could be Libra’s influence no matter what sign you are.  You may also find more judgement on yourself during this new moon portal.  If so, come back to the heart and be gentle.  Realize that judgement comes from external criticism, and your own judgement on others play a part of that.  Anytime we judge something in a negative light, it’s usually because we harbor some aspect of that same quality within our own shadows.  If you find yourself triggered during this new moon or Libra season, slow down and take a good look at yourself to see if the true aggravation is coming from within.

This moon is about battling our inner demons, so we are more equipped and ready to face the “evils” of the outside world.   In Hinduism, this moon begins Navaratri, the 9 waxing nights of the Goddess and a celebration of the story of Durga overcoming the great demon buffalo.  This story is symbolic of us conquering our own inner battles by embracing our feminine and softer side.  When the demon Mahisha started to get out of control, no God or masculine deity could stop it, but Durga, the Goddess could.  We cannot always find victory through fighting.  We cannot always “muscle into” whatever we are doing.  Sometimes, we have to wait, be patient, and find a different way.  This is what Navaratri is about—transformation.  Each night a new incarnation of the Goddess is celebrated, as each is an evolution of a way to find victory.  As we navigate each embodiment of Shakti, we eventually end Navaratri with the honoring of Saraswati.  This is the Goddess of intellect, and we learn to use philosophy, arts, aesthetic, and the mind to approach problems rather than fighting with brute strength.  This new moon is only the beginning of this journey.  Use the next 9 nights to meditate on your own inner Goddess, find ways to soften in to your feminine, and slowly peel back the layers of conditioning that make you want to fight using old ways.  By the full moon on October 9th, you should feel more equipped to conquer your own challenges in a more gentle, more appropriate way.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra.  Known as the “Star of Patronage,” this lunar mansion represents the union of Shiva/Shakti energy.  Ruled by Aryaman, a deity of partnership, soulful romance, and comradery, this moon is asking us to find union over separation.  Creation is a cooperative process.  We cannot conceive life unless we have both masculine and feminine seeds.  The same goes for the Universe.  We cannot rule by one side or the other.  We must come together and cooperate.  If you’re finding division under this moon, it’s time to tear down those walls.  Just as Libra’s judgements as us to reflect within, Uttara Phalguni nakshatra asks us to find our similarities in one another in order to work together.

Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is represented by a marriage bed.  Our previous full moon was represented by the feet at a coffin or funeral pyre.  It’s funny now, as we head into darker, colder times in nature, we find ourself working to conceive under this new moon!  The truth is, we always have the opportunity to co-create, but we must find union in order to do so.  This moon is asking us to find heartfelt connection.  It’s the only way we’ll truly move forward and grow.

Speaking of growth, this moon is also ruled by Bhaga, an ancient deity of wealth and abundance.  This is because Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is between both the Leo and Virgo constellations.  Virgo is The Cosmic Virgin, represented by the bride of the marriage bed.  Leo is the Cosmic Lion, ruled by the sun and represented by ultimate Masculine energy.  Bhaga is one of the 12 sun deities that blesses us with abundance, wealth, and more.  When he comes together with the energy of Aryaman, so much can happen!  Trust in this sacred, cosmic union now.  Use it to fuel your own intentions of ambition and transformation.  Believe you can always receive more, if you make yourself available to it.  This moon is encouraging us to believe in out possibilities    With so much creative force around us, we cannot help but evolve if we try!

No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, we’re in the energy of harmony.  Another word for harmony is peace, and we should be working this moon and this season to find as much equanimity as possible.  Remember the Hermetic principle “as within, so without”. Peace always beings with us first.  If there’s anything raging war on your external, you must first ask yourself if anything is a reflection from within.  Energy is contagious.  If you work on the balance and zen from within, it cannot help to spill out around you.  The more you work on creating peace within yourself, the more you will find in your outer world and on your evolutionary journey.


Libra Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the September 25th Instagram Libra Virtual New Moon Circle.


Full Moon in Aries


Revati Nakshatra

October 8th/9th, 2022

As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses fully illuminated in the house of Aries.  This is the sign of The Cosmic Fire Starter, and it’s time to fan our flames of change.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac.  This energy has no problem initiating a transformation and seeing it through.  As we currently gaze on nature we witness this energy all around.  Leaves once lush and green are now dry, brown, and brittle.  Plants that once thrived with fruits and blossoms now decay and return to the ground.  Even we as humans start to retreat and turn more within as colder weather urges us indoors.  The energy is shifting for sure, and we can lean into it by embracing opportunities for new change within ourselves and our personal worlds.  Just as we can plant autumn bulbs for a harvest in spring, we can also use this first full moon of autumn to plant seeds of intention around our own hopes and ambitions.

This is a time to make true change toward the life we desire.  Aries energy is very independent and typically has no problem completing what they start.  Whatever you begin under this full moon will likely be a success.  Add in Jupiters alignment with this moon and you have potent opportunity to make changes towards your better fortune.  Take advantage of the cosmic nudge to follow your joy and your dreams!  You have a potent opportunity under this lunar portal to co-create your reality.

This is also a powerful moon for healing.  Chiron, The Cosmic Wounded Healer, is also in Aries, and we are being given an opportunity to emotionally alchemize any trauma-induced energies that may be debilitating our evolutions.  Full moons are a time of shining light on things we need to release.  If anything is illuminated in your psyche or your memory right now that may be limiting you to a lower frequency, it is making itself known so you can transform it.  Use the power and prana of this moon to find more light in your matters, and change the way you feel about them so memory-connections are more supportive in the future.

Fire energy can be incredibly useful in burning away energetic chords.  These tethers our ego create to people, places, things, memories—these attachments—they do not serve us in the long run.  The only thing we do own is ourselves, and burning away the possessiveness over everything else will help create more wholeness.  Fire isn’t always destructive.  It can be quite useful in initiating new growth. Use this fiery full moon to burn away what you need to release yourself from, and trust in the newness that can arise out of such sacrifice.

This moon brings an energy of finding WHOLENESS.  In Vedic astrology, the moon is in Revati Nakshatra, and ruled by Pushan, a deity of safe travels.  Revati means “wealthy,” and this moon also celebrates Sharad Purnima, or the exaltation of Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth, Fortune, and Prosperity.  This moon is asking us to look at value beyond our bank accounts.  Our safety, safe transportation, internal guidance, and more are a form of “wealth” to us, too.  Let this moon shine light on what you can be grateful for.  The more you recognize your blessings, the more complete and whole your life will feel and the more blessings will come your way.

Revati Nakshatra is located in sidereal Pisces and is the last of the 27 lunar mansions.  Represented by a fish or 2 fish swimming, this star encourages agility and fluidness in life.  When things don’t seem to be going our way, when the current seems to go against us, we must learn to relax and go with the flow.  The more we allow The Universe to take us where our subconscious spirit desires, the more wisdom and wealth we will gain.

This full moon is the last before eclipse season.  From now through the end of November, we may feel our own sense of “swimming upstream”.  Try not to battle when challenges come your way.  This moon in Revati Nakshatra is training you for what’s ahead.  Remember your peacefulness and ability to find gratitude no matter your situation.  Finding abundance in nothingness is the true battle of which we aim to find victory.

Back in the Western side of the world, Aries is sometimes known as The Cosmic Warrior.  Again, we are preparing for spiritual battle.  Eclipse season is always a time of karmic opportunity, where we can fast forward our evolution or choose to stay in the same loop.  Take heed with what the moon draws your attention to now.  This is where you will need to focus to prepare.  And no matter what you go through, remember to find the joy!  Jupiter aligns with this moon to remind you that everything, everyone, and every experiences has gold within, but it’s up to us to learn how to dig into the dark soils of our shadows, and pan it all into the surface of our lives.


Aries Virtual Full Moon Circle

Recording of the October 9th Instagram Aries Virtual Full Moon Circle.


New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Scorpio


Swati Nakshatra

October 24th/25th, 2022

As the moon begins a new cycle, she allows Scorpio to enter and influence her entire journey.  This is the watery sign of The Cosmic Scorpion, and it’s time to embrace the concept of going with the emotional flow.

New Moons are always a time of feeling more low frequency.  The gravity of Earth is stronger, pulling us down into our human bodies and the full spectrum of the human experience.  Both can be a real drag sometimes, and the low-lying energy of Scorpio doesn’t help the matter.  This is a sign that deeply FEELS even beyond our current emotional labels, and many times this energy wants to retreat in order to protect itself.  New Moons tend to be a time of turning within, so if you need to be a hermit right now, let yourself go there.

It’s what you do during your isolation that counts.  If you’re feeling emotionally overwhelmed, make sure you commit to your grounding rituals and self-care practices so you can cultivate more energetic stability.  Scorpios have a tendency to be attracted to more of the “woo,” and this season of Halloween and Magick give you an opportunity to dive into any curiosities you may have.  The metaphysical has a way of explaining and supporting energy and emotion that conventional practices simply do not.  If you’ve been struggling to find balance with yourself in any way, this moon may be a good time to look into more of those mysterious paths like astrology, chakras, moon ceremonies, or more.  When we dive into the unknown, especially during Scorpio season, we usually find the answers or help we’ve been looking for.  When we set the intention to do it under a new moon, we have even more energy to support our growth and change.

Speaking of change, this new moon brings a solar eclipse and contuse our 18 month Scorpio/Taurus eclipse series.  Eclipses give us an opportunity to fast-forward our evolution, and the choices we make around this time could impact us for years to come.  Wherever you direct your focus this moon, be prepared to lock it in for the long-term.  This also means whatever you need to release with this new moon should be let go of for good!  New Moons are always a time of new beginnings.  Let this eclipsed new moon give you the chance to start over and co-create the reality you truly desire to live in.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Swati Nakshatra.  Known as “The Independent One,” this lunar mansion represents our power and ability to transform.  Ruled by Vayu, the wind god, this is a time to trust in new beginnings and exhale what no longer serves.  (In the West this is also a time we honor the final exhale of death through Halloween). It’s also the beginning of Diwali, a time in Hinduism when we embrace our internal light and honour Lakshmi.  This is the Goddess of fortune, luck, abundance, and gold.  When we celebrate Lakshmi, we honour the harvest of blessings that have come our way, for we know we cannot have more in the future if we are not thankful for what we have now.  Diwali is also a time when we pray for peace and set intentions to contribute toward Universal peace with our actions, thoughts, responses, behaviors, etc.  We cannot have growth amongst war and conflict.  The negative vibes do not support it.  We will only prosper when we have peace.

Ironically, this eclipse will only be visible in parts of Europe and war-torn Ukraine & Russia, where we need peace the most right now.  These are also places that produce crops which sustain our global food supply.  We need hope and positivity in these places, not despair and divisiveness.  Let us hope this moon’s influence will bring change.  Scorpio energy embraces transformation and empathy, and Swati Nakshatra is all about philosophy and words over brute force.  It’s time to change the way we go to battle, both on a global scale and within ourselves.  We don’t have to force things.  When we allow ourselves to simply be in the flow, we allow this life to carry us in the right direction.  May this lunar cycle influence us to be like water.  May this Diwali and New Moon bring a more peaceful transition toward peace and support for all.


Scorpio Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the Instagram Scorpio Virtual New Moon Circle.


Full "Blood" Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus


Bharani Nakshatra

November 7th/8th, 2022

As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses fully illuminated, eclipses, and returns again to her fullest light under the sign of Taurus.  This is The Cosmic Bull who rules earth energy, and we may feel the shakeup more than usual.

Eclipse seasons are always challenging to navigate.  It’s like a Mercury retrograde on hyperspped, where everything and everyone from our past seem to rise up again.  This is because eclipses are like a time portal, giving us an opportunity to evolve beyond our current situation or stay where we are.  There’s no right or wrong choice, but the opportunities for change will present themselves right now.  Pay attention to the crossroads you come to.  The choice you make will impact you longer than you think.

This is the last total lunar eclipse until 2025.  That’s not to say we’re out of the gate yet, as we still have another Taurus/Scorpio eclipse season to navigate in the spring of 2023, but we will have less intense energy with the eclipses from here on out.  Basically, this eclipse is giving us the BIG opportunity to move forward if we want to, and if we seize it, nothing will be the same!

You also won’t be the same if you harness the energy of this full moon.  Typically we are encouraged to soak up lunar rays and take in moon medicine, but eclipses are different.  It is actually considered auspicious to be out under a blood moon.  If you happen to be under the eclipse light, you could completely reset.  Same if you charge water under this moon and use it or drink it.  Eclipse energy has the ability to completely cleanse and purify.  If you need a big change or reset you might want to actually take advantage of this energy!  However, if you’ve been doing hard work on yourself and you don’t want to lose the progress, make sure you stay inside with this moon and keep all of your spiritual tools you’ve been working with inside, too.

Personally, I’m feeling the need to begin anew.  I recently navigated my 39th birthday and realized I have been through A LOT over the past 10 years.  I chopped nearly a foot off of my hair last month as part of the release.  I’m feeling the need to continue the reset with this eclipse.  I will be setting out moon water and drinking ALL of it during this lunar portal in hopes I purify and cleanse out whatever else needs to be released.  If you’re feeling the need to do the same, go for it!  Working with the moon is always something very personal and unique.  If you need that blood moon energy, go harness it and use it to your advantage!

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Bharani Nakshatra.  Known as the “Star of Creation,” this lunar mansion is represented by the Yoni, or womb, and provides us an opportunity to grow out of what is lost, similar to how fertility arises out of the menstrual cycle.  Our whole existence goes through a constant process of life, death, and rebirth.  Bharani Nakshatra reminds us that nothing is ever lost for good.  Energy will always be recycled, so let go with ease what no longer serves.  Yama, the god of death, rules this lunar mansion, helping us to let go underneath this moon with more ease than usual.  If you’ve been holding onto a piece of your old self that holds you back, it’s time to let it die.  If you’ve been giving your energy to relationships that limit you, it’s time to cut the chords and move on.  This is a fertile moon, full of opportunity for co-creation, but you won’t ever see change unless you make room for it first!  Use this lunar portal to slow down, turn within, and take spiritual inventory, so you know what you want to carry with you into your future.

Back on the western side of the world, this eclipsed full blood moon is in Taurus, another fertile energy.  It’s time focus on the life you are trying to create, not the one you’re trying to avoid or run away from.  Taurus energy is very grounded.  Let yourself root into the new person you are ready to become!

The work to get to a new you may not be easy right now.  Mars is currently retrograde, causing us to be triggered by old programming more than normal and causing us to lean into old ways of reacting.  There may also be a struggle to actually take action or do the hard work you need to in order to change.  Venus, our Planet of Love and Relationship, is currently combust by the sun, causing tension between both lovers and platonic friends and applying pressure to our support circle.  Mercury is also Cazimi or behind the center of the sun, exalting a tricky energy full of communication errors and confusing trade or business transactions.  Finally, this eclipsed moon is opposing Uranus, causing tension in the worlds of innovation and encourage rebellion.  With this full moon landing on mid-term Election Day in America, things are going to get interesting.  Wherever you are in the world, keep breathing, tend to your energy, and do what you need to in order to stay grounded into your truest self.  The more aware and stable you work to be under this full moon, the more harmonious you will feel on the other side.


Taurus Virtual Full Moon Circle

Recording of the November 7th Instagram Taurus Virtual Full Moon Circle.


New Moon in Sagittarius


Anuradha Nakshatra

November 23rd, 2022

As the moon begins a new cyclical journey, she pauses in the house of Sagittarius.  This is the sign of the Cosmic Archer, and it’s time to take aim on our dreams.

We have survived eclipse season and now move forward with the energy we cultivated and the seeds we planted.  What has been decided is now set forth in motion, and the fire of Sagittarius now comes in to burn away what doesn’t serve us in order to make room for opportunity.  Aiding us in our journey, Jupiter, Sagittarius’s ruling planet, goes direct in Pisces just minutes after the peace of this new moon.  This is the Planet of Fortune, Expansion, and Joy, and when we find this planet in Pisces we are more excited about our dreams than ever.  Use this new moon to not only get fired up about our future, but also start directing your energy toward co-creation.  Every move you make toward your dreams right now will have a powerful impact.  Take advantage of such fortunate energy!

While this moon should spark a catalyst toward change, you may still feel limited with actually moving forward.  Mercury and Venus are still combust and behind the sun with this moon, and they’re within 1 degree of each other.  This creates a planetary tension known as a “graha,” where each planet tries to “grab” the others’ energy.  In other words, as Venusian energy tries to create beauty, Mercury tries to rush and mess it up.  Perhaps you try to put up your outdoor Christmas lights and it’s incredibly windy and challenging while you’re trying to do so.  Another example could be you trying to order a holiday party dress online, but it gets lost in the mail or ruined in transit.  It’s funny that Black Friday is happening during this planetary battle.  I would take caution on how you spend your money and what you order over the holiday weekend.

You may also want to take caution in how you express yourself.  Pay attention to the topics of conversation rising up at your holiday gatherings.  Mercury will want to rule the conversation or may cause the conversation to move backwards instead of forward.  Venus will want to talk about peace, and beauty, and food, and the home, but Mercury will want to speed things up to a more exciting pace.  If you feel conflict or tension rising when in social conversation, give yourself permission to exit the conversation or lead the change toward another talking point.

Sagittarius energy is fiery, and while its usually a beneficial quality, it can sometimes lead to trouble.  When a Sag gets frustrated, they tend to lash our with they tongue or behavior.  During this new moon and this entire Sagittarius season, make sure you prioritize down time to manage and balance your energy.  Take time to emotionally process anything that’s challenging, and do your best to maintain inner peace and joy.  

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Anuradha Nakshatra.  Known as “The Star of Success,” this lunar mansion encourages us to find gratitude for the harvest if this year.  New moons tend to bring us into lower frequency, thanks to Earth’s gravity being slightly stronger.  If you’re feeling down with this new moon, take time to focus on all of your achievements this past year, rather than the negative.

This moon is all about cultivation, growth, and community.  Anuradha Nakshatra is ruled by Mitra, a god of friendship that encourages socialization and support circles.  If you’re feeling alone this holiday season, or if you’re feeling low in any way, find ways to connect the best you can.  Even if it’s in the online world, finding friendship during this new moon and holiday weekend will help support you.

Side note, this moon also sparks the energy of spending money.  Sagittarius energy prefers to shop small and support local.  Try to find ways to shop for the holidays within your local community this year.  Anuradha Nakshatra is about forming alliances.  Focus on collaboration over competition.  Remember, Mars is still retrograde until January.  This is a time to make peace and help each other find more ease, rather than go to battle.

Cultivating more joy in general with this moon will be of benefit.  We do this by finding gratitude for what we have right now, rather than think on what we WANT to have or what we THINK we need.  Sagittarius energy tends to be naturally abundant, but that’s because they are so loving, grateful, and giving.  The more we find ways to be thankful, the more we will have to be thankful for.  The more we have to be thankful for, the more joy we find.  The more joy we find, the more we want to spread that joy to others.  The more we want to spread that joy, the more we give.  And the more we give, the more we receive to be grateful for.  It’s all a cycle!  Let this lunar cycle in Sagittarius inspire you to find joy, give thanks, and grow your heart to its fullest expansion!


Sagittarius Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the November 23rd Instagram Sagittarius Virtual New Moon Circle.


Full Moon & Mars in Gemini


Rohini Nakshatra

December 7, 2022

As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses fully illuminated with Mars in the house of Gemini.  This is the sign of The Cosmic Twins, and you may find yourself both deflecting and reflecting energy.

This isn’t your usual gathering, joyful, Gemini moon.  While you still may find yourself socializing this time of year, you may also want to mind your conversations and exchanges.  Mars is currently retrograde, causing us to be triggered emotionally more than normal.  We may also find ourselves emotionally checked on purpose by The Universe, in order to do necessary inner work for needed growth and change.  However you engage with the public, just know it can be a tricky energy right now.  Make sure you stay cool, calm, and collected if things start to spin out of control.

Gemini is an air sign and loves to talk.  Full Moons tend to illuminate our shadow sides.  Be careful not to gossip under this moon or spend more time worrying about others’ lives instead of your own.  This is not a time to focus on the external.  If you’re noticing a fault in someone else, you may want to ask yourself if you’re dealing with a similar issue on a personal scale.  Alternatively, if you’re judging a behavior in others, you might want to take notice if you also behave in the same way.  It’s not always easy to face our shadows, but doing so helps us to change and grow for the better.

Retrograded Mars is directly behind this Full Moon, encouraging us to work on our emotional balance.  With Sagittarius in opposition, this may also be a time to become more aware of our self-limitations or personal glass ceilings.  When Mars is retrograde, it’s all about doing work on the internal, or doing things in a different way.  Use this lunar portal to work on your self and raising your frequency.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Rohini Nakshatra.  Known as “The Reddish One,” this lunar mansion is found at the red eye of the Taurus bull.  This is the moon’s favorite nakshatra, bringing energies of fertility and creativity to this lunar light.  Brahma, the god of creativity rules over this moon, and we may feel inspired right now to do more crafting or cultivating with our gifts.  We may also feel like unleashing our psychic abilities into the world for service.  This is a time to do work differently!  If you’ve ever had a desire to do what you love for a living, now is the time to go after your dream!

Usually full moons are about taking pause and slowing down.  This moon is more about turning within and taking action.  Whether you’re doing internal work to balance your emotions and/or chakras, or you’re working behind the scenes to make a dream come true, you have a potent cosmic energy supporting you to succeed!  Continue to take steps toward what you want to change, let go of peer pressure to do otherwise, and stay focused on your work and life more than others.  The more you direct your energy, the more productive you will become!  Don’t wait until January 1st to move closer to your dreams.  Use the energies you have now to move forward!


Gemini Virtual Full Moon Circle

Recording of the December 7th Instagram Gemini Virtual Full Moon Circle.


New Moon in Capricorn


Mula Nakshatra

December 23, 2022

As the moon begins her next cyclical journey, she begins anew one more time in 2022.  This time she starts in the house of earthy Capricorn, and it’s time to ground into our next reality.

It’s also time to do the hard work it takes to make our dreams come true.  Capricorn energy makes us do the stuff we don’t always want to.  He makes us want to shift our routines and develop new habits.  He helps us to set boundaries around who or what stands in our way.  He also encourages us to structure our days so we can get the mundane tasks out of the way and prevent a buildup of overwhelm or distraction.  For example, this moon may have you ready to start filling in a new day planner or taking care of your taxes NOW instead of waiting until months later.  If you’ve had a certain task looming about involving cleaning or organization, you may now find the motivation to finally take care of it.  With this moon arriving so close to the end of the year, this is a good time to wrap up and finalize anything you don’t want to carry over into the new year or unforeseeable future.

This is also a great time to set new goals and intentions, update your vision board, or simply write down what you want in the year to come.  It’s important to get clear on what you want in your future NOW rather than new year’s weekend, because Mercury going retrograde on January 29th may interfere with your expression to bring voice or written description around your vision at that time.  You could also deal with issues around technology or physical illness during the retrograde, interfering with your ability to shift your energy.

This moon could bring either a yin energy or a yang.  Capricorn is known as the sign of the cosmic “Sea-Goat” or Mermaid/Merman and he brings an energy of both water and land.  You may want to be more fluid right now, letting go of schedules or sticking to such a hardcore routine.  On the other hand, you may want to get a head start on the new year by grounding into a different day-to-day structure now.  You may want to rest and tend to more self-care, or you may want to go hard and clean your entire house.  Alternatively, you may find yourself in a mix of the energetic land and water, leading to a feeling of being stuck in the cosmic mud.  If you’re feeling unmotivated or blocked under this new moon, try to bring in activities that cultivate more joy.  Get a little selfish and bring some of your favorite things into your life.  You could also do an energetic inventory of those around you and make a commitment to set boundaries, if needed.  Sometimes we feel stuck out of a lack of energy, and when we work to get our gusto back from those draining it, we find ourselves more ignited to go after our dreams.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Mula Nakshatra.  In Sanskrit, “Mula” means “root,” and represents foundational energy.  This moon is helping us to ground into the next year.  It’s asking us to build a strong foundation full of supportive routines and practices to helps us stabilize our energy and build a strong center.  It’s also asking us to “slay our demons,” as this moon is ruled by a form of Kali who rides a black crow.  Whether you’ve been standing in your own way or something/someone else is, it’s time to cut ties or shift your energy so you can refocus on where you really need to go and what you really need to do.

No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, the energy is about setting boundaries.  It’s time to set a standard for ourselves and our lives that supports our joy, growth, and balance.  If you’ve been feeling the call the make a change, don’t wait until the new year!  NOW is the time to put your head down, get a little stubborn, and ground into what you really desire.  How you do anything is how you do everything, and this karmic-fueled Capricorn moon is ready to mirror back whatever you put out into your co-creative reality.


Capricorn Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the December 23rd Instagram Caapricorn Virtual New Moon Circle.


Full Moon in Cancer


Punarvasu Nakshatra

January 6th, 2023

As the moon continues on her first journey of the year, she pauses fully illuminated in the house of Cancer.  This is the sign of the Cosmic Mother or Parent, and it’s time to call ourselves back home.

Cancer energy is also known as the cosmic crab, holed up in it’s shell and retreating into its nest of sand when it needs to.  We, too, might feel overwhelmed or anxious under this full moon, feeling a desire to be at home more than the external.  If this is where you energy pulls, lean in, rest, and recharge.

The sign of Cancer can also be known as the cosmic womb or child, and you may feel the need to social and playful like a child or attention-seeking like the pregnant womb.  Whatever you feel is natural now!  It simply means you are vibing with the lunar energy!

Cancer is also a water element, inviting us to be more in tune with our internal waters or emotions.  In particular, you may have memories, emotions, or other things rising up to the surface of your attention, as full moons tends to pull everything up toward it.  This deep-seeded feelings are rising up now to be released.  With this being the first full moon of 2023, this is the perfect time to let go of what no longer serves you.  Experiences will always make you who you are, but the feelings and emotions you attach to them can always be alchemized.  Use this full moon and these last 2 weeks of the Capricornian lunar cycle to get in touch with your feels and manage your energy accordingly.

You may also want to turn within out of struggle to communicate.  Mercury is not only retrograde, but currently “Cazimi” or combust with this full moon, exalting it’s trickiness.  We already may have struggles with technology, speaking our truths, or speaking in general, and now the Mercury-related struggles may only increase.  Ba patient under this full moon and until Mercury goes direct on January 18th, or after.  We will likely continue to be challenged for a few more weeks now!

Mars is also retrograde with this full moon, inviting us to work differently, “go to battle” differently, and possibly shift our way of taking action completely.  Combine this with nurturing Cancer, and we may be asking ourself “does this really serve my comfort?”  If you’re feeling a need to shift what you do or the way you do it, to make it more accommodating, now is this time to shift!

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Punarvasu Nakshatra.  Represented as “the light after the storm”, this lunar mansion arrives just on the other side of Winter Solstice, where longer days start to gradually return again.  This moon reminds us there will always be a calm after the chaos, and if you’re going through tumultuous times, try to be as patient, present, and grateful as possible.  The more you start to spark your inner light, the more it starts to dry out this internal waters and evaporate what no longer serves.  Purnarvasu also reminds us of the rainbow at the end of the storm of the “pot of gold” at the end of that rainbow.  Every darkness has its dawn!  Everything will always return to balance.

Purnarvasu Nakshatra is home to an ancient goddess known as Aditi.  Her name means “boundless,” and we’re reminded now of the infinite possibilities ahead.  What happened in the past no longer conditions us to what happens in our future!  It’s time to live in the present and make the most of everything we can do RIGHT NOW!

No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, there’s a lot of water energy, represented in the form of time.  This new year may tempt us to take action on new beginnings, but this lunar cycles guides us to focus on making space and preparing instead.  Once we reach the New Moon in Aquarius and Lunar New Year on January 21st, and once both Mars and Mercury have gone direct, we will likely feel more motivated to shift our habits and work towards our goals.  Use this full moon and these last 2 weeks of this lunar cycle to really slow down, take care of what’s important, and open up space for all that is ready to come to you!  The more you align your energy now with comfort, self-care, and ease, there more of this you will attract in times ahead.


Cancer Virtual Full Moon Circle

Recording of the January 5th Instagram Cancer Virtual Full Moon Circle.


New SUPERMoon in Aquarius


Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra

January 21st, 2023

As the moon begins an entirely new lunar year, she begins first in the house of Aquarius.
This is the sign of “The Cosmic Water Bearer,” and it’s time to quench both the thirst of our ourselves and others.

Humans seem to be “drying out”.  A constant need to hold back emotional processing has dammed our waters and preventing our tears from flowing.  It’s only very recently that empathy has risen for those who are considered “sensitive”.  As more accounts of personal trauma and challenges become public, this understanding will continue to grow.  But it will only happen if we are brave enough to share our story.

The “water” Aquarius pours from her vessel represents the knowledge, wisdom, and story she has to share with others.  Sometimes these are her own personal accounts, and other times they are tales she has gathered from others.  No matter the source, they have their value.  In return fo such crucial knowledge, the water is returned back to Aquarius, and she fills her vessel before moving onto the next group of people.  It is not only time for us to share our story, but it is also a time to listen and find value.  If you truly believe that every encounter you have will be beneficial, it will be so!  Embrace the chance to learn from others in all encounters, and your vessel of wisdom will only continue to grow!

Speaking of growth, this moon brings a sun/moon sextile to Jupiter in Aries and a “Graha Yuddha” or planetary war between Venus and Saturn in Aquarius.  We are going to both feel the need to change and question it.  We will want to both expand and stay where we are.  Aquarius energy sextile to a Jupiter in Aries says “Go after your dreams RIGHT NOW!,” yet the Venus Saturn war says “You’d better BE SURE!”.  Add in that airy Aquarius energy and it may be challenging to make decisions.  In times of uncertainty create the 2 separate scenarios in your mind and see which one you can breathe into easier.  Air energy is found in our heart and lungs.  Wherever you can breathe is your heart’s truest desire.

The shift from Capricorn Saturn into Aquarius will have a bit of a tug-of-war sensation to it, but the more you lean into the possibility of what’s ahead, the easier your ability will be to believe!  Capricorn energy revolves around karma and life lesson, making us look back at our mistakes and letting them inspire the decisions we make in our present or for our future.  Aquarius energy revolves around possibility, helping us to detach from our past and release its ability to define us so strongly.  Add in Uranus, the planet of rebellion, innovation, and revolution going direct one day after this new moon, and we may feel a need to say “F This!  I’m doing ME!” all of a sudden.  This New Moon is a SUPERMoon, meaning it is closer to the earth than normal.  Aquarius energy is a freedom-fighter and craves independence.  If you need to break yourself of the bonds of your past, now is the time!  The cosmos is supporting you to move beyond your past self now and embrace the energy of who you are working to become in your best future.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra.  Known as the “Star of Victory,” this is a moon to embrace triumph.  We tend to always reflect on our past during new beginnings.  Whether you’re embracing this lunar new year or simply simmering in the newness of January 2023, you may find yourself also looking back at your past with nostalgia or reminiscence.  If you find yourself leaning into lower frequencies, as new moons sometimes make us do, try to embrace grace and gratitude for what you’ve been through.  You can never change your past, but you can always change how you let it make you feel.  This New Moon in Aquarius falls in the middle of winter and a time of more depression.  Add in Supermoon qualities and more earthly gravitational force and you may feel lower than normal.  If you feel this way, use the lack of motivation to lean into stillness, meditation, and/or more dreaming and rest.  Much insight can be gained when we embrace the slowing down.  And the more we allow ourself to breathe with our thoughts and memories, the more comfortable we become with them.  If you need to conquer any internal battles in order to break limiting mindsets and move forward toward your dreams, this moon in UIttara Ashadha Nakshatra is supporting you!

Uttara Ashadha is sometimes represented by an elephant’s tusk.  Also related to Lord Ganesha, The Remover of Obstacles, this is a time to declutter anything in your way both physically or emotionally.  You may need to rid yourself of certain relationships or energetic exchanges as well.  Pay special attention to anything material that triggers a low frequency feeling with you.  This are things you specifically need to rid yourself of.  Also pay attention to any opportunities to do things differently.  Similar to Aquarius energy, Ganesha can sometimes make us do things differently.  Not only does he use his tusks and trunk to remove obstacles, he also sometimes stands in our way to make us go around!  If you find yourself forcing anything under this full moon portal, it’s time to let go.

No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, it’s time to trust the start of new beginnings!  We will come out of this lunar portal with all planets direct, driving an energy to finally move forward toward our desires in 2023.  The new moon is more about dreaming and less about doing, but it’s also a time to plan to take action.  Give yourself plenty of time to rest and reset with this moon, so you’re ready to move toward what you really want to gain.  Just like a gust of wind, everything can change so quickly in your life, if you allow it!  Use this moon to make space for what’s to come, and get ready to breathe in the excitement of what the near future has in store for you!


Aquarius Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the January 21st Instagram Aquarius Virtual New Moon Circle.


Full Moon in Leo


Ashlesha Nakshatra

February 5th, 2023

As the moon continues on her first cycle of the lunar year, she pauses fully illuminated in the house of fiery Leo.

In the sign of The Cosmic Lion we are encouraged to be brave, be bold, rule our lives like royalty, and give ourselves permission to ROAR!  

This is also considered one of the most auspicious moons of the year.  Some will even call it the luckiest!  Leo energy is ruled by the sun, enhancing the solar prana already reflecting on us during the full moon portal.  This means we are at maximum solar capacity with our lunar light right now, bringing in a sensation of yang and time to take charge!

You may have felt stagnant up until now.  The beginning of our 2023 was full of retrogrades and super new moons, but now we move into a more supportive time.  All planets are now direct, and our month of February is pretty smooth sailing as far as the cosmos are concerned.  If it’s been hard to shift or get things done, you will hopefully start to feel differently now.  This Full Moon in Leo gives you the energetic boost you need to move forward!

You may also be more ready to now make changes in your habits or shifts in your routines.  Solar energy and the fire element are both related to our third energy center, known as our Solar Plexus Chakra.  This is where we find feelings of courage, boldness, willpower, zest, zing, and so on!  This particular Full Moon in Leo is just the energy you need to catalyze a spark to fire up your drive!  Don’t be surprised if you’re all of a sudden ready for change or ready to take on a different way of doing things.  And don’t be surprised if you’re more influenced to prioritize JOY in your daily to do’s—another emotion of Manipura!

Third chakra aside, you might also be harboring more feelings of integrity or honesty with both yourself and others.  Lions are related to the throat as much as the heart and solar plexus, due to their tendencies to roar.  You, too, are now invited under this full moon to let it all out and let it be heard!  This self-expression may come with voice, with setting boundaries, with announcements, or through non-verbal ways.  However you open up your throat chakra under this full moon, give yourself permission to open it up fully!

When it comes to the throat chakra, our 5th energy center is responsible for wellness.
In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Ashlesha Nakshatra, or the lunar mansion known as “The Snake Star” or “Naga Star”.  The snake in reference is actually 2 snakes-representing the Kundalini energy of the Ida/Pingala that run up our spine/Sushumna.  This symbol is also seen in modern times as the medical symbol where 2 snakes intertwine around a staff.  Thinking of the snake animal itself, it is usually related to poison.  Think of the antidote or medicine for an encounter, and you will loop back around to the venom.  Ashlesha Nakshatra reminds us that we likely have whatever we need to self-heal inside, but we have to trust in it.  Many times our most challenging situations result in the most beautiful personal transformations.  If you are currently going through a stressful time, trust that it’s furthering your growth in the long run.  The more we trust that all is for our greater good, the more we heal any insecurities or doubts in our minds about how we can co-create our reality.

The key is in the heart.  We have to learn to surround our life in love, even when we don’t really want to.  We have to send our enemies love, and surround our challenging times with grace and love, which takes a lot of boldness to do.  Leos are known for having big hearts and big energy.  It's time to be bold and brave enough to set boundaries around our lives to help promote more peace and joy—and although not easy, the act of self-love will pay off tenfold.  The more we feel happy and peaceful and calm the less our past bothers us.  We no longer allow ourselves to be victimized by versions of our skin that we’ve shed and moved on from.  You are not the same person you are today as you were before.  When you learn to accept that truth as a way to give yourself grace, you will no longer allow your past choices to impact you anymore.

Can you see how this moon is balancing in nearly all chakras?  At least the human ones, anyway!
Whether you look at things from the east or the west, there is much influence around chakras 1-5.
The kundalini exits our body at chakra 6, so this makes sense, but what we don’t realize is that both Leo energy and Ashlesha Nakshatra impact most of the way we operate.  When we mix lunar and solar energy in the very particular way it’s coming together now, we have much ambition and drive to seek out our next evolution!  If you’ve had dreams you’ve wanted to work on, versions of yourself that you’ve wanted to become, or new habits that you’ve wanted to create, now is the time!  Take advantage of the current cosmic flow to go after what you want and light your life on fire!  We are officially on the other half of winter and we can feel the solar energy rising!  Take advantage of this driving fiery force to do whatever you need to boldly do in order to rule your life with the alpha mentality you deserve to embody!


*Artist of image unknown.  Please let me know if you do!


Leo Virtual Full Moon Circle

Recording of the February 4th Instagram Leo Virtual Full Moon Circle.


New Moon in Pisces


Shatabisha Nakshatra

February 20th, 2023

As the moon moves into her second cycle of the lunar year, she begins 1 day and 1 degree into the house of Pisces.  This is the sign of The Cosmic Ocean, and it’s time to embrace both your mysteries, your sensitivities, and your endless creativity.  Sometimes depicted as two looping fish, one swimming up and one swimming down, this sign is full of ups and downs, too.  From an artistic aspect, Pisces’ muses of inspiration are spontaneous and erratic, with creativity and blocks both cycling back and forth.  From the perspective of “mystery,” Pisces energy is much like the ocean.  Explorers have been searching our deep waters for years and still know more about the moon, Mars, and other planets than they do about our own ocean floor.  Pisces energy is the same.  The expeditions of exploration come and go, but they will also be searching to understand more about themselves, their lives, their experiences, and their energy for as long as they love without fully discovering the answers.

From an emotional perspective, Pisces energy feels so deeply that it’s beyond words or current human description.  This is why they are sometimes known as The Cosmic Artist, because song, photograph, movement, and other mediums are the only way they can truly channel things through.  They also feel so empathetically, that they use their art to also help others feel and process.  “If I’m feeling it, someone else must be feeling it, too!”  This is a Pisces mantra.  They won’t only use their creative processes to move their own stuck energy, but they’ll use the “energy” or that energy-in-motion (e-motion) to help other people feel moved, too.

Pisces energy has no official depths and, just like the ocean, an endless source of creativity and imagination.  The sea has many creatures within, and many more that we haven’t even discovered yet.  In fact, every time new depths are explored, new living beings are discovered!  Pisces energy helps bring to life what hasn’t been discovered or named yet.  They provide a taxonomy to our feelings through their own personal expression, and, out of it, we receive extreme beauty and satisfaction in the process.

New Moons are a time of grounding energy, due to excess gravity.  We are pulled to the Earth’s core, causing us to really FEEL the human experience.  A Pisces New Moon encourages us to get in tune with our feelings, and do our best to use the energy of this water sign to move things through.  Stagnant water only toxifies.  Do not let your emotions sit with you.  This sensitive season arrives early in our lunar year to help us purify.  The new moon also sets up the theme for the entire lunar cycle.  Under both this new moon portal and the next 4 weeks, spend time focusing on your feelings and allow them to flow.

Water can be found through artistic flow and creative ventures, but it’s also found in the form of the physical emotional “waters” we embody.  When you combine the sensitivity of Pisces with the heavy force of the new moon, you may find yourself crying more than normal.  You may also feel the need to move and sweat your body to help purify and detox.  Again, if you’re feeling stagnant, or more depressed, try to move your body in any way you can to get your energy flowing again.  Even crying itself requires more energy than doing nothing.  Try to move your body in ways that are fluid and ways you love, like dancing.  Gentle shaking activations can also get things moving.  You might even feel more prone to lovemaking.  On the contrary to the sadness above, the sensitivity Pisces enhances can also be found in erotic stimulation and sexual fluids.  Occurring shortly after Valentine’s Day and deeply in “cuffing” season, Pisces is sometimes known as Cosmic Cupid.  If your love vibes are kicking in, be sure to act on them!  This could also mean moving toward WHAT you love instead of WHO.  New Moons are always about setting intentions.  With this Pisces moon set a standard to only exchange energy with who and what brings you joy and pleasure and also what supports your dream reality.   It’s time to go after your utopian visions and slowly start focusing and flowing your energy toward what helps build that in your “now”.

In addition to the waters described above, you may also navigate this moon or Pisces season cycling and breaking a fever!  In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Shatabisha Nakshatra, or the “Star of 100 Healers”.  Many times, we have to go through the “fever,” both physically and emotionally, to become stronger.  This moon may also bring sudden and unexpected news around your health, as Shatabisha is known as “The Veiling Star” and could reveal things within your body that have been hidden.  Ruled by Varuna, a god of the sea and the magic within, this lunar mansion has a way of creating buoyancy around what needs to rise up and air out.  Pay attention to what is revealed around your health under this new moon or lunar cycle.  The information is giving you an opportunity to find ways to heal.

Also on the eastern side of the world, this moon marks the Hindu tradition of Maha Shivaratri, where Lord Shiva is honoured for his destruction over darkness.  He does this through his Tandava, or dance to the beat of a sacred drum/rhythm.  We, too, can start to dispel our own darkness through dancing. If you’ve been wallowing in your darkness, this moon is asking you to simply move to the rhythms of your heart and stomp at your own beat.  The act of movement alone will help to rid you of stagnancy, and the movement will help pump new energy throughout your inner vibrational highway.

No matter what side of the world you’re on, this moon is about cultivating more joy.  This life is about bliss and pleasure!  Darkness will be experienced for balance, but your personal perspective and behavior are what controls the future unfolding.  You always have the power to change.  You simply have to redirect your energy and shift the flow!  Just as the Pisces fish swims up and down, you can always go with the flow or swim upstream.  Both will initiate their own journey of learning.  During this new moon, notice where you are pulled in your own flow, and give yourself permission to continue on, or, if needed, switch and swim the other way.


Pisces Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the February 20th Instagram Pisces Virtual New Moon Circle.


Full Moon in Virgo


Purva Phalguni Nakshatra/Holi

March 6th-7th, 2023

As the moon moves into her last full phase of winter, she illuminates in the house of Virgo.  This is the sign of The Cosmic Virgin, and it’s time to reclaim our lives as the sovereign selves we are.

The word “virgin” wasn’t always related to sexuality.  It once referred to spiritual temple dwellers. Priestesses, and others who were devoted to a holy life.  Chastity usually came with the territory, for these people had discovered so much bliss on their own, that they could not be swayed or moved by others in the same way.  A “Virgin” was defined as someone who was “whole unto themself”.  Under this Virgo Full Moon we are now invited to find our wholeness.  We are being asked to reclaim our entire self and energy.  Under this last full moon of winter, it’s time to reclaim all parts of ourself and our life and start taking more responsibility for who we truly are and who we want to be.

Sometimes Virgo energy needs direction.  The spiritual attraction this sign creates comes out of ritual.  Many religions and spiritual practices have regularity and repetition.  Virgo energy appreciates this predictability.  If you’ve been out of alignment with your healthy habits or spiritual practices, now is the time to return or start over.  If there’s a shift you’ve been wanting to take toward a different life or different version of yourself, this Virgo moon brings heightened prana for support.  Use the amplification of this lunar portal to finally make the change, and start directing your energy toward the intended life you desire.

Virgo energy is also about making lists and checking off to-do’s.  This full moon may illuminate projects and other tasks you need to tend to in order to free up more time for yourself and the life you’re trying to create.  This is earth-sign energy, so give yourself a reality check under this moon when it comes to the work you’ve been avoiding.  This could be material work, spiritual work, or emotional/energetic work.  Whatever’s calling you to tend to, it’s time to start giving it attention.

Part of this need to “do things” right now comes out of a shift of season.  We are natural beings living in our natural environment, and with that comes an attunement to nature, whether we realize it or not.  We are moving into longer days and warmer months.  By the time we reach the next full moon we’ll be 2 weeks into the season of spring.  As the sun comes out to play more, so do we!  We won’t want to be tied up with old dark, stagnant tasks when we should be moving toward new light!  Use this full moon portal to declutter, clean up, finish up, and generally complete any projects that have been lying around.  The more you handle, the more time and energy you’ll have to focus on new ideas, goals, and visions waiting to be worked on!

Remember, Virgo is an earth sign and relates to all things material.  This could be objects and outside work, but it could also relate to the body itself.  In fact, Virgo energy is very attentive to the body, and like all Earth signs, is very attune to dis-ease or imbalance.  If you’ve been noticing something “off” with your body, it probably is.  Make sure to pay attention to how your body speaks to you with this Virgo portal, because it could provide important guidance or information.  On the other hand, our last new moon was in Shatabisha Nakshatra from the perspective of Vedic astrology and may have been a time of revelation when it comes to information around your health.  Pay attention to what has come up between now and then, both from within yourself and from external sources.  All of it is rising up for you to tend to now.  The purity of Virgo energy sometimes leads to this sign being called The Cosmic Perfectionist.  This is why you may pay more attention than normal to your body now.  Virgo people are sometimes known for being hyper-aware of every imperfection.  This can have its benefits and downfalls, but right now this calling to yourself is probably for the positive.  You want your body as balanced and “perfect” as possible as you shift into the new season and start to tend to your dreams!  Give attention to whatever is rising up now, and shift your habits to support more alignment on all aspects of who you are.

Going back to the eastern side of the world, this particular moon is in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra.  Known as the “Star of Vanity,” this lunar mansion also relates to the Virgo energies of purity and perfection.  Many times, Eastern and Western astrology are heavily related, and the “virginity” of this moon also applies.  Purva Phalguni Nakshatra is sometimes represented by the front part of a marriage bed or a ripe fruit, representing a time of ovulation, consummation, and conception.  In other words, this lunar portal brings potent energies of fertility and can help you direct energy to the creation of your dreams with ease.

Purva Phalguni is ruled by Bhaga, the lord of prosperity, and governed by Venus, the Planet of Love, Pleasure, and Feminine Energy.  This lunar portal brings times of ease and “ananda,” or Divine Pleasure.  Purva Phalguni is sometimes called the “Star of Relaxation,” and is symbolized by a swinging hammock.  Other times, she is represented by a couch and called The Star of Recreation.  Think of how we gather on the couch to socialize, tune into entertainment, play games, etc.  This lunar mansion is also sometimes called The Star of Vanity, and represents the “front part” of the marriage bed or the faces of the bride and groom where they make themselves extra presentable.  If you need to tend to your health, your hygiene, or your “inner beauty” in a any way, now is the time to do so.

Finally, Purva Phalguni is sometimes known as “The Birth Star”.  It represents the portal of opportunity we have now to rebirth or recreate ourselves and our lives for our next journey and evolution.  Found in the tail of Leo, this lunar mansion represents the full energy of Leo, including its aspects of liveliness and creativity.  This is a great time to reinvent yourself and your life how you see fit to support your joy and pleasure.  Leo energy is all about having fun in this life!  Let the intention of bliss fuel your habits and intentions as your complete out this lunar cycle.

Purva Phalguni represents both effortlessness and spontaneity, and how the two can happen at the same time.  
This particular full moon also celebrates Holi--one of the largest Indian holidays and most important in the HIndu calendar year.
Holi is the festival of color, and a time when natural pigments are thrown in the air to represent the oncoming colors of spring.  Remember, this is the last full moon of winter, and Vedic astrology tends to follow the cycles of nature.  Some places even throw flowers instead of colored powders, truly representing the arriving of what’s to bloom.  Similar to the energy of Purva Phalguni, some traditions celebrate Holi as the marriage of Radha and Krishna.  Others see it as a consummation of Female/Masculine or the Sun and Moon.  However you view it, this is a celebration of fertility, creativity, and a new season rising.  The night before Holi, fires are lit throughout India to represent the purging of darkness and what’s left of winter’s shadows.  The fires are also meant to burn away any transgressions or conflicts with others, to help purge and create space for a more pure and illuminated and enlightened life moving forward.  You may also want to have a fire ceremony under this moon.  To assist your transformation to a higher evolution, write down everything you’re ready to be rid of like jealousies, angers, resentments, regrets, and more.  Write down the relationships you need to purge, both with others and with yourself and other energies like food, technology, and addictive substances.  Whatever is standing in the way of alignment, write it down and throw it into the fire to be burned away.  Once it has turned to ash it is gone.  The same has happened with you.  Let the burning away of your darkness help you create more room for the light to move in.  Spring is on the rise.  It is time for you to bloom.


Virgo Virtual Full Moon Circle

Recording of the March 6th Instagram Virgo Virtual Full Moon Circle.

Moon Musings: Spring/Summer 2022
Moon Musings: Fall/Winter 2021
Moon Musings: Spring/Summer 2021
Moon Musings: Fall/Winter 2020/2021
Moon Musings: Spring/Summer 2020