REPLAY: 2024 Aquarius Virtual New Moon Circle

Season #2

Step into the cosmic embrace of the Aquarius New Moon with our immersive podcast episode, recorded live on Instagram on February 9, 2024. Join us as we navigate the energies of both Aquarius season and the transformative Aquarius New Moon. Explore the magic of the Lunar New Year, marking the beginning of the Year of the Wood Dragon. Gain celestial insights into the cosmic shifts and embrace a 10-card Tarot reading forecasting the energies for the next 13 moons. Tune in to this lunar wisdom transmission for a transformative journey of introspection and cosmic alignment.


Podcast Highlights:


Aquarius Season Insights: Explore the unique energies of Aquarius season and the profound impact of the Aquarius New Moon.

Year of the Wood Dragon Magic: Unveil the cosmic significance of the Lunar New Year and the energies ushered in by the Wood Dragon.

Tarot Wisdom Unveiled: Dive into a 10-card Tarot reading offering insights and guidance for the next lunar cycle. Embark on this auditory journey with Mother Moon Yoga.

Make sure to subscribe to our podcast for regular episodes filled with astrological wisdom, tarot insights, and transformative experiences!

Find more Tarot readings at (soon to be!)

#AquariusNewMoonCircle #WoodDragonYear #LunarWisdomPodcast #MotherMoonYoga