Tarot Insights for 2024: Guidance from the Celtic Cross Spread

Season #2

Embark on a mindful journey with this illuminating Tarot reading for the new year of 2024. Unveil the secrets of the cards, uncover deeper meanings, and navigate the intricate tapestry of your destiny with insights from the mystical realm. From setting foundations with the Ace of Wands to embracing transformative energies heralded by the Queen of Swords, each of the 10 cards in this reading holds a key to unlock the wisdom woven into the fabric of the coming year. Join Veena Lenae in deciphering the practice of Divination with a 10 card Celtic Cross Tarot Reading. Say 'yes' to cosmic revelations, set boundaries with the power of 'no,' and craft a destiny that resonates with the echoes of your heart. Tune in and let the cards guide your path in 2024!