2/27 New

Moon in Pisces  +



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2/12 Full "Snow" Moon in Leo




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Tarot Reading for 2025 New Moon in Pisces

& Shatabisha Nakshatra

February 27th, 2025


Pisces is the cosmic artist.  With this in mind, I chose to draw cards from the Dali Tarot for this Pisces New Moon.



While new moons are typically a time of growth, this particular Pisces New Moon leans more toward death, and rebirth.  Arriving upside-down and with a protection message from our past, the FIVE OF WANDS REVERSED reminds us that we do not always have to be “doing” and we don’t always have to be “making” with purposeful intent.  We entered into Pisces season last week on the 18th of February, shifting us from the expansive air of Aquarius into the ocean of the cosmic fish.  This brought us down and out of our imagination and more into our heartfelt energy and emotion.  Pisces wants us to dream more vividly and really see what details are coming through.  This last season of winter wants us to stay with our Yin side and trust what can be happening on the inside when we slow down.  We might have many ideas moving through our mind, but we need to ask our heart what we truly want to focus on right now.  Notice the red on the card.  We must take action, and, therefore, we must have direction.  The FIVE OF WANDS REVERSED wants you to remember the power you have inside and believe in what you are capable of.  Notice the wands spread all over and the clouds that surround.  We may have many skills or many ambitious intentions, but if we spread our energy too thin, our lives will become scattered and there will be no structure or growth.  Finally, notice the butterflies that seem to be suspended in air upside-down.  New Moons are a time of sacred pause and transformation.  They are a time to let what doesn’t serve die, including versions of our own self.  The Astrology of this Pisces season predicts mass transformation for all.  Give yourself time to rest and prepare now, so you are ready for what’s ahead on your journey.


I also find it interesting that we pull the FIVE OF WANDS REVERSED as our past message, because wands represent fire energy in the Tarot and the 24-48 hours leading up to this new moon celebrate Shivaratri in Hinduism.  Lord Shiva is the god of fire, destruction, and liberation.  He reminds us to free ourselves of our burdens with such force that it burns the bridge of connection for good.  This Pisces Moon is a portal for our karma.  How we act under this moon and in the days leading up to the full total eclipse on March 14th will determine many things for our future.  Make sure you’re prioritizing what matters.  Whatever you choose right now could stick around for 2 years or more!


Present Card: THE HANGED MAN

I usually feel like THE HANGED MAN is a card reminding us to practice patience, and to maybe wait around for results.  With this particular reading, I feel like the card is saying “Just wait and see what’s next!”.  It’s been a wild ride since we officially entered into the Age of Aquarius and Uranus, the planet who rules this sign, shows up on THE HANGED MAN card to remind us that anything is now possible.  We’ve already seen many changes since Pluto shifted into Aquarius not too long ago, and there’s more BIG shifts to come.  Venus goes into retrograde with Aries on March 1st, then Mercury enters Aries 2 days later only to then go retrograde on March 15th.  Just one day before on March 14th, we experience a Total Lunar Eclipse in 23 degrees of Virgo.  Juno and Vesta go retrograde within a week of the eclipse, and we wrap up the month of March with pure Astrological chaos—Venus Retrograde shifts into Pisces on March 27th, a New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries show up on March 29th, Mercury spins backwards into Pisces again with 3.5 hours of the eclipse, then Neptune shifts into Aries a day later on March 30th.  Oh, and that last alignment hasn’t happened for nearly 165 years, AND the energy will impact us for the next 14 years to come!  In other words, GET READY!  There is MAJOR transformation ahead of us, both personally and on the collective.


Notice the 12 on the card.  We are in the final & 12th month of the zodiac year.  On March 20th we will move into Spring with Aries season, and we will shift from all of this water into full fire.  The water element represents time as well as the concept of it being an illusion.  THE HANGED MAN shows up under this watery Pisces New Moon to remind us to be still.  This is not a time to necessarily move forward just yet.  It is a time to rest and methodically prepare for what’s ahead.



Another protection message arrives for our future as I pull the WHEEL OF FORTUNE card in REVERSE.  This doesn’t mean that we will have less fortune in the future; it simply means that fate is in our hands!  What a wonderful “fortune” to embrace!  I believe this card is reminding us of our co-creative abilities, but it also reminds us that there is a rhythm to life and how it all plays out.  Notice the card, where there are many symbols around the wheel, including those from the zodiac.  This shows us that there is a time and season to everything.  We must learn more about the rhythms of nature and align both our chapters of dreaming and taking action with the dance of the world.  The signs and symbols around the card are also a reminder for us to follow our intuition and trust our gut when we see the “signs” around us.  Although the Astrology of Pisces season and the upcoming Aries season are both quite fierce, there is a purpose to all of the shifts arriving.  We cannot stay where we are.  The world is always turning.  The wheel of time is always spinning.  These next few weeks will push us forward and likely out of our comfort zone, but it is for our greatest good.  The thing about free will though, as the Five of Wands reminded us earlier, is that we choose whether we want to continue “spinning on the hamster wheel” or if we want to get off and go on our journey a different way.  The choice is always up to us and there is no right or wrong, but if we choose to not choose to move forward, we will see some of the same challenges we’ve faced before.


This Pisces New Moon is a portal of opportunity.  The next 2 weeks leading up to eclipse season are a potent time for us to set standards for our future life.  What we choose will determine our reality for 2 years or more.  As you continue through this lunar cycle, make sure to be ultra aware of what you are doing.  Is it aligned with your purpose?  Is it supportive of who you want to become?  This are important questions to ask during this time.  The answers could decide a major part of your future.



What I write about a card reading and what I say about it can be different. Check out the video below to gain even more insights around this New Moon in Pisces & Shatabisha Nakshatra.


Spirit Animal Reading for 2025 Full "Snow" Moon in Leo

& Ashlesha Nakshatra

February 12th, 2025


In the spirit of doing things differently during Aquarius season, I’ve decided to do a collective Spirit Animal Reading rather than pull from the Tarot under this Snow Moon!

Enjoy the messages from these cards, pulled for past present and future guidance, from The Spirit Animal Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid.  I also pulled messages from the book Animal Speak Pocket Guide by Ted Andrews.




Arriving as our past card, DOLPHIN SPIRIT reminds us that things from our past can no longer be stuffed down into the depths of our emotions and the cringe memories we label can no longer be hidden in our metaphorical closets.   Secrets have been airing out since the Age of Aquarius officially arrived in 2020. (notice the "20" on the card), but this particular Aquarius season has been bringing A LOT to light since the beginning of its Sun Season!  In the past, we believed that both “this and that” could be true.  Fueled by the rumor mill and strategically placed psy-op programs of the past, we came to doubt ourselves and spread ourself thin amongst what we believed to be true.  Now that this card shows up reversed, we know that truth is absolute truth and the lies will be hidden no more.

The DOLPHIN SPIRIT in REVERSE also reminds us to be more flexible when it comes to our beliefs and “changing our mind”.  Just like the dolphin expresses through a range of frequencies, we can also shift our belief system from the Capricornian “Black & White” mentality of our past and past programming to the spectrum of opinions and beliefs that run through each and every one of us as unique beings.  It’s ok to hold certain truths with one side while still not encompassing all beliefs within that system or group.  It is also ok to change our minds over time or believe very differently from our previous self.  Evolution is about change.  Embrace it!

Animal Speak says dolphin spirit enters our life bringing new promises, but we must be willing to align our life in a different way in order to embody the changes.  It’s also important to open up the line of communication between your inner self and human self right now, so you can ensure that you’re “swimming” in the proper direction of your soul-promised flow.




Pulled as our present card, ARMADILLO SPIRIT wants us to shell up under this moon and spend more time with ourselves.  There is also a need to protect our energy, as we are going through great shifts with this first month of the Year of the Wood Snake, and 2025 gives us a “9” year full of shedding and rebirth.  As we prepare for the person we are trying to become, ARMADILLO SPIRIT encourages us to set boundaries so we can embody our practices and take the “medicine” we need in order to feel healthy.  This energy also wants us to use our intuition and take caution where we have been exchanging our energy.  Does the same contract need to be in place moving forward?  With this moon in the Mercury-ruled “Snake Star” of Ashlesha Nakshatra, we might find ourselves shifting the way we bond between others, especially if we’re sensing a “snake-like” or low-frequency behavior coming from them.  You may also feel the need to let certain things go that have been “slithering” in and out of your life for some time. As hard as it is to shift patterns and release things we’re used to, this moon and ARMADILLO SPIRIT want us to be open to what we welcome into the space we’re created from letting go.

Don’t be afraid to also transfer your power or ownership over to someone or something during this time.  While something may have been “yours” in the past, this moon and lunar cycle want us to be open to the bigger and better opportunities that we can welcome in.  If you find yourself navigating the possible end of something, or if you’re noticing another alpha energy stepping into your territory under this Leo lion moon, decided what’s really worth the energy of fighting for.  Will it be easier to exchange the energy peacefully and walk away?  With this moon in the Snake Star, it’s time to shed the external and dead parts of ourself that may cling but no longer serve.  Notice the “3” on the card.  This is a number of “life, death, and rebirth”.  What are you ready to release, what are you ready to revive or breathe life into, and what are you ready to refresh and reset?  Under this moon you can harden into your old ways, or you can break free of the shell you’ve built around yourself and get more uncomfortable with the unknown and exciting potential of the future.

The Animal Speak pocket guide says Armadillo Spirit shows up when we need to practice discernment.  Know when you need to protect your energy and when you need to let your guard down.  Energy will be more susceptible to influence than normal.  Make sure you protect yours.




We can feel life moving faster and faster.  As we arrive into the Age of Aquarius, we’re only getting started!  Mix in the Leo Full Moon for now and Mars going Direct within the rest of this lunar cycle, and spontaneous change is inevitable!  It’s time to lean into the flow of change with as much flexibility as possible.  ANTELOPE SPIRIT reminds us that aligning with the energy and concepts at hand is crucial, and it’s also important to embrace the ideas of the metaphysical, mystical, and science-proven quantum mechanics now more than ever.  We are moving more and more into a co-creative 5D reality, and you don’t want to get left behind!  Making our dreams come true is becoming easier than ever.  Give yourself permission to believe that you can grow and change just as quickly as the world is moving around you.

The Animal Speak Pocket guide advises us to stay on our toes and stay alert when Antelope Spirit arrives.  It will be important to be ready for sudden and massive change both within ourselves and the collective.  Embracing flexibility is key!


What I write about a card reading and what I say about it can be different. Check out the video below to gain even more insights around this Full Snow Moon in Leo & Ashlesha Nakshatra.


Tarot Reading for 2025 New Moon in Aquarius

& Shravana Nakshatra

January 29th, 2025


With Aquarius being “The Cosmic Storyteller,” I chose to pull from “The Tarot of the Divine” by Yoshi Yoshitani, which themes the cards with different folklore from around the world.  If you use this deck, I highly suggest ordering “Beneath the Moon” by the same author, which gives the accompanying story that goes with each card in the deck.  I have listed the story associated with each card, in case you want to look them up on your own.



I always feel Capricorn energy when I pull THE HERMIT card.  Showing up in REVERSE as our past card, I see The Tarot reminding us of not only the Capricorn season we’ve just moved out of, but also the recent shift of Pluto from Capricorn into Aquarius and the shift of Ages repeating the same.  We are leaving behind ways of the past, especially around structure, government, business and corporation, and other Capricornian ideals.  Can you feel it?!  Also notice the “9” on the card.  2025 is a 9 year.  This card is reminding us that the future will NOT be like the past!

THE HERMIT REVERSED is a depiction of the loneliness, isolation, or times of more solitude we’ve experienced in the recent past.  Some of this was chosen and some of this was forced, but it all helped us grow and elevate more.  When this card is upright, it nudges us into a spiritual journey or the shadow work we’ve been possibly avoiding.  When we pull the card in reverse, it’s time to apply the wisdom we have gained.  In Vedic Astrology, this moon is in Shravana Nakshatra and known as “The Listening and Learning Star”.  Use this moon and this lunar cycle to apply what you have learned from the past, so you can be more equipped for what may unexpectedly repeat or spontaneously arrive in your future.


*The art of this card depicts the Celtic legend of The Druid & the White Stag from Ireland.


Present Card: JUDGEMENT

The beginning of the year always seems to bring times of reflection.  This Aquarius season and this New Moon in Aquarius may have you looking back on the past year or past in general, and with the new moon pulling us into more of our human nature, you may be focusing more on your failures rather than your success.  The JUDGEMENT card shows up as our present message and reminds us to hold ourselves with grace.  We have two choices in every reflection around our so-called shortcomings.  We can lean into victim mode, complain and whine, or we can look to find gratitude and shift our perspective.  Aquarius energy likes to look at things differently, and this New Moon in Aquarius encourages you to reflect on your past with love, grace, and forgiveness.  If we don’t learn from our mistakes, we will get the same dished out to us time and time again.  When we can learn to view our failures as educational opportunities, it is likely that we will move on from having to learn the same lesson.  The choice is always up to us.  How will you step into this year?


*From a personal perspective, I see this card depicting the art of Hanuman from Hindu mythology.  The artist, however, is displaying the Chinese mythology of Sun Wukong,

The Monkey King.



Don’t get so caught up in dreaming that you miss the gifts unfolding in front of you constantly!  The FOUR OF CUPS REVERSED is more of a protection message, to help us to remain optimistic by holding gratitude for what we have now.  This card wants us to look for the “glimmers” we come across every day—that front row parking spot, someone holding the door for you, the green lights that pave your way somewhere, no wait line wherever you’re at, etc.  The Four of Cups can represent our fourth energy center, or heart chakra.  This airy, open-hearted Aquarius New Moon wants us to start living out of hearts most of all.  The more we activate heart-centered energy, the more we will attract all our heart desires.


*The art of this card depicts the Danish Folk Tale of The Nightingale


What I write about a card reading and what I say about it can be different!  Check back on 1/30/25 for a video here to gain more Tarot insights around this Aquarius Lunar Cycle.

Tarot Reading for Full "Wolf" Moon in Cancer

& Punarvasu Nakshatra

January 13th, 2024



This past year gave us 2 choices: to either take life by the reigns or let Divine intervention drive the cart.  THE CHARIOT card in the Tarot represents this ability to take action or lean into the flow.  As you reflect on this past year, notice where you should’ve taken control and didn’t, and when you tried to control too much when you should have been letting go.  This first full moon of the year shines light on what we need to pay attention to, so we don’t make the same mistakes again.  Notice the Honey Badger on this card.  This is an animal that fights even the fiercest creatures without hesitation.  Have there been times in the past that you reacted without thinking first?  What were the results of these behaviours?  With the North Node in Aries since July of 2023, we’ve been impulsive, irrational, and even spontaneously primal-brained when it comes to our actions.  Now that this node shifts to Pisces, we become much more mindful of how we navigate our circumstances.  Also notice the number “7” on the card.  2025 is a SEVEN year, representng renewal, rebirth, and a way of re-doing things.  Let yourself be, do, and choose better as you navigate your next future.


Present Card: KING OF WANDS

We are encouraged to live in our wholeness, more than ever right now.  The KING OF WANDS represents the balance of masculine and feminine, yin and yang, action and mindset, practical and magic, etc.  It’s an energy that reminds us of the “both/and”, meaning we are our most complete self when we embrace both sides.  Notice the snake wrapped around the lion’s wand.  This is a representation of the Kundalini that rises within our masculine and feminine energetic highways.  It could also represent the “Year of the Snake” that we’re preparing to enter into at the end of this lunar cycle in two weeks.

This card also arrives at a time when Mars in Leo, the cosmic lion, is currently conjunct with the full moon and spinning retrograde in Cancer.  This makes us much more available to focus on our magic within, and this card now asks us to do just that.  This full moon is in a water sign.  It’s time to get creative and embrace what we can produce when we are “in our flow”.  Notice the crow on the card, which usually aligns with more darkness and death.  We are in the first full moon of the calendar year and the last full moon of the lunar year.  We are in a time of both endings and new beginnings.  Embrace the liminal, magical spaces you’re currently dancing in between.  There is a lot of potential to embody.

*In our last reading under the Capricorn New Moon, we pulled the King of Wands in Reverse for our future card.  It looks like now we’ve been doing the work collectively to turn that card right-side up again!



You may be weaving a lot of webs right now.  Maybe you’re motivated by the new year and ready to take aim on all of your goals at once.  Perhaps you’re trying to change a lot of behaviours or habits simultaneously.  The SEVEN OF PENTACLES REVERSED reminds you to slow down and focus.  Although you can embrace many projects right now, you will be more successful if you take aim on what your spirit craves most.  This moon is ruled by Jupiter in Vedic Astrology and inspires us to seek deep wisdom rather than learning about a lot of things at once.  Use this full moon to illuminate where your passions truly are, and start traveling down the more focused path that arrives.

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