12/30 New "Black" Moon in Capricorn
Purva Ashadha
Listen to an audio interpretation HERE on 12/31Looking for even more readings?!
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Our 2024 Lunar New Year Reading was pulled in a Celtic Cross Spread.
I also used The Crystal Power Tarot by Jayne Wallance for crystal insights to work with
under this lunar portal, or throughout the next lunar year.
Foundational Card: PAGE OF SWORDS
Make sure you take care of past affairs and get all of the details of your future dreams in order. We are in a portal of both endings and beginnings, and you don’t want things lingering or hanging around that impact your energy. There is transformation ahead, and you want to be fully open and ready for what’s to come!
A mixture of amethyst and citrine, this stone helps enhance our confidence around our intuition and “trusting our gut”.
What’s Coming Across | What Will Cross Us: TEMPERANCE
It’s auspicious that we pull the card of a woman pouring water under this Aquarius New Moon! TEMPERANCE encourages us to stay calm and patient in the process. The water on this card, both the water the woman stands in and the water she pours from, represent time. We may have many dreams and aspirations right now, but The Universe is telling us to stay balanced and patient as we wait for all of it to arrive. Tend to your emotions and your energy right away at the beginning of this lunar year, so you are more equipped to handle whatever comes in the future.
This stone helps calm energy and ease anxieties, a great stone to work with when trying to enhance patience!
How Do We Ground or Root In: SEVEN OF CUPS (REVERSED)
Anytime we pull cards in reverse, it’s a protection message. Usually the 7 of cups represent mystery, but when we find it reversed we already know the truth. Perhaps we’re in denial about something or we’re struggling to see the truest nature of something or someone. The SEVEN OF CUPS REVERSED asks us to let go of any personal attachments and accept the truth as is. Remember, The Page of Swords arrive in the beginning of this reading to warn us to pay attention to detail. Make sure you see through the smoke and mirrors anyone is trying to throw at you.
This is one of the stones related to Aquarius energy, and a great stone to work with under this Aquarius New Moon. This air sign detaches with ease, so use Aquamarine anytime you need to release with ease.
Lesson We Have Already Learned: THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE
We already know that while we do have free will, The Universe has a way of checking us and keeping us in the proper direction. THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE represents karmic action and Divine intervention. If things do not go your way or as expected, trust that the redirect is for your greatest good. Going back to the Temperance card, we may have some unexpected delays in our pursuits this year, or we may have something happen that either halts us in our tracks or puts us on a different trajectory. Whatever happens in your future, trust that you are where you need to be.
This stone balances our chakras and our energy in general. Work with this stone when you’re trying to trust in the balance of your life, or when you’re working toward feeling more harmony and peace.
Highest Lesson, Achievement, or Wisdom Coming: TEN OF CUPS
The number “10” represents a sense of completion and new beginnings. You are working this year to feel more complete and by the next Lunar New Year you may find yourself fully in this wholeness you’re working toward. Going back to The Page of Swords, remember to pay attention to the details of your social interactions and energetic exchanges, so you continue to align with pure energy. If you continue to trust your intuition, you’ll find yourself surrounded by an inner circle you feel good about and you’ll have a network that supports you more than you could’ve imagined! Take note of your relationships this next year. Only focus your true energy on who and what aligns what your spirit.
This is the second time this stone has arrived in our reading, this time with a card upright.
I believe we are being called to work with this stone in multiple ways. Perhaps you use this stone to build strong relationships that uplift the greater good, or you find a network of people to enhance your healing. Use Aquamarine during this lunar cyclle and anytime over this next year when you feel called.
What is Around the Corner? THE HANGED MAN
Similar to the Temperance card, THE HANGED MAN represents hanging around for results. Your dreams are probably not going to come true right away. There are multiple schools of thought when it comes to the recent shift of Pluto in Aquarius, and I’m on the train of belief that this is the LAST year of hard knocks before we truly shift. Don’t worry—the astrology of 2024 doesn’t look anything like the chaos of 2023, and we will likely have great support as we journey through these next 13 moons. Just don’t expect your results at the end of this year to be related to your initial intentions. With the Wheel of Fortune in this reading and Aquarius energy influencing, we are likely to start doing things differently at some point. Let yourself go where the flow takes you, and trust that the shift is where you need to be.
The stone of the moon, Selenite helps to both cleanse and charge our energy. You might want to keep this stone on you throughout the next 13 moons to work with your crystal grids, your altars, or to simply charge or purify your energy.
Extra Cards for Insight: THREE, FIVE, SIX, NINE OF SWORDS
You can’t make this up! I shuffled the deck 4 times, split it 4 more, and I even pulled the 4 cards from different places in the stack! If we weren’t sure with our Page of Swords Theme card, these four cards now arrive to show us that SWORDS are the theme of this lunar year!
We cannot grow if we are tethered down. We cannot be our whole, complete self if we do not set boundaries. Make sure you take action when you need to cut ties this year, or when you need to set limits and say “NO”.
This is the stone that shows up for all 4 of the swords cards pulled, so I think it’s safe to say we should work with this stone! Sugalite helps you maintain momentum while also holding perspective. Use this stone throughout the next 13 moons as you make the necessary changes you need in order to grow and evolve.
Here are the following messages for each sword card:
Between the Page of Swords, the Reversed Seven of Cups, and now this THREE OF SWORDS, we are definitely being told to pay attention. We can longer stick our heads in the sand and be ignorant of what’s happening around us, both in our personal lives and on the collective. It’s time to restructure our relationships and no longer give energy to those who don’t ethically align with us. It’s also time to set boundaries around what our heart can no longer handle. This card points to relationships more than anything else, and you may see quite the shift in who you network with and surround yourself with in this next year.
Sovereignty is the theme of both this Aquarius New Moon and the entire Lunar Year. When we bring in the number “5,” we’re being called to the growth of truly stepping into our power. The swords on this card are pointing down, asking us to root into whatever practices and “medicine” we need in order to heal ourselves. This may be with your physical health, mental wellness, or emotional stability. Use this lunar portal to start setting boundaries so you have time to focus on yourself and become the person you truly desire to step into.
The number “6” represents both family and community. The Six of Swords in our reading refers to our relationships, and how we may need to find distance from some of them. The shift may not be easy, as letting go always brings in a sensation of grief, so if the changes you go through this year feel emotionally challenging, give yourself the grace and time you need to process. Both The Temperance and The Hanged Man cards have arrived in our reading to encourage patience. Let yourself take as long as you need to adjust yourself, and set the intention to situate yourself into a state of peace more than anything else this year.
We are under the influence of Aquarius more than ever now, and with the air element of the mind ruling, we might be overthinking things. If you’re feeling anxiety or overwhelm right now, or really anytime in the future, come back to the other messages from cards in this reading that remind you to stay calm and present. “9” is a number of both endings and beginnings, and its the perfect card to wrap up our reading for the next 13 moons. This next year is all about tending to our relationships, getting our minds right, and reclaiming any energy we’ve unnecessarily given away. The more we come back to a sense of wholeness within ourselves at any given time, the more complete we will feel in our external world.
What I write about a card reading and what I say about it can be different. Check back in on February 10th for a video here to gain more insights around this 2024 Lunar New Year Tarot Reading.

Our Collective 2024 Reading was pulled in a Celtic Cross Spread.
See interpretation below.
Foundational Card: ACE OF WANDS
It’s time to trust in the magic of our new beginnings! The Ace of Wands arrives as our foundational card, urging us to focus more on our craft, skill, gift, talent, etc. in 2024. Aces always represent a new chapter, and The ACE OF WANDS encourages us to start creating a life where we uniquely shine! Notice the yellow of this card. This symbolizes the bright blissful energy of our solar plexus. The things we are naturally gifted at are also things we enjoy. Start prioritizing this year what it is you love to do.
What’s Coming Across | What Will Cross Us: FOUR OF CUPS
As we move into more of our joy, our craft, and the life we truly want to life, there will be emotionally challening times. Your new path could involve changes that relate to matters of the heart, or it could affect relationships with parents, children, caretakers, or other people in your life you tend to. Despite the challenges, you are still encouraged to life out of your creativity. Cups represent creative pursuits as much as emotional journeys. Check in with both each quarter or season of this year (the “4” on the card guides us to do this) to make sure you’re still in alignment. Cups also remind us to trust our intuition. If something feels off in your journey, it is. Make the change swiftly so energy isn’t stuck lingering around to weigh you down.
How Do We Ground or Root In: FOUR OF SWORDS
Here we have another “4” card, and with it being 2024 I have no doubt these cards are letting us know this reading is for this year. Swords represent cutting ties or setting boundaries. In this case, the swords are pointed down as if to draw a line in the sand. We will be challenged to set strong boundaries over this year, especially as we pursuit our joy and our magick. If anyone causes you to dull your shine, it’s time to let them go. If it’s someone close to you that you cannot cut ties with(Four of Cups), you may have to set the strongest boundary you can. Remember, this is what will give us a stronger sensation of being grounded this year. It is only with strong footing that we can climb our mountain to success! Put your foot down where you need to, and walk away from anything that is no longer serving your next chapter.
Lesson We Have Already Learned: THREE OF PENTACLES
The more we step into our joy and our gifts, the more we will be blessed on the other side! The Three of Pentacles represents fortune when we work on ourselves, our abilities, and both our self-empowerment and self-control. The number “3” represents change or transformation, and you’ve already been through an experience where you embodied this personal evolution. With this history coming to light, you are now being reminded that you may again have to change greatly in order to create the life you desire or become the person you’re striving to be. Perhaps this year brings a change in location when it comes to where you work, or maybe you end up in a different professional pursuit altogether. You may also find yourself surrounded by different people as you move through this year. Part of the reason we’re being asked to set the boundaries (Four of Swords) and keep owning what we’re working with (Four of Cups), is because there’s bigger and better out there just waiting for us! But we can’t receive it if we don’t create space. Let yourself shed the layers that you need to this year in order to grow. When you learn to surrender and let go, it always works out in your highest favor.
Highest Lesson, Achievement, or Wisdom Coming: QUEEN OF SWORDS
This year is all about sitting on our throne of sovereignty! We do this by what we’ve already been told to do: Use our Swords both swiftly and strategically. Some relationships will have to sever completely this year. Others will have to be remolded and reshaped with your own personal carving tactics. The Queen of Swords is respected in her power, because she approaches things from feminine ways. We don’t always have to be harsh when we go separate ways of build up a wall. We can find ways to say “No” and let that be enough. 2024 Will be a year of learning how to live in our life and our truth without need for explanation. Our boundary setting abilities and our strong sense of knowing what we want will set the standard for our energy and our environment in the future. And learning how to cultivate all of this will be one of the highest pieces of wisdom we can obtain.
What is Around the Corner? JUDGEMENT
This was already predicted by many of our previous cards, but now the Tarot confirms it for sure. We will experience judgement this year as we make changes to reach our greatest evolution possible this year. Not everyone will understand our choices, our decisions, our dreams, or our pursuits, and that’s ok. Notice the waves on the card. This represents your journey of emotion, creativity, and conception. Despite the judgements you receive, keep swimming. Stay on course with your journey even when the monsters of negative self-talk and self-judgement rise up from within. Anytime we make change, it can feel stormy. Keep breathing through it and moving through it using your techniques for treatment and your dreams as a guiding beacon of hopeful light. The emotional tug of war won’t last forever. Eventually, the sun will come out and you’ll find your strength and bliss again!
*This card is the Angel blowing the trumpet before the end of times. Sometimes our whole world falls apart when we make change. If this happens to you in 2024, trust that you are on the verge of magickal new beginnings.
Extra Cards for Insight: NINE OF SWORDS, FOUR OF WANDS,
In case we didn’t get the message already, the NINE OF SWORDS arrives at the end of our reading to remind us that getting rid of what tethers us will helps us move onto the next chapter. If you need to cut chords or put up energetic fences, this card tells us to do it. The number “9” represents wholeness or a sense of feeling complete. If you have someone currently taking away your power or draining your energy, it’s time to make strong changes so you can gain back control and feel happy again.
We started our reading with Wands, and now we end it with the same energy. The FOUR OF WANDS again comes in to remind us this is all guidance for 2024. Notice the green of the wand cards. This represents heart chakra and the encouragement for us to follow our heart’s desires and dreams this year. It also tells us to do things that spark the joys of our heart along the way. Make sure you stay balanced in your voyage and check in on a regular basis to make sure you’re still feeling the heartfelt joy you started your pursuits with.
We know we have emotionally challenging times ahead, and the KNIGHT OF PENTACLES reminds us it’s part of the process. As we go down roads we might have not pursued before, it could end up in unexpected battles. Taking into account the swords from our pull, we already know what we’re going to have to do. The Knight reminds us that this is what we’ve been training for, and we are well equipped to see ourselves through to victory. Also notice the yellow on this card. Pentacles and yellow both represent happiness, success, wellness, and abundance. The more you push forward through your challenges, the more victorious you will find yourself on the other side. All of the joy on this card also relates back to that Three of Pentacles and a little bit of the Queen of Cups. We can ease people out of our life with compassion and peace. We can separate ourselves from people and situations that don’t serve us in a nurturing way. Give yourself grace as you make changes this year. Try to do it all with the highest intention for all.
Finally, the ACE OF PENTACLES seals our reading, giving us an “Ace” at both the beginning and the end. We are likely beginning a new journey now, and we may have several different “new” chapters or books we write on ourselves in this next year. Pentacles represent how we are supported, usually financially. Combine this with the Ace of Wands from the beginning, and we are reminded that our abundant growth arises out of us trusting in our intuition, our gut, and our magick. Let your inner systems guide you throughout this next year, and adjust accordingly when things feel off. You are meant to experience wonderful things this year, but only when you are ready. Surrender to the flow frequency of your dreams, and ride the waves of every blissful moment as you sail into your next adventure.
What I write about a card reading and what I say about it can be different. Check out the video below to gain more insights around this 2024 Tarot Reading.
Tarot Reading for 2024 New "Black" Moon in Capricorn
& Purva Ashadha Nakshatra
December 30th, 2024
This past year gave us 2 choices: to either take life by the reigns or let Divine intervention drive the cart. THE CHARIOT card in the Tarot represents this ability to take action or lean into the flow. As you reflect on this past year, notice where you should’ve taken control and didn’t, and when you tried to control too much when you should have been letting go. This first full moon of the year shines light on what we need to pay attention to, so we don’t make the same mistakes again. Notice the Honey Badger on this card. This is an animal that fights even the fiercest creatures without hesitation. Have there been times in the past that you reacted without thinking first? What were the results of these behaviours? With the North Node in Aries since July of 2023, we’ve been impulsive, irrational, and even spontaneously primal-brained when it comes to our actions. Now that this node shifts to Pisces, we become much more mindful of how we navigate our circumstances. Also notice the number “7” on the card. 2025 is a SEVEN year, representng renewal, rebirth, and a way of re-doing things. Let yourself be, do, and choose better as you navigate your next future.
Present Card: KING OF WANDS
We are encouraged to live in our wholeness, more than ever right now. The KING OF WANDS represents the balance of masculine and feminine, yin and yang, action and mindset, practical and magic, etc. It’s an energy that reminds us of the “both/and”, meaning we are our most complete self when we embrace both sides. Notice the snake wrapped around the lion’s wand. This is a representation of the Kundalini that rises within our masculine and feminine energetic highways. It could also represent the “Year of the Snake” that we’re preparing to enter into at the end of this lunar cycle in two weeks.
This card also arrives at a time when Mars in Leo, the cosmic lion, is currently conjunct with the full moon and spinning retrograde in Cancer. This makes us much more available to focus on our magic within, and this card now asks us to do just that. This full moon is in a water sign. It’s time to get creative and embrace what we can produce when we are “in our flow”. Notice the crow on the card, which usually aligns with more darkness and death. We are in the first full moon of the calendar year and the last full moon of the lunar year. We are in a time of both endings and new beginnings. Embrace the liminal, magical spaces you’re currently dancing in between. There is a lot of potential to embody.
*In our last reading under the Capricorn New Moon, we pulled the King of Wands in Reverse for our future card. It looks like now we’ve been doing the work collectively to turn that card right-side up again!
You may be weaving a lot of webs right now. Maybe you’re motivated by the new year and ready to take aim on all of your goals at once. Perhaps you’re trying to change a lot of behaviours or habits simultaneously. The SEVEN OF PENTACLES REVERSED reminds you to slow down and focus. Although you can embrace many projects right now, you will be more successful if you take aim on what your spirit craves most. This moon is ruled by Jupiter in Vedic Astrology and inspires us to seek deep wisdom rather than learning about a lot of things at once. Use this full moon to illuminate where your passions truly are, and start traveling down the more focused path that arrives.
Tarot Reading for 2024 New "Black" Moon in Capricorn
& Purva Ashadha Nakshatra
December 30th, 2024
Just like the Black Moon is a repeat of January's lunar influences, we pull the same past card as we did in our last reading. I promise you, I shuffled the deck! Yet again, we receive the same card. This time I believe it brings a slightly different message. The art of the card is a reflection of what we’ve been through this past year. The Astrology of 2024 encouraged us to take matters into our own hands just as the person on the card takes her hands around the jaw of the lion. The balance of the woman’s softness and the lion’s strength is a depiction of what we’ve had to do in order to accept our whole, most complete self, both masculine and feminine sides. We’ve also worked to express ourself differently, as the Mercury retrogrades in 2024 really pushed us to open our throat chakras. The blue the woman is wearing represents this 5th energy center. The red feather in her hat and the red squares on her cape represent the action we’ve taken out of our thoughts and our mindset in order to build a stronger, more authentic foundation within our lives. Notice the yellow that surrounds the card, representing the bliss of our solar plexus chakra and the energy of being who we truly are at our core. This year has encouraged us to optimize all of these aspects of our life, and now the Tarot reminds us of what we’ve experienced and accomplished.
We can also take into account the Leo symbolism on the card. This could be a nudge to reflect back on your life since Leo season this summer, or it could be a reminder that the Leo full moon will be here very soon. The Leo full moon is the first full moon of the lunar year, but won’t be the first one of 2025. We’ll experience a Full Moon in Cancer first, then the Leo Moon will rise in February to shine light on all our heart still craves after the work we’ve done. Use this last new moon of the year to set intentions for your year ahead, making sure they support your happiest and most authentic life. Notice the 11 on the card. We are in the “11th hour” with this moon arriving just 2 days before 2024 ends. Take advantage of the energy. Much in the cosmos is supporting us to manifest our best life yet!
From a Tarot perspective this card reminds us to take a different path or to perhaps embrace a new way of thinking. It also reminds us to find a healthy balance between holding on and letting go, between masculine and feminine expression, and between responding with action and force and responding with words and contemplation. This is not a time to negotiate or debate. It’s also not the best time to battle. Displaying the number “6”, this card reminds us to focus on the magic of connection versus competition. Six is a number that connects to family.
Present Card: THE DEVIL
As we reflect back on the year behind us, “the devil will be in the details” as we work to reminisce without judgement. We will notice both our successes and our failures, but will likely focus on the negative more than the positive. This is our human ego’s tendency, and it will be up to us to overcome such thinking and shine more light on situations that didn’t play out as expected. Was there a lesson learned in the so-called “failure”? Was there a push to never repeat a mistake? Notice what you have gained out of your shortcomings. There is always a positive spin to be played. The more we hold gratitude for all aspects of our life and the experiences we go through, the less turmoil we will go through in the future and the more we will have to be grateful for!
This is also the “Capricorn Card” in Astrology, and we are under a Capricorn Moon! You can’t make this stuff up! I always say “the cards don’t lie!” THE DEVIL card is all about choices. Notice the angel and devil on the shoulders of the woman clothed in red. This color represents taking action. Notice the subtleties of orange throughout the backdrop and on the squares of the skirt. This is a color that represents our magic and creativity, I believe this card is showing us the creative options we have when taking action on our dreams. We don’t have to repeat mistakes of the past or let our ego lean into victim patterns. We can “let light lead us” instead, and trust our higher self as we journey into the unknown of the next year. Notice the “15” on the card, which breaks down to the number “6”. This is a number of magic, another aspect of the color orange, which associates to our sacral chakra. This moon wants us to believe in our magic, and with Saturn, Capricorn’s ruling planet, currently in dreamy, watery Pisces, I have no doubt this moon will bring us deeper into our magic and our intuition. There may be a lot of feelings rising up like water under this new moon. Allow them to flow. In Vedic Astrology, this moon is ruled by The Apas, or Ayurvedic water Goddesses that provide healing and purification. Let yourself really feel your emotions under this moon and release what you need to so you don’t carry it with you throughout this lunar cycle or longer.
Typically, this card represents an ability to rule our life with balance between yin and yang, masculine and feminine, voice and physical action, etc. When we find the card in reverse, we may be struggling to embrace our whole self. Wands can represent our crafts, our skills, and our abilities. Are you doubting your ability to create or embrace your “magic” right now? Are you doubting the dreams your soul desires? When we find the KING OF WANDS REVERSED. We may be struggling to believe in ourself. There may also be a lack of drive or energy to start taking the steps we need to in order to shift. I always believe reverse cards are protection messages, and this REVERSED KING OF WANDS could be warning of us a potential future. Take the time under this new moon and these next few days to turn more within, rest, and really meditate on what you want and what you’re capable of. Maybe spend time also reflecting on all you manifested over this past year, or all you have created to date. Think about how far you’ve come versus how big the road blocks may seem ahead. If you simply shift your mindset, you’re likely to see the most amazing future ahead!
What I write about a card reading and what I say about it can be different. Check out the video below to gain even more insights around this New Black Moon in Capricorn & Purva Ashadha Nakshatra.
Tarot Reading for 2024 Full Moon in Gemini
& Mrigashira Nakshatra
December 15th, 2024
From an Astrological perspective, I see this card as a reminder of the recent retrogrades with both Mercury and Mars. I see Mercury, because of the blue outfit the woman wears on the card. This color is associated with the throat chakra, which is ruled by Mercury. I see Mars because of the Lion and Leo symbolism. Mars is currently retrograde in Leo. The woman’s hands on the lion’s jaw show how our usual ability to take action is inhibited, and we must take a different approach if we are to again rise out of challenging situations.
From a Tarot perspective this card reminds us to take a different path or to perhaps embrace a new way of thinking. It also reminds us to find a healthy balance between holding on and letting go, between masculine and feminine expression, and between responding with action and force and responding with words and contemplation. This is not a time to negotiate or debate. It’s also not the best time to battle. Displaying the number “6”, this card reminds us to focus on the magic of connection versus competition. Six is a number that connects to family.
The number 6 is also related to magic, and we may find the need to reconnect to our magic or find our inner strength to start living more within our pleasure zones. Leo energy is all about living life, and the hands on the lion’s jaw could represent your inability to lean into feeling good lately. We are in Sagittarius season, a time of bliss. If your happiness has been muted lately, give yourself permission under this full moon to release what’s standing in the way (or who’s standing in the way) of your joy.
Bringing in the Roman numeral “II” which looks like the sign of Gemini, this present card of THE HIGH PRIESTESS drips with the energy of this full moon in Gemini and Mrigashira Nakshatra. Again we see blue on the card, reminding us of the current Mercury Retrograde, which stations and moves direct one day after this full moon. Mercury is Gemini’s ruling planet, so I’m not surprised that this card shows up in revere for our present message. This Gemini Full Moon wants us to reflect and remember the lessons we have learned and the wisdom we have gained. Mrigashira Nakshatra is overseen by Soma, the Moon God, and is related to our internal feelings and knowings. This moon wants us to trust our intuition and believe in what we know on the inside. The crescent moon on the card could represent energy of the third eye, or sacral chakra, or both. and either energy center brings out our inner senses.
This isn’t a time to make decisions, form contracts, or come to agreements. What is decided now may not be a decision that is supported in the future. Mercury Retrograde is always a tricky time, and even though the planet moves direct on December 15th, its post-retrograde shadow will linger through January 2nd. When it comes to conclusions or settlements of any kind, it’s best to wait until a few days into the new year before terms are met mutually.
The number “9” usually represents a birth/rebirth of energy, and the Nine of Swords could mean many battles ahead as you work to become the person you desire. Notice the swords pointing down. This is more about you setting boundaries, building strong fences, and drawing lines in the sand when things are a “no”. Notice the red square, surrounded by pink. As long as you move forward with heartfelt intention, your foundation will root in strongly.
This 9 of swords could also represent 9 months ahead of this journey, or work into the 9th month of the year. It could also mean doing the work or fighting your battles in a different way, as well as possible internal struggles. With Mars, the Planet of War, Work, Taking Action, and the Masculine currently retrograde for the first time in 2 years, there will be a lot of muting and transformation around these energies.
Spirit Animal Card Reading for 2024
New Moon in Sagittarius
& Anuradha Nakshatra
December 1st, 2024
Showing up as our past card, the armadillo arrives with a protection message. We have not been leaning into self-preservation as we should, and now we may start to feel drained if we do not set healthy boundaries. The “armor” of the hard-shelled armadillo reminds us to stand strong and be a bit assertive when it comes to protecting our energy. As we wrap up this final month of the year and lean into the transformation that 2025 brings, you will need structure. If you’ve been giving away too much, now is the tine to balance out with more selfishness.
Symbolized by the number “3”, there is a message of “life-death-rebirth” here. Perhaps this New Moon in Sagittarius gives you the fiery drive to change and start standing up for yourself. Maybe this Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius, which began on November 25th, has you speaking up and speaking out more than usual. Be careful and watch your tongue as you express, but also don’t hold back when it comes to your happiness. Armadillo Spirit wants you to protect your energy and preserve your joy.
Present Card: RABBIT
Sagittarius is the most optimistic sign of the zodiac. This New Moon in Sagittarius is a hopeful one, reminding us that we are always co-creating our dream desires. Symbolized by the number “49” in this deck, this breaks down to master number 13. The lunar year will be wrapping up soon, as this Sagittarius lunar cycle will lead us into the 13th moon of Capricorn on December 30th, just before we ring in the new year. 13 is considered an auspicious number, but in my world it is seen as magickal! Notice the autumn leaf on the card, and the 2 baby bunnies with their mother. This is a card of fertility. Even in the death of autumn and winter, we are creating and producing. Rabbit Spirit reminds us to never stop believing in what we are capable of. Take a leap of faith toward what you desire, and trust that every single step gets you closer to making your dreams a reality.
Future Card: FROG (REVERSED)
Mercury is currently retrograde in Sagittarius until December 15th, and its post-retrograde shadow will linger through January 2nd. Combine this with the current Sagittarius New Moon and lunar cycle, and the next few weeks will have us focusing on making space for what’s to come. Perhaps winter is drawing you inside, and you start spending your energy on decluttering your spaces and cleaning up where you spend the most time. Maybe you are preparing for a new way to express yourself, and with it you’re taking inventory on your relationships. Perhaps you’ve been motivated to work on a dream, and in the process you have to let go of other pursuits. Frog Spirit asks us to let go of so much noise and chaos and focus on what’s important. There is a lot of distraction around us during the holiday season. Do your best to tune out the noise and listen within.
This card is symbolized by the number “28” in this deck, which breaks down to master number 10. This is a message of new beginnings. Anytime we start a new chapter or write a new story, we have to manage what’s behind us first. It’s time to let go of things that hold energy you no longer want in your life, and it’s time to wrap up loose ends around things that are pulling you away from your growth. With Mercury retrograde mixing into our lunar cycle right now, don’t be surprised if people or things show up all of a sudden from the past. It will be up to you to decide who you bring forward and what or who it is time to separate from. Everything and everyone harbors energy that you exchange with. Decide who you allow into your inner auric circle.
What I write about a card reading and what I say about it can be different. Check out the video below to gain even more insights, including guidance from The Animal Speak Pocket Guide by Ted Andrews
Tarot Reading for 2024
Full SUPERMoon in Taurus
& Krittika Nakshatra
November 15th, 2024
Our past has brought us much bounty, but we may have to search for it before we truly realize what has been gained. The Page card in The Tarot represents an eager and optimistic energy. Harvest is almost complete now. What are you celebrating from the last planting season? What are you reaping from this past year? As we move into a season of wanting or getting, take time now to let this last Full SUPERMoon of the year shine light on ALL that you already have. THE PAGE OF PENTACLES reminds us to uphold a feeling of being secure, no matter the circumstances, and to trust in the limitless abundance continuing to come our way.
Page cards in The Tarot also represent beginning to learn something new or going on the first steps of a quest/mission. The PAGE OF PENTACLES could represent new opportunities coming your way, or new inspiration around ideas/goals/etc. We have been in Scorpio season—a time of magick. Let yourself continue to embody creativity as you navigate the rest of this lunar cycle.
Present Card: THE HANGED MAN
Although this card is represented by Neptune in The Tarot, I always also see THE HANGED MAN card as the energy of Mercury Retrograde. We are currently in the pre-retrograde shadow, and The Planet of Communication, Trade, Travel, & Trickery will start spinning backwards within the rest of this lunar portal on November 25th. We also have Saturn, The Planet of Karma, Contraction, & Life Lessons going direct in Pisces, Neptune’s ruling sign, with this Full SUPERMoon on November 15th. Saturn has been spinning backwards in this water sign since June 29th, and we have to remember that these outer lying planets take some time to really shift their energy. THE HANGED MAN card represents hanging around for results, or patiently giving ourselves the time it takes for things to play out. This is not a time to force anything. Represented by the number “12”, this card reminds us that the end of the year is coming and our energy might be waning. Alternatively, if you see this time as the beginning of the “Witches New Year,” this card reminds you that things take time to grow. Notice the vine growing out of the tree, representing the new potential that sprouts. We are in a season of both undoing and becoming. Embrace the liminal spaces of this magickal Scorpio season, and let the energy of Saturn going direct in Pisces keep you on track toward the dream you truly desire. It may take time to get there, but if you keep taking action (red coat on upside down man) the growth will happen subtly and surely.
Future Card: PAGE OF CUPS
It’s time to take action with heart-centered focus. THE PAGE OF CUPS arrives with more eager energy, this time toward our future and what we can create. Notice the red cape he wears, symbolizing all he wants to do and all of the potential he holds. Notice the green tunic, representing his heart-centered dreams. The pink surrounding him on the card also represents heart chakra energy. The Page is holding a cup, representing sacral chakra, which the cape flows into, representing how we can use our soul-seeded gifts to fuel how we behave toward our dreams. We still have a few more weeks with this Scorpio Season. Then, we move into Sagittarius, when we’re influenced to take actions on the goals we set. Use this full moon to shine light on your craft and what you’re ready to make with your mindset and your personal magick. It all has the potential to come true, if you believe it to be so and take the steps to get there.
What I write about a card reading and what I say about it can be different. Check out the video below to gain even more insights around this Full SUPERMoon in Taurus & Krittika Nakshatra.
Tarot Reading for 2024
New MicroMoon in Scorpio
& Swati Nakshatra + Samhain/Diwali
November 1st, 2024
*These cards were pulled from The Crystal Power Tarot by Jayne Wallace. Scorpio is a magickal energy, and I wanted to provide crystal suggestions along with each card.
“I calmly make the best possible decision.”
Remorse and regret aren’t our favorite feelings to navigate, but we might start to see them rise to the surface if we haven’t already. This Scorpio season is all about doing the shadow work we need to, so we can embrace the wholeness of who we are. In the Tarot, I’ve pulled the REVERSED TWO OF PENTACLES, showing that the grief we suffer now in this season of death is most likely around ourselves. Perhaps we regret a choice we’ve made, or we miss a version of ourself we used to be. On the other hand, maybe we are grieving things that didn’t play out this year as expected or seeds we planted didn't sprout.. Scorpio is related to the underworld and Malachite, the stone suggested with this card, is related to the heart. We are being asked under this moon to dig up what’s been buried and transform it into something beautiful through the concepts of forgiveness and love.
Present Card: FIVE OF WANDS
“I stand my ground and look for peace.”
We may have a lot of ideas right now or a lot of choices to make. The FIVE OF WANDS arrives as our present message to remind us to slow down, find our center, and go with the option that promotes the most peace. This Scorpio New Moon is aligning in an auspicious way with many celebrations around the world. No matter what culture you look into, this is a time to embrace our inner light, joy, and magick. I love that we pull the “wands” card now, especially with the number “5,” which symbolizes growth. Both the Western Astrology of Scorpio and the Vedic Astrology of Swati under this new moon represent resilience in challenge times, and the ability to lean into growth and change, no matter the circumstance. Under this new moon, let yourself be flexible, and make sure to root in where you truly want to as this lunar cycle plays out into the future.
Future Card: TWO OF CUPS
There is celebration on the horizon! The TWO OF CUPS represents times of success and feelings of harmony/union. With this being our future card, this could simply represent the holiday times ahead. However, it couild also be depicting the celebrations you’ll be having in the future as you achieve new goals and reach new mountaintops. This moon is all about pushing forward despite everything wanting us to take a break. Remember the final product of your dreams so you stay motivated through colder, more trying times. When you can embrace faith in your brightest future, nothing can stand in your way.
What I write about a card reading and what I say about it can be different. Check out the video below to gain even more insights around this New MicroMoon in Scorpio & Swati Nakshatra.
Tarot Reading for 2024
Full SUPERMoon in Aries
+ Ashwini/Ashvini Nakshatra
October 17th, 2024
Embrace your creative flow and continue on your path of making your thoughts your reality! The THREE OF WANDS reminds us that energy flows where intention goes, and the more effort we put toward our craft, the more gain we will have. There may also be a craving to embrace ALL of your skills and trust that you can live a life fully in who you are and what you enjoy. With this being our past card, this is a reminder of the eclipse portal we continue to remain in during this lunar cycle. Eclipses are always a time of acceleration toward our goals, and anything we put our efforts toward during an eclipse portal has the potential to expand swiftly. As you embrace this full moon in quick, fiery Aries and rapid Ashwini/Ashvini Nakshatra, let your focus be on whatever you are ready to grow.
I love how the warrior card was drawn, ready to go into battle! Under this Aries moon we receive the Knight of Swords, a card that reminds us of our strength, wit, and character. Aries is sometimes known as The Cosmic Warrior, and this moon will give us the permission we need to tend to ourselves and build our health for challenging battles ahead. The wars we face will be more energetic and spiritual than anything, and this full moon will usher us into the beginning of Scorpio season and shadowy times. Notice the red on the horse, symbolizing the readiness to take action. This moon is actually represented by the head of a racing horse in Vedic Astrology! From the Eastern perspective, Ashwini/Ashvini Nakshatra is a quick-acting, ever-expanding energy. This moon is giving us the concept of our endless potential, but we must embrace the free will to grasp ours. Use this moon to believe in yourself, and continue to move forward toward your dreams, even if it means facing battles along the way.
Future Card: THREE OF CUPS
There is celebration on the horizon! The THREE OF CUPS represents times of success and feelings of rejoice. With this being our future card, this could simply represent the holiday times ahead. However, it couild also be depicting the celebrations you’ll be having in the future as you achieve new goals and reach new mountaintops. This moon is all about pushing forward despite everything wanting us to take a break. Remember the final product of your dreams so you stay motivated through colder, more trying times. When you can embrace faith in your brightest future, nothing can stand in your way.
Tarot Reading for 2024
New MicroMoon/Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra
+ Hasta Nakshatra
October 2nd, 2024
The number “10” in the Tarot always represents a new chapter, whether it be the continuation of same but now different, or an entirely new beginnings. Sometimes it can also represent the liminal space in between end and beginning. Anytime we have the swords in the Tarot, it represents our mind. I believe this TEN OF SWORDS is depicting the new way of thinking we are all now leaning into. I also believe this card is recognizing the independence and freedom we’ve worked to gain over the past year. On this particular card we see a painting of the fall of Julius Caesar. We are no longer ok with giving away our power. The previous Virgo season this year initiated us into doing things more on our own, and an Eclipsed Libra moon wants us to seek out relationship with ourself most of all. Notice the birds on the card. We may be soaring to heights right now or maybe we hold a different perspective from what we did previously. Again, we are dealing with the mind and thought here. If you’ve been working to harbor a new way of thinking, or you’ve been working to adjust into new behaviors and mindsets, know that the change from such work is now coming to fruition. This eclipsed new moon gives you new opportunities to create a new life or become someone new. Embrace it!
I also can’t help but notice the “10” on the card and it being the 10th month of the year. I truly believe this card is showing us that all of our efforts are now going to show their reward.
Present Card: THE STAR
Some believe THE STAR card is the Venus card. This is also the planet that rules Libra, the current sign of the eclipsed moon. In Vedic Astrology, this moon is in Hasta Nakshatra and symbolized by a hand, helping us to see the holy vessel that we are. Notice the art on the card. We have a naked woman pouring from a vessel, reminding us that all we need is within us. The stars that surround this woman remind us that we are made of “Star stuff” and we are God/Goddess/Source working through us. It’s also important to remember that whatever we’re working towards also supports the elevation of the collective. This card reminds us that we are just one amongst many glowing stars on this planet! I also believe this card is representing Venus through the story of Inanna, and encouraging us to strip ourselves of worldly concerns and material goods in order to get back to our truest self. The snake on the edge of the card represents the Kundalini of both masculine and feminine energy in union through the chakra system of our subtle energy body. This moon is about loving ourselves and developing a relationship with ourselves most of all. By getting to know ourselves better and learning to honour the holy vessel that we are, we also find more connection to the universe and source itself.
Future Card: PAGE OF WANDS
In our last reading we pulled the Five of Wands as our future card. Now we’ve leveled up to the PAGE OF WANDS, and there is a new growing curiosity within us around our craft, our abilities, and our spiritual potential. We’re also finding more confidence in ourselves and we may even be allowing ourself to shine in our glory on the external. The key is to not live within limiting mindsets and to believe that more growth is always yet to come. There is also a need for us to take a little bit of foolish action towards our skills right now, in an effort to keep the momentum going. Eclipses can create a tug-of-war energy within us, where we may sometimes feel extra inspired to do things and other times want to completely do nothing. The PAGE OF WANDS encourages us to avoid stagnancy, but also do not burn out. This Libra lunar cycle is all about balance. As you work toward your next evolution, stay centered around who you truly are no matter what you do.
Bonus Card for Eclipse Guidance: TWO OF SWORDS
Don’t ignore your feelings! This eclipse portal will likely bring about many concerns from within—discomforts in the body linked to energetic imbalances, thoughts in the mind related to unnecessary attachments to the past, etc. How you behave toward it all will set a standard moving forward. Notice the blindfolded man on the card. Although he holds a sword in each hand, he is not worried about going to battle. He has a sound mind and balanced energy as he sits on his throne in peace. By embracing both sides of himself he holds full acceptance in who he is and trusts in his abilities to maintain the life he has worked so hard to build. Notice the bull on the card. Our previous eclipse season was in Scorpio and Taurus. Now we’re navigating Libra-Aries energy, and we’re learning how to fight our battles in a different way in order to maintain more peace. Notice the boats on the bull. Our next eclipse series will be in Pisces-Virgo, and we’re already starting to navigate the energy. This eclipse could bring us opportunities to change our ways of thinking when it comes to conflict. We may be given scenarios where we can react through our old, less elevated self, or we can sail through the situation peacefully by leading differently and with our heart. We may also find ourselves in possibilities where we can avoid the conflict altogether. The more peace we intend on creating, the more we will actually experience! Use this eclipsed moon and the rest of this eclipse season through the spring of 2025 to make sure you’re thinking for your highest self and behaving as the hero of your journey, not the victim.
What I write about a card reading and what I say about it can be different. Check out the video below to gain even more insights around this New MicroMoon/Annular Solar Eclipse & Hasta Nakshatra.
Tarot Reading for 2024
Full SuperMoon & Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
+ Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
September 17th, 2024
The word “demure” is everywhere right now, and the TEMPERANCE card arrives to join in on the trend. This card tells us to find more rationality and middle-ground, rather than swinging to extremes. The full moon over the water on the card symbolizes the more internal reflections and introspections that will serve us, and the frog reminds us that we can live in multiple worlds at once. Arriving as our past message, I believe this card is urging us to align with the nature of the Virgo season that now rules. Both this Pisces full moon and the oncoming eclipse season will start to churn our emotional waters, and when storms arise we may want to react without thinking. The Temperance card is a protection message and warning. We need to learn to get in balance with ourselves now, both the external and internal, both the masculine and feminine, both the magickal and modern, in order to truly thrive amongst what’s ahead. I also can’t help but think about the frog, who has the ability to hibernate during winter and survive until the thawing at the cold season’s end. By mindfully preparing, slowing down, and leaning into a more restful state, the frog thrives amongst the harshest conditions. As we prepare for winter ahead, it is time to also lean into more conscious rest, a focus on our needs, and the intention to lean into whatever comes with trust and fluidity.
Typically this card represents a sharing of resources, but when we find the TEN OF PENTACLES in REVERSE, we are given permission to be more selfish. We have spent a lot of this year giving to the external, and now it’s time to turn more within. This Virgo season and Pisces Full, Partially-Eclipsed Supermoon both remind us to pay attention to ourselves and maybe even invest in ourself or spend on ourself more right now. This moon is all about tending to yourself and what you need. It’s a good time for self-care, spa-days, and maybe even some retail therapy! Just be careful not to go overboard. As the Temperance card reminded us just before, everything should come in moderation. With Venus in Virgo right now with the ego-ruled Sun, it’s time to treat ourselves and lean into what brings us pleasure. With Venus currently opposing Chiron, it’s time to heal our inner child by giving ourselves what was denied when we were younger. With this opposition forming a T-Square with Pluto retrograde under this moon, we have the ability to really take charge of our life and decide to give our energy where we find more joy. The number “10” represents a new chapter, as well as both the connection of endings and beginnings. Let go of old versions of yourself that limited your bliss. Lean into the buzz of excitement when your life is full of pleasure 24/7! Begin that life now by giving to yourself MORE. I’ve always heard from successful people that anytime you invest in yourself, you receive it back ten-fold! Or more! I believe the TEN OF PENTACLES REVERSED gives us this same message now.
Future Card: FIVE OF WANDS
Stick to the tasks methodically, and you will prevent overwhelm. The FIVE OF WANDS represents all of the work that is coming our way, and our ability to pursue any challenge thrown at us. Eclipse and shadow seasons both are never easy. They create a tug-of-war at our energy and make us feel conflicted about who we are and where we’re headed. This particular shadow season and half of this eclipse season will also mix with the current retrograde season of the outer-planets. While these transits can impact us personally, they tend to show up more on the collective. However, remember that energy is contagious, and what you do personally will create a ripple effect. Hard work and due diligence are important in the months to come. Stay true to what you’re working to build, and trust that with regular routine and daily devotion, you will find the success you seek soon.
Tarot Reading for 2024
New Mini/Micro Moon in Virgo
& Purva Phalguni Nakshatra
September 2nd, 2024
*I find it interesting that we’re under a mini/micro moon, and all 3 cards I pulled were from the Minor Arcana! I also love how all cards were pulled upright, considering this is the last more direct moon we have before we move into eclipse season!
There has been a coming together of energy for some time now to promote growth, fortune, bliss, and expansion. Perhaps a new partnership has started to rise (or will soon), or there’s been a resurrection in a previous relationship that has helped things move toward positive change. Venus in Libra is an ideal alignment, promoting a need to find more balance, beauty, and bliss in everything we do. There is also a craving to do things ourself, helping to harmonize our own internal masculine/feminine sides, so we can come to claim or reclaim our sovereignty in true Virgo fashion.
Present Card: SIX OF CUPS
The number “6” can represent family or community. Pulling this card for the lunar cycle that initiates us into eclipse season creates a need for more support around our magick. Perhaps you work to seek out a new “woo” type of group or even a coven to help you on your spiritual journey. Use this lunar cycle to seek out those who promote your magick, whether it be your ability to believe you can make your dreams come true, or your actual abilities and craft in this current lifetime. Trust intuition as Neptune is currently retrograde in Pisces and creating a bit of an illusion on the external. If something seems too good to be true right now, it probably is. However, if you feel a stromg internal call to go down a certain path, it might lead to great fortune. Notice how all of the cups are turned up and notice the water, or lake, they are ready to dip into. The chance to fill your cups is just around the corner! The SIX OF CUPS arrives as our present card to remind us that everything we imagine is just one step away from us taking action to grab it.
Abundance. Dreams coming to fruition. The chance for rebirth and new opportunities. The chance to step into a new life. The NINE OF PENTACLES arrives as our future card to remind us that patience and effort WILL pay off. There may be hard labours ahead with challenges to navigate, but if we stand strong in our faith and our ability to persevere, we cannot help but succeed! Just make sure that what you’re working toward is what you ACTUALLY want. Mercury still lingers in its retrograde post-shadow until September 11th, and we may not be truly clear on what we desire. As we navigate this lunar cycle and prepare for the eclipse portals ahead, make sure you are direct and focused on where you want to end up in your most ideal future.
Tarot Reading for 2024
Full Blue SUPERMoon in Aquarius
& Dhanishta Nakshatra
August 19th, 2024
In the spirit of Aquarius being The Cosmic Storyteller, I’ve pulled cards for the collective from The Tarot of The Divine, which has accompanying folklore and fairy tales from around the world for each card. I’ve also included the stories related to each card, so you can look up more if desired.
Typically the KNIGHT OF CUPS represents a messenger, but when pulled in REVERSE, it could mean wires crossed. Mercury went into retrograde 2 weeks ago, and I have no doubt this is what this card represents. Perhaps you have been navigating disappointments recently, or plans disrupted. Maybe communication hasn’t been ideal or things have been emotionally challenging with the throat chakra. The KNIGHT OF CUPS REVERSED reminds us that the battle will always arrive from within. We cannot control Divine intervention, but we do hold Divine will in how we respond. I find it interesting that the card itself shows a horse in water, with a falcon on the messenger’s arm. Neptune, the planet named after the god of the oceans, is currently retrograde in its ruling sign of watery Pisces, while Mercury, the planet of communication and message, naturally impacts Pisces energy. If you find your dreams put on hold, or you find a storm disrupting the entire process, trust in what arrives spontaneously. Mercury recently shifted back into Leo, and Lord Shiva’s dance of destruction AND new creation represents the moon we are now under. There is a lot of potential to rebuild in the spaces leftover from what is lost, and there is a strong chance it will all lean into more joy than you were going to gain before.
LEGEND RELATED: Halibu The Hunter (Mongolian)
Present Card: FIVE OF SWORDS
We may be currently navigating growing pains. The number “5” represents growth and this current full moon in Aquarius encourages us to be more airy and expansive. We also have a unique angle with Venus and Mars/Jupiter forming a T-square with Saturn right now. This means we might feel more energy or encouragement with this transit, as well as support to sever certain relationships in order to grow. Think of it like a spiritual de-weeding process. We may also find ourselves shrinking back down in order to contract and rebirth into somebody else. Aquarius energy is all about doing things differently, and this full blue supermoon gives us the prana we need to take action and make change. Take advantage of the energy, and learn to accept severance around what is robbing you of your joy. It's time to move into a state where you are happy, fulfilled, and free.
MYTHOLOGY RELATED: Osiris, Set, & Isis (Egyptian)
Future Card: TEN OF SWORDS
With the separations occurring under the guidance of the previous FIVE OF SWORDS, we find ourselves moving into a new chapter. The number ’10” in the Tarot also represents a new beginning, as well as the ending it took to get there. We cannot grow if we do not have space to move into. We cannot have space if we do not create it. That usually involves letting something go. This Mercury Retrograde has now shifted into heart-ruled Leo, and will continue through August 28th. The post-shadow will linger until September 11th. We may have many relationships come our way to analyze over the next few weeks, and we won’t want to allow all of them into our desired dream future. The fire of Leo will give us the courage to make big decisions and burn bridges if needed, and the air of Aquarius will give us the intellect to slow down exit peacefully and with grace. With Pluto & Saturn currently retrograde, everything we do right now is karmically in our hands. Move through life with mindfulness and make as much effort to uplift the collective in whatever you do.
Mythology Related: Sedna (Inuit)
Tarot Reading for 2024
New Moon in Leo & Ashlesha Nakshatra
August 4th, 2024
Represented by Aries energy, THE EMPEROR card arrives for our past pull to remind us of what we have been through. Much of our intense energy over the past few months has been due to the rule of the fiery cosmic Ram, causing us to go through challenging and possibly transforming times. This card represents the logic or wisdom we now hold on the other side. We have been through the experience in order to become stronger. Notice the armor The Emperor is wearing, representing the hard outer shell of strength he has acquired. However, this suit can also represent the rigidity of what comes out of hard times. Remember that every single situation you enter is circumstantial, and not necessarily a repeat of your past. This card can show that too much logic and thinking can keep your from moving forward or paying attention. It can also show a lack of tending to self. Use this new moon to make a future plan where both needs and wants have room, and put yourself in a position to embrace growth when you need to shift and change.
Our present card confirms the need to focus on matters of detail. While the THREE OF PENTACLES usually represents prosperity out of meticulous work, when the card is REVERSED we lack the discipline or control to apply the time and attention we need to. You may have spent this summer partying too hard, or letting loose a little too much, lead to a loss of productivity or gain. If you find yourself off track now out of recent behaviors, now is the time to use logic and reset. Find balance between work and play, and don’t let one flow too much into another as you navigate the rest of this solar summer season.
Future Card: EIGHT OF CUPS
The number “8” represents karma, and cups in the Tarot can represent both an emotional and magical experience. Arriving as a future message, we are being reminded that challenging times ahead will be worth it. In Vedic Astrology, this lunar cycle is represented by the snake shedding its skin in order to grow. We also have Pluto, Saturn, and Neptune all retrograde, and Mercury joins the backwards party 1 day after this new moon. If you find yourself under pressure in the future, be patient. The fire of Leo and its heart-centered energy is still ruling to help you push through.
Tarot Reading for 2024
Full "Blue" Moon in Capricorn & Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra
July 21st, 2024
Although taken care of, we may now start to become dissatisfied or restless for more. The FOUR OF CUPS arrives as our past card, reminding us to avoid this illusion of discontentment. We’ve had many messages in our past, through both the stars and the cards, to remind us of the concept of gratitude. If bigger expectations haven’t shown themselves to you yet, take note of the little wins along the way. If you find your needs and wants met, yet still yearn for more, it is time to move your energy toward a more elevated frequency. This card displays pink and green—the colors of the heart chakra. The number “4” also represents heart energy and the 4th chakra. Cups are symbolic of emotion, magical creativity, and fertility. With all cups upright at the center of this card, we can see that our “cups are full” and always overflowing. In times of blindness toward your own wealth, get back to your spiritual practices and get more in tune with your energetic self. When you learn to uphold that harmony from within the heart, everything us will pour to you overflowing.
Present Card: TWO OF WANDS
I find it interesting that we pull this card for our present message, when we pulled The World card in the same position under the previous new moon 2 weeks ago. In the traditional Ryder-Waite-Smith Tarot deck, the TWO OF WANDS is displayed with a man surrounded by 2 growing wands, while also holding the whole world in his hand. Even on this simpler display of the TWO OF WANDS, we can see the heart-centered energy surrounded by yellow light, or joy. The winds are shooting upward, encouraging elevated frequencies and uplifted spirits. The number “2” typically represents cohesion and a working together or coming together for a greater good. Just as the Four of Cups encourages us to maintain spiritual harmony, the TWO OF WANDS also encourages us to stay equally centered between masculine and feminine energy. This Full “Blue” Moon in Capricorn also encourages us to find balance between work and rest, doing and non-doing, etc., and the full moon itself harnesses the energy of both yin and yang. Use this lunar portal to find your center, accept both sides of yourself, and merge with who you need to in order to bring more love and joy to your world and the external spaces that surround you.
Future Card: TWO OF CUPS
Here we have another “2” card and another “cups” card, a merging of the 2 cards just previously pulled for our reading. The TWO OF CUPS represents a harmonious marriage, coupling, coming together, etc. It can also represent that balance of masculine/feminine from within, as mentioned with the previous cards. The difference here is the blue square that surrounds the cups. Representing the throat chakra, this card reminds us that communication is the key to any successful partnership. Whether it’s us being truthful with ourselves or being authentic on the external, when we express from our Sacral chakra (the space of cups and water) our wants, desires, magical crafts, and emotional needs, we learn to be more supported in who we are and what we do. This Full Moon is in Capricorn from a Western perspective, and in between Sagittarius and Capricorn from an Easter point of view. Both signs express honesty and realism. Use this full moon to get truthful however you need to, so your energy is flowing at it’s fullest through both lower and upper energy centers.
What I write about a card reading and what I say about it can be different. Check out the video below to gain even more insights around this Capricorn Full "Blue" Moon & Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra.
Tarot Reading for 2024
New Moon in Cancer & Punarvasu Nakshatra
July 5th, 2024
Our past Tarot reading under the full moon of Capricorn encouraged us to celebrate our accomplishments, and this first card of our Cancer New Moon reading continues the theme to party. The NINE OF CUPS arrives as our past card to remind us to reflect back on all we have achieved so far this year. We are just a few weeks into the season of summer in North America, and it is a time to start harvesting the fruits of our spring, winter, and fall plantings. Use this lunar cycle to keep yourself motivated by continuously taking into account all that you are gaining on the go. It will also be beneficial under this new moon just for a few days to slow down and really take stock of the growth and changes that have happened in your life over these past few months. Notice the peacock on the card underneath the shining, lotus crescent moon. The peacock can undergo great transformation with the way it visually appears in a matter of moments. It only takes the action of spreading it's wings, and their beauty and energy intensifies. A crescent moon is a symbol of taking action, and the lotus in between our two fruitful cups amongst the clouds is a reminder of the constant blossoming our spirit is always leaning into.
The number nine is symbolic of birth and rebirth. This new moon in Punarvasu Nakshatra also brings in the energies of regrowth, transformation, and regeneration. This card is encouraging us to continue to grow and seize the momentum we have already been harnessing, whether we realize it or not. It is time to spread our wings, express our gifts, shine our beauty, and truly expand our energy into the world!
Present Card: THE WORLD
Speaking of “the world,” the actual WORLD CARD of the Tarot shows up as our present message for our new moon reading. This is a card that represents both endings and new beginnings, with the chance to pause and celebrate in between. The sun on the card represents joy and prosperity, and the bee on the card represents the results of our busy labors. It’s also interesting that our previous full moon was known as the strawberry moon, or the "honey" moon, or "mead" moon, and everything around our reading at that time encouraged us to celebrate, socialize, and give ourselves credit for the journey we’ve been on. Notice the flowers blooming around this card, and notice how similar they are to those on our past Nine of Cups card. These pink flowers are representative of our heart, and the dreams within that are now moving forward into the external. The fireflies on the card represent the ideas that are still sparking with us and waiting to come to fruition. The grasshopper on the card also encourages us to leap forward greatly toward big dreams. This moon is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, bliss, and growth in Vedic astrology. Both this card and the moon itself right now are nurturing our dreams, shining light on our wins and gains, and nudging us to continue to dream as we move forward. Just because we’re over halfway through 2024 doesn’t mean we’re done manifesting yet! There is a whole lot of magic left yet to play out in the next few months! Stay in gratitude of all that has come your way, so you maintain a frequency that attracts your desired dreams in the future.
Future Card: STRENGTH
As you continue on throughout the rest of this year, make sure to show up to your practices with dedication so you can stay in control. The STRENGTH card arrives as our future message to remind us of our powerful mindset. When we will something to be so, and we actually take effort toward achieving our desired outcome, and that outcome involves peace and harmony for the greater good, then the universe has to meet us where we are and give us what we’re working toward. Typically this card is depicted in the Tarot with a woman holding the jaws of a lion, or a person holding the jaws of a beast. In this particular deck, we see a snake and mouse facing off against one another under a growing moonlight, with their heart-centered intention between them. The mouse resists the urge to lean into his fear, and he stands up strong to the snake instead of running away. Meanwhile, the snake resists its urge to eat the mouse, confronting temptation head on. Both are fighting programmed instincts, for the sake of perpetual harmony amongst all. The poppies strewn among them represent peace after war and the sun amongst a star glittering sky represents the potential of this peace to grow amongst the collective in the future. Currently, we are in Saturn retrograde, and all karma is in the matter of our own hands. Use this lunar cycle to find more peace within yourself, so that you remove fear and attract a more harmonious and peaceful, loving, life in the future.
What I write about a card reading and what I say about it can be different. Check out the video below to gain more insights around this Cancer New Moon & Punarvasu Nakshatra.

Tarot Reading for 2024
Full Moon in Capricorn & Moola/Mula Nakshatra
June 21st, 2024
It is either time to start a new prosperous venture, or time to collect on your hard-working efforts! Aces represent new beginnings or a new chapter and Pentacles represent fortune in some way. Being pulled as our past card and under the Strawberry Moon, I see this as a reminder to look at what we have already gained in the small wins, rather than focus so much on the bigger picture where we have not arrived yet. There’s also a message here to pursue something new if what you’ve been working on hasn’t deemed to be profitable. Anything that is draining your energy or making you feel unwell in any way needs to be released now, so you have more room to grow what’s successful throughout the rest of this year.
The number ‘5” symbolizes growth, and cups can depict an emotional journey. Pulling the FIVE OF CUPS REVERSED, there is a sign of stagnancy or wasted efforts. This is also the Capricorn moon, and the sign is sometimes represented by “Father Time”. If the time and effort you’re giving toward someone or something is not showing fruits or the potential to blossom, it is time to let go. This could be an emotional experience, especially because there may have been a long-term bond in the energetic exchange you are now breaking. Trust that you are creating space for something or someone better, and let the energy be recycled with peace for the greater good.
*I also want to note that this moon occurs on International Yoga Day. This is a great time for purging, whether it be through 108 rounds of Sun Salutation, chanting 108 Oms, or 108 minutes of Yoga Nidra or Meditation. Yoga is a process of letting go and creating space. Use this full moon portal to open up to what is magically working to arrive to you.
If we do not let go in due time, we might find ourselves attached to something or someone longer than we want to be. The KING OF SWORDS arrives as our future card, reminding us to be logical in our decision making process. Notice the red cape he wears. This symbolizes the foundation we are building for the rest of the year. This full moon is also in the “Root/Foundational” Star of Moola/Mula Nakshatra, pushing us to plant strong roots as we move throughout the rest of this year. Although the King of Swords is swift to make decisions and quick to set boundaries, he sometimes forgets to pay attention to details. He gets so caught up in staying in control, that he fails to notice the little things tugging at his energy. As you move into this season of summer and the second half of 2024, take a pause under this full moon to do a full inventory of your energetic exchanges. Pay attention to any details that come through as well as the subtle signs that magically guide you into what you need to do.
I don’t know about you, but this has been an absolutely magical year for me. So much has shifted in such a short amount of time, that it’s almost hard to believe I am where I am right now! Whether you have felt the same or not, WHITE RAVEN SPIRIT now arrives into our summer reading REVERSED to remind us of our magic. I also find it interesting to see “66” on the card, as we are both 6 months into 2024 and 6 months away from 2025. This card reminds us that magic is always unfolding, whether we notice it or not. This full moon or summer season might be a good time to prioritize more time in nature, so you can connect more to the energy. This is also a time to believe in the magic within us, but we must pay attention in order to discover it and embody it. The WHITE RAVEN SPIRIT REVERSED indicates spiritual diversion or amnesia. Have you been coasting along, receiving gifts without expressing gratitude? Have you been riding out this year ignorant of your body and the messages it brings you? Have you fallen out of your spiritual practices, or lost sight with your psychic gifts? Now is the time to get back on track with your truest self again! Use this season of summer to embrace daily reminders of source energy, and make sure to prioritize time and practices geared toward you cultivating your magick.
Tarot Reading for 2024
New Moon in Gemini & Rohini Nakshatra
June 6th, 2024
For this reading I pulled from The Guardian of the Night Tarot
Rejoice in your achievements! The THREE OF CUPS is a card of celebration, and usually depicts a coming together. When we pull the card in reverse, we are being told to celebrate by ourselves, too. I actually pulled the THREE OF CUPS upright for our future card under the previous full moon, and now it shows up in reverse as our past card. Instead of waiting for others to notice our efforts and praise us for our results, we have to learn to give ourselves grace and credit on our own. Not every success has to be put under the spotlight. Not every win will require a large audience of recognition. But YOU can always rejoice in how far you’ve come! Underneath this new moon, let yourself move into a state of constant gratitude, so you continue to celebrate your wins and ‘glimmers” at every moments’ notice, and learn that the little steps forward are just as important as the big ones.
For the present I pulled another REVERSED card. This time THE WORLD card comes into play to remind us of every new beginning we have the opportunity to seize. THE WORLD is the last card in the Major Arcana of The Taro, and signifies both endings and new beginnings. We go through this portal with each lunar cycle, and underneath this new moon we are reminded to shed what no longer serves and create space for the new. We also happen to have Venus combust or Cazimi with this new moon, as she is making her transition from Morning Star to Evening Star. Notice the bee on the card, sitting right in the middle of what appears to be a sun or full moon. In this case, the bee is Venus or the mythological Inanna, symbolizing the rebirth of our own self into a version that is more adept to take on the rest of this year. As we move into the lunar cycle that will carry us into summer, it’s time to transform into the next version of who we want to be for the rest of the year.
Don’t let worry prevent you from moving forward! The FOUR OF PENTACLES tells us that we can be fruitful, but only if we hold faith and trust. Notice the fox on the card. He is too worried about losing the rabbits he has already caught, and therefore keeps himself from going out to hunt more. Are you trying to control too much right now? Perhaps you have started to see results from your efforts, but now you fear it will all be too good to be true. On the other hand, maybe you’re too busy worrying about everyone else’s skills, accomplishments, and way of living, and it keeps you from seeing your own beautiful gifts and abundance. You are already starting to receive the results of your efforts. Don’t stop now! While you may not be able to imagine what is coming to you, you can prepare yourself to be more open around the possibilities. Jupiter, our Planet of Fortune, is currently in expansive Gemini and ready to give us anything we can think of. Let yourself be open to the expansiveness you deserve!
This card is also asking us to consider our karma. This new moon celebrates Shani Jayanti in Hinduism, and represents the birthday of Lord Saturn, Bearer of life lessons and deep karma. This is an important lunar cycle to give of yourself and your resources in charitable ways. Could you possibly be stunting your growth out of hoarding and being unable to give? The true lesson is learning that every time we give from our heart, we receive back tenfold or more! You don’t have to give away money, although I do believe the FOUR OF PENTACLES is encouraging you to. Think about other ways you can also provide. Your time, energy, wisdom, and words have just as much value. Use this new moon and lunar cycle to get creative in your karma yoga, and see what happens in your own life when you prioritize the concept of everyone having what they need.
What I write about a card reading and what I say about it can be different. Check back here on 6/7 for a video to gain more insights around this Gemini New Moon & Rohini Nakshatra
Tarot Reading for 2024
Full Moon in Sagittarius & Anuradha Nakshatra
May 23rd, 2024
For this reading I pulled from The Tarot of The Divine, where each card is associated with a different fairy tale, myth, or story.
Related Fairy Tale: TAM LIN (SCOTLAND)
Represented by the number “8,” THE STRENGTH card reminds us of our resiliency and how far we’ve come. We recently traversed an intense eclipse season/series, and with Aries currently with Rahu and reminding us of the experience, we may also be reminded of the WORK we’ve done or the transformation we've gone through. The number “8” symbolizes both the highs and lows, as well as the karmic work paying off (and, sometimes, the same lesson needing to be learned again). In the spirit of the Gemini sun reflecting onto this moon, let yourself use this full moon portal to help you find gratitude and grace as you look upon your own mirror or truth. Let your previous victories also be a reminder of what you can achieve. This Sagittarius Full Moon wants to remind you that you can do anything you set your heart and mind to.
Present Card: QUEEN OF COINS
We have mastered our craft or learned our skill. Now, it is time to move on. Perhaps this Sagittarius moon tugs at our urgest to become a different type of student or learn a different subject, or maybe we feel called to shift the direction of our career efforts. Anytime we have a reversed card, it’s typically a protection message, and The QUEEN OF COINS REVERSED nudges us to move into a new chapter full of more than we could imagine. Notice the snake that weaves around this card, reminding us of the limiting beliefs or programming we may have to break as we ascend into a new way of living. Notice the flowers on the card, representing both The Flower Moon we’re currently under and the lotus blossom the Vedic Astrology of this moon represents. NOW is the time to shift direction or learn something new. Even on the Western side of the world we have the energy of the teacher and student coming into play. Sagittarius rules this moon, and encourages us to grow our fortunes in new, exciting ways as we fulfill our curiosities.
Future Card: THE HERMIT
Another reverse card shows up in our mix to remind us to look within and shift our direction. When we pull THE HERMIT REVERSED, we are called to step out of the forest, take off our hood, come out of our cave/shell, etc., because, there is a time for healing AND a time for simply taking in what this life and human experience have to offer. Jupiter and Venus are currently in “Graha Yuddha,” or in conjunction with less than 1 degree apart. Occurring at 29 degrees of Taurus, we may find inner conflict in accepting that life is more than just suffering. However, “The 2 Gurus” want to remind us that we are truly worthy to have this “heaven on earth” simply by being fortunate enough to be human. If you’ve been wallowing in your suffering, or submerged deep within your shadow work, now is the time to come out into the light and allow yourself the healing and ascension you’ve worked so hard to achieve. Allow it to come with ease. We are in an air season, where everything attracts with time, breath, patience, and belief.
This card was sticking out as I pulled the other three, and I felt like a bonus card was needed with the BIG energy of Jupiter and Sagittarius at play. Perfectly aligned with the themes of this moon, I flipped over the THREE OF CUPS, symbolizing celebration, companionship, and a feeling of conquered victory. We even have the lotus flowers at the feet of the Apsaras on the card, along with flowers in their hair to represent this Full Flower Moon and Anuradha Nakishatra's influence. The THREE OF CUPS also symbolizes community and a coming together in order to uplift the frequency, elevate each other, and help make dreams come true.
This moon wants us to trust in who we have on our team and believe that we can build the great dreams we hold together. We do not have to do any of this “work,” no matter what type we're doing, alone. Trust in your spirit team as much as your human support system, and believe that anything can happen with enough effort and positivity put into the process.
What I write about a card reading and what I say about it can be different. Check out the video below to gain more insights around this Sagittarius Full Moon & Anuradha Nakshatra
Tarot Reading for 2024
New Moon in Taurus & Bharani Nakshatra
May 7th, 2024
The number “6’ represents community, and pentacles represent wealth and abundance. Being pulled as our past card, The SIX OF PENTACLES reminds us of how much we have gained. Use the darkness of this new lunar portal to reflect on all that has come to you recently. You might have grown your network of support and people, or you may have had actual funds come your way. Perhaps you were gifted something or some things, or you were given an opportunity that is now helping you grow or expand. You may have also received teachings or education to help you cultivate more of your craft, gifts, and magic within, which is another representation of the pentacles. Whatever it is, it’s time to bring light to it and hold gratitude for it. The more thankful we become, the more we will have to be grateful for!
I also can’t help but relate this card to the current seasons of spring and summer. The orange on the card represents sacral chakra and the creative energy of spring, while the surrounding yellow represents the growing solar light that now builds as we move from spring into summer. The sixth month of the year also harbors the energies of both spring’s ending and summer’s beginning. The SIX OF PENTACLES reminds us that everything in our past is connected to our future. Be mindful of your vibration and present with a positive point of view.
Present Card: ACE OF SWORDS
Both endings and beginnings are upon us, and the Ace of Swords reminds us to prepare for the battles to come. We may already be in conflict, as Mars is currently in its fiery driven and ruling sign of Aries along with Mercury, who is boldly and audaciously expressing its truth without filter. You may also be using your words like a “sword” right now, and this could either be for your greatest good or toward your detriment. Words have power, and the ACE OF SWORDS reminds you now that everything you say can cause swift change, retribution, or redirection.
Anytime we pull an “Ace” card, it is indicative of something new. When we pull a swords card we are being given permission to either cut a tie, set a boundary, or go to war. You may have to fight for your joy right now, stand in your truth, or build a strong fence in order to harbor your serenity. We are currently in Taurus season and under a Taurus moon, where we have the ability to really embrace the magic to manifest whatever we desire. As much as our human ego wants to walk around unsafe, sword ready, the pink and red of this card remind us that everything is actually ok and will always be ok. Red is the color of root chakra. The more we set our boundaries and build our foundation of standards, the more we can rise up and grow with stability, just as the sword grows up out of the rooted red square on the card. The more we direct our focus and action toward our heart’s desire’s and our spirit’s true path (the pink on the card), the more our heart’s elated energy will surround us and support us. Under this first new moon after the eclipse cycle, embrace your ability to make true change toward a new chapter and a new story.
As much as the sword points up on our present card, the five swords point down on our future card. The number “5” represents growth, but when it comes to The Tarot, it can show us that strength comes out of both restraint and detachment. Sometimes we need to “uproot” and shift our direction. As the swords dig up the red rooted earth on this card, we may also need to dig things up in the future, or we may need to move ourselves to a different location. This card could also predict us letting go of a venture altogether, and giving ourselves permission to go after other pursuits. There may be a sort of spiritual de-weeding process that needs to occur over this season or lunar cycle as you find where the ideal, most nurturing, nourishing place is for you to truly thrive. Your future isn’t just about planting roots and growing; it’s about producing the most abundant fruits possible! In order to achieve optimal growth, there will be a pruning process. If you feel like something is trying to be forced over the next few weeks, cut ties with it. If you find yourself leaning into your own Taurus bullish stubborness, soften into the fluidity of Venus energy that rules this lunar cycle and let yourself be more open to whatever flows. Just as the heavily grounded energy of the bull rules the western side of this astrological season, a similar energy occurs in the east under Bharani Nakshatra, The “Star of Restraint”. Both sides of the world now bring us into a mindfulness of when we need to have stickability, and when we need to stop resisting the change. Over this lunar cycle and throughout the month of May (notice the “5” on the card), pay attention to where the energy is easy and where it isn’t. Give yourself permission to go where things aesthetically and naturally flow.
Tarot Reading for 2024
Full Moon in Scorpio & Swati Nakshatra
April 8th, 2024
Literally the card of Taurus, sometimes the Tarot has a way of reaffirming simply what is. There is also the number “5” on the card, reminding us that this energy carries over into the 5th month of May even though it arrived in our past of April. THE HEIROPHANT represents the embodiment of deep wisdom, collected by both experiences and newfound truths constantly arriving. You may have spent this past eclipse portal gaining deep insights or truths that you can now work with moving forward toward your progress. You might also have used the past to initiate a commitment to deeper learning or understandings. This is the consort to The High Priestess, reminding us to not only turn within and embody our magickal, spiritual essence, but to also use what we discover to work toward becoming more enlightened beings in the external. With THE HEIROPHANT arriving As our past card, this is a reminder that we have already been initiated into our deeper, more enlightened self. Now, we just have to continue on our spiritual path and allow ourselves to be open to THE continual broadening of our minds and horizons.
Living out of more of our balance, enjoying more of life’s pleasures, and a return to more wellness are all signs of the FOUR OF PENTACLES. What a wonderful card to pull for the present! Also notice how we are in the “fourth” month, and many shifts are happening right now to move us forward out of the storms we may have navigated. This previous eclipse portal and Aries season in general were a doozy, and now the waves will start to settle. Juno, the asteroid representing relationships, just went Direct two days ago before this full moon, and Mercury, The Planet of Technology, Trade, Community, and Expression, will go direct on April 25th just two days after this full moon. We will also have Venus moving into a more harmonious alignment with Taurus between this full moon and the next new moon. Even Mars entering Aries on April 30th will feel more balanced, as these two rule each other cohesively. Anytime we feel more in balance, we are also in more alignment with our ability to alchemize, find joy, and manifest. Use this current full moon to ask yourself how you are feeling, then give yourself permission to make adjustments if necessary. The more you find the balance within yourself, the more successful you will truly feel and become!
Future Card: THE EMPEROR
I love how I pulled these cards in a “misaligned alignment,” despite shuffling 3 times, cutting 3 times, and pulling from the bottom of each of the piles! THE EMPEROR is the number “4” and Aries card, again reminding us that we have a few more days left in April before we need to take action. I feel that this is reminding us about Mercury, whose direct motion occurs the morning of April 25th, but whose post-retrograde shadow will linger a little longer. There is also a full moon that lingers its energy with the current Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus, inviting us to slow down and pay attention to what our truest self wants and needs. We also need to tend to shadow work right now, so we can truly embody the new self ready to meet this new life coming our way. THE EMPEROR is not attached to his emotions. He lets them go as he uses them to transform his mindset into logic. Similar to The Heirophant (and the card just before him in The Tarot), wisdom has been gained out of the past. This is a gift THE EMPEROR uses now to feel more in control. Use these next 2 weeks until the New Moon to reflect on your past with grace and gratitude. Use the darkness to fuel your craving for the light. THE EMPEROR does not let his victim-driven ego-self rule his empire. He uses the shield of boundaries (notice the phoenix on that shield by the way-a Scorpio archetype) and the essence or perfume of his truest spirit, to sit on the throne of his sovereign life surrounded by the desires he has manifested. Remember, in Aries season we set goals to go after what we want and we work hard to get there. In Taurus season, we continue to be in creative flow, but we slow down to appreciate life’s pleasures. The more we find gratitude for what we have and the small wins or “glimmers” we witness, the more we set ourselves into a frequency to attraction and gain all that we want, need, and desire.
Tarot Reading for Total Solar Eclipse
+ New Moon in Aries & Revati Nakshatra
April 8th, 2024
Typically the EIGHT OF SWORDS symbolizes the feeling of being trapped, stuck, or bound, but it’s by our own limitations and psychological implications of the mind rather than our actual reality. When we pull this card in reverse, we are reminded that freedom is in the palm of our hands. Pulling this as our past card, I believe this message applies to the eclipse portal we are currently in. The previous Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Libra two weeks ago initiated us into finding more fairness and truth in our lives. This was also the initiation into our liberation from past karmic ties and attachments to old story. As we continue to navigate this Aries season, now with a Total Solar Eclipse, we are reminded that who we can become is now a matter of our control.
Present Card: THREE OF CUPS
It is a time of celebration! Especially because the whole country of North America is coming together to honour the cosmos! It is not often we get to talk about our galaxy and give it attention without it being called “woo.” Take advantage of the celestial spotlight and get together with your community! The THREE OF CUPS represents a coming together to cultivate bliss. Notice the card itself. Full of green and pink, these are the colors of the heart chakra. Notice the 3 cups stacked on top of each other in alignment. This is the growth of elated joy, and it only rises as more cups join and lift each other up! Let this eclipse be an opportunity for us to unify, and stay together in the oneness for good!
It’s also interesting that we pull this as our present card, as we are currently navigating Revati Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology, who is ruled by Pushan, the nourishing god of meetings and marriages who brings our lost soul back home. It’s time to let go of the seperatedness and division we hold amongst one other. The THREE OF CUPS reminds us that we will all find more joy when we learn to bond and support each other.
Future Card: ACE OF SWORDS
Aces always represent new beginnings, and we pull this card as we celebrate the Vedic New Year, the first new moon of spring, the first sign of the zodiac, and a Total Solar Eclipse! Swords represent setting boundaries and standards, cutting ties, and charging forward. Considering we are full on in Aries energy, this is the perfect card to pull right now! As our future card, the message is giving us permission to take back our power and make the adjustments we need to make in order to feel more in control moving forward. There is also a reminder to proceed with caution. Mercury is currently retrograde and in a “gandanta” or Karmic knot. As we navigate this eclipse portal and the rest of Aries season/this lunar cycle, make your choices logically and of sound, present mind. Everything you take action on will have repurcussions appear 6 months from now in the next eclipse season. Express yourself as you must, but be careful with any swift actions or movements made out of haste. Everything moving forward should be carried out strategically.ear you hold ahead.
What I write about a card reading and what I say about it can be different! Check out the video below to gain more Tarot insights around this Aries New Moon, Total Solar Eclipse, and Lunar Cycle.
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Pisces
& Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
March 10th, 2024
We have been given an opportunity for change, but we may find ourselves resisting. The Two of Coins upright usually means we are leaning into the change with a shift in paradigm. When we pull this card reversed, we may be hesitant to move forward into our next journey or be able to change our behavior and programming so willingly. Notice the yellow of this card. It’s important that we embrace courage now as we journey into the unknown. Look at the red on the card, representing both the exciting fires of change and the need to understand that this new mountain must be built one step at a time. Notice the dragon on the card, along with the North wind blowing from its boat. Being pulled as our past card, I believe this is a message to take things gently and with the guidance of our ancestors, angels, and more. We entered The Year of the Wood Dragon with the previous New Moon in air-ruled Aquarius. We are only now in the second (“2” on the card) lunar cycle of 13. We are also on the cusp of a new season, and we see this with the contrast of the card’s art. Winter is slowly shrinking as more solar energy arrives. Give yourself time to move into the new chances you have been given, and embody more patience as you develop what could be a most magical turn of events.
Present Card: TEN OF SWORDS
Anytime we pull a “10” card we’re experiencing both endings and beginnings. This present new moon and beginning of this lunar cycle hold the last remnants of winter, bringing us a dance between seasons and a feeling of change. Mix in the oncoming eclipse arriving in our next lunar cycle, and this Piscean journey will give us the opportunity to break free from old conditioning and truly transmute our ways. The TEN OF SWORDS in the Dali Tarot is represented by the fall of Julius Caesar. Notice the 3 birds flying above, symbolic of transformation, liberation, and freedom. We are now in The Age of Aquarius—a time of being uniquely expressive to our truths and who we want to be. We no longer need the limitations of the past weighing us down. It is time to rise up and become who we’ve always wanted to.
In Vedic Astrology, this moon is in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra and related to the process of cremation. This is also the time of Shivaratri in Hinduism, a celebration of Lord Shiva, who is reponsible for both destruction and creation. The endings and beginnings are both before us now. It is up to us to choose where we go from here.
The TEN OF SWORDS also represents the shifting of mindsets and the evolution of student to teacher, apprentice to mentor, child to parent, etc. Currently, Big Daddy Planet Saturn is combust with the sun and muting our need to learn hard life lessons. Rather, it’s the actions we take right now that set in motion what we are to learn from here. The TEN OF SWORDS tells us we always have free will. We can either choose to learn a lesson we haven’t quite comprehended. Or we can choose to embark on learning something new. No right or wrong circulates around the choice. The outcome is ours to make.
Represented by the number “1” in this deck, THE MAGICIAN is the first big move we’ve made on our journey. Being pulled as our future card, I believe we are being encouraged to embrace our gifts, empower our craft, and believe in our magick. The melting clock on this card shows us that time does not matter when it comes to our dreams, and the flames in the window remind us that change can be just on the horizon. We must be ready to embrace what can come at any moment's notice!
Notice how the art of the card breaks up above the frame. Your upcoming future and likely the upcoming eclipse season hold opportunities for you to break through your personal glass ceilings and move into a life that’s more aligned in the ways of your magick. Even the card displays Dali himself before a table of Divine creation. We always have the ability to attract what we desire, but we must first make sure it’s in alignment with our true spirit (the blue in the background of the card), and we must take the steps to get there (the scroll on the table) in order for everything to come to fruition.
Remember how the TEN OF SWORDS showed up as our present card to help initiate us into our calling. Maybe our Masters/Gurus/Teachers have been removed from us for some reason, or maybe we’re just feeling the need to move onto becoming the lead in our life now. No matter what, THE MAGICIAN reminds us to always remember where it comes from—SOURCE. The one on this card reminds us to become the Master of our life, but to do it with a keen remembrance of who the true MASTER of creation is. We don’t have to label it or name it. We don’t have to attach a belief system to it. But in order to work with the energy “IT” creates, we must learn to believe in it. “As above, so below. As within, so without.” We are all star-seeded beings! That magick is coming from somewhere to begin with!
What I write about a card reading and what I say about it can be different! Click the video below to gain more insights around the 2024 Pisces New Moon and Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra!
Tarot Reading for Full Eclipsed Moon in Libra
& Hasta Nakshatra
March 25th, 2024
This full moon is eclipsed in Libra, and the cards agree! This isn’t your typical Libra full moon, and with so much energy in Aries we certainly feel a bit upside down. Libra is ruled by Venus, the opposite of Aries’ Mars-fueled nature, and this makes us feel like there’s a tipping of the scales. The JUSTICE card represents harmony and fairness. It also holds the number “11” presenting us with duality, opportunities, and karmic crossroads.This lunar eclipse is aimed to illuminate any energetic exchanges that are not in alignment. If you find something calling your attention under this moon, it might be time to initiate detachment around what comes up, so you can return to more peace, justice, and harmony.
We need to be strong in this eclipse portal! Aries energy is strong and we may feel a need to go to war at all costs or at a moment’s notice. It will take a true warriors strength to stay in our composure and not react in the way our ego wants to. On another note, we may find that we need to stand our ground over the next few weeks, which also requires its own strength. You are in a portal of transformation. You are shifting in a new direction and becoming a new person! Not everyone will understand this new journey you are on. Stand in your spiritual truths no matter what, and learn that living in your truest nature is your purpose.
This is also a potent time to practice emotional alchemy. The STRENGTH card is represented by the number “8”, remind us of the infinite loop between shadow and light, good and bad, etc. With this being an eclipse portal and a dance of light and darkness, I have no doubt this card is telling us to stay strong through the shifting tides. Allow yourself to feel everything you are going through, and work to surround yourself and your life with love and grace as much as possible.
Mercury is debilitated right now and expressing shadow sides as it finds itself in a “gandanta” or karmic knot between Aries and Pisces energy. We also have Mercury ruling the Vedic astrology of this moon through Hastra Nakshatra, guiding us to filter our work, feelings, expression, and more through our holy work of our hands rather than the expression of our words. This may be more productive toward peace, which we need as much as possible right now! Also be patient in this eclipse portal, as it is not a time to be moving forward or making decisions. With Aries season ruling, this could feel quite conflicting and irritating. If you’re experience impatience, try to keep yourself busy with doing work toward your greater good. Remember, Mercury goes retrograde on April 1st and will stay there until April 25th, and THE HANGED MAN is the Mercury Retrograde Card. Prepare to slow down, tune within, and tend to the way you express yourself through the emotional turmoil.
You are going through an emotional time, but it’s for a reason. We are put on this planet to experience struggle and strife, so we can now experience joy and fullness. Without one we cannot know the other. With this eclipse season bringing up matters of both our heart and ego, we may feel an inner struggle between what we want to do wand what we need to do. The “3” of this card is reminding us of our first 3 chakras—our Root, Sacral, and Solar. We must learn to balance these 3 centers before we can fully open our heart, and it can be a challenging journey. Trust that the pain you go through is meant to break you open. If something arises under this full moon or during this eclipse portal, hold faith that it’s resurfacing so you can separate from the story, emotionally alchemize, and heal for good.
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Virgo
& Magha Nakshatra
February 24th, 2024
You’ve been in a time of giving more than receiving. Perhaps this was with the recent Valentine’s season or maybe it was during the holidays. Maybe it was throughout this entire winter or past season, or even past year! No matter when you were pouring from your cup, the result of it is now sinking in. The Queen of Pentacles upright brings messages of wholeness, abundance, and even sovereignty, but when we pull the card in reverse it means the opposite. You’ve been giving away too much for too long. It’s time to start giving to yourself instead.
This full moon In Virgo is all about finding a sense of wholeness. If someone has been a vampire on your energy, it might be time to release them under this lunar phase. This is also a good time to simply get back into the rituals and practices that make you feel more complete and balanced. Use this QUEEN OF PENTACLES REVERSED as a message to get back to yourself and back into ruling your life in true harmony again.
Present Card: THE HANGED MAN
We are still waiting around for winter to end. While we’ve been tempted with warmer temperatures lately in North America, this full moon is known as “The Cold Moon,” and reminds us that we still have some time before Spring officially arrives. If you’re trying to make something happen right now, be patient. With a change of seasons just around the corner, the energy is giving us time to prepare for what’s ahead. It’s not quite time yet for everything to show up at its fullest. Keep breathing, stick to your manifestation work, and trust that all good things are coming your way in due time and with due effort and mindset.
It’s interesting that this reading gives us two different pentacles cards in reverse. I believe we’re being called back to our self worth. When we have the Nine of Pentacles upright, it can mean the fruition of something we’re trying to bring forth or attract to us. However, what we receive may not be as valuable as we expected. When we pull the NINE OF PENTACLES REVERSED, we need to ask ourselves what it is we’re trying to create or receive. Make sure that what you’re putting your energy & heart toward aligns with your spirit. Not everything is about hard work and victorious results. Sometimes the magic happens in the creation process. Under this full moon and the last 2 weeks of this lunar cycle, let yourself be more present in your processes, so you can make sure your efforts are worth your time and energy.
What I write about a card reading and what I say about it can be different! Check out the video below to gain more insights around the 2024 Virgo Full "Priestess" Moon and Magha Nakshatra!
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Leo
& Pushya Nakshatra
January 25th, 2024
THE EMPEROR is someone who has it together. They feel complete and whole as they sit on their throne and rule their life. The projects they've worked on are now complete and their ultimate goals have been reached. Any previous efforts have now been fulfilled and it's time to live in ease and prosperity.
This is, of course, when the card is pulled upright. When we pull THE EMPEROR REVERSED and as our past card, we're being reminded that it's ok if somethings over the past year didn't work out. If January is causing you to reflect on your past failures, incomplete tasks, or unfulfilled efforts, it's doing so to help you decide if you want to try again or abandon ship completely. Under this full moon in Leo, give yourself grace for what you HAVE accomplished. This card is displaying the number "4" and encouraging us to look forward into 2024. Give yourself the space you need to decide which paths to continue to pursuit in this new year. Whatever you aim your energy toward, make sure it holds valuable purpose and high intentions.
Present Card: DEATH
Usually when we pull the death card, it means many things aside from actual, physical death. Pulling DEATH as our present card symbolizes this last full moon of the lunar year. We are in a time of transition, between an old era (Age of Capricorn) and a new one (Age of Aquarius), between an old lunar year and a new one, and between an old lunar cycle and a new one. With every ending comes a new beginning. Let the death of what you're releasing under this full moon be for your highest transformation.
It's also interesting to find the number "13" on this card, because we are under the thirteenth full moon!
*If you want to learn more about the next 13 moons to come, check out my Thirteen Moons Membership! Click on my store to find your options
Sometimes known as the "wheel of fortune,THE WHEEL CARD usually represents Divine circumstance or intervention. However, when we pull this card in reverse we're more in control of what can happen. Symbolized by the number "10" or "1," this card is reminding us of the new beginnings to come! If you haven't felt the need to change just yet, it's ok. You may feel more ready when we move into the Lunar New Year on February 9th or when we move into Spring and Aries season in March. You are in control of your destiny. You can decide to shift and change when you want to.
What I write about a card reading and what I say about it can be different! Push play below to gain more insights around the 2024 Leo Full "Wolf" Moon and Pushya Nakshatra.
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Capricorn
& Purva Ashadha Nakshatra
January 11th, 2023
Although it is a new year and a new lunar cycle, it is not exactly the time to completely shift a new direction. THE HERMIT card arrives us a past reminder that we just shifted into winter not even a month ago, and we’re encouraged to move both slowly and carefully into our next chapter. Mercury is still in its post-retrograde shadow until January 20th, and although this New Moon in Capricorn initiates the first lunar cycle of 2024, it is actually the LAST lunar cycle of the lunar new year. It isn’t until February with Lunar New Year or maybe even with the shift into spring and Aries season that we’ll feel the full energy and motivation to move toward our dreams. Until then, spend plenty of time in both reflection and introspection, to insure you’ve learned your lessons and you’re ready to evolve. The more clear you get about where you want to go, the easier it will be to shift that direction when the appropriate time comes.
Present Card: FIVE OF SWORDS
The number 5 represents growth, but we know that with our transformation comes a shedding of what no longer serves. Just as the trees go without leaves in the dead of winter in order to conserve energy, we also need to use this beginning of our new year to cut back so we have room to grow. Swords represent both setting boundaries and cutting ties, and we already know from our 2024 reading that these actions seem to be the theme of 2024. With the FIVE OF SWORDS showing up as our present message, I believe we are being encouraged to use this Capricorn lunar cycle and its energy to elevate ourselves by releasing the tethers of others’ energy who holds us back or weighs us down. Just as the flowers can rise higher if the weeds are removed around it, you will also move toward higher ambitions and increase your chance of reaching success if you manage what may be taking some of your energy.
Water flows between two cups as a butterfly flutters overhead. The TEMPERANCE card represents patience, and just as a butterfly must take time to evolve and transform into itself, we might also go through challenges or times in the future when we must wait a little longer than we want to. Before seeing the results we desire, there is work to be done. When we pull TEMPERANCE IN REVERSE we are given a protection message for this lunar cycle and perhaps this entire future year of 2024. There may be times during these portals that we have to gives ourselves grace as we turn within to our metaphorical cocoon, turn to “goo” as we emotionally process and grieve what we have let go of, then re-emerge transformed and ready to embrace the beauty this life has to offer. Trust in the journey you are given in your near future. It’s pressuring you to transform for a reason.
The TEMPERANCE card REVERSED also indicates possible imbalances in wellness or an experience with “dis-ease”. If this happens to you, it may be a forceful check from The Universe to slow down or a nudge to redirect from where you are headed. Trust in what slows you down or blocks you and pay attention to the deeper meaning behind the experience.
I felt like we needed a final card with this reading to thread it all together.
Cups continue to flow as both feelings and a flow of creativity move through you. The number “6” represents community, family, and spirituality, and when we have the SIX OF CUPS arriving as our ultimate theme for this reading, we’re reminded to make sure our inner circle supports our processes and the time it takes to move things through. As we move into this new calendar year but still navigate the last lunar cycle of the lunar year, we may have times of reflection that both remind us of how far we’ve come or remind us of how much we still need to grow. Alternatively, Capricorn’s relationship to death and the current moon in Capricorn trining with Saturn, we may look back on people we have lost and celebrate the wisdom or gifts they have passed on rather than grieve their loss solely. Cups always represent emotion, but they also represent both time and the process of creation. Trust that what you’ve let go of this past year was meant to help you create space for what’s to come. Rather than let sadness rule what’s lost, let yourself be open to the new possibilities that await the fertile year you hold ahead.
What I write about a card reading and what I say about it can be different! Check out the video below to gain more Tarot insights around this Capricorn Lunar Cycle.
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