Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Sagittarius
June, 2020

This card displays a man inverted and suspended. Our world has been essentially turned upside down and we are now being presented with a new perspective. It is time to make a shift. Represented by the number 12, we find ourselves in this year nearly halfway through and still “hanging around” for things to happen. There is always a pregnant pause before life begins again. Lean into this space of in-between for it is a place where everything can happen. The Hanged Man card displays the planet of Neptune, known as the planet of illusion. Beware of all that seems off, for your intuition is warning you of misalignment. There are many messages being passed around right now. Tune out the external and look within. There you will find what you how is true.
Now is the time to go after your dreams! The Eight of Pentacles reminds us that our gifts our valued, no matter what they are. Hold faith in yourself and the world enough to pursue your truest passions. They will be valued and you will receive financial support to continue. The key is you have to start. Just as the number 8 represents infinity, your potential can go anywhere from here. The present moment we are in is a beautiful time in which no explanation is really needed for any shift. Use this as motivation to move toward your dreams. If you keep your momentum moving forward, nothing will stop you.
Sometimes it takes an “act of God” for us to wake up and make change. We are moving into a future that will never be the same. Old constructs and old ways of thinking are crumbling. Notice the man and woman falling from the tower on each side. There is a shift happening between the male and female dynamic right now. The separateness can no longer prevail. As we move forward into this next Golden Age we will learn to embrace more oneness. We will be given the task to rebuild a society that’s more cohesive, empathetic, and community-oriented. These uncertainties that are happening right now, the life that seems to be falling apart in front of our eyes, is all for a reason. It is time to move on and evolve. Embrace the redirection and follow the path of your heart. This is how you truly begin again.
RECORDING: Live Tarot Reading for Full Moon in SAGITTARIUS 2020
Tarot Reading for Lunar Cycle in Cancer
& Summer Solstice, June, 2020

The King of Pentacles is grounded, honest, and reliable. His practical edge reminds us to also remain logical when all seems chaotic around us. It is time to stay level-headed and focused on alignment as we move forward into our collective next chapter. The King of Pentacles rules with ease and we are being reminded that when we turn to our own sovereignty as a priority life will flow easy for us, too. When we are at peace, and learn how to create that peace from within, nothing else is needed. Be ok with this time of uncertainty. Even when nothing in the future can be known, rust in the King’s message that all will be well.
Pentacles are always a sign of abundance, and so is the season of summer. This Cancer energy brings in the archetype of The Mother, and it is time for you to become impregnated with your dreams and birth them into this world. Let the process be a joyful one, and let the excitement of the new life you are creating inside fuel you. Remember that much of the pregnant process happens mysteriously on the inside, without much effort at all from us. The Nine of Pentacles is assuring you that you can rest, have fun, and trust the process of it all. Fill your summer season with inviting social scenes, good company, and a positive aspect. Let go of conflict and find common ground. Focus on peace even in the most challenging of relationships. Find a tribe to circle support within, follow your gifts and what makes you happy, and you will finally feel at home on this planet you call home.ACE OF WANDS
This new moon/solar eclipse ushers in an energy of union and conception. The Ace of Wands reminds us to embrace our own magick and ability to create. Each of us possess both masculine and feminine energy, and when we learn to find harmony between the two we become unstoppable. There is a time for work and a time for dreaming. There is a time to serve others and a time to care for ourselves. Find the balance you need to stay inspired and cultivate the energy you need to cast your spells. We are in a potent portal and season of creation. Whether it be a new business venture, a new relationship, a new extension to your family, or a new adventure you have The Universe on your side right now to create whatever you desire.SUMMER SPIRIT ANIMAL: DEER
“Bring a Gentle Touch.”
Deer spirit reminds us that although tensions are high, we must learn to avoid leaning into all that brings frequency down. The heat of Summer, both meteorologically and energetically is strong right now, but we must remember that fire does not fight fire. Water and Earth do. Lean into the lunar essences of this new moon and her water energy of Cancer as she influences the great ignition of our summer’s light. Cancer: The Great Mother & Child. She is unconditionally loving, just as her offspring. The child sees no separation in others, only pureness and light. The Mother rarely sees wrong in her child, and believes in its innocence as lessons are traversed and learned.
We must do the same now with each other.
Deer spirit is calling us to move forward with empathy. To listen to others and hold space even when we don’t understand or agree. If we find ourselves clashing, we must remember we each approach things from our own experiences and frequency. It is not our job to convince the world of our inner truth. Our energy should not be used trying to convince someone of something they are not prepared and ready to understand. If another is pressing you, stay calm and turn away. Triggers may be strong right now, and it’s importance to protect your peace. Remember, your empathy and heightened sensitivity attracts more to be empathetic and sensitive about. Try not to take the whole world personally. There will always be things out of your hand. Approach your causes gently, fight from your heart rather than your ego, let go of hate and separation, and move through the lens of love.
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Capricorn
July, 2020

Victory! The Six of Wands is a sign of triumph over obstacles. Aligning with “Ganesha’s Moon,” this is the perfect card to show up. The great elephant deity is a representation of what stands in our way. When we experience a roadblock on our spiritual journey it is simply a sign to pause and reflect. We can redirect and walk around the elephant, taking a new path, or we can ask the elephant to walk before us and sweep everything out of the way. Either way, this is a sign of our own power. Wands are always a symbol of magick, and it’s time for us to believe in our own ability to control this life. When we stay positive no matter the circumstance, all unfolds for our greatest good.NINE OF WANDS (REVERSED)
The reversal of this card is a sign that we are all feeling more stressed right now. When the world is pure chaos and we add in a potent retrograde and eclipse season, our energy is bound to be affected. Let this draining feeling be an indicator to rest. There are certainly battles to pursue right now, all for the leveling up of our planet, but you cannot fight if you do not have the energy. Remember that you are always your best when you put yourself first. The reversed Nine of Wands is giving you permission to take a step back this full moon, reset under the lunar eclipse energy, and prepare for the next step. When you are strategic in how you direct your energy, you will remain harmonious and peaceful despite all that is around you.Tarot Reading for Black New Moon in Cancer
July, 2020

Repeat after me:
“Money is just another form of energy.”
“Money is simply an exchange of energy.”
“Money flows easily, as energy does.”
This second New Moon in Cancer is a representation of ultimate darkness.
Pentacles are a representation of our finances, and the Ace of Pentacles reminds us that we always have enough.
We are in uncertain times, and, when it comes to our future, it seems as if we are blindly walking in the dark. Do not lean into the fear. If you are worried about money, understand that it is simply another form of energy exchange. We also know that energy is contagious. Is your internal energy of fear of the unknown resonating as lack in your real life? Let go of these feelings of not having enough. You have your body. You have your breath. You own your peace. This is enough. Find gratitude, contentment, and satisfaction for everything else. Invest into your energy. Manage it wisely. When you learn to do this, you will see not only your money, but all forms of abundance begin to grow.
The number 2. 2 New Moons in Cancer. Balance. Shadow and Light. Work and Rest. Looking back and moving forward. Projecting and Regressing.You are human. You will wax and wane with your emotions just as the moon does with her natural energy. You are a part of nature, and, therefore, you align with what occurs in nature.
There is so much happening right now. So much shadow is being brought to light. Power struggles are everywhere. And there seems to be a need for a hero to come save us all now more than ever.
Give yourself permission to ebb and flow through it all. This New Moon in Cancer is bringing in the energy of the Mother, a nurturing energy that guides you to take care of yourself and love yourself first, so you can not only process all you take in, but you can also show up as your most grounded self in such shaky times.
It’s ok to feel your feelings. It’s ok to cry. It’s ok to be angry. It’s ok to have a raging moment. It’s ok if you lost control. It’s ok to be happy right now. It’s ok to feel abundant right now. It’s ok to be confused right now. It’s ok if you feel nothing at all…The Page of Cups represents a person whose age is unknown, yet always embraces a childlike spirit.
You, too, embody these archetypes and energies.
Learn to master yourself, and you will no longer be influenced so much by what is around you.
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Aquarius
August, 2020

The cool, watery, feminine Aquarian moon is here to balance the fiery, bold, masculine energy of Leo season.
She is a reminder to always find balance between doing and being.
You can be yourself without trying so hard. You can be successful without working so hard.
You can be wealthy without putting all of your energy toward money.
Trust in the other side of things.
The Nine of Pentacles reminds us that we are always provided for if we just trust and have faith.
This card guides us to look at where we are already abundant, and show gratitude for what we have been blessed with.
Look to who lives with you in your household. Look to your family and friends and loved beings around you.
You are so wealthy already.
Can you honour this?
The number 9 is a feminine number, representing the 9 months of gestation during pregnancy—a symbol of so much happening, the creation of life!, with little to no control.
The Nine of Pentacles is guiding us to take rest, spend leisure time with loved ones, and direct our energy towards things that bring us ease. Your work will still be there. All is well and stable. You are abundant already and your wealth continues to grow. Your health is with you. Go have fun and enjoy your life!
Another Pentacle card again reiterates the idea that we are abundantly wealthy.When things seem so uncertain, it may not seem so, but The Universe is almost screaming this message at us right now.
Believe that you are ok, even when you feel like you are not.
The number 10 represents 1, as in new beginnings.
We have to learn how to find stability within when the world is chaotic around us.
Remember, it’s as simple as finding your breath.
The Ten of Pentacles is a representation of generational abundance. This can be interpreted as generations in the sense of a new marriage/relationship, family, or it can mean on a larger scale, as in generations into the future.
Are you the “Chosen ONE” to break your generational karma and inherited patterns?
Are you the one to reset your lineage?
The number “1” (1+0=1) on this card can also represent the “oneness” that we are moving toward.
Aquarian energy is futuristic. It wants us to let go of the past behind us, and shift forward.
Our old ways are unsustainable. But the shift is really quite easy.
But it starts with you. Find your joy. Find your uniqueness. Find your feel good. And encourage others to do the same.
Again we find ourselves not only surrounded with Pentacle energy, but this merging of the masculine and feminine. Notice the colors yellow and orange displayed on the card.The Knight of Pentacles wants us to know this life is not a race. It’s not a competition. It’s a peaceful trot.
Slow down your hastiness and pull back the reigns on making rash decisions.
Nothing has to be determined right now.
Ease up you mistrust and allow yourself to be taken along the path.
Let go of fear and trust that the horse (your Divine intuition/Spirit essence) knows where you are going.
This card also reminds us to find harmony in this life.
“Man” and “Woman” is separation at its origin. The truth is, we all possess both masculine and feminine energies, and our true battle is learning to find the balance between the two from within.
When we learn to accept this duality, and find ways to cultivate the merging of these two existences—when we learn to live in the flux and flow of our energetic phases—we find peace.
And we learn how to do it in the external.
That every single one of us deserves to claim sovereignty to themselves.
That we can all live on this planet collectively, without division, hierarchy, or imbalance of power and control.
We all want this life to be easy. We all want to be fulfilled with joy. We all want to be surrounded with love.
We all want freedom. Let it be so in your own life and et others have it so in theirs.
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Leo
August, 2020

This card signifying our past (7=the seventh month=July), shows us it is time to let go of attachments to old ways.
Swords are always a representation of cutting ties, cutting chords, slaying demons, and releasing what’s behind us that no longer serves. Let the Seven of Swords remind you to do this now.
We’ve been in confusing times.
The Seven of Swords pulls the wool up from over our eyes and shows us how we’ve all been deceived.
So much is being brought to light now.
It seems like new news and information comes out every day.
New science, new evidence, new results, new findings, and more.
The Seven of Swords tells us there have been many lies circulating around us, and it’s more important now than ever to trust our heart and what our truth is from the inside.
The pink color of this card is the heart chakra itself, and the blood red square at the center shows us our foundational bloodline.
It is time to release the ways in our lineage, heritage, and history that no longer serve.
We can see it all around us now.
Governments are stepping down or crumbling on their own.
Police are being defunded.
Elites are being exposed for their corruption.
Injustice and Equality are no longer being tolerated.
The list goes on and on…
Can you feel the shift in power rising?
In Vedic Astrology, this new moon is in the Magha Nakshatra, symbolized by a royal throne at the heart of the Leo constellation. This throne in the stars is the seat upon which all of the Goddesses/Gods, Great Risen Ancestors, Guardian Angels, Deities, and Ascended Masters sit to watch over us and protect us.
We are all relatives of these Beings. We are all ancestors of the Great Ancestors.
But, somehow, along this human journey, we have lost our Spiritual Ways.
We are being reminded of our holy, royal essence now, and the importance of aligning with this truest form of ourselves if we are to preserve ourself moving forward.
We must let go of old ways that corrupt our Spirit.
This journey our species has traveled through is a journey into awakening and enlightenment.
The 7 of this card can also represent the “Seven Deadly Sins,” or “7 Gateways to Hell/The Underworld,” or the Seven Chakras.
They all mean the same thing.
We must purge ourself of all that deconstructs our holiness.
We must detach from the ego and all that feeds it.
It is time to let go of all evils in our past, sever the patterns for good.
We are rising up. We are not looking back. It is time for our collective to evolve.
Let go of what is no longer good for all.
While his consort, The Empress, is nurturing, comforting, and has concern for the collective,The Emperor is just the opposite.
Perfectly aligned with this Leo New Moon energy, The Emperor card reminds us to be selfish and sovereign to ourselves before anyone else.
He sits on his throne, high and mighty, yet ruling with peace and ease. His Kingdom respects his cool and collective-ness. They appreciate his authenticity and firmness on where he stands. They feel protected.
We can do the same with our own lives and ourselves.
The Emperor card reminds us stay logical and true to our hearts when all around us is chaotic.
When it comes to decision-making, trust yourself first, and disconnect from as much outer influence as possible.
Be your most authentic self at all possibilities, so others around you know who you are.
Stay cool, calm, and collected, and the world around you will do the same.
The 4 on this card represents the patience we must take throughout this year.
It tells us to live out of our fourth chakra, our heart center.
Allow seasons to come and go without expectation.
Lean into the natural flow of life and take it one day and even one breath at a time.
Remember that we are in the darkest time before the dawn, and the more we breathe through it the easier it will be.
This 4 can also represent the 4 trimesters a woman goes through when transitioning into Motherhood.
We, as a collective, are going through a Spiritual birthing journey right now.
Just like The Mother, we can experience a love of life we never knew before, just on the other side of this labor and work.
There is a Kingdom/Queendom of gold waiting for us to arrive into, once we accept our most regal selves.
We can live as the Gods and Goddesses!
Heaven on Earth can be real!
Remember those Angels I mentioned before? Seated on the royal throne of the Magha Nakshatra?
The number 4 is that of the Angels and creation itself.
Even The Emperor card shows a ruler seated on a throne, surrounded by the green light of his heart chakra!
We are being protected and guided by The Angels now.
I have no doubt in this, for every Reiki’ session I’ve done lately has presented to me some sort of Guardian Angel.
Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Ariel, Archangel Azriel, and Archangel Raphael have all appeared to me this year.
I have also seen Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Isis, Sekhmet, and Kali MAA, entities of protection and reassurance that all is well.
They plus more are all with us to remind us of who we are.
And who we are, are not separate beings.
Another thing that has been coming through to many in many different channellings is that we are all royal, we are all God-stuff/Goddess-stuff, we are all stardust, and we all have the MAGICK OF THE UNIVERSE inside.
The Angels are androgynous, or the most part, and so are we.
This isn’t to open up a thread on gender, or transgenderism, or non-binarism, or intersex individuals.
I am simply saying at our core, we all have both masculine and feminine energy inside.
Which means, we all have an inner KING AND QUEEN.
The Emperor does not rule alone. He has a consort.
So do all other God/Goddesses, Deities, and the rest.
This is a representation of this dualistic yet cohesive energy inside all of it.
It is conception energy, creative energy at its core.
We must all understand that there is a time for our inner Empress to rule, and a time for our inner Emperor to rule. A time for darkness and a time for light.
We must learn that our human opposites, this male/female construct is a way for us to rule wholly.
Where we are weak, another is strong, and vice-versa.
It’s time for you to find your inner gold. What are your gifts?
How can you rule your life with peace and ease?
Where can others help you?
You don’t have to do all of this alone.
When we learn to rule with our inherent qualities, and give others permission to do the same, this is when we well find true peace on this Earth.
Lean into the potentiality of all that is to come.
The Knight of Pentacles returns from our previous Full Moon reading, continuing to remind us that our future is abundant and bright.He understands that this life is not a race, and we do not always need to be in a hurry to arrive at our destination.
Let this life be a peaceful trot, taking in the splendors that this natural world has to offer you along the way.
The horse on this card represents intuition, and our knight riding this horse shows that he trust his inner guidance system.
His hands are not on the reigns. He trusts the horse knows where it is going and the path he is on.
Do the same, loves!
The yellow of this card represents the solar plexus, our center of empowerment and confidence.
It also represents abundance, joy, and positivity.
They are all connected.
This New Moon in Leo reminds us to live in the spotlight.
This Lion energy is ruled by the Sun, and it’s as if the whole world is revolving around US right now.
See the knight holding the single pentacle in his hand?
He’s holding the sun itself!
As the new moon and sun align in Leo energy now, set intentions for yourself to shower your life with glitter and gold.
Creative pockets of joy in your everyday routine.
Make all of your experiences as pleasurable as possible.
Find gratitude for EVERYTHING you can.
This is how you find your way out of the darkness right now.
When nothing is the same, what is?
Search your inner core, and see what you can begin to create amongst this new life, new normal,
There is still gold within all of it, it’s just a matter of seeing it.
Pentacles are also known as diamonds. Find the diamonds in the rough right now.
Continue in this way, for it is the only way, and no matter what is going on around you, The Universe will continue to give you more.
Live Tarot Reading for
NEW Moon in LEO 2020
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Pisces
September, 2020

“I speak my truth in fairness to myself.”
If you cannot be fair to yourself, what’s the point of it all?
This Pisces Full Moon is asking us to reflect on the work we’ve put so much energy toward and see if there is a point to it all. Are you constructing a life around your dreams, or are you simply passing the time on this planet? It’s time to find balance between everywhere you exert yourself.
Many times in this life, our frustrations come out of feeling like life is not fair.
It’s not fair that we have to work a job we don’t love.
It’s not fair that we have to take care of everything in the family/household.
It’s not fair that we cannot have more time to ourselves.
The truth is, all of these circumstances stem from YOUR choices, and your choices alone.
In this card, Lady Justice is holding a sword, signifying the separation you need to make from that which pulls you away from your destiny. When you eliminate what holds you back, you can move forward into your joy.
There are also scales on this card, holding the elements of fire and water with the 7 chakras at center.
Virgo is a season of doing/going/getting things done. Pisces is the sign of dreaming and playing.
Too much of one thing creates instability. The more you find a balance between the things you have to do and the things you want to do, the more “fair” this life will feel.
In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Shatabisha Nakshatra.
This “Veiling Star” lifts the excuses and secrets in our life and forces us to face reality.
It’s time to get honest with yourself.
You know what keeps you back. You know what affects your vibe.
Be fair to yourself, and do what you need to do to start living your best life yet.
*This card features Sodalite. If you need to strengthen your throat chakra and your ability to express your wants and needs, this is a good stone to use during this lunar cycle.
Two lovers stand facing each other in a sunlit forest. They hold a shared heart between them, yet they hesitate to intertwine. Everything around them is a sign to move forward and start living in their heartfelt joy.
It is time for us to do the same.
Pisces is the sign of The Dreamer. She has no limits in what she can create. Her potential is infinite.
Yet, many times, she holds herself back out of a hesitation to ground in.
Notice on the card how the woman struggles to place both feet firmly on the earth.
“I trust my knowing and make a commitment.”
This is the mantra for this card, and it reminds us in order to achieve our dreams, we must first COMMIT to them!
That means we have to start taking baby steps toward what it takes to get there.
This full moon is reminding us that some of those baby steps include making BIG choices.
We are at a spiritual crossroads right now.
Nothing is the same and everything is possible.
How do you want to thrive in this “new world”?
The Pisces Full Moon reminds us that no matter what choices we make, they need to come from the heart.
We must ask ourselves with every choice “Does this support my dream life? Does this support my highest self? Does this support my greatest good? Does this bring me more peace?”
Make a commitment to only choose what supports you.
This card is mostly yellow, with the sun’s light beaming through every aspect.
It’s time to embrace the energy of our solar plexus, our empowerment, and feel confident enough to do what we need to do.
The roses displayed signify our highest vibrational self and the frequency of love that surrounds it.
Do you want a life you truly love?
Start making the choices you need to make to dive fully in.
*This card presents Rose Quartz, and this is a great crystal to use this lunar cycle if you are trying to live a more heartfelt life, if you’re trying to cultivate more compassion, if you’re on a fertility journey, or if you are pregnant.
In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Shatabisha Nakshatra.
This star is ruled by Varuna, an ancient deity who rules the depths of the seas and the dark, starry skies.
Pisces is also represented by the deepest oceans, full of mystery and places still unexplored.
This full moon is asking us to take a brief exit from this Earthly Virgo energy and remind ourselves that we are made of so much more.
This planet was created from stardust, and so were you.
You have cosmic, star-coded DNA that programs you from the moment you arrive onto this planet.
There are pieces of you that still remember your magickal origins.
Lean into whatever comes to you during this time, for it is your inner guidance and truth.
The Heirophant is a wisdom-seeker, wisdom-keeper, and truth-teller.
She reminds us to be an open book (literally on the card!) when it comes to our expansion and the information that nourishes us to grow.
Others do not have to understand your journey or what you are into. If it provides you healing and stability, that is enough.
Shatabisha Nakshatra is also known as “The Star of 100 Healers” or “The Star of 100 Medicines.”
There is so much medicine around us.
Yes, we have “Western Medicine” and chemical pharmaceuticals.
We also have plant medicine.
But we also have MORE.
We have medicine from all over, and some of it might still be up and coming.
Some might still be undiscovered.
Some might be working now, but very little understand.
Trust in what supports you.
“I am ready to love and learn.”
This is the mantra for this card, and we are reminded to open up to all we want to seek knowledge around now.
All of the information is out there, and it will come to us as soon as we ask for it.
Just be prepared to possibly receive it in an unexpected way!
Our Spirit Guides, Angels, Ancestors, and others work in mysterious ways, and we may find the answers we seek in ways that no one else would believe or comprehend.
Simply have faith and trust in whatever comes to you.
There is a lotus in the corner of this card, and it reminds me of Saraswati energy.
Saraswati is the Goddess of education, wisdom, knowledge, as well as the arts.
Remember how Pisces is asking us to take a break right now, and play?
This is also a great time to create!
Whether it be music, art, writing, or something else, put your energy into creating something out of nothing for fun, for pleasure, and for joy right now!
We’re moving energy toward our dream life right now!
Won’t yours contain all the things you love to do fo fun, just like this?!
Start making space in your life to do these things now, and The Law of Attraction will bring you more time to do more of the same!
*This card depicts Amethyst, a great stone for opening your third eye and connecting to your spiritual side. If you’re seeking out your “medicine” or looking to strengthen your connection/surrender to a higher power right now, this is a good stone to use over this lunar cycle.
Have faith that the future is truly bright!
The King of Pentacles reminds us that eventually, all problems will be solved.
He himself is logical and practical. He does not get caught up in anxiousness or worry.
He stays true to his inner knowing, his core truth, that ALL IS WELL!
We are in times where the future is not known or planned.
When it comes to your dreams, you might be grieving a shift or severance around your future vision.
You might be embracing sadness around a life that will never be the same.
The King of Pentacles reminds us that are dreams can still happen.
They may just look different than they did before!
The King on this card is cloaked in orange, a reminder to tap into the creative energy of our sacral chakra.
Use this Pisces Full Moon to put down the work you typically do, and embrace what comes from Divine inspiration.
You could use art to free your mind and see what comes to you.
You could use writing to free your thoughts and see what moves through.
There are other examples as well.
They key is to mix it up right now, even if it’s just for a day or two, to see how you are guided to move forward from here.
When you embrace the mantra that “All is well,” The Universe must make it so!
Let go of expectation, release others negative point of views, and start looking inside to create your own harmonious, joyful, 5-Dimensional reality.
*While this card does not have a stone, I highly suggest SunStone to use this lunar cycle if you need the confidence and strength to trust in where you are headed.
Live Tarot Reading for
FULL Moon in Pisces 2020
Tarot Reading for New Moon in Virgo
September, 2020

It’s interesting that we are faced with the Six of Swords for our past card, as we last experienced a Virgo moon 6 months ago when it was Full in March.
Swords always symbolize a separation or severance, and the Six of Swords in particular represents separation through time.
We have been forced to slow down most of this year, with many of us having to put our business ventures or way we normally work on hold.
The Six of Swords reminds us these vacations are for our greater good.
Information is growing. Energy is increasing. We are ever-expanding in this great Universe.
It can be hard to process and keep up with it all!.
With this Virgo lunar cycle, reflect on this past year and find what has benefitted you during this time of change.
Did you experience anything during your “6 month vacation” that you would like to continue to repeat?
Did you discover any wisdom, or regain feelings of balance and peace?
It’s important to not linger in our past or hold angst for what has played out.
If we stay in this type of reaction and frequency, The Law of Attraction will only continue to dish out more scenarios during these times to create more anxiety.
However, if we learn to shift our perspective and find the gold within the darkness, we continue to evolve and adapt to new times.
Separate yourself from what holds you back for good. You’re not going backwards anymore.
Keep moving forward.
*Notice the pink of this card surrounding a red square.
Pink is the color of the heart chakra, and we are being asked to follow our heart’s truth in all times of confusion right now. The red square represents your root chakra, your foundation. This is also where fear resides. Do not give into the hype around you. Do not lean into your own false truths, whether created out of your own imagination or influenced from external sources. When you live from your own truth, and you continue to allow that truth to shift and evolve as you take in new information and your own frequency rises, you will always feel at peace. Separate yourself from others’ influences. Listen to what you know inside.
Wands are always a symbol of our magick, and receiving the Seven of Wands as our present-time card reminds us we are still capable of creating our own 5D reality.
Virgo is the sign of The Virgin, a symbol of potential for all life’s creations.
We possess this ability within ourselves, and the essence of our magick is calling us now.
But, it’s not going to be easy.
We’ve been facing challenges over this past year, having to put many of our original plans and ideas on the back burner or throw them away entirely.
Rather than view all of this as a roadblock, allow yourself to be open to new opportunities.
We cannot always do things the same way, and although things may have been working for you in the past, they will no longer align with this “new normal.”
The shift lies with you not only accepting this as is, but also accepting the challenge ahead.
Give yourself permission to feel abundant in such uncertain times.
Allow yourself to be joyful even in the chaos.
The Seven of Wands reminds us that the struggles and frustrations of our past do not have to be our future.
It starts with our mindset.
Break out of your limiting beliefs, and believe that you can still have all you desire.
*Notice the yellow of this card surrounded by a green square.
The yellow indicates the strength of our solar plexus. We’re being guided to claim our empowerment and truly own this life we are living! The green of this card again indicates heart chakra, and we are being encouraged to continue to follow our heart’s desires, no matter the state of the world. Tend to your own calm, your own peace, and your own happiness, and you will no longer feel lost in the darkness like so many around you.
Pentacles represent abundance, and the Five of Pentacles reminds us the future is bright, no matter how bleak it seems right now.This card signifies our upcoming future, a time that seems so confusing and uncertain right now.
The Universe gives us this card to remind us that all is well!
The Five of Pentacles represents loss in a unique way.
During this lunar cycle or the near future, you may experience an actual loss.
This could be financially, or in a different sense.
It’s important that you understand now, before this happens, that all loss happens to create space for the bigger and better.
If you find yourself with less in the near future, ask yourself what this is creating opportunity for rather than why it is happening.
When you shift your perspective to an abundant-based view, The Universe must return to you what you energetically expect!
The other way the Five of Pentacles represents loss is in the sense of fear of lack.
You may have felt like you’ve lost so much over this past year already.
Maybe you feel like you’ve lost important time where you could have been working on projects or even yourself.
Maybe you feel like you’ve lost your motivation to keep working toward your dreams, because every step to get there has been blocked on your journey.
Maybe you feel like you’ve lost all of your ideas and inspirations, because everything you planned on cannot play out now.
These past patterns of lack and incompletion can engrain in you an impending sense of doom in regards to your future.
The Five of Pentacles reminds you that although you feel this way, it is simply not the case!
That if you continue to embrace your limitless potential and creative magick, you can still step into the life of your dreams!
But, it starts with you showing up right now.
Five is a number symbolizing growth.
How can you grow into your future now?
This Virgo new moon is ushering in a sense to get organized and back on track.
Use this energy to develop new habits and rituals that carry you into your future desires.
Start showing up to your dreams and the life you want to create now in any way you can.
When you repeatedly show up to yourself as if all is well, you will continue to experience a life that is so.
*Notice the yellow of this card surrounded by an orange square.
We are being encouraged right now to stay in alignment by leaning into our habitual tendencies and create a routine that aligns with our best future self. The orange of this card represents the sacral chakra, our space for infinitely creative potential. You still have so many ideas, so much inspiration, and so much to come through to support your dreams! You simply have to tap into it! During this Virgo new moon, make sure you not only carve out time for your daily habits, but also make sure you leave space for creativity to move through as well.
Live Tarot Reading for
New Moon in Virgo 2020
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Aries
October 1st, 2020

What a perfect card to pull for our past as The Empress signifies fertility.
We’ve been in a bit of a “pregnant pause” globally, and this past year has left us in the unknown.
So much life can grow in the darkness of the womb. Trust in what is coming.
We are currently in the Harvest Moon. It is time to take stock of all we have cultivated and grown this year.
The apples on this card signify the fruits of our labors.
Rather than dwelling on this past year and all of the things that didn’t work out, asK yourself instead what you have created out of it all.
What are you harvesting now from all of these shifts? What are you celebrating?
This card is signified by the number 3.
3 trimesters, 3 months left in this year, 3D reality, third season of the yearly cycle, trinity of holiness…
This card also displays the symbol for Venus.
Remember how we experienced a Venus retrograde this past year?
We’re also being ruled by Venus now, ever since we shifted into Libra season on September 23rd.
This is a time to move from our heart, both our heart center and our lower heart, our sacral center.
Both represent love. Both represent desire.
In both my fertility program *Baby Magick* and my manifestation program “Conscious Creatress,” we work with the creative energy of the wombspace while connecting it and filtering it through the heart.
Know that everything you want to create in this world CAN happen, as long as you follow your heart and follow your magick.
Every person on this planet possesses the ability to turn seed into harvest.
Believe that you can still create your Utopia, despite all that has happened and all you have gone through.
The Empress is also known as The Mother. She brings a nurturing aspect to this current cosmic shift, promising us that we are safe and secure.
Do not dwell on the past. Do not linger in the stories there. Instead, find the wisdom from what you have experienced, show gratitude for what you’ve gained, and alchemize your attachment frequencies.
Love your life and every moment of it.
When you learn to constantly find the “fruit,” the sweetness of life, The Universe will continue to give you more of that nectar. Live in this vibration, not in the darkness of how you felt before.
*Full moons are a perfect time to set out “moon fruit” to absorb the lunar energy, just as you do with water!
If you are currently on a fertility journey, focus on apples like The Empress card displays, or set out pomegranates, oranges, or avocados.
Remember that fire helps us release and fire helps to transform.
Trust that all of the chaos and heat around us is for our greatest good.
All of this burning is happening for the sake of new creation.
Its always darkest before the dawn. We must be consumed by the flames and turn to ash before we can evolve as the Phoenix and rise up into this oncoming Golden Age.
You may feel drained right now. These cosmic fires are melting us, breaking and boiling us down into our basic elements so we can be molded and reshaped into a better version of ourselves.
Can you feel the transformation happening now? Both within yourself and collectively?
10 is a Master Number of “1” (1 + 0 = 1).
We are in new beginnings. We are starting over and being birthed anew at the same time.
Fall always seems like a time to start fresh, and we are being reminded that we actually ALWAYS have the opportunity to begin again.
When we constantly live in the present, we consistently gain our wisdom.
When we find the wisdom or “gold”, or “Pentacles” in every aspect of our here and now, The Universe will continue to shower us with abundance.
It’s all connected. Your vibe, your frequency, your attitude, your perspective…
TRUST that you are always wealthy.
The Ten of Pentacles specifically represents abundance in financial investments, time investments, or pursuits around relationship. In this present time you may see some sort of marriage, either romantically or professionally. Remember to finalize any business decisions and contract before Mercury Retrograde on October 13th so the cosmos continues to support you.
This card also represents generational wisdom, aligning perfectly with this Harvest Moon.
Take note of all you’ve gained so far. Notice the maturity of your “investments,” all you’ve put your efforts toward this year. This is where your focus should be, not on the past or future.
This card is also asking you to shift your perspective around “wealth.”
Take notice of everything you have, not just money.
The generational influence of this card reminds us to look at the wisdom we’ve gained over this year and our past as a collective. It also reminds us to be GRATEFUL for our family and the ancestral wisdom within our energetic and star-coded DNA.
You have so much to be grateful for!
Keep up your attitude of gratitude, and your abundance will only continue to grow.
*Celebrate this fiery full moon by building your own fire! Use it to burn away a list of what no longer serves you!
Our future card is reminding us that our truths and feelings are validated.The Queen of Cups rules peacefully, because she treats all of our her consorts equally.
Similar to The Empress, she brings a Motherly energy to this current Full Moon, and she reminds us that we matter, our beliefs matter, our efforts matter, and we are being heard.
So many opinions are being thrown around right now, so many things we may not agree with.
It’s important to remember that Mars is Retrograde in Aries, the Full Moon is in Aries, and the battles of conflict are the theme of our energy.
Hold space for others. It’s important to allow others to be heard, so that the Law of Attraction will allow you to be heard, too. Listen to what others have to say, open your mind up to taking in alternative points of view, and then filter it through your heart. It’s ok to disagree, but if you do, simply agree to do just that, and move on.
Now, let me be clear, there is a difference between holding space and tolerating what is out of alignment.
You do not have to hold space for hate, bigotry, sexism, racism, or otherwise.
These are all energies that are not in alignment with Cosmic Love.
If you are dealing with such matters from others, you are allowed to set boundaries or cut chords.
Remember that full moons are also a time of release. You can let go of tolerating others who fuel your fire.
The Queen of Cups is holding a chalice, representing our water element, our feelings.
Within it she holds both her own emotions and the space for others’.
She rules on her thrown of fairness, in full Libra essence.
As we move into the future, remind yourself to be fair and just.
Set an intention to view both sides of things, but trust your inner wisdom above all us.
Keep moving forward with this sense of stability, and will continue to rule your life with harmony and ease.
I felt called this full moon to pull a 4th card as an overall theme card to help guide us through the rest of 2020 and the last 4 months of this lunar year.
The Page of Wands reminds us that many falsities will continue to surround us, many message of dark magic and deception, and we must listen to our heart to survive it all.
The Page of Wands wears a blue tunic, representing the throat chakra.
He is a messenger, bringing through all communication that flows through the ether, but beware, for his wand reminds us that not all appearances and messages are what they seem.
Remember, Mercury, the ruler of communication, goes retrograde October 13th-November 3rd.
The muffling of messages is only going to get more confusing!
There is so much unknown right now and it can be easy to get caught up in others’ perceived constructions of our future reality. The truth is, we are all our own creators/creatresses, and we must embrace our own light magick in dark times to alchemize our reality.
Whatever your truth is, you will believe.
If you believe the future is full of the same darkness and sickness we’ve traversed this past year, this will be true.
If you believe the future is full of chaos and war and conflict and struggle, this will be true.
But, if you believe the future is paved in gold and your horizons are bright, this will also be true.
Let go of what others think. Let go of how others feel. Trust in what YOU know inside.
As you move into the future, follow your heart and your inner truth. This is the best way to know peace as we grow and change and evolve.
We will start to discover more answers and solve more problems as we move forward into this next year, but the shift isn’t over yet. Be patient as you navigate it all, and trust in your own Divine Light to guide you along the way.
Live Tarot Reading for
Full Moon in Aries
October 1st, 2020
Tarot Reading for
SUPERMOON Cycle in Aries &
Mercury Retrograde
October, 2020

Could there be a more appropriate card for Mercury Retrograde?!
The Hanged Man shows us that nothing is as it seems right now.
At first glance, the man on this card seems tied up, but, the truth is, he’s quite peaceful right where he is. The way his blue legs are inverted and feet caught up show us that our throat chakras may be blocked right now.
Communication is unclear and self-expression may not be the easiest.
This man’s red tunic stands for root chakra, and we are being reminded to stay grounded when all seems upside down.
Finally, the green surrounding this card and the leaves and tree themselves remind us of heart chakra energy, and we are being reminded to filter everything through the heart right now.
There is currently much information floating about in the ether, including many lies and means of deception.
This card displays Neptune, The Planet of Illusion, and we are being reminded that the veil is thin.
We must listen to our hearts now more than ever when it comes to discovering our truth.
We must listen to what attracts through our heart frequency—the messages from higher energetic beings that surround us, guide us, and protect us.
*Remember the throat chakra also includes the inner ear, and this is a potent time for receiving downloads from the other side!
This is a good time to listen to what you normally do not. If you give much of your attention to others and to technology, now is a time to turn it all off and listen to what comes to you, from you. Everything you seek is within. Trust in this as you move forward into this continuing darkness.
The Hanged Man card also represents “hanging around” and waiting.
Mercury Retrograde is a time of sacred pause.
Be patient with finalizing contracts, making big purchases, moving forward with new business ventures, making a move, etc. Now is not the time.
Also know that if you are waiting around for answers or waiting around for something to happen, you’re going to have to keep waiting until after November 4th. Once Mercury goes direct, you will have more clarity and momentum.
We feel like we are children right now, not able to live our lives as we please with the world limiting our social scene. We feel confused and uncertain, as children are when they are navigating a new world on their own.We are learning to adapt to new normals and new ways of doing things.
The Sun card wants us to know that all of this is for our protection and greater good.
We are making BIG shifts on the collective right now. We are moving into The Golden Age of Light, and it’s not going to be easy to adapt to this New Earth.
We can feel the resistance right now, like children throwing tantrums over what they can’t have.
The Sun Card reminds us to seek out our joy best we can.
It’s time to navigate this world with a childlike innocence.
It’s time to embrace our imagination and believe that we can be anything we want to be!
The number “19” on this card breaks down to a Master number ONE.
We are being primed and prepped to begin again.
When we are children, we automatically seek out what brings us joy.
It’s time to get back to that inner calling.
As we reflect on this past year, and all of the expectations and crumbling disappointments, can we also let it inspire us on how we don’t want our future to be?
During this New Moon, ask yourself how you can shift your life, use your creativity, and make the best of what you have going on right now.
When you can learn to find sunshine on even the cloudiest of days, The Universe will always ensure you have reasons to laugh and smile.
We are fully aligned as a “Ten” card appears on the tenth month of October!This is also a Master ONE number, showing us again, that we are in the pregnant pause.
We have been traveling through the birth canal for some time now, and we can feel the pressure building as we prepare to be reborn.
We must continue to breathe through it, for the reward is on the other side!
These things take time.
This New Moon is in the Vedic Nakshatra Chitra, represented by jewel that’s created under immense heat and pressure, like a diamond.
We are being broken down, and brought back together to re-emerge as the Crystalline Children that we were put on this planet to be.
Your inner light is here, shining through the darkness like a diamond in the rough.
Let it continue to guide you now.
It’s also important to take note that this new moon is the sacred pause before the beginning of Navaratri, and each of the next 9 waxing nights of the moon will honor one of the different forms of The Goddess. The first 3 nights honor Maa Kali, The Goddess who slayed the demon Raktabija, as told in The Mahabharata. It’s interesting that we pull the Ten of Swords card during this time, representing the sword that Kali uses in her battle. Swords represent severing what no longer serves, and as we shift into this next lunar cycle it is time to also let go any part of our past, any “demons”, that haunt us.
Notice again the heart chakra influence as this card displays pink. Both green & pink are colors of heart energy, and we are being reminded again right now to live our life through our heart. The red square on this card represents our foundation, and it’s apparent that things are never going to be as they are before.
This is your opportunity to build a new life!
Turn to your heart’s desires. What do you want? Can you really believe that it is true?
Let go of old ways of thinking that limit your creative potential.
Embrace this feminine energy so strong with the lunar cycle upon us.
In the unknown of the womb, everything can happen!
Think about a pregnancy, where so much life grows on the inside without the mother’s control.
Notice the magick she possesses to literally create life out of nothing.
During this new moon portal, take time to dream about how you want your life to be.
Speak it out loud and order it into the Universe. Trust in the inspirations that come your way to help you get there and trust that your dreams will come true.
We are moving into a life where we will learn all is possible. It is beginning. Can you feel it?!
Get a head start on it all by believing in yourself now, and you’ll be amazed at where you will end up in the future.
I’ve pulled this card before as a future card, and the message is still the same.
It appears as if we are losing everything now. Death is all around us.
Businesses are closing, economies are crashing, and industry is not the same.
We must break down before we can build up again.
Pentacles are always a sign of oncoming prosperity.
We know the dawn of the Golden Age of Light is on the rise.
But right now, we remain in the darkness, and it only gets darker from here.
It’s interesting that we pull the “5” of Cups, as we are roughly 5 months away from hitting the one-year mark when everything shut down globally. It’s hard not to look back at this year and all of its disappointments. It’s also hard to not be frustrated about a future, where we can no longer have expectation.
It feels as if all hope is lost.
Yet, The Five of Cups reminds us that nothing is as it seems right now.
Remember, that Mercury Retrograde is here until November 4th. And Mars Retrograde lasts a little longer.
And we still have to navigate Scorpio season, that whole life-death-rebirth energy.
…and don’t forget about Eclipse season! Which starts with this next lunar cycle.
We will also journey through the oncoming winter, where all of the chaos sprang up this previous year.
Of course we worry if history will repeat itself.
In other words, we’ve still got a lot of darkness to trek through.
We’re probably not going to get answers until we get back to more light, and warmer seasons.
Until then, we must trust that all is well!
The Five of Cups represents the feeling of lack, or the worry of such, but it will not actually be how things play out. The key is, it’s up to us whether we turn all of this darkness into gold.
Remember that you are the alchemist.
As we navigate this next winter, where can you find the light in it all? How can you make the most of things when it all can’t be the way it was before? Notice the yellow and orange of this card. Orange represents our sacral chakra & creative energy; yellow represents our solar plexus and our joy.
It’s time to think outside the box.
This is always something to consider during Mercury Retrograde, but this also applies to the next 5 months.
How can you get creative at home?
How can you socialize with friends when it’s all limited?
How can you have new adventures with your partner?
How can you learn or work in new ways?
There is so much gold to discover, if you just shift your perspective!
Use this new moon portal to dream about how you desire your life to be, write it down and/or speak it out loud.
Treat this as if you are ordering off an a’la carte menu of choices, and each time you envision part of your dream you are making an Order into The Universe.
Then focus on everything in your power to direct your energy to creation and joy.
You don’t have to create for a reason, you can simply HAVE FUN!
For the next few months of darkness, do what makes you happy, and The Universe will have no choice but to continue to make you happy by fulfilling your order and making your dreams come true!
Live Tarot Reading for
New Moon in Libra
Mercury Retrograde
October, 2020
Tarot Reading for
Full "Blue" Moon in Taurus
October 31st, 2020

Pulling this as a past card, we are being reminded to let go of anything from our past that doesn’t bring us joy. This full moon/Mercury Retrograde combination may be bringing up memories that haunt you—especially around your family or generational wounds. It is time to give new life to these stories, and rebirth them with new chapters.
It’s interesting that we pull this card in the portal of Samhain and Dia de los Muertos, for it displays butterflies, corn ready to harvest, and a river of life. This is a time for us to honour our ancestors and what they have taught us. The corn represents the harvest—what can we be grateful for as we take note of the past year? This moon signifies the end of the Celtic year, and it’s a good time to notice all we’ve been through both individually and collectively since last October. Rather than dwell on any disappointments, can you notice what has been given new life? The pregnant Goddess on this card reminds us that all energy can be transformed. Did you find new ways to connect with your loved ones over the past year, or new ways to work? Did you “give life” to old ideas and “rebirth” them into something applicable to the present? Did you find new creative flows or financial outlets? Take harvest of all that you have gained out of this great 2020 shift!
As we move forward into the future, The Empress reminds us to do what feels most natural to us to feel supported, and to direct our energy toward the things that make us happy. As we move into darker times, both seasonally and energetically/emotionally, you are reminded to create your own inner light and fire from your solar plexus. This is an energy center of positivity, and if you do things that feel good, along with letting your natural creative currency flow, you will continue to fan your solar flames. Let go of the old ways of your past that do not bring your happiness, and let your sacral waters, your energy of pleasure and hobby flow out with ease.
*This card is represented by the number 3. We have 3 months left in this calendar year. 3 is the number of trimesters it takes for a human pregnancy. 3 is the number of Angels and Ascended Masters. We are being reminded right now that as we rebirth into the new world and into this next year, we are being protected and guided.
“I AM NATURALLY CREATIVE.”Current times feel so uncertain. We are moving into the shadow season and into winter, and it feels like the darkness may consume us for good.
The Queen of Wands appears to us right now to remind us of our magick in the present moment.
The Universe is always expanding, and so are we.
As our present world moves forward, can you find ways to manifest your new reality?
Everyone has a creative currency. It is time for you to embrace yours.
Notice the Queen’s crystal staff. Although she holds this vibrational stone in her hands, she cannot use it alone. She uses her own energy and frequency to spark a catalytic flame to use for transformation.
The Queen of Wands owns her ability to alchemize, and she believes in her infinite potential.
Can you do the same now?
This Full Moon/Scorpio Season/Mercury Retrograde influence might be bringing up a lot.
You may be remembering things from your past that bog you down with emotion.
The Queen of Wands reminds you that every story has its wisdom and gold.
As you do your shadow work and air out your wounds, remember the good parts and breathe away the rest.
Use the wisdom within your memories to fuel your fire and passion for change.
Use your alchemical magick, and turn all of that muck into gold.
When you learn to embrace your creativity, and direct it toward what comes naturally and what makes you happy, you will continue to move forward through this season shining your light of joy.
I continue to pull this card for our future reading after reading. It doesn’t matter the deck.It’s like The Universe is trying to pound it into our head:
It’s only doom and gloom if you expect it to be.
Pentacles are always a sign of prosperity. They give us signs of good luck while also reminding us to take inventory of the gold we currently have.
We may feel as if we lost everything over this past year, but, the truth is, we have gained SO MUCH MORE!
We have gained time to spend with loved ones, and we’ve gained creativity to figure out how to socialize in different ways.
We have gained awareness of our health, and we’ve gained a new motivation to treat our body temples better.
We have gained space and permission to restructure our lives and find what makes us happy.
We have gained new relationships through the ether, and we have found friendships in like minded places online.
We have gained room for restoration and relaxation, and we’ve gained courage to continue to give ourselves permission to practice self care.
As this full moon illuminates all of your treasures, take harvest of what you already have!
This attitude of gratitude is one to stay with as we move forward into darker times.
So much is still unknown, and it may feel like we’ve lost everything that once brought us joy.
The Five of Pentacles reminds us that the Golden Age of Light is coming.
This card symbolizes our darker thoughts, where the ego resides and we live in our victim stories.
It shows us that although we feel as if we are losing everything, we are actually creating space for so much more!
But you must shift your perspective.
This New Earth forming is a co-creative process, and youR future will be a reflection of your current state.
The Five of Pentacles reminds us to be grateful now, and we will continue to have more to be grateful for!
It’s a Universal Law. Like attracts like!
Notice the spacey background of this card. We are being reminded of our connection to the cosmos, and we are being pushed to start living within the Universal Eternal Grid.
The Malachite on this card represents heart chakra, and the love vibration we all emit from deep within our care.
Love is our gold. Love is the answer.
As we move forward into this future unknown, start moving through it all out of your heart. Continue to find gratitude for everything life gives you, and direct your energy towards your heart’s desires. When you live within this flow of conscious creativity, you will never feel lack or alone.
Live Tarot Reading for
Full "Blue" Moon in Taurus
October 31st, 2020
Tarot Reading for
New SUPERMOON in Scorpio
November 14th, 2020

The Tarot reminds us now that all is well and all will continue to be so.
Pentacles are a sign of abundance, and this four of pentacles is a symbol that so much gold is just on the other side!
The number 4. 4 Seasons. 4 trimesters. Scorpio New Moon. The symbol of Birth-Life-Death-Rebirth.
This card is a sign of completion.
The Four of Pentacles could be a sign of closure, a depiction of things wrapping up with business, or long awaited pursuits finally being settled.
Both Mercury and Mars have been retrograde until recent. It has been difficult to communicate, express ourselves, or move forward.
But all of that is behind us now. This New Moon is a return of new beginnings.
I say return, because we are always beginning again.
Every time we heal a layer of ourselves we shed a piece of the old. We are always rebirthing and reincarnating, even in this Earthly life we are living now. Every time we grow and change we step into a new evolution.
β¨The Four of Pentacles is a sign of a return to health.
I believe this is meant for both physical and mental/emotional health.
This card is also a sign of fertility—the birth & life archetypes of the Scorpio energy.
The yellow and orange symbolize solar and sacral chakras—where life first begins and then grows.
We, too, are currently in the cosmic womb space, preparing to rebirth both individually and as a collective.
The Four of Pentacles reminds us that abundance is coming from within more than anything right now.
Seek out the things that bring you pleasure and joy. Treat yourself. Do things that make you happy.
It’s important to know that in the New Earth, YOU create your reality.
It all beginss here. You can choose to attach to the cosmic grid of expansion or you can stay stagnant where you are. The reincarnation will continue to happen, and you will either shift of not.
Give yourself permission to GROW.
During this New Moon portal, take time to dream and envision the future you truly want to live in.
Bring in as many details as possible.
Create it in your mind, so you know what to work on and bring into your reality.
This is a potent time of intention, magick, creation, and manifestation.
Start to embrace the fertile flow that lies within.
“LET SPIRIT BE YOUR GUIDE.”The Sun, Moon, and Mercury are all in Scorpio right now, directing us to where the veil is thin and the mysterious resides.
We are being called to tune into these shadows and darkness, and see what speaks to us from the other side.
Dream-work is powerful right now, whether it be with meditation or actual sleep/lucid dreaming.
Make sure you pay attention to the messages that come through.
We are also surrounded strongly by our ancestors, angels, and protectors right now.
They are supporting us, inspiring us, and guiding us along THE WAY.
The new moon is always a time of tuning more within, a time to activate our spiritual chakras and look at things through our third eye.
Cosmic Consciousness. Spiritual Vision. Peaceful Hindsight.
The card is a sign that we can let go of the roots of our past and let what calls us from the future pull us upward.
The Hawk Spirit reminds us that we can vibrate higher, and rise above it all.
Taking Flight. Air/Wind Element. The thing we can feel and hear but cannot see.
The darkness of Scorpio energy and the New Moon. The winds of change as we step into a new beginning.
The Eagle-Death archetype of the Scorpio sign reminds us that the past is dead and to let it go.
As we move into a time of more darkness and uncertainty, we must let go of the attachments to what we know if we expect true change. If we continue to hold onto the dead things of our past, we will never rebirth into our future.
During this new moon portal, Spirit Hawk reminds us to call out to our guides beyond the veil.
Ask for support and signs to know you are on the right path.
Ask for wisdom, instinct, and inner knowing.
When you lean into what you know but do not fully understand, you will never lose your way.
“I FIND CLARITY THROUGH CALM.”You are in control. You are the ruler of your destiny. You always have been.
I think a lot of times we can lean into that victim story of “Everything happens for a reason.”
Yes, things do happen with Divine alignment, but we must understand that we also have FREE WILL.
The situation itself may be out of our hands, but how we react to it isn’t.
This year has been pure chaos.
Throw in pivotal elections, shifts in government control and commerce, and awakenings of deep deep darkness, and we may feel emotionally overwhelmed.
The Temperance card reminds us to slow down and re-gain control.
Notice the water she stands in. She is within her womb space and sacral center, in the midst of her feelings.
Notice the way she carefully pours the water from one vessel to the other.
She careful moves her emotions through.
She is mindful to not spill, for she is ready to alchemize this frequency for good.
This card personally reminds me of Aquarius energy and the Age of Aquarius energy that we are upon now.
She as the moon has the sun behind her during this new moon portal, this card shows the Goddess with the sun behind her as well.
Although she is in her shadow side, she is reminded that the light will shine again.
The Irises on this card display hope. Even when we are in our lowest of frequencies we most hold hope.
Trust in the positive expansion that is coming. Trust that this collective shift is for our greatest good.
And remember to remain calm amongst it all.
The Temperance card reminds us that peace comes when we are still.
Guidance comes when we are quiet and listen.
Clarity comes when we find stillness in reflection and contemplation.
Take time to move your emotions through now.
The release of the waters. The golden sunlight of life. The energy of Alchemy. The element of Ether.
The Scorpio Phoenix energy shines through this card now.
The more you turn within, the more you will filter your waters and purify your emotional body.
The more you manage your emotions, the more peace and ease you will discover.
You don’t have to attach to your old ways. Even these can die now, too.
Shed the old layers of yourself so you can rebirth renewed.
During this New Moon portal, slow down and find stillness in meditation and dreams.
Seek your answers and wisdom from within, rather than from the outer world.
Manage your shadow work carefully and with grace, holding compassion for yourself as you try to understand and make change.
The more you learn to live in this harmonious way with all pieces of yourself, the more unification you will discover in all worlds of yours to come.
Tarot Reading for Full Moon in Cancer
December 29th, 2020

Past Card:
This past year has been a gift. Can you truly embrace it?
The Queen of Pentacles reminds us that we hold abundance in the palm of our hand.
In other words, we have the ability to turn ANYTHING into gold if we want to!
We are our own alchemist!
This pentacle the Queen holds also represents our gifts. 2020 has been a year for us to truly re-discover ourselves, and you may be wrapping up the year with new offerings, creative inspiration, or more.
This all would not have happened if things had not played out the way they did!
Trust that all of this is working out for your highest good.
The Queen of Pentacles rules with loyalty. I think this year we’ve really seen where loyalties lie with people.
While this may be upsetting at times, this energy is important to hold onto. As we move into the New Earth it is important that we identify with our true authentic selves and learn to construct our own faiths and believes out of instinct and inner wisdom. It is time to stay loyal and true to our spirit and our hearts.
Notice the Queen’s orange dress. She rules her emotions and she taps into her sacral creative waters.
The yellow on this card reminds us to live out of our joy as much as our pleasures. If we continue to surround ourselves with bliss, we will always feel abundant.
The Queen of Pentacles can also represent careful financial management. This has certainly been a year that most everyone has been impacted in some way. This card is recognizing our struggle, and reminding us that wealth is beyond just money. It will be important to remember that money is just one flow of energy as we move forward.
Present Card:
Take things at a slow & steady pace right now.
It’s easy to get caught up in the January 1st mood of new beginnings and fresh starts, but, the truth is, nothing is going to change instantly at the beginning of the year.
That’s not how transformation works!
The Knight of Pentacles is in no hurry to get to his destination. He trusts his horse’s instincts (his own intuition) to lead the way and he follows the path ahead of him as it unfolds. Rather than be in a rush, he takes time to notice his surrounds and the beauty they bring. Remember, Pentacle cards are always a sign of abundance and good fortune and we are in exciting times! As we officially step into the new Golden Age this card reminds us that each moment offers its own blessing, but it’s up to us to slow down and take time to recognize it.
This card also signifies progress. We are collectively moving forward now. Breathe!
This is what I hear this card telling us as we move into the future.
The way we uplevel our life is by following our heart.
The way we uplevel our frequency is by living in bliss.
Wands are always a symbol of magick and alchemy.
The 3 of wands reminds us to tap into our creative flow.
2020 has given us so much time to discover our gifts and the things we truly like to do.
Can you figure out how to use this as a key part of your future?
It’s time to embrace your magick and trust in your inspirations!
Three. Trilogy. Divine Feminine. Transformation. Birth-Life-Death Cycle.
We are moving forward into a new collective, ruled by a Mothering, nurturing energy.
The Matriarchy is on the rise.
The three of wands gives us permission to live in our authenticity and love ourselves unconditionally.
Take time during this full moon portal to notice what is standing in your way of bliss.
What is standing in your way of following your heart.
With the release of the full moon and release of 2020, make a commitment to let it all go by continuing to live your truest self.
When you trust in your own gifts and embrace your own unique magick you will continue to evolve with ease.