December 21, 2021 - January 19, 2022


It’s Capricorn season, and being a Capricorn moon, it’s taken me nearly a week to write about what’s going on in the cosmos.

This isn’t your typical time of the Sea-Goat, as all things around government, structure, organization and even money seem to be falling apart.  Add in Saturn opposing Uranus around Christmas-time and a Venus Retrograde in Capricorn throughout the entire season, and we’ve got a lot coming up to the surface.

Capricorns are sometimes referred to as Cosmic Mermaids and Mermen.  This zodiacal season brings in an energy of cardinal earth and makes us focus on our earthly human life and how we are living it.  Our planet is made mostly of water.  Is there anything mixing with your energy, making you a bit muddy or murky right now?  Capricorns strive for organization.  When things are messy, Capricorn season helps us clean it all up. We can use this time to compartmentalize our life, for when everything is in its box and place, things seem easier for us to control.  

Even if you are not a Capricorn yourself, this is a time when we strongly focus on the material.  We focus on buying things for others and we point our desires towards our wish lists as others gift us.  We focus on money, both the spending and the giving as this is a time when it seems easier for this energetic exchange to flow.  We also focus on the concept of value itself, and whether something is worth our dollar, our energy, or our time.  Make sure you use this season to look at your life like a sort of pie chart.  Each slice is a piece of your energy.  Which pieces are the biggest right now?  What about the pieces of your pie bubbling over?  Is your energy scattered or are you giving more than you should?  This end of the year/new year time is a great opportunity to take inventory of where your life is and adjust accordingly.

This year’s Capricorn season is also a potent portal for working on money.  Having Venus, the Planet of Worthiness and Pleasure, currently retrograde in Capricorn brings us a need to redirect our focus on our financial funds.  This is especially important when it comes to our career path, or what we are doing to earn a living.  Capricorns are money makers, and they work hard to get to the top, but sometimes they get caught up in the work itself rather than the quality of it.  Retrogrades are a time of reflection.  As you focus on your professional path, Venus retrograde asks you if you enjoy what you do?  Are you happy with your work?  Do you feel fulfilled, or like you’re living your purpose?  Do you find joy and pleasure when you go to work, or when you find yourself successful?  Money is just one way to report results, and our salaries or paychecks aren’t always indicative of happiness, no matter how many numbers show up.  Make sure you use this Capricorn season to keep strengthening your money-making mindset, while also prioritizing your pleasure and what’s really worthy of your time, energy, and effort.

The new year is upon us and you may be feeling the need to make resolutions.  While Capricorn season always brings us this time, this particular year brings us a New Moon in Capricorn on January 2nd.  Typically the first of the year isn’t the most supportive time to be setting goals, but having a new moon in go-getting, ambitious Capricorn the second day of 2022 shifts the energy.  If you’re feeling that excitement to set resolutions, develop new habits, or make a shift, go for it!  Just remember to keep your energy focused in the process.  Capricorns love to schedule and carry out plans of action.  Make a to-do list to help you go after your goals, and schedule each step into your calendar to ensure you do it.  Capricorns are also big history buffs and you may find yourself learning important lessons right now.  If you find yourself in reflection at the new year, use your memories to your advantage.  Any mistakes or failures can be used as inspiration to not repeat the past.  Any successful endeavors may show where you display the strongest qualities in your dream-making process.  As we let go of the old year and welcome in the new, make sure you are ready!  Capricorn season gives us the boost we need to keep going, if we stay organized along the way.  Use these next few weeks to structure your life appropriately, put your pleasure and joy on the priority pedestal, and ground into that strong cardinal earth energy to make all of your dreams in this earthly life come true!


January 19 - February 18, 2022


It’s Aquarius season!

…and with Mercury retrograde in Aquarius and me being an air sign, it’s taken me a few days to get my thoughts organized into words!

Aquarius is the Cosmic “Water-Bearer”.  This sometimes causes people to assume she’s a water sign, but the water she bears represents knowledge, story, wisdom, and intellect.  Aquarius energy is all about the mind, and she’s asking us to open ours now.

Aquarius is what I call the “alien” of the zodiac.  They seem a little “outer-worldly” with their ability to shift into different perspectives and think outside the box.  An Aquarius has the gift to turn something on its head and figure it out.  They’re very innovative and tend to come up with new ideas or just different ways of thinking and doing.  You may be feeling this energy now.  If you’ve been “stuck” with anything, perhaps you should turn things upside down or take a different approach.  Maybe you seek out an Aquarius to help you!  Either way, this is a time to allow ourselves to break out of the usual mold and start doing things out of our own calling.

When it comes to answering the call, an Aquarius has no issues doing so!  This sign is what we call “FIXED AIR,” meaning she always has her head in the clouds!  In fact, she’s even represented by “The Star” Card in the Tarot.  We are in an energy of thinking cosmically, and as the Age of Information continues to expand, it would benefit us to embrace any growth amongst the intellect that’s happening now.  Use this season to open your mind to new possibilities!

The fixed air energy of Aquarius brings a “flighty” feel to their personality.  The truth is, they simply go where they feel called, no matter where or what it is, and they usually do it without hesitation!  We could learn to do the same this season.  Use this influence to use “No” or even “Yes” as a complete sentence!  There’s not much second guessing with an Aquarius.  They know the “Yes” or “No” answer immediately, and have no problem making the commitment.  The problem is, they’re easily distracted and excited, and even when they say “yes,” they might say “yes” to another thing shortly after if it seems more enticing.  This is why Aquarius people are always changing their mind or doing different things!  It’s not that they can’t make a decision—they simply want to explore it all!

I believe most of these Earthly explorations are a part of a soul-seeking journey.
Living from their mind, an Aquarius can carry a lot of wisdom from different realms.  This is that water-bearing aspect, and when they feel the need to quench their own thirst for knowledge, they have a variety of topics they’ve already encountered to choose from!  This is why you may see an Aquarius traveling often, or just excavating their mind in different worlds, depending on how they feel.  Aquarius people also tend to have psychic senses, and they usually don’t hesitate when it comes to leaning into their gifts.  This is why you may see an Aquarius dabbling with many different things in the metaphysical and spiritual.  They’re trying things out as they soul-search for the thing that truly works!  If you’ve been feeling the call to explore into different things right now, use the energy of Aquarius to dive on in!

This is a time to be more spontaneous.  Aquarius energy, having all of that air, loves to jump from one thing to the next.  If you’ve ever met an Aquarius, you know!  They have no problem switching direction at the top of a hat, or diving into a different interest all of a sudden.  They don’t care what people think if they change—they just do it!  We could all use a little bit of that energy now!  This great global shift has put us all into that same sort of soul-seeking mood.  If you’ve been feeling the need to take a different direction, Aquarius energy is supporting you to walk down that new path!

This is a season to seek out new experiences and gain new wisdom.  This sign is described as “The Water-Bearer,” because Aquarius spends her time traveling from person to person, culture to culture, sharing the stories she’s gathered along the way.  Imagine different tribes, separated with long distances between each, all starving for information of what’s going on in the world.  When the people are thirsty for knowledge, Aquarius arrives with her vessel.  As she pours her waters to quench the thirst of others, she pours from her heart the stories she’s heard and the wisdom she’s gained.  In exchange for her water, each tribe shares their own stories and wisdom, of which she gathers in her vessel to take onto the next.  As she wanders from tribe to tribe, person to person, she spreads important words and lessons along the way.

When others are thirsty, how do you quench them?
When others come to you for answers or help, do you share and provide?

Aquarius is also known as the humanitarian of the zodiac.
Because she lives amongst the stars, she carries an energy of thinking beyond herself.
She deeply cares about the people of this planet, even though she feels like she’s not from Earth originally.  She feels an energetic connection to the people, and she holds concern for their survival.  Maybe it’s because everyone is made of a bit of stardust.  Maybe it’s because she feels the cosmic connection and the need for continued humanity.  Either way, she pours from her philanthropic waters.  While most of us target our giving around the holidays, Aquarius season reminds us to keep giving all year round.  If you have a charitable effort or act of service you’ve been wanting to carry out, now is the time.  Aquarius is a very selfless sign.  It’s time for us to start doing things that help raise the frequency of all.

This particular Aquarius season brings some challenges, as Venus is currently retrograde in Capricorn and Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius.  Venus is the Planet of Love, Relationship, Sex, Money, Worthiness, Yin, and the Divine Feminine.  When she is spinning backwards in the sign of the cosmic sea-goat, it may feel hard to ground.  People from the past might be rising up, or matters of the heart.  Either way, this may be an extra emotional time, keeping you distracted from the free-thinking this Aquarius season usually brings.  You may also find yourself redirecting matters around money, as both Venus and Capricorn are related to it.  Perhaps this is a time when you’re feeling the desire to create income in a different way, or money comes to you via a person from the past (or a death!), or you find yourself ready to make a change with your finances for the better.  Aquarius season is all about doing things differently.  That means how we handle money, too!

Venus retrograde will emphasize us slowing down to honor ourselves more.  Aquarius season also enhances this, because she pushes us to find the balance between isolation and co-existence.  This is a time to look at your energetic exchanges on this planet and ask what feels fair and reciprocated.  Who and what is really worth your energy?  Remember that Aquarius likes to get laser-focused on what they’re doing.  Make sure your energy is balanced for you to direct strongly when needed.  This season will be about scheduling more time for yourself, and maybe thinking differently about how you fit in and approach self-care.

Side note, yin practices like meditation or yoga, where you get more into your upper chakras and head space, are beneficial now during this Venus Retrograde and Aquarius season.

Now let’s talk about Mercury…
I could write a whole book on this one, but know that when Mercury spins backwards, all things communication are challenged.  He is the Planet of Communication & Expression, so all things of our throat could be affected, too.  You might have more Ear-Nose-Throat issues like colds, sinus infections, strep throat, etc.  You may just have a raspy voice or scratchy/sore throat.  It might also be difficult to talk in general.  Your words may be mumbled, your sentences backwards, or it may be difficult to get your thoughts out.  Again, we are being directed to slow down and listen more than we speak.  If you are engaging in conversation with someone, careful not to over power or be ahead of it all in your head.  Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius while we are in Aquarius season, and air signs love to talk!  Try to really listen and stay present with people, and pay extra attention to your limits and boundaries when talking with other air signs or Aquarius people right now!

It’s also important to talk about expression.  When Mercury is retrograde, we may find it difficult to fully show up as who we are.  We may “mute” ourselves or dull our shine out of consideration of how others may react.  Aquarius is the sign of the freedom-lover.  They are all about doing what they want and letting their weirdo freak flag fly!  But when Mercury is in Aquarius we may currently feel an opposition.  When you factor in Venus retrograde, I believe we are questioning any way of expression or action that may have caused hurt or harm in the past.  Maybe it was to someone else, maybe it was to ourselves, or maybe it was to our one true path, but the expression was a bit too much out of ego, or wasn’t directed properly.  We have the opportunity to change that this time around.  Over the next few weeks ask yourself who you really want to be when you show up to this world.  Does it align with your heart?  Does it align with who you truly are?  How can you mold yourself into an authentic version of yourself that still connects to the heart of humanity?  How can expressing yourself raise the vibration of all?  Aquarius energy loves contemplation in the intellect, so these are all questions you could ask yourself or meditate on now.

Venus retrograde ends January 29th, Mercury retrograde ends February 3rd, and Aquarius season ends February 18th.  Step by step, we will start to find ourselves a little more stable and grounded.  Bit by bit, we will gain more wisdom for direction.  Go slowly with this one, Sisters and Brothers, Aquarius season 2022 is no joke!  All matters of the heart are coming into question as we open and shift all matters of the mind.  The Dawn of the Age of Aquarius wouldn’t have it any other way!  Over the next few weeks, give yourself the opportunity to explore everything that calls you.  Give yourself permission to prioritize self-care and saying “No” when you really want to.  Take this time with yourself and the thoughts/words of your mind to really soul-journey and self-heal, if needed.  And use the energy of this season to definitely do you, boo!


February 18 - March 20, 2022


Pisces season is here, and we’re feeling the dreamy side of this sign more than the usual watery feelings this zodiac season brings.  Pisces is usually referenced as The Cosmic Fish, or maybe the entire ocean, but she is also known as The Cosmic Dreamer.

Neptune, the Planet of Dreams and Illusions, is currently aligned in Pisces, bringing a natural setting for us to explore what calls.  It may be the metaphysical, it may be dream work, or it may be the concept of co-creation and 5D reality.  Whatever it is, follow your heart and your spirit’s inquiries.  Neptune rules Pisces, and we are in an auspicious alignment to dive into the depths of the unknown.

We may also find us diving into the depths of our feelings this season.  Pisces is a water sign, and it represents the mysterious depths of all the seas.  We, too, have dark spaces yet to be explored deep within our psyche, our memories, and our star-coded programming.  Over the next few weeks, give yourself permission to sink deeply down and be open to whatever comes you way.

When we dive deep, the pressure can sometimes keep us from coming to the surface.  It’s important to be mindful of your shadowy journeys right now, and make sure you have a plan to come back up for air when you need it.  When we refer to Pisces as The Cosmic Fish, we actually see 2 fish, one swimming up and one swimming down.  This represents the balance of the journey between light and dark.  During Pisces season we find ourselves at the end of winter and the cusp of spring.  We are reminded that warmer days will always return and so will the light in our darkest times.  If you find yourself waterlogged with emotions or struggling to rise up from lower frequencies, surrender and allow yourself to float.  When you stop fighting against it all, it becomes easier to heal and rise.

One of my favorite pieces of guidance is this:

Sit with it.
Breathe with it.
Hold space for it.
Send love to it.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed with what comes your way—a trauma, a memory, an emotion, a response, a person—whatever it is, try to sit with it rather than respond to it.  There is a magic that comes with the surrender, but you have to learn to detach and let go.

When we resist the urge to fight or fix or figure out, we begin to soften and create space.
When we find more space, we fill ourselves with the air of fresh breaths, new beginnings, new alternatives, and an opportunity to rise.

We are in interesting cosmic times this Pisces season.  Mars and Venus are currently within 1 degree of each other, creating a planetary war that will last until March 12th.  It’s like when 2 magnets come together—they’ll either repel or stick.  We have to find the cohesiveness of our internal masculine and feminine energy now.  Do you feel resistance, like your life is repelling you and you just can’t succeed?  Or do you feel an attraction, like your manifesting power enhances with ease?  Maybe you’re somewhere in between.  When we compare it to the ocean, we can ask ourselves if we are need to swim or float.  Maybe we’ve been too stagnant, not wanting to confront our feelings or heal our inner traumas.  This Pisces season asks us to embrace the energy of Mars and our yang power to start swimming down deep to the places our spirit calls us.  Maybe we’ve been trying too hard to heal, or spending too much time detached from the real Earthly, human experience.  In this case, Pisces is asking us to relax, float up, find the air, and seek out dry land.  

How you navigate this season is up to you, but the more you learn to find the balance between your work and rest, your doing and “being,” the more peaceful you will feel.  Find ways to channel your emotions this season, whether it be through journaling, talk therapy, sharing with a friend who can hold space, or artistic expression.  Pisces energy tends to be attracted to the arts in some way, so move toward dance, painting, music, or whatever else soothes you.  Even if you aren’t a Pisces, art can be powerful medicine right now.  You may want to create or you may just want to take in what others bring forth.  Either way, direct your energy towards these things whenever you’re feeling a need to calm your energy.  This Pisces season is also a good time to rest in general, and spend time in the dream space where you can connect to other realms and messaging.

Neptune in Pisces alignment, along with Pisces energy in general, can connect you to your ancestors as much as the spirit realm.  If you’ve been trying to uncover an inner gift, cultivate one that’s been inherited through your bloodline, or if you’re working to heal ancestral trauma, now is the time to use your dreams to do so.  Even if you have no experience doing this, simply asking for your ancestors to come to you in your dreams before you fall asleep can initiate the energetic connection.  If you know of a particular ancestor you’re trying to connect to, call them in.  You can also work with your inner child if you simply need to focus on regression to heal your own programming and wounds from your first few years.  If you’ve had an ancestor like a grandparent or parent that passed when you were young, call them into your dreams to hold space and provide a bubble of safety.  They may also be able to provide you with insight or answer any questions you have.  Pisces is an inquisitive sign.  Use this energy to your advantage to finally find the answers you’ve been working to discover.

No matter how you navigate this season, do it with  a sense of fluidity.  Water is always flowing, always moving always changing states, and we can do the same.  Pisces season reminds us to soften into all aspects of ourself, and allow whatever needs to come through.  Over the next few weeks give yourself permission to go to depths unknown.  It is in the darkness and the depths of our own ocean that we finally start to see ourselves.  It is in the depths of our feelings and emotions that we discover true wisdom and understanding.


March 20 - April 19, 2022


It’s Aries season, and with my toddler full on in his own fiery Aries sun season, it’s taken me almost a week to finally slow down, sit down, and write about this season of The Cosmic Ram.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, initiating us into springtime and the start of new beginnings.  This time usually ushers in a need to start new habits, shift our energy and clear out what no longer serves.  Aries assists us with an energetic fire capable to burn away anything,  If you’re feeling a need to detach—from things, jobs, people, old habits, etc.—now is the time to embrace your inner power and take charge of the change you envision.

Aries energy is cardinal fire.  That means Aries people are both the fire starters and the flame.  They carry an initiative energy ready to spark new projects, new ideas, and new shifts in evolution.  Sometimes they are the spark of war.  No matter where the match is struck, Aries energy can light a fire of change underneath us.  This is a season of ignition.

Do you have projects you’ve been wanting to start?  Do you have an idea you’re ready to bring to fruition?  Do you have intentions and goals you’ve been trying to meet?  The previous seasons of Pisces and Aquarius may have held you back, but now you can move forward.  Aries energy doesn’t like to wait around for results.  They take action, move forward, and make things happen!  If you’ve been feeling stuck on your journey, don’t give up yet!  Both Aries season and the natural season of spring bring in the energies you need to finally create what you’ve been yearning to manifest inside.

One thing to take caution of this season:  don’t burn out!   Aries energy likes to go-Go-GO! until they literally crash.  If you’re an Aries or other fire sign, you will especially need rest over the next few weeks.  No matter what sign you are, you’re probably feeling extra energetic and motivated to get things done!  While this is a great energy to harness, it’s also important to structure your time in a balanced way so you don’t lose attention to detail.  As much as you’re working, take small breaks for yourself to reset and refocus so you stay on track.

You may also be leaning into urges to MOVE this season!  Aries energy is sometimes known as The Cosmic Athlete, and after being cooped up all winter, our bodies are craving mobility!  If you’re feeling stuck in your energy or creative flow, take time to move your body.  Maybe you schedule in a regular fitness or movement routine to keep your energy flowing.  Movement will also help with releasing stuck emotions, as sometimes Aries struggle to move feelings through.  If you’ve been wallowing in your watery sorrows this past Pisces season, now is the time to light a fire, move your body, sweat, cry, or scream, and dry everything back out again.

Aries is also related to The God of War.  Conflicts may arise over the next few weeks, and if they do, be careful not to lean into the battle unless it is absolutely necessary.  Aries energy doesn’t like to back down, and sometimes their fire can lead to a destructive force that “burns” or hurts others.  They are related to the ram, and carry an extremely stubborn energy.  Aries are also more comfortable with rage feelings than anything else.  If you come across emotional fire this season, find ways to practice what I call “sacred rage”. You could scream into a pillow, go break things in a bash room, or find ways to be destructive in a safe setting.  Aries energy really likes destruction and demolition, so finding ways to see that over the next few weeks may be particularly satisfying.  This also means the destruction of bonds and relationships.  Aries energy carries a fire for cord BURNING rather than just chord cutting.  Know that if relationships/friendships are severed this season, they will never be as they were before.  Aries people have a quality for turning away and never looking back.  If you happen to reform a bond with anyone you’ve broken up with in the future, it will be under your rules and circumstances so you have more control.

Overall, this is a season of independence.  Aries people like to get things started and figure it out on their own.  They like to take charge, call the shots, and make sure everything happens to their accord.  At times, they are impatient, and you may find yourself frustrated this season when things don’t happen as expected or on your timeline.  Aries people are also accident-prone, as they are so action-oriented or so excited that they forget to pay attention to detail.  This can also sometimes lead to failures in general, which will typically lead to frustration or rage.  All of the above are things you may experience this season.  The key to managing it all is to SLOW DOWN.  Take plenty of time for rest and self-care this season, and time to simply “BE” instead of “DO.”  The more balance you find with your output of energy, the more productive and successful you will be.


April 19 - May 20, 2022


It’s the sign of the bull, loves, and it’s time to truly embrace the earthly, human experience.  Taurus season is all about slowing down, getting focused, grounding in, and taking action.  I’ve been heeding this astrological guidance and slowing down myself.  This is why it’s taken me nearly a week to finally ground in and take the time to write about this zodiac season.

It has been an extremely busy time for me lately.  Thankfully, my studio and business are thriving, but this has left me drained as we’ve moved into the season of spring.  I’m feeling the sluggishness of “kapha season,” and a bit of history repeating itself with work stress and health, and I’ve had to listen to my body, slow down, and rest before my wellness suffers.

I’m working to break a cycle right now, as this Taurus season officially welcomes in our first eclipse and the beginning of eclipse season.  A partial solar eclipse arrives with the New Moon in Taurus April 30th, and a Total Lunar Eclipse will arrive with the Full Moon in Scorpio on May 16th.  Eclipses are always about things, people, and experiences from the past coming back around to present new opportunity to us for growth.  We can choose to react in the same way as before, leading to the same popping up again next eclipse season, or we can change our ways and evolve.  There is no right or wrong decision, there is only a choice to make.  If you find the past repeating itself this Taurus season, ask yourself if you’re ready to break the cycle, or if you still haven’t gained enough wisdom yet to grow beyond your current state of being.

For the past 5 years I’ve been in a cycle of illness every Taurus season.  Being a Libra, the excitable energy of Aries season always ignites me to start initiating all types of projects.  But the fire of Aries season usually leads to me becoming unstructured, overwhelmed, and, eventually, I burn out.  Usually this results in skin rashes and unexplained dermatitis, which eventually only clears up once I take a vacation and spend time by the ocean.  This year, I have not allowed the stress of work to pull me in scattered directions.  As spring arrived last month, I knew there was a chance my breakouts and inflammation would happen again.  I decided to change the way I did things to see what would happen.  I kept my energy focused on one project at a time, prioritized sleep and rest above work and stress, and I’m happy to report that I’m rash free and quite well this Taurus season.  As I write this, I’m looking forward to my vacation happening in 5 days, where I’ll be at the ocean for the first time in 6 years completely rash and worry free.

When people think of the bull, they typically think of the angry bull charging at the matador.  While Taurus season can fully represent this type of aggressive energy, the bull prefers to spend time lazily chewing grass in the sun.  Taurus people are known for enjoying the luxuries of life.  Think fine dining, lavish vacations, and very comfortable beds!  In fact, Taurus people are also known for napping or spending a fair amount of time in bed (either sleeping or sexy time!), and tend to lean toward cuddles, movie marathons, and plenty of down time in the bedroom.

All of this energy leads to grounding.  Another symbol for Taurus energy is Mother Earth herself, and this is a season of connecting to earth’s gravity.  You may want to spend the next few weeks digging your hands into the earth with gardening, go for plenty of barefoot walks in the fresh grass, or just spend more time napping in the sun.  This is also a time to honour the earth by committing to a more sustainable lifestyle.  We also experience Mother’s Day during Taurus season, and whether you’re honoring your mother or not, it’s a time to pay attention to nurturing energy and the attachments you have to the person who birthed you.  The energy of Taurus season is all about experiencing life, your human experience, and the earth itself.  Take in what the eclipses bring around to you to heal, and find gratitude for what this beautiful season of spring has to offer.  You were placed on this planet for a reason.  Allow yourself to let the whole experience in!

This is also a season of appreciating “the divine” life. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the Planet of Beauty, Art, Feminine Energy, and Aesthetic.  You may want to beautify your image, experience a more “Goddess-like” lifestyle, or you may lean into more artistic expression.  You may also want to ground into your physical spaces more by redecorating.  The sign of the bull also represents taking up space, and this may be a season of building or constructing more in your life. You may want to add onto your home or finally build that she shed/man cave for yourself.  You may just have something else you’ve been wanting to construct.   If you’ve had a project you’ve wanted to bring to fruition, now is the time to take action.

Our previous season of Aries was all about lighting the spark.  The season of Cardinal Fire ism. about initiation and change.  It’s a time to figure out where we want to direct our energy and set the intention to do so.  Now that we’ve entered Taurus season, it’s time to ground our dreams into reality.  We take all of that fiery energy of Aries and now move it into the Fixed season of Earth.  We start taking things from our mind and using our earthly bodies to bring our visions into this planet.  Have you had a yearning to create something?  Have you seen yourself as someone new?  Have you wanted to build a new life, a new home, or something new in general?  Start working on it all every day!  Taurus season supports you to show up and get things done, and the fire of Aries season still lingers to help you uphold your integrity.

It will be important to pay attention to your energy as you construct a new reality.  Earth signs really make us feel into our earthly bodies, including the human experience, and the spring season usually brings the season of Kapha, or mucus, in our human bodies.  Plants are blooming and pollen is swirling, activating our sinuses and triggering our allergies.  This could also be a time where your spleen and liver are more challenged as you detox from the sluggishness of winter.  You may have more breakouts, irritable digestion, or other challenges as you experience energetic shifts and make changes with your daily habits and diet.  You may also display some sort of physical glass ceiling, showing up as you try to achieve new ambitious goals and dreams.  Whatever displays in your physical body, pay attention to it.  These “dis-eases” show up for a reason.  They tell us when it’s time to slow down, or when it’s time to take a different direction.  Remember, eclipses are all about our karma.  It’s important we listen to our intuition at this time.  Listen to your gut and follow your heart at all costs.  The more you learn to listen to all parts of you—your body, your mind, and your spirit—the more abundant and luxurious this Taurus season and your life as a whole will feel.


May 20 - June 21, 2022


Gemini season is here, loves, but this isn’t your usual season of communication and expression!

Mercury went retrograde in Gemini on May 10th, and shifts backwards into Taurus just 2 days after the beginning of Gemini season on May 22nd.  These cosmic shifts are bringing us into a power struggle between Gemini and Taurus energy.  It’s almost as if the whole world is dwelling in a cosmic cusp right now!  For those of you with cusps in your charts, you already resonate with this constant “identity crisis, but this season could be unsettling for those unaware of such alignments.

Anytime we feel pulled between two energies, we are being asked to find balance.  Even if there was no retrograde this season, Gemini is the sign of the cosmic twins and brings its own duality to unravel.  Typically, this is a sign of reflection, cultivating the element of air and encouraging contemplation, philosophy, and other thought processes of the mind.  Geminis like to ponder their place in the world, especially when it comes to accommodating their multiple needs, interests, and personalities.  They also like to reflect back onto themselves, and they tend to morph themselves into new people and personalities as they learn and grow.  Geminis always carry a facet of their past with them, but it shapes them into the character of who they are now rather than allowing it all to define them.

We can honor this energy now.  With Mercury Retrograde beginning in Gemini, we are already being asked this season to slow down, reflect on our past, and decide what we want to carry into the future.  This is also an opportunity for deep release and karmic reset, as we are currently navigating eclipse season.  No matter how you look at it, these next few weeks are a time to redesign ourselves and redirect our energy.

Speaking of design, it’s also time to belief that we CAN co-create our earthly reality.
I mentioned this retrograde carries both Gemini and Taurus energy.  Taurus is the sign of the bull and brings in the element of fixed earth energy.  Taurus energy likes earthly material things and tends to lean toward luxury.  We also just shifted out of Taurus season, as it was the previous zodiac sign before Gemini.  This bullish energy still lingers now, and it almost steals the limelight from Gemini’s usual dance.  Gemini’s mutable air qualities don’t help the situation, and she finds herself diminished in her power.  We must also consider Pluto, the Planet of Power and Control, because it is now retrograde, too!  Everything is a bit upside-down this Gemini season, and it’s up to us to find our way through it.

I do believe we are being asked this Gemini season to ground more than usual.
Mercury, the Planet of Communication and ruling planet of Gemini, is spinning backwards to remind us to slow down and check back into reality.  Air signs like to communicate, especially through the ether, but cosmic trickster Mercury isn’t having it right now.  He’s notorious for interfering with technology, travel, and communication itself, so don’t be surprised if this season you struggle more than normal.  Remember, Gemini is a mutable air sign, so you may experience issues with cell phone reception, online transactions and interactions, or you may just struggle to get your words out the way you mean them.  Mercury is silencing us this season so we can pay attention to MORE.  Air energy also includes the ether/Akash, and many other frequencies beyond our listening ear.   If things aren’t working out for you this season, take it as a sign to take your attention elsewhere.

Over the next few weeks, get off your phone and into nature.  
Log off social media and do something socially in the real world.
Turn off the podcasts and YouTubes and go have a conversation with a human face to face!
…Even better, ask them to tell you a story!

Geminis are all about relatability—another quality of elemental air.
There are many ways you can honour this season, even when the energy isn’t aligned as usual.
Knowing the cosmic setup keeps you prepared!
These next few weeks could be a challenge for your evolution.
Be grateful for this opportunity, and use it to shift to an even better version of YOU!


June 21 - July 22, 2022


The first water sign of the zodiac is here Loves, and Cancer season is in full effect!

Cancer is the sign of the crab, signifying salty ocean watery energy of our sweat and tears!  Although ruled by the moon, Cancer season begins at the peak of the sun’s exaltation and the beginning of Summer Solstice.  This typically brings heat waves and lots of sweat as we continue to purify and release what we have detoxed from the spring and winter.  We also feel our internal fires rise during this season, as we take advantage of longer, warmer days to get things done.  These burning flames indicate our internal drive, and this season of summer will have you ready to take action!  This is a season to work on your goals, your dreams, and your better self.  Take advantage!

Cancer people love to embody the energy of their home.  Combine this with the energy of Mars in Aries until July 5th, and you may have a “get shit done” attitude toward your sacred spaces.  You may want to use this season to do some remodeling, spruce up your exteriors, or even initiate the energy to build a new home.  Anything around improving your living spaces will take top priority right now.  Take advantage of the energy and use it to finally check off your project list.

Returning back to the energy of salt water, Cancer season may be a time you also return “home” to yourself.  Water energy is related to our feelings and emotions, and can be most easily expressed through the release of salty tears.  No matter what lower frequency we feel—rage, jealousy, anger, sadness, depression, anxiousness, etc., it all roots from love missing.  Feeling a lack of this vital source frequency is what makes us shed our tears.  If you’ve been feeling anything but peace and joy recently, this season might be a good time to finally take time to feel your emotions, sit in the sadness, and cry it out, if needed.

Speaking of “cry it out,” Cancer season also relates to the energy of parenting.  Sometimes referred to as “The Cosmic Mother” or “The Cosmic Parent,” this season brings a need to nurture our homes, our goals, our dreams, our loved ones, and ourselves.  Being the first water sign of the zodiac, it’s also a time when emotional memories and traumas may float to the surface.  If this happens over the next few weeks, it’s because this season is offering you a chance to heal.  This is an especially potent time to be working on root chakra shadow work like parental wounds, or anything around safety and security.  You may never get an apology or justification for what happened to you, but you can still decide how you will let the experience affect you.  Use this Cancer season to parent yourself, give yourself permission to feel all parts of your emotional spectrum, hold yourself in safe space until you find gratitude, and surround yourself in grace and love as you evolve your attachments.  This can be a potent time to heal yourself, if needed, but you must give yourself permission and space like a parent does with a child in order to process what you’ve been going through.

Although parental energy is most commonly associated with the sign of Cancer, this can also be the energy of “The Cosmic Child” or “The Cosmic Womb”.  This is a powerful season to do inner child work or anything around healing infertilities.  Again, the key comes back to reflecting on what traumas could be blocking your root chakra from embodying procreation and survival of your lineage.  Is there something in your bloodline you still need to heal?  Is there something you need to take care of to prevent passing on karmically?  Sometimes parenting is about “tough love”.  Use this season to reflect on your energy and what you need to change in order to survive and evolve.

Cancer season is always an intense time, but this particular year we have more of a tropical emotional storm than normal.  Neptune goes retrograde on June 28th, and we might literally see the oceans affected by tropical storms, hurricanes, and even possibly tsunamis.  Pluto and Saturn are currently retrograde, ushering in karmic lessons and power struggles, both internal and external.  And if you’re in the USA experiencing America’s Pluto return you feel even more like children with fighting parents.  It is likely we will see this energy escalate around Independence Day, as Mars shifts from Aries into Taurus on July 5th, emphasizing global conflict.  Luckily, the Full Moon in Capricorn will arrive at the last week of Cancer season, helping us to release the Capricornian Age and outdated thoughts or ideals around structure, organization, and how we rule.  Until then, hold on tight!  As we navigate our current SUPERMOON season, everything is elevated, and it feels like we’re inside the middle of a pressure cooker.  All of this heat will soon release!  For now, breathe with it and do your best to create your own internal peace in all matters, especially when you are triggered.


July 22 - August 22, 2022


It’s the peak of summer, temperatures are rising, and Leo season is here for the vibe!  This is the sign of The Cosmic Lion, and it’s time to roar with excitement!  Leo is the life of the party and the cosmic entertainer.  They embody fire energy through and through, and this gives us the courage to rule our life like an alpha!

Are you ready?!

It’s always quite the shift when we move out of stormy Cancer waters and into the heat of Leo’s fire, and in true Leo fashion, don’t be surprised if you or the world around you gets dramatic!  The moon, your emotional anchor, still has to traverse through Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer energies before it aligns with the sun as a Leo New Moon July 28th.  Don’t be surprised if it takes you some time to adjust, too.

In addition to a new moon, we also have Jupiter going retrograde on July 28th in the sign of fiery Aries.  Jupiter is the Planet of Growth, Fortune, Abundance, and indicates our fun factor.  She will spin backwards until November 23rd, helping us bring into question what we truly enjoy.  Aries go-getter energy may also have us inspired to start projects we’ve been stagnant on for some time.  As you shift and make changes around where you direct your energy, take caution of conflict.  Aries is also the Cosmic Warrior, and you may find people offended, triggered, or coming at you when you decide to step into your authenticity.  When Aries and Leo combine forces, there can be a strong feeling of defense or reaction.  If you start to feel attacked over who you are or the choices you make, try to be courageous enough to step down or back off rather than fight.

Leo season is a time to be brave.  It’s a time to put ourselves out there and be who we truly are.  Many times, this is a season when we feel most in our element, no matter what signs rule our charts!  Fire is contagious, and catches quickly.  We on the collective cannot resist the burning energy!  Fire is always a transformative energy.  How will you let these flames change you for the better?

On August 11th, we will have another powerful combo as the sun opposes a full moon in Aquarius, and Venus joins the Leo party.  This is the Planet of Love, Sex, Relationship, Worthiness, and Money, and when she’s in the house of Leo she thrives!  We are in big LIONESS energy right now, and it’s time to get prideful about how far we’ve come.  With only 5 months left in the year, this is a great check in time when it comes to your goals and dreams.  Give yourself a pat on the back for all you have accomplished so far, and let it help you cultivate confidence for the future.  When Venus is in Leo we believe WE ARE WORTHY of whatever we desire!  Take advantage of the energy to go after what you want, and believe you can get it.

Ultimately, Leo season is about shining our light brighter than ever!  It’s a time to let loose, be free, and be who you are without worry or repercussion.  It’s also a time we are ruled by the sun, and this can sometimes lead to destruction.  Fire is a burning energy, so make sure you remain mindful as you celebrate the season.  Be careful with how your energy impacts others, and careful not to burn out yourself!  Leo is a fixed fire energy, meaning it burns continuously.  While this is great for the party life, ultimately, it will become overwhelming and depleting.  Find a healthy balance between the “me” and the “we,” and make sure to let others have the limelight to give you a break.  You can’t be full-on blazing in the spotlight all the time!  Make sure to rest and tend to your flames, so nothing burns out of control.


August 22 - September 22, 2022


As we wrap up summer, it’s time to shift away from the fires of chaos and ground back in!
Virgo season is here!


The sun season of Virgo represents the energy The Cosmic Virgin and purity as a whole.
  When we typically think of the word “virgin,” we relate it to being sexually chaste.  However, this is a misconception.  The definition of “Virgin” originally meant “one who is whole unto themself”.  It was reserved for priestesses and others leading more spiritual lives, and the practice of being chaste actually put these virgins in a higher position of power.  To be a virgin meant you could not be tempted, and therefore no one could have power over you.  The desires of a virgin did not need to be fulfilled by the external, and they craved nothing from anywhere else.  Virgo energy is independent.  Virgo energy is whole, holy, and pure.


Virgo season brings a theme of “wholeness,” and the energy is known for organizing chaos.  We’ve just left Leo season, a time of fun and being fancy-free, and now it’s time to get back to Virgo-earthy reality.  If you’ve been all over the place or falling apart, it’s time to gather up the pieces of your life and put them back together again.  This is a time to wrap up our summer fun and summer flings and be more serious.  Virgo season helps us to get back on track with our truest intentions and goals, so we’re more prepared and stable for the winter coming.


Virgo energy is also represented as a holy energy.  Beginning on August 22nd, the number “22” represents holy union, and has long been associated with the priestess lineage of Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene.  The number 22 represents the wholeness of each woman coming together in their own sacred union to raise the collective, as well as the Mother Mary/Jesus & Mary Magdalene/Jesus connection.


Each of us, no matter our gender, embody both masculine and feminine energy.  When our energy centers (our chakras) are unlocked and our chi/ki/prana/life force is flowing, we align into our most spiritual self.  This is the union of these 2 sacred energies, the masculine and feminine side otherwise known as the Kundalini, into one at our spiritual consciousness, our third eye.  When we think of the number 22 in spiritual numerology, we’re referring to the sacred union of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, coming together to co-create a higher frequency, Utopian reality.


When you break down the numerology of the first day of Virgo season, 8/22 specifically, you also get the sacred number 3.
(8 + 2 + 2 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3)

3 is the sign of the holy trinity as well as the Rose Lineage of Mary Magdalene-Mother Mary-Isis.  Virgo season calls us into the energy of The Priestess, and invites us back into spirituality, ceremony, and tradition.


Virgo season is about purification and preparation.  It’s the letting go of summer and the welcoming of fall.  It’s a time to prepare for shorter days, longer nights, and darker times.  With this shift comes a need to get back into routine.  In other words, Virgo season is a time to move into routine and find ways to ground ourselves.  As colder, more challenging times arise, this will help us stay more spiritually grounded.


This year’s Virgo season may bring more isolation than normal.  We are being trained to feel complete just as we are, where we are, all by ourself.  Pluto, the planet of power and the underworld, is currently retrograde and regurgitating our past, calling us into the shadow work season.  He guides us to turn within, so we don’t let unnecessary emotions or vibrations connected to our history take over.  In other words, he helps us from repeating unnecessary history.  Saturn is also retrograde, asking us to also look at our past, our big failures and mistakes, and decide if we want to repeat the lesson or shift our karma.  Chiron, the Cosmic Wounded Healer, is retrograde and bringing up our deep-seeded emotional, karmic, generational, and past life wounds.  He’s asking us to turn within and self-heal our trauma.  Uranus, the planet of Revolution and Rebellion, goes retrograde 2 days into Virgo season (there’s that 2 again!), calling us to shake things up and fight for our personal freedoms.  And finally, Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, is in retrograde, asking us to find more joy and abundance from within, which, in turn, while cultivate more light, help us heal, and raise our overall frequency.

Oh, and Mercury joins the retrograde party on September 9th, making communication, travel, and work with technology tricky!


…notice how this retrograde season is all about turning within and working on ourselves?!

That Virgo theme of WHOLENESS is coming on strong this year!


It doesn’t always align this way.  Sometimes Virgo season brings a different vibe, but this time around she needs us to get serious, ground in, and, honestly, have a much needed reality check.  We have to start owning our truths as we uncover the different parts of ourself we need to deconstruct and reprogram.  We can use the organizational skills of Virgo to find strength in solitude, to pick up the pieces of ourself on our own, and to self-heal.  This isn’t to say we won’t need help along the way—Virgo energy isn’t about unhealthy isolation or ultra-independence.  She’s about knowing what she needs and going after it!  If you’re feeling called this season to seek out a new teacher/guru, take a course, set up sessions with a healer or therapist, etc., this is the support you need right now to help yourself figure it all out, eventually, on your own.


As we let go of the light and fire of Leo season, Virgo invites us to not only ground into ceremony and structure, but to also ground into the Earth itself.  This is a potent season to connect to Earth’s healing elements like crystals, essential oils, and plant medicine.  This is also a great time to prepare for fall and winter’s darkness by bringing the outdoors, indoors!  Fill your sacred spaces, work environment, and living quarters with lots of plants and greenery.  You could also explore growing herbs, mushrooms, or other edibles indoors!  This is a great way to incorporate more fresh and dried plants into your recipes, especially when you need extra flavor in winter.  If cooking isn’t your thing you could also utilize plant energy by creating tinctures, infusions, and other simple apothecaries.  I like to make homemade smudging sprays and infused oils for my bath and body routine.


When it comes to connecting to nature, this is also a great season to get outdoors! Soak up the fresh air and Earth energy while you can!  Take off your shoes and plant your bare feet into the ground.  If it’s safe for your feet, take a walk and soak all of that earth energy in.  Shoes off or on, take a walking meditation outside and really tune into your surroundings.  Let all your senses connect to what Mother Nature has to offer!  The Earth is an amazing place, and Virgo loves to be right in the middle of it!


Finally, this is a season to get back in touch with your Earthly body.  Virgo season is about the wholeness of our health as much as our energy, and it’s time to start treating our body like the holy temple vessel it is.  With Mercury retrograde hitting this Virgo season, we’re headed into a more potent time of darkness and illness than normal. It's important to prepare our physical body for the battle ahead.  Use these next few weeks to get back into habits and routines that support your physical health.  Start incorporating foods and plants that support your gut health and immunity, drink plenty of water, and create rituals to help you keep your health on track.  Make sure you also hold ceremonies to celebrate your body, your energy, and all you are creating on this planet.  Virgo season loves a good ritual.  From a moon circle to a weekly check in to even a nightly gratitude practice, the more you ground into what you need to stay stable this season, the more you will find yourself less in need with oncoming times ahead.


September 22 - October 23, 2022


The sign of The Cosmic Scales is here, Loves!

Libra energy is alway about balance, and this particular season brings much alignment.  We begin with Libra influencing Mercury retrograde, and with 5 other planets spinning backwards we may feel anything but harmonious!  Once October arrives, things will be easier to navigate.  Mercury goes direct on October 2nd, Pluto goes direct on October 8th, and Saturn goes direct just one day before Scorpio season begins.  Factor in Mercury shifting back into Libra on October 10th, moving forward this time, and we’ll be much more equipped to express ourself and communicate our needs.  Be patient!  By the beginning of November, we all should feel a lot more grounded and aligned.

One thing we may want to work on this season is the prioritization of “me” versus ‘we”.  Libras lean toward fairness and justice, and they sometimes struggle to make decisions or the right choice for themselves because they’re too busy worrying about everyone else.  One thing a Libra never wants to do is disrupt the peace!  If they feel their taking action may cause tension, they’ll probably resort to not making a choice at all.  If this tends to be your case this season, make a priority to put yourself first.  The more you choose what YOU want instead of what you think others want, the more you will set a standard and and the less you’ll have to battle between such choices in the first place.

Judgement is another behavior to pay attention to this season.  Libras are sometimes known as The Cosmic Judge, and they have a tendency to look down upon others who don’t quite meet their standards.  This is a little bit of lingering Virgo energy combined with that justice Libras are always trying to achieve.  If you find yourself feeling negative about another person, take a step back and try to put yourself in their situation.  Another thing Libras are good at is reflecting.  If you’re judging something in someone else, you are likely judging a piece of yourself subconsciously.  Treat the world like a mirror rather than a project, and you’ll navigate this season with much more ease.

The number one thing to work on this season is balance.  Libra arrives on the first day of Autumn, a time of in-betweens and preparation.  This season is about finding ways to juggle your time between life, work, family, social, etc., and self.  What we do this season sets the standard for the next, and how you align your time now will likely set the standard for winter.  Take this season to reflect on your life like a pie.  Each slice represents an energetic exchange.  Are there some pieces of the pie that are bigger than others?  If so, it’s time to bake a new pie to slice up!  Libra season is all about harmony.  Use these weeks to focus on alignment in all aspects of where you go and what you do.

There may also be more of a need to focus on the feminine right now. Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, sex, relationship, pleasure, beauty, aesthetic, art, and the Divine Feminine.  During this Libra season we also experience Navaratri, or the 9 waxing Hindu nights of the Goddess.  Libra season is a time to embrace our feminine side, no matter what “gender’ we identify with.  We all have both masculine and feminine flowing through us.  This season is about finding the harmony within rather than a battle.  We’ve been “doing” a lot.  We’ve been restructuring our life and taking action on our goals.  Now is a time to rest and allow.  Libra season begins on the first day of Autumn, a season of letting go.  The plants stop “doing” and growing so much.  From the outside, they appear to even die.  It is simply a hibernation as they prepare for next spring’s beauty.  Nature has much to teach us.  Use these next few weeks to also allow yourself to have more down time and rest.  Meditate and be open to possibility rather than always trying to control.  This is what feminine energy is about—the flow.  Lean into it all and trust that what you create can always come from within.  Simply thinking on it, daydreaming about it, and imagining it can do the trick.  This Libra season, embrace the possibility of creating something out of doing simply nothing!  It can be your truth, if you believe it to be so!

Meditation and dreaming are both related to air energy.  Libra is a cardinal air sign, meaning they are both the wind and the initiator of the breath.  You have the ability to move mountains, and it all comes from within.  Use this cosmic season to focus on your breath, focus on your mind, and focus on your heart, for this is where your prana or breath of life circulates.  As you focus on your mind, develop awareness of your thoughts and where they go.  Ask yourself what comes from the external and what develops from within.  It may not seem like “work” on the outside, but so much is happening on the inside when you do this!  Libra energy is about preparing for the darkness of winter, including on our spiritual journey.  The more you learn to shut off the distracting light of the outer world and seek out what you see amongst internal darkness, the more you learn that you’re in charge of your energy and your experience, the more peace and control you will have overall.


October 23 - November 22, 2022


Scorpio season has arrived, and it’s time to dive into all things mysterious, dark, and “woo-woo”!

The sign of The Cosmic Scorpion has a lot of feelings, many indescribable with words.  This is because Scorpios embrace the energy of fixed water, always existing in a fluid state.  The result is emotion, as that’s what an emotion is—energy-in-motion—and it’s why we may be in our feels more than normal this cosmic season.

I think Scorpios get a bad rep.  Many times they’re related to more of a goth/dark vibe, but the truth is, isolation provides a sense of comfort.  Scorpios feel deeply, and because of this they feel a need to protect themselves or close themselves off from the human experience.  It’s also why Scorpios tend to be more into the metaphysical and mysterious.  Sometimes these realms of the unknown better explain what they feel.  Even if it’s again indescribable, the paths of the metaphysical tend to provide ways to deal with such emotional turmoil.

Scorpio is a unique sign in itself, not only because of deep feelings, but because of its triple archetype.
This sign can be interpreted as The Cosmic Scorpion, Eagle, or Phoenix, and someone who’s heavily influenced with Scorpio in their birth chart may harbor 1, 2, or all 3 of these personalities in their lifetime.  No matter what sign we are, during Scorpio season we also feel the possibility of any or all of these energies.

We may be in true Scorpion energy, feeling low frequency, retreating into our dark desert caves, or lashing out and stinging with our poison while in protective mode.  

We may have evolved into Eagle energy, where our past experiences have given us a broader perspective.  The eagle is still independent, but does work to socialize with other close eagles from time to time.  Scorpios are very selective with their energetic exchanges.  They only trust those who they can tell feel as deeply as they do.

Finally, we may be embodying Phoenix energy, having risen from the ashes of a complete transformation.  Usually this archetype arrives once we go through a deep trauma or circumstance.  Just like fire transforms anything, once we go through the challenge we will never be the same again.  

Over the next few weeks, it may be time for you to ask yourself which energy you’re embracing right now.  Scorpio season is a time of shadow work—a time to dive into those dark places we lock up inside.  This is a season of rediscovering ourselves and deciding what we want to carry over into our next evolution.

If you’re going through a deep change right now, also be prepared for your human body to possibly resist.  We are ego-driven beings that love to live in victim mode.  Many times when we try to evolve ourselves we end up sick or with some sort of bodily distress or “dis-ease”.  Do not let this bring you down!  Just as the scorpion must go through a sickness in order to molt its outgrown shell, you, too, are growing.  Keep to your spiritual practices, focus on what balances you emotionally, and trust in the process of what’s to come.

Speaking of what’s to come, if you’ve been feeling more stuck or frustrated on your journey things may start to become more fluid again.  Saturn went Direct in Aquarius just one day before this Scorpio season, giving us an opportunity to truly rise up into our next evolution.  Saturn is the Planet of Karma and we’re currently navigating year 2 of The Age of Aquarius.  It’s time to let go of old ways of behaving, old patterns of conditioning, and start opening ourselves up to the potential of a Utopian future!  And yes, believe it or not, this is what a Scorpio truly wants, too!  Imagine what our world would be like if everyone felt as deeply and empathetically as everyone else?  Imagine what this world would be like if everyone was cohesively deeply sensitive?  There would no longer be a need for conflict.  We would no longer want to cause so much pain.

Many times Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights and time of praying for peace, falls during Scorpio Season.  This year it begins one day before the New Moon in Scorpion on October 24th.  This is also a time when Halloween, Dia de los Muertos, All Souls Day, Samhain, and I’m sure many other global celebrations of death occur.  This is a time to shine light on our past and our ancestors, learn from their mistakes, and promise them a more peaceful future as we move forward.  It’s a time to let old ways die and recycle the energy for the good.  Under this Scorpio season, give yourself permission to do the work you need to in order to truly transform yourself for the better of the greater good.

This particular Scorpio season brings both an eclipse series starting October 25th and Mars retrograde on October 30th.    Eclipses are a sort of fast-forward portal of opportunity for us to make change.  The way we behave under an eclipse could project energy and attraction back to us years into our future.  Usually, eclipses are a time when life lessons or similar opportunities seem to come back around again.  It an also be a time of dejavu.  In particular, you may experience things from a year ago, when we first begin this Scorpio/Taurus Eclipse series in Scorpio Season 2021.  This is an important time to go with the flow of what rises to the surface or up from the underground.  Whatever comes to you arrives with purpose.  Make sure you respond with mindfulness and stability.  When Mars is retrograde, especially in an air sign like Gemini, there is more of a need to think rather than react.  We will not want to push back against our traumas so much right now.  We will not want to cause more wounds.  This is a time of healing, and The Universe is holding us gently as we tend to getting better.

Venus, the Planet of Yin, finds herself combust in her ruling sign of Libra on October 22nd, just as Scorpio season arrives.  This is a time when we learn to find beauty in even the most challenging of things.  Death, trauma, soreness, sickness, and sadness may all rise up right now, but it’s because it’s time to take a different point of view.  Everything contributes to the energy of something or someone else.  Work to find the connection this season rather than the loss or division.  Even the scorpion’s poison can also be its antidote.  When something is torn, broken, severed, or dissolved, it creates space for something new.  As the Scorpion breaks its shell it grows into a new one.  As the Eagle molts its feathers it grows new ones to fly higher.  As the Phoenix combusts completely it rises up from the ashes reborn and stronger than ever before.  This triple archetype of Scorpio is the life-death-rebirth cycle we all must journey through.  During this season, embrace the opportunity for change, and  give yourself permission to release what you need to.  So much is waiting for you.  It’s time to clean out and make room.


November 22 - December 22, 2022


The Cosmic Archer has arrived, Loves, and there’s plenty of cosmic shifts happening this Sagittarius season to cultivate her theme of joy!

This zodiac season occurs during the holidays.  We begin just before American Thanksgiving, and we end just before Christmas.  It’s also interesting, because Sagittarius is known as the Cosmic Wanderer or Explorer, and this is a time of year when many of us travel.

It’s also interesting that we focus so much on joy this time of year, because Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the Planet of Joy, Fortune, and Positivity.  It’s also the largest planet in our zodiac, representing growth.  This is a time of year when we tend to shed our human egos and move into more of our spiritual side.  Just like The Grinch, this is a time when our hearts start to grow and our love pours out.  Whether it’s through service of time, money, space, or other philanthropies, this is a time when we tend to let our heart frequency expand.

Sagittarius energy wants to help others, because they are so fortunate themselves.  Most people with Sagittarius ruling their chart seem to be blessed monetarily.  Not only does money come to them with ease, but they both attract fortune and manage it well.  One of the reasons Sagittarius energy is so abundant, is because it is so giving.  I like to call them the “Santa Clause” of the zodiac.  If you know a Sag, you know they probably like to pour their money outward to both help and spoil others, but they struggle to reflect that same spending back onto themselves.  Sagittarius energy isn’t selfish, and neither are we this time of year.  During the holidays, we focus our energy on giving more than receiving, especially the older we grow.  And the more we give, the more joy we seem to find, regardless of what is given back to us in return or in the future.  Cultivating this type of happiness is true fortune, for when we are happy and well, we truly do not need anything else from anyone.

The Cosmic Archer is very independent.  Similar to the way a hunter/huntress or forager lives off the land, Sagittarius energy can usually manage and make do with whatever they’ve got.  This ability to fend for themselves also creates a bit of a downfall.  Being so fortunate, innovative, and industrious, a Sagittarius will sometimes set aside asking for help when they need it.  They may also attract so much abundance, that they struggle to accept from others earning less than themselves.  As we navigate these next few weeks, do your best to receive when others want to give to you, no matter what sign rules your star-coded DNA.

Just one day into Sagittarius season, we will find ourselves in a New Moon, sparking new beginnings and new opportunities for growth.  Just a few minutes after the New Moon, we also find Jupiter going direct in Pisces.  This means this season’s ruling planet is now moving forward with the energy of our seeded dreams and both the encouragement and guidance of our guides!  This is a very potent energy for us to redesign ourselves and our lives to fit the picture of what we see in our mind.  Although many will wait until the New Year to set intentions, NOW is truly a time to start working on what you desire.

One thing to watch out for—under the New Moon in Sagittarius we will find what we call a “Graha” in Vedic astrology, or a “grabbing” between Mercury and Venus.  Both are still combust with the sun but are now within 1 degree of each other.  When this happens, the planets seem to go to battle with one another, each trying to override the others’ energies.  We feel this on earth in our emotional body, and this moon may bring struggles around self expression, how you create beauty, how you communicate, or how you love.  The holiday season can be a wonderful time of getting together with one another, but when certain cosmic alignments occur, there could be more war than peace.  Be careful with topics of conversation over Thanksgiving weekend.  Avoid anything that could cause conflict.  Focus on the beauty of life and the beauty of things.  Focus on peace.  Compliment your hosts on their home and their cooking.  Go for a group car ride to go see holiday lights.  Focus on joy above all else!  And don’t forget to SLOW DOWN!  Venus energy enjoys the finer, more luxurious side of life.  Mercury wants to be on the go.  However, Mercury is air, and when we combine that with Sagittarius fire, we get more flames!  Don’t exalt that heated energy!  Stay yin, stay peaceful, and do what you can to maintain your emotional sanity.

Self care will be important over the next few weeks, and this isn’t something Sagittarius energy likes to slow down for.  Regardless, if we do not prioritize making ourselves feel just as good as we want to make others, we WILL burn out.  This is one of the shadow sides of this season.  Sagittarius energy will go and hunt and explore and think until they become so overwhelmed their energy pours out in an ineffective way.  This usually results in a lashing out, a fiery tongue, or a combustive reaction that leads to regret and remorse.  Prioritize managing your energy and your mood this holiday season.  It will be a major benefit to do so.

Within a few days of the New Moon, Mercury and Venus will move farther apart, and both will appear as evening stars during Sag season.  This will bring about a more peaceful energy, and a desire to spark new light around the qualities these planets bring.  You may feel more confident to change the way you look or show up to the world as a more true version of yourself.  You may also want to go into full out holiday decorating mode, because Venus loves to beautify and Mercury loves to light things up!  Combine this with that Sagittarius joy and you’ll want to have everything glitzing and glowing!  You may also want to glam up yourself!  If you’re feeling the need to get fancy and go to the ballet, or dress up for a holiday party, go ahead and GO BIG if you’re feeling it!

On December 3rd, Neptune will also go direct, this time in its ruling planet of Pisces.  This emphasizes both dreaming in the sense of going after our dreams and also dreaming in the sense of rest.  Make sure you make room for times of meditation, quiet. and listening.  When Neptune is in Pisces, the veil is thin, and we could receive powerful guidance from our ancestors, protectors, guides, or other entities helping us along our way.  It’s also a time when we can receive messages in our dreams.  As much as Sagittarius likes to go and wander and explore, she also likes to “wonder” and think on things in her mind.  Don’t be surprised if you find yourself in your head over the next 4 weeks!  You are receiving new inspirations and working out new, more efficient ways of going after your dreams!  If you find yourself in moments of inspiration, or if a particular dream/daydream/meditation calls your attention, make sure to write down the details so you remember!

Anything you energetically planted during this past Scorpio/Taurus eclipse season will start to ignite by the Full Moon in Gemini on December 7th.  It will be incredibly important to meditate during this time, because Gemini rules communication.  She also rules the ether, and you may find yourself making important connections online or finding new inspiration in digital spaces.  Regardless of how you navigate the full moon, make sure you enjoy it!  Sagittarius joy will still be a priority and Geminis love to socialize!  This will be a great time to attend those holiday parties and events.  Just be careful with that full moon energy, as it sometimes doesn’t lead to the best decisions.  This will also be a great opportunity for this with online businesses to really focus their energy on their digital audiences.  Just make sure not to spread yourself too thin!  All of that air and fire love to expand!  Continue to prioritize self care the ENTIRE Sagittarius season, and enjoy the holidays with balance and moderation.

By the time we reach Capricorn season on December 22nd, we should feel fired up and excited for what’s to come.
This Sag season is a major catalyst for what you want to create in 2023, and the more you focus and direct your energy, the more it will be reflected back to you.  As you navigate this holiday season, remember the Law of Attraction:  What you put out is what you get back!  The more you give, the more you receive!  And the more you open your heart with love and gratitude, the more you will have to love and be grateful for!  There is so much growth to be had this season, if you simply give yourself permission to seize it.  Let yourself expand on all levels this Sagittarius season, and watch how your fortune and abundance grows!


December 21, 2022 - January 20, 2023


Capricorn season arrives with Winter Solstice and guides us to rest with this longest night of the year.  Taking time for ourselves under this seasonal shift will better help us prepare and ground into the future work we need to do.

We live by rhythms of light and dark. Our body naturally rests and rises with the sun, and Capricorn season arrives on the most drawn out night of the year to help us embrace the darkness. Add in the new moon arriving just two days into Capricorn season, and we may feel lower than we usually do around the holiday season. Instead of fighting gravity, let it take you over as you sink into more stillness, rest, and reflection.  As the moon moves into its waxing crescent phase shortly after the holiday weekend, you will also feel more energized and ignited with excitement for your future. The last week of the year is always a time when we think about what we want to come. Make sure you’re fully prepared to set goals that align with your true spirit and nature. Use the beginning of this Capricorn season to really ground into the vision you have for your future self, and let earth’s gravity pull you into that new reality.

Evolving isn’t easy.  Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the Planet of Karma and Life Lesson.  Add in the archetype of the cosmic mermaid/merman  or “Sea-Goat” with this sign, and we may found ourselves navigating muddy energy this time of year.  If you’re feeling stuck this season, try to ether move toward water or dry land.  Much like the ship trapped inside, Capricorns are known to bottle up their energy.  Allow your emotions to flow in order to bring in more water.  Capricorns can also bring an impatient energy.  Arriving just a few days before Christmas, most of us start to feel the anticipation of family gatherings and gift unwrapping to come.  We also tend to rush the week between Christmas and the new year, ready to move on with our new goals and intentions.  Time is another representation of water.  Allow yourself to be more fluid and open to what flows to you, instead of always trying to control what’s to come.  When it comes to earth, Capricorns tend to be stubborn and hard-headed.  If you find yourself unwilling to budge somewhere, try to be more open minded and open to a range of potentiality.  If you’re feeling too watery or too grounded, embrace air and expansive openness.  Don’t let the energy of Capricorn season make you want to put yourself in an unnecessary box or keep you in a place where you don’t belong anymore.

This particular Capricorn season may have you feeling a bit all over the place.  Mercury will go both retrograde and direct (December 29-January 18), and Mars will finally go direct on January 12th.  Both of these planets are close to ours, and we will feel the impact of the cosmic shifts.  Don’t be surprised if you experience travel delays around the first of the year, or future vacation plans suddenly disrupted.  You may also find yourself struggling with technology, especially gadgets involved with your professional life.  You may also find yourself making a career shift in January, as Mars direct will have you wanting to pursue any alternative paths you’ve been considering.  Don’t be surprised if things end up completely different with your life by the time we enter Aquarius season on January 20th!  The cosmos will be in an entirely different alignment than it is now!

One of the best things you can do to prepare for this unknown future is to get yourself organized.  Although a watery archetype, Capricorn is an earth sign at its core and prefers structure.  This is a great season to declutter your material things and organize any messes you may have about.  It’s also a good time to bust out that new day planner and start scheduling in the steps you need to take toward your goals.  You may also want to get ahead on your taxes, budgeting, or other financial intentions, because Capricorn energy is known to be good with money.  Both fish and goats are known to be flexible.  Pay attention to any alternative opportunities that come your way this season.  With the Planet of Karma ruling right now, the choices you make could impact you in a long-term fashion.  Take this season slow and steady, and stay as stable as possible.  The more you ground into your core intentions and guiding light, the easier it will be to traverse the darkness of the unknown.

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